14884279? ago

NEW! Macaulay Culkin’s Bunny Ears: A Lifestyle Brand For You


14884265? ago

5 months ago - Macaulay Culkin did a reddit AMA (ask me anything). A redditor asks "Have you visited any places that felt like ‘home’ to you, like it resonated on a deep level? If so, which ones?"

To which Culkin replies, "There was this one pizza place in Washington DC..."

Could he be referring to Comet Ping Pong? Besta Pizza? Or pizzagate concept in general? This leads me back to my trouble with Culkin, is he trying his best to blow the whistle without getting suicided or is he just trolling? Hard to say for sure on way or the other. Thoughts?


14885421? ago

Pedophilia is a contagious disease. Like vampirism, if you're bit, you (might) become one.

14884237? ago

Remember a couple years back when Macaulay Culkin surfaced with his odd "Pizza" projects. Before #PizzaGate it was easily all explained away with, "Oh, he's just being a crazy ex-child star"... and that it was all just a big joke for Culkin and his friends.

However after the #PizzaGate revelations... anything involving child actors, pizza, and past pedophilia/child abuse rumors.. and you have to take another look. I think we need to take another look here. What is Macaulay trying to tell us? Maybe nothing,m aybe everything.

The Pizza Underground - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmgq81Ww7K4YouTube

Macaulay Culkin Eating a Slice of Pizza - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pzm1lQX0qUYouTube

14884119? ago

Macaulay and VooDoo Donuts

VooDoo donuts, Portland, Oregon

VooDoo donuts, coffin maker who works with Alefantis from Comet Ping Pong, now works for VooDoo?

Tunnels under Voodoo

Hmmm...how far will you go?

Go read about that.

14884213? ago


the CHILD SIZE COFFINS they are known for:



JA's friend - Scott Cummings (#chickenlover #carisjames "daddy likes butt") also lives in Portland

14884181? ago

FBI Warns Voodoo Doughnuts May Be Child Sex Trafficking Front in Official Memo; Co-Owner Also Connected to FBI Child Trafficking Investigation at Club Rouge Strip Club. The evidence pointing to Voodoo Doughnuts/Kit Kat Club/Dante's Club/Club Rouge being a massive child trafficking front conspiracy, right down to VD's logo...a changeling (which is devil being left in the place of a baby kidnapped by fairies) is completely overwhelming.


VOODOO and Macaulay

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgFivqMFpwE - Macaulay Culkin, Seth Green & Voodoo Doughnuts

14884074? ago

Yeah. Pizzagate sub was covering this stuff last year. Maybe two years ago? The archives there are FULL of information about this and more.

14882560? ago

Victim becoming an abuser. Culkin is all kinds of fucked up. Yay Hollywood.

14882266? ago

There's a picture of him at Disneyland with Michael Jackson. This should be eye opening to anyone who's been living under a rock for the last 2 years. And yet we're still a world filled with NPC's...

14882324? ago

Q mentioned, something like, "You'll never believe who blew the whistle on the pedophile networks". I was hoping that was Michael Jackson, guess not huh?

14884082? ago




14885587? ago

Did he did the dirt when he went to a party in a county jail?

14885788? ago


14881956? ago

https://archive.fo/yfgbp :

Macaulay Culkin is back with bizarre new project

'Culkin, now 33, heard about the group a few months ago through a mutual friend and asked to join. '

'Yet there was the former “Home Alone” star Friday night in Brooklyn, kicking off a nationwide tour with his new project, a pizza-themed Velvet Underground cover band called the Pizza Underground. '

'He may never again achieve the stardom he had when he was 10, but Culkin may not care.“I think he’s so widely misunderstood. '

'In 2012, the National Enquirer published pap shots of Culkin walking on a New York City street, looking skeletal and unwell. '

'The photos shocked those who only remembered Culkin as the adorable kid from the “Home Alone” films. '

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14881897? ago

I have. In one of the videos of his their is a song in the background called Bunnyranch. Look up the lyrics to it.

14882076? ago

Oh man, this is going to give me nightmares. Here we go...

14881834? ago

I haven't seen this yet. Knowing what we've learned from Podesta's emails, this just SCREAMS secret, pedophile symbolism.