thou_shall_prosper ago

what the.. fuck?

Dougal_McHaggis ago

Link to French radio transcript? There isn't one because this is 100% bullshit as usual.

Stop posting this retarded crap.

Pattern_Blind ago

This is directly out of a post during the Pizzagate era of the election. Something about a couple children who’s mother rescued them from their satanic father. They explicity described collecting the skin of sacrificed babies to make very pale leather shoes. It was a sick fucking part of the story I thought put it over the top.

The whole coven of satanists had sacrificed baby shoes they wore for ceremony. Sounded right out of some Forgotten Realms novels. +1 demon summoning, I thought Szass Tam.

To me this is what pedophiles would want you to think, there is someone worse than them and just think about what they do to children...No names named. No dates or places, nothing really to follow. From someone who had a pizza themed band...I think this guy is one now or part of the faggot/homo/pedophile cabal. He’s another friend of Seth Green in the lead role of his new production company. The same Seth Green who had his Jew Bag buddy go on the A.J. show and name him for making pervy chimo comments.

To me this whole group is sucking each other off, smoking crack and laughing about fucking with the Right Wing. Most of you would buy Jew Lampshade if the 4th Riech kikcked off soo lulz.

Name names, give evidence or shut the fuck up.

Kekalicious ago

Vague reference to Ricky Dearman and the Hampstead satanic child sacrifice and rape. Kids talked to moms boyfriend and he video's the interviews. Teachers and staff involved. The head master and a bunch of others were named from the school. Also locations were given where the coven meets up. The boy gave really good descriptions of tattoos and markings of the members of the cult. Demon crotch tattoos, shoes made out of kids. Human sacrifice at MacDonald. The original interviews are hard to find now but not fully scrubbed. I will thank whoever threw them on the cloud when this was going down.(Not that it's still not happening. More is the pity.)

Oh_Well_ian ago

Hey cunt...

go take a walk off a tall building.

Steinmacher ago

red shoes?

bagano1 ago

I don't like the Culkins. Not one bit. Something about the family but they are some real arrogant fucks. Terrible actors too.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Make it burn dem.

mergen ago

That website.. The banner says "Exposing Satanic World Government".. Don't trust anything using that font.

jewd_law ago

This article says from Dec 13. 2017 and this "whistelblower" still hasn't named names or addressed this publicly? Pfft. File under disinfo. Anyone can make up a story, but not just anyone can name names with evidence and other witnesses corroborating.

Doglegwarrior ago

Sounds like jews where made into lamp shades and soap and road rollaer coasters into ovens!!!

Weasel_Soup ago

They actually make human leather. Fucking creepy if you ask me.

SkrutinizeYou ago

Haha you guys.

"Why would the Jew media report this if it's actually true?"

Did you read the fucking article? It was transcripts of a RADIO interview. They don't bother hiding shit that has been broadcast already. Best they can do is give the story light coverage and just hope people think he's crazy.

culofiesta ago

He was tapping the pipe on his crotch, smiling this total creepazoid smile.

That guy's name? Stanley Abraham Irving "Schlomo" Steinwitz-Mayer Cohen

culofiesta ago

How many child stars that survive end up having a good reputation? Even if they aren't killed or overdosed they are ridiculed as drug addicts or criminals. It's all rigged against them.

47547366 ago

why would anyone downvoat this

Ina_Pickle ago

Culkin really did have a pizza themed band. It was called The Pizza Underground.

Diggernicks ago

I'll skin you and wear you like a Joe dirt trench coat.

Oh_Well_ian ago

You are the dumbfuck who brings a knife to a gun fight.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

lol this made me laugh

ardvarcus ago

Hysterical nonsense. It's amazing how many people take such statements seriously. There's so little common sense left in the world.

Onlio ago

It's this kind of attitude that makes Pedo-wood possible

Oh_Well_ian ago

yeah, glowfag…


Raxotic ago

Yeah right. Bullshit.

Oh_Well_ian ago

PraiseIPU ago

Article was deleted within an hour.

Then this reported it.

This is already 2 levels deep in bullshit.

jewd_law ago

it was either a lie or they're doing damage control because they know this is easily spotted BS. If he names names, I'll change my tune - until then this is laughable at best.

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

He was on Joe Rogan’s podcast recently. The guy says “like” a lot but it was a decent interview. Now buy some alpha-brain!

redpilldessert ago

Is he remotely altright?

PraiseIPU ago

He waa on joe rogan podcast last week.

Listen to it and find out forbyourself.

They didnt really talk much politics that i remember.

He mostly seemed like. Meh whatever.

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

Every third word he used was “like”.

Ina_Pickle ago

That is a very common speech quirk from my age group. My teachers used to complain about it.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I remember people his age (such as nieces and nephews) talking like that 20 years ago. Very few people I know who are now in their late 30s still talk that way (including those same nieces and nephews as well as younger coworkers, etc). Not saying you are wrong, but it is a little weird he still talks that way.

Ina_Pickle ago

Definitely, but if he suffered enough trauma he could have the same childish mentality as his pal MJ.

SupermanReborn ago

Culkin has probably been raped by big gross men with grotesque veiny throbbing cocks all his life. Dude is fucked up

Oh_Well_ian ago

You're fucked up and I find your language and apathy disgusting and full of degeneracy.

SupermanReborn ago

I find it appauling that you would put focus on me instead of the poor blonde haired blue-eyed 10 year Culkin whose only dream was to bring joy to people all over the world and instead was tricked into doing horrendous acts... Probably partaking in bukkakes, getting DP'd, and all sorts of x-rated things people like you and me only wish would go away!

LilBrattyMkr ago

Wait, wasn't Seth Green named in that one black actor 4chan post? Pretty sure he's a part of it all according to the guy that's going to wear green socks.

jewd_law ago

Here's an idea. Why dont you guys just fucking ask Macaulay about this. He makes it easy to contact him on his website. The truth does not fear investigaion. This is an old article and he has made NO reference to it anywhere.

Podd ago

Was he? I know Seth McFarland was named.

Norseman ago

Former presidents of PFAW include Tony Podesta

Members of the group's board of directors included John Hall Buchanan, Jr., Alec Baldwin, Seth MacFarlane....

ShaneTO ago

Red dead kid shoes.

FaceFart ago

if anyone I would believe Culkin, hes definitely seen some shit.

JerkSock ago

I am sure a lot of people here have already seen this, but I stumbled across this Shirley Temple interview yesterday.... Temple on Larry King And, here is the dirty heeb that did it... Clearly Mayer, the last "M" in MGM set it up, and tried to bang her mother. Notice how Larry King just changes the subject and moves on after that bombshell, as if was it like stating that water is wet. This is MGM, the same MGM that sodomized Heather O'Rourke to death.

thesil3nce ago

If you really wanna know some fucked up shit, look up baby burlesque. I went down a rabbit hole last year after pizzagate and learning of the Dutroux affair.

FaceFart ago

if i could pop every pedo head i would... I have zero idea why im being attacked here..

we can write on the internet all day long, it wont change it

Flour ago

Six month old account

that ccp

What’s up, shill boy?

FaceFart ago

i actually like you so shhhh

FaceFart ago

careful who you dance with

jewd_law ago

@Flour - Good eye. The (((shills))) want us to swallow this BS narrative to distract from the real happenings. the REAL pizzagate investigation needs to continue. As I stated below, why dont' these people just fucking ask Macaulay about this? case closed.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

lmao nice try faggot.

FaceFart ago

6 month old accounct

jewd_law ago

I've made over 150 posts and comments. What have you done? Fart in your face?

FaceFart ago

lmao you amature

Oh_Well_ian ago

faggot, you have ZERO submissions to v/pizzagate

lol you ain't investigating SHIT, nigger


MegaDouche ago

And you are? You're voat's resident JOKE. "muh pizzagate investigation" otherwise known as the endless rambling of deluded clowns...

STFU bitch.

jewd_law ago

I'm not a jew nor is anyone in my family lineage. I didn't attack you, I attacked the assertion made by the article. If you can't handle that or back it up to the contrary, then that's your problem. I don't have to post on pizzagate to verify I am investigating it on my own. The only way to PROVE this claim your article asserts is to reach out to Macaulay. How bout some logic on your part instead of attacking individuals who see through this disinfo bullshit?

Oh_Well_ian ago

faggot... stop defending Jew Hollywood..

It's a kid fucking degenerate cult, you faggot.

jewd_law ago

I agree w/ you . I have pointed that out multiple times, but that article is complete bullshit.

shillbuster5000 ago

Everyone is a shill but me the post

Kill yourself.

jewd_law ago

13567030? ago

Hahahahahaha. How about a trophy Reached my cap on the other. See you soon.

huhu11 ago

He is still alive. So it's a lie.

Warnos44 ago

Culkin is a disinfo agent. Listen to nothing he has to say.

Doglegwarrior ago

Why did you get 10 downvotes so fast? Do we see the disinfo agents to fast idiots like you we can see through?

jewd_law ago

Warnos44 ago

The votes don't matter. Ultimately you can look into this very subject on voat itself, or actually look into the person himself. It's very easy to figure out the truth.

jewd_law ago

Warnos is right. If this actually were the case, it wouldn't be in the judenpresse. one way to tell a disinfo agent from a whistle blower is that a disinfo agent will NEVER name names, i.e. Corey Feldman, Ronald Bernard, ad nauseum. Luciferian jews DO run hollywood but this story is probably out there to make the pizzagate research people sound crazy - which they're NOT.

shillbuster5000 ago

it wouldn't be in the judenpresse

Its not, You faggots glow in the dark.

jewd_law ago

this from an account setup 27 minutes ago. The JIDF must be back from their smoke break.

Oh_Well_ian ago

you set that shit up, Jewboy

common tactic by you cunts

jewd_law ago

FWIW, the jewboy comment made me lol. Not a jew dood. And on a side note if you are actually investigating pizzagate we are on the same side, this article is BS and I gotta call it out.

Oh_Well_ian ago

It's a limited hangout... it's not disinformation

learn the difference

McCaulkin is being used in the same way Alex Jones is used to disseminate TRUTHS through the mouthpiece of a discredited person

jewd_law ago

If Macaulay verifies this, then great. Until then I don't believe it and if it's false it's dangerous because it make the Pizzagate crowd look psychotic. BTW, Alex Jones is jewish. He's gone on camera saying as such. He stole Willliam Coopers act. jewtoob has been removing the videos of him saying it. Macaulay is compromised and has never come forth with names.

Oh_Well_ian ago

shut up, concern troll faggot

you've put ZERO into Pizzagate, you fake fuck.

Nothing is going to stop the criminals from being exposed and no ANONS are going to look 'psychotic'

Your lame and transparent tactics didn't work a year ago and they don't work now.

fuck off...

jewd_law ago

LOL! Whatever Jew Suede Shoes. I hear Jonathan Greenblatt calling you back from your break.

shillbuster5000 ago

First and foremost, you are projecting you hook nosed fuck. First tip off is reffering to it as Judenpresse. We know damned well its Lugenpresse. My voice has been here many years under many names.

The ones you fear know your crimes. Lying to cover it up will not save you from me.

jewd_law ago

oooh I'm so scared tough guy.

shillbuster5000 ago

No defense but snark. No matter how many centuries pass you never change.

Flour ago

You guys are fucking bad at shilling. Tagged and bagged; see ya later heeb

Oh_Well_ian ago

Hey @Esoteric_Shade

you think I forgot about this ALT, faggot?

Now you're opening new accounts to farm upvoats AND to shill against your shilling??

what a fucking faggot!!!!! ahahahahaha

shillbuster5000 ago

Calm your tits WOP. He is the one trying to discredit this account from an obviously abused child.

FaceFart ago

Culkin is a disinfo agent. Listen to nothing he has to say.

spoken like a true disinfo agent. aint you ever seen home alone?

whatisbestinlife ago

i wanna back warnos. I cant figure it out but I think they have destroyed Culkin's mind. There is no Culkin anymore. just an empty husk. hes awoke and can remember what they did to him and what he saw but they drained him. no person left.

Warnos44 ago

Yes. I've also seen his website and heard the things he has to say when not in the media spot light.

jewd_law ago

His website is MK Ultra programming and if you read his interview on Reddit AMA, he talks about a pizza place in DC but gives no names and just laughs off all other questions. He's laughing at everyone with this shit.

kammmmak ago

So you're extra full of shit.

DirtBall ago

These poor has-been's will do or say anything to stay relevant. I guess that's just part of the contract with that old devil.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I say the same thing about 2 hour accounts like yours.