Macaulay Culkin's website is full of pedophiliac articles - examples (news)
submitted 6.1 years ago by angelafogo
"Leak your baby's sex tape"
"A few ground rules: If you’re comfortable with me telling your children to eat shit but not comfortable with me telling them to get fucked, I need to know that beforehand"
Website is a pedophile's dream. Check it out and spread this info.
HAESisalie 6.1 years ago
I would warn against clicking on pedo sites. I would warn against mods allowing links to pedo sites to remain. Smells like a trap.
tendiesonfloor 6.1 years ago
TH0UGHTP0LICE 6.1 years ago
>Kid who got passed around hollywood like a fuckdoll and rented out to Michael Jackson grew up to be a fucked up pedo too
Wow I am shocked
insectacide 6.1 years ago
I'm not clicking that shit. hell no
HAESisalie ago
I would warn against clicking on pedo sites. I would warn against mods allowing links to pedo sites to remain. Smells like a trap.
tendiesonfloor ago
>Kid who got passed around hollywood like a fuckdoll and rented out to Michael Jackson grew up to be a fucked up pedo too
Wow I am shocked
insectacide ago
I'm not clicking that shit. hell no