18626729? ago

Isaac Kappy here. Mac’s a dick sucking machine.

18622715? ago

He called his band The Pizza Underground! If he was trying to distance himself from that lifestyle he wouldn't have chosen that name. It seems like him and Seth Green love the pizza.

18621644? ago

No, he is EXPOSING it and is a VICTIM of it.

This is why he's being attacked

18620955? ago

This is so close yet so far. Reread the whole post but consider that Mac is a "victim insider" who both knows the truth yet cannot say it plainly to the public because of how ridiculous it would sound. So instead he is dropping crumbs for outsiders to obliquely tell them "yes this shit is real".

The connection between him, Manson and Kunis is not a "small world" coincidence. He and Mila bonded over the shared experience of being a victim in this alternate world while not being able to go public. These former childhood entertainers have only each other.

Manson is an outsider who was brought into the circle via his gf rose, who told him everything. His art isn't a glorification but rather a mockery of the culture.

18620642? ago

When the first arrests of Hollywood Actors, Musicians are starting they all wish they were in prison. They all will have no free/save life anymore.

18620301? ago

https://snew.notabug.io/r/conspiracy/comments/bow67i/macauley_culkin_is_without_a_doubt_a_member_of/ :

Macauley Culkin is without a doubt a member of the satanic Hollywood underground that is slowly subverting society through film and media. Evidence outlined in this post : conspiracy

This has been an automated message.

18620165? ago

satanic Hollywood

Hollywood is owned by the Jew.

You can name them here, there's no need to use a scapegoat ~ you won't get banned.

18621640? ago

Attention all patriotic Jews: The Q movement welcomes you and loves you


Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


18622127? ago

Oy vey, This fuckknuckle.

18622498? ago

^ Triggered 'muhjoo' anti-Q shill.

18622671? ago

^Spam Fag Faggerstein^

18626565? ago


18628717? ago


18621713? ago

But that other user is correct - Hollywood is owned by the Jews just as much as the mainstream media is owned by the Jews.

Why does this truth trigger you so badly?

Why do you associate Jew ownership with something bad - a truth that must be hidden?

You make Jews seem evil.

18621850? ago

You're triggered.

Hollywood is not owned by "the Jews."

Many producers and movie companies are owned by individuals who happen to be Jewish, but most Jews are not at all involved in Hollywood. Most are good people.

You're triggered when the truth is pointed out to you that it is Satanists who are humanity's enemy, not 'muhjoos'.

You are making Jews seem sinister and evil.

You are are associating Jew ownership with something bad.

You are projecting.

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

18622266? ago

So, would you call thre jews running hollywood, "badjews"?

18622427? ago

No, just bad individuals, just like I would say about Ted Bundy, and Jeffrey Dahmer. Bad individuals.

I am not risking any danger or making any error by doing this, because race does not determine how people think or act.

You Bolshevik puppets if you were alive 1917 would have been claiming the form of the income earned determines how a person thinks or acts, i.e. capitalists act evil and proletariats act good.

Now you 'useful idiots' are doing the work of the Satanists in dividing the people, this time by insinuating that race determines thought and actions of individuals.

Same shit, different type of corn.

18623207? ago

The hilarious thing is that it was the jews who created the bolshevik puppets.

See? You can't stop jewing because it is part of you.

18626306? ago


The actual hilarious thing is that you dumb fuck 'muhjoo' shills who castigate Jews, are puppets of a communist satanic cult that you yourselves are identifying as Jews.

See? You low IQ morons are so stupid that you are typing exactly what the Bolsheviks want you to type, you dumb fuck.

Are you shills trying to divide humanity up in accordance with Bolshevik plans finally getting it, or will you continue to grub for more...how do you 'useful idiots' say it again? More "shekels"?

"These people are stupid." - Q

18627661? ago

Let me say it qgain.

The bolshevik murderers WERE the jewish tools.

Who does France belong to? The native French or someone else?

18629644? ago

Let me say this again:

You ARE a TOOL, a 'USEFUL IDIOT', of the Bolsheviks.

Why? Because you keep typing exactly what they want you to type on Q boards.

We know your masters.

18629675? ago

The cabal is dismantling the French. They say France does not belong to the native French.

Do you believe France belongs to the native French?

18629707? ago

You don't have any people except your masters who pay you shekels to shill.

18630799? ago

I say France belongs to the native French.

The cabal highly disagrees....and YOU agree with the cabal that the native French do not own their homelands.

18641682? ago

More straw man.

No, you think France belongs only to [race x].

France belongs to the individual land owners, race irrelevant.

Try harder media matters shillbot

18642069? ago

France belongs to the heritage French.

Your cabal invaders have to go back.

No genocide for you.

18642287? ago

No, France does not belong to [race x] such that all [race y] French nationals are to be deported or excluded or DIVIDED FROM THEIR FRENCH NATIONAL BRETHREN.

You are a puppet of the cabal. They want to divide the people by race and religion, as do you.

You shills are low IQ morons who couldn't get a real job.

18642686? ago

Cabal: Accept your invaders native French. Your homelands are no longer yours!!

QRV shill: Agreed!!

18642752? ago

says the increasingly nervous panicking anti-Q, Bolshevik puppet shillbot for the 967th time

18643171? ago


Deep State is going down, the wall is going up.

Your invasion will fail.

Soon Europe will do the same.

18651362? ago

Tell your globalist Bolshevik masters, once you take their dicks out of your mouth, this:



18653975? ago

Whatever you say cabalist.

I don't need to get personal like you. Becqise I have facts on my side and I beloeve every culture and people have a right to self-determination in theor homelands.

YOU believe in invading nations and displacing the natives. You are aligned with the cabal.

18659301? ago




18660000? ago

You don't want the native French deciding France's future.

By default you are then cabal....

18664149? ago

Straw man.

France belongs to the French, not [race x].

You're a 'useful idiot' of the globalist Bolsheviks.

You seek to divide the people by race.

See the sidebar. You are by definition a shill...............

18664877? ago

Displacement and genocide divide by race.

That is why you promote invasion and you say France does not belong to the native French...

18665146? ago


You're trying to divide the Q movement by race because you fear us.

France belongs to the French, not [race x].

That's why you are promoting division and PROJECTING it onto others

Your definition of "native French" is fraudulent..........................

18666586? ago

Those who seek to invade and genocide are NOT patriots.

If you believe the heritage French do not decide the future of France then you are aligned with Macron and the cabal....

18651226? ago


18654001? ago

Sure, cabalist.

18659258? ago


18660026? ago

You don't want the native French deciding France's future.

By default then, you are aligned with the cabal.

18664131? ago

Straw man.

France belongs to the French, not [race x].

You're a 'useful idiot' of the globalist Bolsheviks.

You seek to divide the people by race.

See the sidebar. You are by definition a shill.......

18664915? ago


Displacement and genocide divide by race.

That is why you promote invasion and you say France does not belong to the native French...

18665122? ago


You're trying to divide the Q movement by race because you fear us.

France belongs to the French, not [race x].

That's why you are promoting division and PROJECTING it onto others.

Your definition of "native French" is fraudulent..........

18666614? ago

Those who seek to invade and genocide are NOT patriots.

If you believe the heritage French do not decide the future of France then you are aligned with Macron and the cabal......

18622148? ago

And you’re stupid. It most definitely ran by the Jews.

18622490? ago

And you're a moron.

Most Jews have nothing to do with Hollywood.

18622066? ago

Yeah, that's what I thought.

18620143? ago

And his ex Mila Kunis is a Ukrainian deepstate handler, now handling Kucher /shrugs

18621739? ago

and Wacko Jacko?