Baichu ago

He is a mind controlled hollywood slave! He is always being told what to do, how and when to do it.

Podge512 ago

It's curious that he would appear on Cinemassacre, as a few years ago, Lloyd Kaufman was a guest star on one of the AVGN's reviews. Not to suggest that James Rolfe is involved in anything untoward, but it is intriguing nevertheless...

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

In the nerd world toxie and home alone are simply nostalgia.

GeorgeT ago

Let's remember Culkin's ties to Michael Alig (Club Kids) who on video tells us exactly what Chicken Hawk means!!!! And of course after serving 17 year sentence, upon release, in 2014 he is seen on Instagram with.....El Creepo himself - JA of Comet PP!!!! And recently Alig was grooming (in front of cameras) that poor MK Ultra trans boy Desmond's Amazing (never demonetized by You Tube - that fact alone should tell us who runs Theirtube) Also, Culkin was in touch with that Trans boy Desmond as well as Michael Alig - apparently they are planning a sequel to Party Monster (based on Club Kids that was lead by pedophile chicken hawk Alig) And where is the outcry from Mee Too crowd?? I hear crickets!!!!!!!

3141592653 ago

I support Metoo as well as the takedown of the pedo elite. Cant wait to see them all burn.

Oh_Well_ian ago

If you support #metoo, you're part of the cover up of Elite child abuse.

think- ago

Bullshit. That it was meant as a psy-op doesn't mean that the actual #MeToo movement in various countries is compromised. I actually use talking about Hollywood an 'MeToo' as an intro to redpill people in rl about sexual abuse of child actors, pedophile networks in Hollywood etc.


3141592653 ago

Yes yes yes. I don't even think it was a psyop. #Metoo took down child offenders like Kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein. #Metoo caused the So Long overdue takedown of Woody Allen!! And then there's Dan Schneider! Rock on, think-

think- ago

I thought it might have been a psy-op to take down Harvey Weinstein, but then it backfired. (Oh, and how it backfired! LOL.)

I have followed the impact of #MeToo in several countries. People like @oh_Well_Ian have no idea how fundamental the shifts were that were caused by #MeToo - it's a kind of ongoing revolution, that redpilled millions about sexual assault and sexual abuse, empowered survivors to speak up, brought perps down.

And for the first time, men who have been victims of sexual harassment - both by other men and by women - dared to speak up in public.

Rock on, think-

You too, @3141592653! :-)

Oh_Well_ian ago

right over the target...

@think- the fact you're so obsessed with this post is revealing

stop pinging me, faggot

think- ago

stop pinging me, faggot

It's a good ol' tradition on Voat to notify people when you talk about them on threads, especially when you criticize them. I will oblige to your wish of course - but don't whine that I bitch behind your back in the future, Ian.

@think- the fact you're so obsessed with this post is revealing

looks amused

If anything, it is revealing that you try to minimize the impact of #MeToo in real life, regarding redpilling people, and bringing down perps.

I will just assume that you are living a backwater life, and are not familiar with international developments. Maybe try reading some additional news sites?

Or what part of

it's a kind of ongoing revolution, that redpilled millions about sexual assault and sexual abuse, empowered survivors to speak up, brought perps down.

didn't you get?

Merry Christmas. (Without sarcasm.)


Oh_Well_ian ago

metoo is a limited hangout intended to suppress the systematic ABUSE OF CHILDREN BY ELITES and direct attacks back at the President for his 'predatory behavior and pussy grabbing'.

Look... you faggots have perfectly destroyed Pizzagate

pat yourself on the back, faggot

think- ago

MeToo posts are not even allowed here on v/pizzagate. They have to go to v/pizzagatewhatever.

And thank you, my eyes work very well, you don't have to yell at me in caps.

That you behave like this, even on Christmas, means you are either a guy that needs to be pitied, or a paid shill. Take your pick, Ian.

I remember very well how you have been attacking users here baselessly over time. Well, we all know. I'm glad that this didn't destroy Pizzagate.

@3141592653 @MolochHunter @Shizy @EricKaliberhall

3141592653 ago

Happy new year to you!

think- ago

Thank you, the same to you!

Shizy ago

Ian is still causing problems and picking fights I see.

think- ago

rolls eyes I am sorry that he had to work on Christmas.... :-P

MolochHunter ago

good lord. I was going to welcome Ian back and say 'how ya been'?

I dont think I'll bother, his temperament hasnt rebalanced in his absence

3141592653 ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

thanks for the list of fellow faggot gate keeping shitbags

fuck you all

3141592653 ago

I wholeheartedly disagree. I have discussed this many times and created whole posts explaining my position

The1stLantern ago

Noticed this too.. Watched the epsiode and it was forced and strabge as fuck.. Didnt laugh the entire time.

Please for the love of God let James Rolfe abd the AVGN crew not be involved in pizza shit.


He was on Joe Rogan a few months back too.. LIKE.. He.. LIKE.. says.. LIKE. alot.. LIKE.. alot alot! Laughs at his own jokes about a 8yo that dies with black lung. Like. Stange d00d. The whole show was weird. Joe starts out on how normal he is.. then he talks about having a stomach ulcer from his diet and he has no clue what he's talking about.. What does he really eat. Says like he's making shit up like. He does a horrible job at trying to act normal. NOT NORMAL. Here's.. like .. a .. like link ahhh..

LexTalionis ago

Bill Smith's Y_uT_be

gamepwn ago

Go through MacaulayCulkinAMA Reddits comments if you want to see disturbing pizzagate pedo references and other things he's been saying.

"In fact. you're right! I do owe you! How about a pizza? Get at me in DM and I'll hook you up!"

"Also I have a website that does satire of lifestyle websites. There's nothing this kid can't do!"

"I should have joined the Illuminati earlier."

"There was this one pizza place in Washington DC..."

Right here on his Bunny Ears Website he has Baphomet and is talking about Spirt Cooking/Eat the Pain type rituals.

SnapAwake ago

He was quoted in a French article I saw an archive of - speaking about the man who made shoes out of kids. It was a whole story about some executive or producer who was smoking crack in front of him and boasting about his shoes. Super fucked up interview. Was pulled aparantly. Can remember where I saw the article.

3141592653 ago

Ive never been able to find the article or proof it exists. Any links?

SnapAwake ago

No links. I’m trying to remember... it was linked to in connection to the death of the poltergeist actress, and leaked by Crqzydaysandnigts that she was basically killed. The pair of shoes in Mac’s story was purportedly “her” as per this article. But I do not remember whether I saw an archive link ofnit or hearsay. It might have been made up. But. Reading all this about him and seeing that crazy ass new bunny website of his, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

GeorgeT ago

And where is Youtube and Google on all this.....oh, I forgot....they are run by Pizza Club members!!!!!

darkknight111 ago

He’s been getting more active ever since “Big Bird” and various CIA spy satellites got taken out last September.

Sleuth222 ago

Also his "proof" is written on a pizza box. It's all done on purpose.

SnapAwake ago

When Kate Spade died, the first public photo appearance her hubby did was in a retro bunny mask. I think the rabbit might be a sign of submission to these folks. Since they have to operate in plain sight with innocent symbols distorted this pizza box and bunny ears shit fits right in.

xolotltlaloc ago

It was a "rat" mask -- not a bunny.

GhostOfSwartz ago

It was a mouse mask

jenmarkov ago

Wow this community is focused. Great info.

gamepwn ago

Thanks ^^ I want to take down all of these sick disgusting fucks.