NorthernFront ago

Wait, sure that isn't Kid Rock?

MetalThatMatters ago

Culkin is a mess. They have destroyed him. This is real. May God help this guy.

FearlessFreep ago

Source is Neon Nettle... FAKE, unfortunately.

Macauley is one of them.

RogerMoore0017 ago

Either way I always thought he was one of them, but he is known to say crazy shit like Remi Malik eats babies. At least I know it’s not real.

0011000100100111101 ago

"Others chat about his friendship with pop star Michael Jackson, as well as him fronting a pizza-themed comedy rock band."


hang_em_high ago

Says that band started in 2013 too, before all this shit started coming out.

Cilantro_s ago

I wanna hear the recording or it didn’t happen. I’m calling fake news on this.

TraditionalCode0 ago

Pedo "Pizza Slut" bitch runs to gay Paree and points his finger at the mirror.

"There he is now, wearing his bunny ears."

What do y'all think Home Alone was about?

GayBlackJew ago

Dude, lay off. The guy's been through Hell and back.

He'll be one of the people that burns the entertainment cabal to the ground.

TraditionalCode0 ago

No dude. The guy's been to Hell and back and likes it. He creates Hell for others. He sees the handwriting on the wall and is backstabbing, hoping to escape deserved punishment. He could have bailed instead of promoting Bunny eared spirit cooked pizzas. His choice. Lay off laying off pedos.

FatLadySings ago

Joe Rogan???? Give me a break!!!

TraditionalCode0 ago

Yup. Sorry to be the one. I LIKE Joe. I wish it weren't true. I think we could even be friends. But he sold out. His buddies Joey and whatshisname are looking sideways at him these days, and talking about him getting with the C_A.

GayBlackJew ago

You have no evidence he's a pedo. You have evidence that was destroyed by pedos and is trying to piece himself back together.

There's such a thing as redemption. Don't toss bombs until you know what you're aiming at.

TraditionalCode0 ago

He aimed his own bombs at himself. He just didn't figure on the Q team exposing it all so fast. Who promotes Bunny Ears and Pizza Slut and Spirit Cooking. You know any regular folks who do that? You have a suggestion what that could be? Do YOU know the symbols involved in Bunny Ears and Pizza and Spirit Cooking?

Symbolism will be their downfall. What symbolism? Who'll fall if they're defended? They can redeem theirselves ...........or not.............behind bars so other children are safe. And finally..........WHO DEFENDS THEM?

Now we're getting somewhere.

GayBlackJew ago

"Who promotes Bunny Ears and Pizza Slut and Spirit Cooking."

People who are captive / brainwashed / victimized.

I suspect he was held up as a trophy by pedos and forced to do that stuff. There's no evidence at this time that he actually victimized others.

If he wants to crawl his way out of the pit and seek redemption, it's simply stupid and uncompassionate of you or me to kick him in the face while he's at it.

Save your judgments for when you know everything.

TraditionalCode0 ago

What do you need? He just last month PROMOTED the shit. We got here by ignorance and misplaced 'compassion' instead of understanding and yes, judgement. You need recent videos of his delight in promoting that system?????? You got em. You need his squealing in delight at.......VOODOO pedo symbol DOUGHNUTS and SPIRIT COOKING.??
You got it. I know more than all that, and I know plenty enough to know what I'm seeing.

I understand your 'point' and its a WEAK one. The guy who abuse him? Was abused. And the guy who abused him. It's a cycle and a system No passes for 'victims' who then PROMOTE THE WHOLE SHOW.

I was bullied as a youth. I grew up to kick bullies asses. NOBODY is going to make me promote pedo shit for ANY reason. If anyone tried..........I'd judge them. I'll judge who I want how I want.

PGLiterati ago

Well, it would be nice to see a source. I searched LesEcho and it is gone. Neon Nettle is cited as the source of this article...

RogerMoore0017 ago

Me too honestly

crazy_eyes ago

They are not elite.

People really have to stop using that word to describe those evil bastards, as well as stop using it to describe our public servants.

BonnieRic ago

Yea. We should relabel them "the sociopaths".

Silversonewish ago

Absolutely bonnieric.

This is a type of human that really needs massive exposure. Low EQ people are totally dangerous and need to be watched carefully.

GloriousDestiny ago

Anyone ever see his band? It's called "The Pizza Underground". Mostly pizza related songs/lyrics, I don't think he's exposing it, I think he's now one of them. Saw an interview with him rather recently and every other word out of his mouth was pizza related but not in an "exposing it" kind of way, almost like he is mocking pizzagate. It's really cringey, in my opinion. Shows up as the "Pizza Boy" wearing a hat and jacket with a slice of pizza on it, carrying a "cheese pizza".

Betty_Liberty ago

They do Velvet Underground tunes with pizza related lyrics. He's all about the bunny ears too.

AmmaK ago

Anyone who is truly associated with Pizzagate is not going to flaunt it. I believe that he is bring attention to the issue - he may have been assaulted along the way and didn’t speak up, but IMO, he is now feeling safe to bring this all out. You also have to remember that he knows Donald Trump........

GloriousDestiny ago

They all flaunt it right out in the open and always have....Obama and Biden's pizza friendship bracelets for example. Wasn't aware of a DJT connection but do know he is associated with Seth Green who is def one of them.

MetalThatMatters ago

I was just thinking about this. These bracelets. I remember seeing them at the time and thinking to myself "slices of pizza, that's just weird" ... I had no clue.

AmmaK ago

Symbolism will bring them down!!!

Johnny_Ninja ago

If this was on the radio, there must be audio...where is it?

FearlessFreep ago

Check the source: NEON NETTLE

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Would love to know. This seems fake

Silversonewish ago

Yeah it's just too perfect and all sources are 404'd.

Unless audio is provided don't get too excited on this. The infowar has matured and so have we.

Codyhbgbrb ago

I’ve heard directors talk about his father was horrible to work with. Perhaps he was trying to protect him?

acrylicpainter-Q17 ago

and yet he is associated with seth green? red flag for me

GloriousDestiny ago


FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude-he's been exposing pizzagate prior to the name pizzagate. He's one of the good guys.

benjitsu ago

I don't think it is quite that straightforward... it doesn't take a second glance to see that he is one fucked up individual, but his horrible parasitic parents might be a good chunk of it. There is a reason he said this shit in France and not on the Joe Rogan podcast. If we have learned one thing about this shit it is that victims become victimizers so there are no "good guys". I don't have the stomach to check it out but his website that he promoted on the JRE is apprently all kinds of Patton Oswalt level creepiness. More than likely this is a publicity stunt (including the apparent scrubbing). File him with our buddy Corey...lots of vague shit that you or I could find readily on the internet, and not so much as a hint at a name.

SandHog ago

Call me skeptical.

Fritter ago

The article says he grew up watching poltergeist which was made in 1982 and he was born in 1980. If he grew up watching it, his parents were f’d up.

GayBlackJew ago

What healthy parents would let their kid get used up like that? Of course they're f'd up.

DawnPendraig ago

I've seen parents who bragged about "letting" their very young kids watch really bad horror movies. I don't know if they we're just showing off and being idiots or really did it.

My dad was often too narcissistic to even realize we could see or hear what he was watching and had little patience when I suffered horrible nightmares for years when he "Let me watch" some 80s tv Blob movie.

I can believe the parents that are rumored to have basically sold Macaulay Culkin to Hollywood and spent most his earnings would be cruel or neglectful enough to let a young child watch that movie.

I liked it as horror movies go when I was a teen (I saw it many years later on tv) but after Pizzagate learning what happened to that beautiful little girl in real life the horror of that makes me literally sick.

Truthobserver65 ago

Ever hear of reruns?

RetiredRogue ago

Yes, we all knew something was wrong in Macaulay's life and others. All these years, God help us to realize what's going in their lives on so we can help these kids, now adults.

benjitsu ago

Stephan Molyneux and others talk a lot about how good abused children become at reading emotions and lying. He is full of shit when he says he made it out (and I don't even think it was MJ)...any parent that would put their kids into acting is shitty enough to put them on the casting couch and tell themselves it is an audition. It is well established that Hollywood is literally founded on child raping and killing, and the 80's and 90's were a fucking heyday. They don't HAVE to pay these people millions of dollars to get them to be in movies but they do anyway, and there are maybe 1% of actors/directors etc. who are legitimately talented enough to operate in the beast system relatively unscathed. Good lord it has been said that the rock gives out handies like candies in order to get parts, and you know these sick fuckers insist on assploughing you with a candle stick or some other weird shit.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

This is why we shouldn't always jump the conclusion that we're being mocked... Sometimes the only practical way to disclose information like this- is under the guise of HUMOR. Jokes. I'll make a post tonight with a couple dozen examples of major disclousre via Comedy.

Cristo316 ago

Agreed. If these actors speak too truthfully and forthright publically, they mysteriously start showing up with red scarves around doorknobs and necks.

We should be able to recognize a cry for help under the guise of humor with what we know now.

benjitsu ago

I think the red scarves are reserved for people more on the inside who turncoat. He didn't say anything remotely useful to us or dangerous to himself although if he had an OD no one is going to bat an eye

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Soo.... You just didn't read the article? Or what? everything quoted in the article is useful to "us" and dangerous for him. I would post specific examples, But you could just read the article before commenting on the article? Maybe? Ah fuck it- you do you.

drpisser ago

These people are SICK! I'm glad he escaped without being murdered.