3141592653 ago

He says Christian Bale was eating "pies", not "pizza pies"

ShaneE11183386 ago

He meant pizza pies

Saw all of the tweets that's how some people reference pizzas especially to fit it into the 120 characters on twitter

3141592653 ago

Oh ok, so some of the other tweets mention pizza pies?

Vindicator ago

Thanks for editing, Shane. I'm removing the flair.

SandHog ago

Culkin is best friends with Seth Green. He's not gonna drop bombs on anyone. He is only doing that out of mockery.

ShaneE11183386 ago

Yeah seems it. Unless he doesnt like malik?(moloch)

Bale (baal)


SandHog ago

Have you watched any of his bunny ears bullshit? Plus he is great pals with the voodoo doughnuts crowd.

Vindicator ago

@ShaneE11183386, unfortunately, if you don't add links to the tweets in question, or screenshots of them, we'll have to remove this per Rule 2.

Here's the one about Malik: https://twitter.com/IncredibleCulk/status/1099876760194142210 https://archive.fo/R3LhP

Here's the three about Bale and the "Hollywood Pie Diet":

And then there's this one: https://twitter.com/IncredibleCulk/status/1099885076119150599

"If Bohemian Rhapsody wins Best Picture it won’t be the first time an alleged sex offender directed a Best Picture."

And this one: https://twitter.com/IncredibleCulk/status/1099876760194142210

Just statistically speaking, there are at like at least 14 secret rapists in that room right now. And 6 secret DJs.

I'll give you the 24 Hour Grace Flair, so you can edit these into your post.

lopus ago

look what he's selling in his "Bunny Ears"-Shop!


ShaneE11183386 ago

He blocked me lol I cant see his tweets anymore wtf

Omnicopy ago

Maybe doesn’t want it going viral?????

ShaneE11183386 ago

That's exactly what I was thinking lol. Maybe I'm gonna get arkancided soon If I dont post within 72 hours they got me and I'm NOT suicidal

Omnicopy ago

Sick!!! God help us

septimasexta ago

Mac's band "Pizza Underground" based on band "Velvet Underground" which was originally signed by Andy Warhol at The Factory. Warhol got into films and "60's "It" Girl was Edie Sedgwick, which Velvet Underground wrote a song about. She dated Warhol during this time ("She was 21 years old, the seventh of eight children in a clan that went, in Andy’s awestruck words, “all the way back to the Pilgrims.” The branches on the family tree were so heavily laden with fruit it’s a wonder they didn’t snap: Robert Sedgwick, the first major general of the Massachusetts Bay Colony; William Ellery, signatory to the Declaration of Independence; Ephraim Williams, benefactor and namesake of Williams College. Except sometimes they did. The Sedgwicks may have been illustrious, but they were also troubled, hypomania an inherited trait along with a beaky nose....Not caring for “daddy,” he insisted that his kids call him “Fuzzy,” though he wasn’t, was a brute and a son of a *itch, his sexual arrogance and sense of privilege seemingly without limit. Edie would tell people that she was seven when he made his first (deflected) pass.....As a teenager, Edie walked in on Francis having sex with a woman not her mother. He slapped her, told her she didn’t see what she saw—”You don’t know anything. You’re insane”—and had a doctor administer tranquilizers. She was sent to Silver Hill, a psychiatric hospital in Connecticut.") WOW! Article- MUST READ! https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2017/12/andy-warhol-and-edie-sedgwick-a-brief-white-hot-and-totally-doomed-romance

Was Andy Warhol also funded by the CIA? "Modern art was CIA 'weapon'" https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/modern-art-was-cia-weapon-1578808.html

Is Mac dropping truth bombs?

middlechild ago

Edie didn't date Warhol. He's gay. Her father was INCREDIBLY wealthy and two of her brothers went crazy too, and committed suicide, and she also died of an "accidental" overdose at the age of 28. Edie's cousin is Kyra Sedgwick (there's Hollywood again). Warhols "factory" in NY pushed out a lot of human defilement. Gay bongage films and rampant drug use (Edie was in some of his films, like "Poor Little Rich Girl". Edie was the victim of child sex abuse, and God only knows what else that reknown family was in to.

lopus ago

Was Andy Warhol also funded by the CIA? "Modern art was CIA 'weapon'" https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/modern-art-was-cia-weapon-1578808.html

This book is interesting:

Serge Guilbaut - "How New York Stole the Idea of Modern Art: Abstract Expressionism, Freedom, and the Cold War"

amazonlink in archive.is https://archive.is/IHfQE

septimasexta ago

WOW! I was right on. An early Pizza Underground song is a cover for "Femme Fatale" - Velvet Underground about EVIE SEDGWICK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_4wKYrky4k

Compare with PIZZA UNDERGROUND'S cover/parody "She's a Pizza Gal" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZqiJKcJDZ0 starts at 3:28

Is Mac exposing something about Edie? Warhol?

Mac also did a parody of Warhol's film of him eating a burger. Mac eats a pizza.

"Macaulay Culkin Eating a Slice of Pizza" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pzm1lQX0qU

"Andy Warhol eating a Cheeseburger.mp4" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eChaxl-9pvg

VinceFoster ago

VinceFoster ago

Little known fact: The Oscar statuette IS heavy enough to kill a man, which is why we only let Russell Crowe have ONE
