heygeorge ago

Hey, is this your picture? Could you send me a copy of it?

srayzie ago

Definitely. I would say the Great Awakening too. I didn’t know there actually was such a thing.

ESOTERICshade ago

Definitely. I would say the Great Awakening too. I didn’t know there actually was such a thing.

google "Alinskys Rules For Radicals"

srayzie ago

Wow. It’s very real.

srayzie ago

Lol. I like you

srayzie ago

I take it he doesn’t like you much lol

srayzie ago

Oh wow. I’ve never heard of it.

srayzie ago

Why is your profile picture the same picture Cheesefaggotghost said was him?

srayzie ago

Tranvestigation 😂

heygeorge ago

Too late, I already destroyed that place myself.

srayzie ago


Well Freshmeat likes posting beastiality videos of a goat being raped. He calls me a man and a tranny and like 10 other things but didn’t like it when I said that since I’m now a guy, I use my 9 incher to make his mom squirm lol.

ESOTERICshade ago

Well Freshmeat likes posting beastiality videos of a goat being raped. He calls me a man and a tranny and like 10 other things but didn’t like it when I said that since I’m now a guy, I use my 9 incher to make his mom squirm lol.

Oh my goodness. I have to rinse out my mind now :)

srayzie ago

I actually accepted once before I knew better. Then it ended up being plastered with gifs of faggots doing each other in the ass like Cheesefaggotghost likes to do so I left.

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

Mod who? I like @heygeorge

srayzie ago

Who is JIDF?

Blacksmith21 ago

@oh_well_ian @srayzie

This little pissing match was engineered and got the desired effect. They want us divided. They want infighting. Put the differences aside and let's all do better to respect each others slightly differing positions. We are all in agreement over 97% of topics, let's not let that 3% be an issue.

Fuck the shills. Fuck the outsiders.

And to be clear, Srayzie has done an excellent job of modding the GA sub solo. This is a thankless task. Even moreover when you add the burden of real life. Unlike a lot of commenters on this and other subs, I know the 3 of us have real life to deal with. Let's work smarter, not harder.

We cool?

Crensch ago


"@srayzie, let's just pretend none of this happened, that ian didn't lie or cause you headaches, and let's pretend I, Blacksmith21, don't do the same both here and on PG to the mods. Let's just all be little fonzies and forget how ian lies constantly, bullies users, and takes credit for things that aren't his, and let's forget how I defend him tooth and nail while lying constantly, too. No reason to have to burn these two usernames that are here to subvert PG and GA over a little tiff, let's just all be friends again. After all, we TOTALLY agree on SO MANY THINGS, let's not let a bit of complete and utter lying in order to distract and divide get between us! @srayzie, you're an important chess piece for us to manipulate and harass and lead down a path of disinformation."

@dooob @kevdude

ESOTERICshade ago

crensch I agree with your thought process on this. I will support you on this all the way.

dooob ago

Uh-oh ian, what happened?

ESOTERICshade ago

@9-11 doesn't want to admit that Israel is an illegitimate apartheid state.

Excuse me for being a shit starter but @vindicator says the same thing. Israel lovers are a plague upon the earth. I am tired as fuck of these Israel loving asshats.

Vindicator ago

More baseless lies and smears, eh, ES? Evidence, or GTFO. Your conduct is unVoatsmanlike.

ESOTERICshade ago

Biatch Israel lover @vindicator, you already blew your wad. You get ground pounded comments collapsed every time you open your Q loving mouth. You are baked dog :)

Vindicator ago

Drinking more, lately, huh ES? Must be so stressful, what with the RICO case against Shareblue now. :-)

ESOTERICshade ago

Drinking more, lately, huh ES? Must be so stressful, what with the RICO case against Shareblue now. :-)

No. I simply have no respect left for you. Its pretty simple. You made it plain that you are not a mod a pizzagate to uphold the rules, your desire is to change the sub into what you want it to be.

what with the RICO case against Shareblue now

You are a fucking idiot. A true blue lying idiot.

ESOTERICshade ago

You're arguing with JIDF.

I don't doubt it.

ESOTERICshade ago

For the Q-haters - How did Q post a partial image 1 minute before POTUS posted the whole image on T, taken in the Oval office? Kinda hard to fake that.


ESOTERICshade ago

Crensch aka kevdude is voats biggest shill. He completely and purposely trashed pizzagate with full complicity of @puttitout. Thus why so many people have abandoned voat I recent months.

That is bullshit. @crensch and @kevdude are not the same people and far from it. You are full of shit.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don’t care. Qanon is for niggers.


ESOTERICshade ago

@crensch decided to light you up and I am glad. You are NIGGER TIER and @crensch is right about that.

ESOTERICshade ago

Mother fucker you are worse than nigger tier and good riddance to you.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol I'm not going anywhere, you faggot.

what make you think that?

ESOTERICshade ago

lol I'm not going anywhere, you faggot.

what make you think that?


Shizy ago

Well are you a nigger?

srayzie ago

Oh Shizy. LOL

Elmer_Hagen ago

You cunts take internetting too seriously

Blacksmith21 ago

It is written in the Talmud, am I right?

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL. Niggerfag has a better ring to it. I don't even get the point of it anymore. When I went to school, there were whites (and subgroups), niggers, spics, and foreigners. I'm so cis-confused.

xenoPsychologist ago

but he dindu nuffin.

srayzie ago

Thanks. That just proves my point. He’s a drama queen.

srayzie ago

@oh_Well_ian this is what I mean. Send them invitations.

srayzie ago

I see you have everyone talking crap about each other now. Great job. Crensch at least doesn’t come over here stirring up shit. You provoke people until they come after you. You bring the drama here.

Quicktor ago

keep doing what you're doing...you're probably in this for the right reasons, so fuck'em...Zionist shills are no fucking joke though...

And don't worry about Cheeseboogers...he's the Cosmic Chainsaw of Christ...he's absolutely relentless...there's no stopping him...(thank god...)

And he's 99.99% right when it comes to chumming out the Zionist larps....believe it...

srayzie ago

Thank you.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

uh oh, it seems one of your jew Zionist group members have went rogue .I fucking called these dipshits out and YOU TOOK THEIR SIDE REMEMBER???You fucked with the wrong bull. I told you hell was coming one day. Its been brewing for a while. You are all frauds and larpers and ZIONISTS

Shizy ago

😂 your drama is a little over the top!! Sound like a hormonal teenage girl!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

well well well....looky who we have here

srayzie ago

He’s gagged on too many cocks and didn’t get enough oxygen.

srayzie ago

You did warn me about that fucker. I’ll give you that.

dooob ago

Users like this CG guy is why I ban toxic people from my sub. Whatever you do, he will attack you. He attacked me for banning him and others, now he is attacking you for not banning people.

srayzie ago

They make alts and call their friends over. It’s not that easy. I can’t make everyone happy. I’m damned if I do and I’m damned if I don’t. But I need to start cleaning house.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

too late now. You and your little gang have been found out. Now recoil back and act injured

srayzie ago

You’re as immature as oh_Well_ian is

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Good Shill - Bad Shill going on....

srayzie ago


RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Good cop bad cop, still both are cops looking to put you away.... Sub that out with shills.

srayzie ago

Ian is too much of a pussy to be a cop.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

so he's playin the good shill

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Oh no!! It don't work like that.

Blacksmith21 ago

Crensch is here stirring shit now....

dooob ago

Glow harder, nigger

Crensch ago

I missed this when I could vote on it. Made me laugh. Imaginary upvote for you.

srayzie ago

Hmmm I wonder why. Could it be that Ian made a post with his name in the title? Wouldn’t you respond?

Blacksmith21 ago

Look at Crensch's posts, Srayzie. You KNOW I don't like getting wrapped up in this shit...

srayzie ago

I have seen Crensch’s posts. His posts about Ian were not made here. I didn’t get involved. Once Ian decided to do what I asked him not to do, which is to not make a post about another user, is when Ian made me a part of his drama. I have nothing against you. I was just letting you know why Crensch would be here.

Oh_Well_ian ago

bullshit... he's been posting for 3 days in 3 other subs and the timing with the Q post was perfect

Remove the submission if you like.

'I bring the drama' lol No... I protect the subverse from shills and keep it moving.

I leave and it's going right down the drain.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Good. Leave. We want out of the shill sink.

beautifullyinvisible ago

You're the flat earth faggot who called me out, got owned and said you would get back to me tomorrow. WTF are you butting in for, retard?

Oh_Well_ian ago

tell srayzie to enforce the rules

it's like the border in here right now and the timid natives are pissed I'm shooting fence jumpers

srayzie ago

I think I do need to clean house. With all the drama you cause, you’ll be one of the first to go.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Funny how your here, instead of here >> https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2600965

Look at the shilling on that post... That must make you feel real warm inside.

srayzie ago

The post is good. Not against the rules like yours was. The shilling will slow down if you would learn to control yourself and not constantly feed them, but you won’t. When I start cleaning house, I’m going after the ones that are constantly disrupting this sub. That includes you. So keep doing what you’re doing Ian.

srayzie ago

It’s funny that it was 1am my time when you expected me to be on it. The first thing I did when I got on this morning (before 5am) was remove a post someone made about YOU.

Then I had notifications and had to deal with issues. I don’t see things immediately. I’m only one person and have other responsibilities in my life as well. You aren’t even capable of understanding that.

You aren’t my boss Ian. I don’t, and never will, answer to you.

srayzie ago

He has not been making posts here until now. This is not the 3 other subs. Yes, you DO bring the drama. You feed every troll that shows up. If you aren’t busy doing that, then you are calling them here.

I never asked you to be the police. At least half of the complaints I get are because of you. I’ve talked to you about all this. So you’re saying this place goes down the drain if you leave? So you’re the glue that holds everything together? Get over yourself Ian.

I never asked you to leave. If that’s what you choose to do, that’s on you. All I’ve asked of you is to stop feeding the shills and stop bringing them over. You’ve been here as long as I have and should know by now how shills work. Give them the reaction they seek, they think it’s fun, it disrupts the board, the cycle continues and they win. A shill here and there is one thing. But it’s constant with you.

I shouldn’t have to remove your post. You should be responsible for your own actions. I’ve seen Crensch write a post about you. Why aren’t you taking it up with him? Since when have you not responded to attacks? By telling us, it’s just stirring shit up and getting more people involved. Wouldn’t that be considered drama? Is that protecting this subverse? NO!

Oh_Well_ian ago

here we go... I pretty much saw this coming... A weak mod who doesn't understand Voat is a free speech site and micro manages the subverse.

Yes, you DO bring the drama. You feed every troll that shows up. If you aren’t busy doing that, then you are calling them here.

Exactly what I've been hearing from you for months. Tired of it. You're a bell ringer, srayzie. You contribute very little to this sub, other than a control freak attitude and copious amounts of whining how busy you are and how you don't have time to answer all the SHILLS who fill up your mailbox about me. Shills. Not users.

You paste decode accounts and tell people how reliable they are, not understanding they are all potential land mines that will blow up, sooner or later. Like how you ranted and raved about Corsi for months until he pulled off his mask. You scolded him and called him names and stalked him on Twitter. Bragging to the sub how tough you were on him. Gimme a break, you never owned up to it or apologized for leading people down a primrose path. Same thing just happened with NeonRevolt and the Obama Moloch steaming pile of shit.

Why did I do this here? BECAUSE IT'S A FREE SPEECH SITE, SRAYZIE... understand? See the support I am getting from the REGULAR posters? Unlike you, I understand shill tactics and I am reversing them. You may think ignoring it is a display of strength. It's not. Shills count on people cowering or ignoring them, especially when 2 or more are attacking. This has a cumulative effect of beating down the user and subconsciously weakening their arguments to others in the thread. I have no problem with the back and forth and I actually enjoy it. I will not submit and I will have the last word or only stop when I am satisfied. Trump fully understands this and so do I. His critics would love for him to talk like Obama or descend into politically correct blather. Do any of his supporters think he is losing, or do they love how he hits back?

You could ban all those faggots from SBBH and you don't because... FREE SPEECH.. Ignoring your OWN RULES in the sidebar.

Oh.. and there is no damn way I am leaving, even though your nagging is getting old and you continue to side with shills and not protect the subverse by applying your rules. Get over yourself.

srayzie ago

here we go... I pretty much saw this coming... A weak mod who doesn't understand Voat is a free speech site and micro manages the subverse.

I will start by reminding you again what you wrote me in your last message sent to my inbox only a couple of days ago.

Vindicator really shined through in this entire episode and proved his is a valuable and honest mod, just like you. ;)

A WEAK mod huh? A man that can’t control himself even when he knows he’s wrong is the weak one. A man who can never ADMIT he’s wrong is weak. If anything about me is weak, it’s that I actually felt compassion for you. I cared about the personal issues you were facing. I handled you with kid gloves.

I’ve also felt for a while now that you have some sort of mental illness that makes you have major mood swings and paranoia. Before having a family, working with the mentally handicapped and mentally ill is what I did for a living. So my weakness was being too easy on you.

I’ve always treated you with respect and spoke to you privately. I would always make sure I patted you on your little head telling you that you’re doing a good job. Do not mistake my compassion and kindness for weakness.

You're a bell ringer, srayzie. You contribute very little to this sub, other than a control freak attitude and copious amounts of whining how busy you are and how you don't have time to answer all the SHILLS who fill up your mailbox about me. Shills. Not users.

I seem to remember telling you privately one week that my husband was working out of town that week, and that I had a lot on me taking care of everything and kids. I asked you to please stop the drama. I spent hours for 2 days straight because you made a post talking shit and causing Cheesefaggotghost and his whole crew to show up.

I am normally very active here. When I say I’m busy, it’s not because I’m whining. It’s because it’s true. I have a whole household to take care of. I have other people to take care of. The last couple of weeks I haven’t been able to be around as much. But I still updated the graphics, PDF’s, maps, etc.. I still made the posts I’ve always made when Q posts. I annotate and organize to make it easier for new followers. I ping everyone. I am dealing with things behind the scenes daily. So far, I’ve done it all without a mod. So you don’t know shit Ian!

You have no idea how it works obviously. You always privately give me advice on how to make things better. You would have never managed to get this far running your own sub. You would ban people right and left. You have no control over your outbursts. You have no people skills. You don’t see compromise. You can’t just accept that someone else has another opinion than you and leave it at that. You would be a fuckin disaster! I stepped out of my comfort zone because I believe in this movement. Does that sound like I’m weak? Your bitch ass doesn’t know what it takes.

How am I a control freak? I get along with almost everyone, except shills. I have my regulars that followed from pizzagate. I’ll kick them in the balls every now and then. But, I don’t have problems or have to lecture most regular users. What is the only thing I ever ask of you? It’s the same thing over and over. I have to repeat it because you’re a disrespectful little prick who continues bringing drama here. I’m beginning to wonder if you’re even legit anymore. You have even told me to listen to you because you’re older and wiser. Ha! You thought I was weak and naive. I just let it slide because I think you’re mentally ill.

You paste decode accounts and tell people how reliable they are, not understanding they are all potential land mines that will blow up, sooner or later. Like how you ranted and raved about Corsi for months until he pulled off his mask. You scolded him and called him names and stalked him on Twitter.

I was the first one to admit that I was wrong about Corsi. Corsi taught me a big lesson. What he pulled was a big eye opener for me and showed me a side to things that people had talked about but I couldn’t see for myself until it happened before my eyes. Many people said that it was big of me to admit it. I now post a couple Twitter threads that do a great job showing all the connections in Q’s post. Kind of like shit you share here. I told you privately that it’s not really decoding, but more like putting connections together. If you don’t like my decode links, DON’T READ THEM. How hard is that? Other people have really liked them. I’m not stopping shit because Ian is annoyed by something.

Bragging to the sub how tough you were on him. Gimme a break, you never owned up to it or apologized for leading people down a primrose path. Same thing just happened with NeonRevolt and the Obama Moloch steaming pile of shit.

That’s bullshit. I did tell people I was sorry about Corsi and not one person was mean about it. I didn’t act tough. I had fun trolling him. I was angry at him. YOUR opinion of NeonRevolt is only that. Your opinion. Many people still like him. You don’t even know the answer to the Obama Moloch shit, that’s why Crensch called you out. But even if NeonRevolt had a different opinion than you, you’re too immature to realize that people can have different opinions and both not be shills. It’s simply different opinions!

You do not understand shill tactics. You sound so lame. You need to go read a couple of shill handbooks Ian. How hard is it for you to understand that you FEED THE SHILLS? You make it an endless cycle of drama with your flipping out on people. Then, they come and reply. More join in. They ping their friends. The cycle continues. Are you fucking kidding me? I also have the support of regular posters Ian. You aren’t the glue that holds GreatAwakening together. I’ve had people leave and move to Reddit because of YOU.

Unlike you, I understand shill tactics and I am reversing them. You may think ignoring it is a display of strength. It's not. Shills count on people cowering or ignoring them, especially when 2 or more are attacking.

I can’t believe that you haven’t learned by now that the best thing you can do is ignore them. You always think you’re the smartest one here. You aren’t showing strength Ian. A real man can control himself. You fly off the handle.

Was it a show of strength when Crensch made those posts about you and wanting you to prove your theory? Instead of replying to him like a real man, your bitch ass comes here to tell your little friends hoping that they would have your back. Grow some balls dude. I’ve never seen you back down from anyone. You never shut the fuck up. But Crensch shut you up. You looked like a fool coming here to whine.

I will not submit and I will have the last word or only stop when I am satisfied. Trump fully understands this and so do I.

I seriously laughed just now. Don’t ever act like you and Trump are buddies and agree on something. He would laugh in your face.

Second, when Crensch challenged you, you DID SUBMIT and HE HAD THE LAST WORD. You knew he would rip you a new one.

You could ban all those faggots from SBBH and you don't because... FREE SPEECH.. Ignoring your OWN RULES in the sidebar.

I ignore those punks most of the time. I like to put cheesefaggotghost in check sometimes. But I don’t make it a full time job. You are the main one that invites them guys over. Don’t get too cocky Ian. You are the one that I get the most complaints about. You may just find your own ass banned some day.

One more time. What did you just say to me a couple of days ago in private message?

Vindicator really shined through in this entire episode and proved his is a valuable and honest mod, just like you. ;)

I remember the day you told me “NEVER trust a mod.” I guess that means as long as they do something that Ian agrees with. You need meds.

Go fuck yourself.

Oh_Well_ian ago

You're a fraud.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I told you your day would come.

srayzie ago

Before I reply and tell you what I really think of your mentally ill ass, I would like to paste the last sentence you left me in my inbox. Just a few days ago I might add.

Vindicator really shined through in this entire episode and proved his is a valuable and honest mod, just like you. ;)

Ohhhh BOOM!!

Well wasn’t that sweet Ian? It just shows what a weak little crying bitch you are when things don’t go your way. I’ll reply more in a little while. I actually have a lot of responsibility as you are well aware of.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Yeah.. that was a lie...

I've known what your agenda has been here for many weeks, and I know you're working hand in glove with Crensch and Dooob. Your smiley faces and 'gee whiz I do this for fun' attitude has never respected the seriousness of the subject matter. You have always been an intellectual lightweight or a comped Mod.


think- ago

Err....Ian...IIRC, @srayzie had your back when you recently got attacked by shills here on her sub.

You PMed her, and asked her to help you.

She deleted the posts in question (and you didn't even thank her).

Now you attack her? Why?

@Vindicator @Crensch @bopper @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

Oh_Well_ian ago

No.. I didn't attack her, at all. She just openly attacked me and I responded.

Thank her? lol Yeah.. she's big on that.

She's just fine with criticizing me but look what happened when she got the same.

'her sub' lol really.. that is something... she starts a Q sub and proclaims dominion over everything Q

Funny how PG and 'her' sub have this bullshit attached to them that smacks of gatekeeping and anything but free speech, which VOAT prides itself on... Take the rules down, they are meaningless. But back the hell off and stop filling up my mailbox about the grief your getting because I call known shills cunts and shitbags.

This is about bad language and that is fucking comical.

think- ago

Funny how PG and 'her' sub have this bullshit attached to them that smacks of gatekeeping and anything but free speech

Strange, Ian. You were the one that recently requested to ban users who attacked you, and asked for deletion of posts that called you out. IIRC.

But now you're advocating for 'free speech'? Right...

@Crensch @Vindicator @srayzie @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

Oh_Well_ian ago

oh boy... here we go again

vulture combing through deleted threads

pinging the gang lol

srayzie ago

You attacked ME Ian. I responded.

srayzie ago

Where did you ever get the idea that I’m working with dooob or Crensch? I even told dooob I’m on the fence about that image. I didn’t comment back when he talked shit. I stayed on topic. As for Crensch, how am I working with him now? Even when Crensch pinged me that night, along with other mods, I didn’t comment. Unlike you, I’m just able to communicate and get along with others, even if we don’t agree on things.

Well, I didn’t believe you when you said it. I knew that as usual, you thought I was naive so you try to manipulate me by complimenting me when I lean your way. I’ve always been onto you. You have a screw loose.

Oh_Well_ian ago

'Q is posting !!! Follow Corsi, he's really, really smart. Follow NeonRevolt, he decodes all Q's posts!'

You came unglued in one criticism from me, after I had to see yours filling my mailbox for months. You're not naïve. You're a fraud.

I get along with every regular Q follower. As for your comments, nobody cares, you add nothing to the subverse.

Crensch ago

Yeah.. that was a lie...

@Vindicator @think- do y'all have any users that DM things to you like ian wrote to @srayzie here?



think- ago

I'll PM you when I'll be back on Saturday or Sunday.

Crensch ago

No problem. For this comment specifically i wanted to point out the manipulation tactic.

think- ago


Vindicator ago

@Vindicator @think- do y'all have any users that DM things to you like ian wrote to @srayzie here?

Sure...@ESOTERICshade occasionally DM's these kind of love notes to brown-nose mods, although he largely stopped doing it to me once I posted proofs of Q not being a LARP. I know he's sent them recently to @think-. If that is what you were referring to.

As for @Oh_Well_ian, he generally treats me and everyone else like shit. The past few days, he took advantage of my agreement that fuckery is afoot with the Obama Moloch pic to change his tune and use me as his shill deflector with no regard for any consequences that might have for me or for the pizzagate subverse as a whole. Does that make him an enemy of PG and Voat? Maybe.

Or maybe he is a very, very angry dude with Oppositional Defiance Disorder whose rage about whatever personal PG experience he's had IRL overtakes his critical thinking skills and blinds him to the foolishness of using fake news tactics even to bust a liar. There is a certain type of v/pizzagate subscriber who fit this profile; Ian is not the only one by any means.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Or maybe he's exactly what appears to be and shits on shills and refuses to be collared by any mods and told what to say and how to act?

Angry? No. And szrayzie left out the other 95% of what I wrote her. It was far from brown nosing. Like a disingenuous person, she parsed it out for effect to make me look hypocritical.

This is a sample> so..I'm supposed to let trolls call me an idiot and a moron for following Q and posting about Q on a Q sub? These people are not GA followers, srayzie and they ARE NOT FOLLOWING YOUR RULES. I will tone it down, sure. But you need to look deeper into their agenda and follow up on the sub rules: If you are here to disrespect and disrupt, you could be banned. If you're here to claim Q is a LARP and users of this subverse are idiots smoking hopium, you will be banned I have never once insulted ANYONE who was treating the sub with respect and following the rules. Anytime someone asks a relevant question or wants clarification, I politely answer, provide further explanation and/or links. I also know every legitimate follower and investigator by name and have never insulted a single one of them. I know the trolls that migrate from the other subs, too. I am threat to them. I hope you can realize that. I keep momentum going in here and lay down the laundry list of 'happenings' that Q has predicted. I push back forcefully on concern trolling and the people who do not follow the rules. I do FAR MORE good in here than bad, but every time I hear from you, it's the bad. EVERY TIME. And it's all on the word of bullshit artists who are saying equally nasty shit to me. Go back through the comments and notice it's a 50/50 exchange. are we sure has at least 5-8 Alts and has been trolling this sub, relentlessly. How about you start pointing out the trolls and taking a more aggressive stance when they are tearing it down? Complaints? This is a free speech site you know that, right? These people follow your rules and don't insult me, my intelligence or QAnon, they don't get called names. You leave me in a bind... Do I take care of the trolls myself, or do I complain to you and become a little bitch like them, when you just said how you hate the complaints? Because if I start running to you every time the rules are not being followed, it's going to be even MORE for you to deal with. The rules are literally broken on nearly every thread in here.

srayzie ago

Angry? No. And szrayzie left out the other 95% of what I wrote her. It was far from brown nosing. Like a disingenuous person, she parsed it out for effect to make me look hypocritical.

No Ian. I shared one sentence. I wasn’t going share your whole messages publicly. I’m not like that.

Oh_Well_ian ago

just share the parts that serve your motives... you are like that

I'm done with this canard

srayzie ago

I shared one sentence Ian. Showing the point I was making. None of the other shit you had to say was relevant to the point I was making. I wouldn’t go share anyone’s full messages publicly. Put on your big boy pants and grow the fuck up.

Crensch ago

You contribute very little to this sub, other than a control freak attitude and copious amounts of whining how busy you are and how you don't have time to answer all the SHILLS who fill up your mailbox about me. Shills. Not users.

5 month old sub with 1092 subscribers. She's doing something right.

And you? Anyone taking a look at what you do will see that all you post is regurgitated 8ch material. The only thing original you have to share is your attacks on other users.

Oh_Well_ian ago

there you go... take the opening I just gave you

tell yourself I don't know what I'm doing..

Crensch ago

there you go... take the opening I just gave you

You didn't give me anything. Everything you write is full of openings.

tell yourself I don't know what I'm doing..

I know you know exactly what I'm doing. I'm dismantling you in front of your audience, and in front of the mod you continue thumbing your nose at.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I don't have an audience, faggot... Remember?

I just have users that I shit on..

That's how I racked up all those submission points.

Crensch ago

I don't have an audience, faggot... Remember?

You're always grandstanding to the users of this subverse. You're a bully, and you intend to have others see you bully users so they don't step out of line.

I just have users that I shit on..

@srayzie not sure who else might want to see this, but it seems important.

That's how I racked up all those submission points.

Regurgitating 8ch material will do that. Posting constantly throughout the day will do that.

Crensch ago

I've not even commented here until this submission, I think. I posted elsewhere on OWi out of respect for your rules, but he seemed uninterested in engaging anywhere but this subverse.

Not sure what this guy is to you or anyone else here, but he definitely seems to want to stir shit where he wants to stir it - here, where he can afflict the users and owner of this subverse with his drama.

srayzie ago

You’ve only commented a couple of times because you were pinged. Other than that, I don’t think you have commented here.

Oh_Well_ian ago

trying to inject GreatAwakening with your cancer just like you did to Pizzagate

Like I said... I know who you are.

srayzie ago

How is @Crensch injecting cancer here when he didn’t even show up until you posted about him?

srayzie ago

Nice one Ian. I’m glad you took the time to at least add something to your post besides JUST smearing another user, which I’ve asked you not to do. Calling out another user belongs in the comment section. Not a post!

If you have a problem with Crensch, take it up with him on his thread! Why post it here? I’m so sick of this drama.

Le_Squish ago

Just because you are right, doesn't mean you don't often act like a total nigger.

Crensch ago

How is he right?


He wouldn't even answer my VERY nice questions in part 2.

Le_Squish ago

He correctly identified a photo on the Chans that deserved further attention. He's still a nigger though.

Crensch ago

I don't think he even deserves that, but fair enough.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Nahh.. Cresch is the nigger here, not me.

Mods should not be running smear campaigns with his lemmings from SBBH

Le_Squish ago

No, no, no. Crencsh is severely autistic and antisocial.

You have nigger tier chimpouts all the time. Just calm the fuck down. It's not that hard.

srayzie ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

nahhh… read my comment to Brizznazz

I'll roll exactly how I want to roll here. It's VOAT.. it's free speech.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Are you a black jew? Honest question

srayzie ago

Your mom gets pounded by one.

kneo24 ago

More nigger tier language. It's no wonder why you chimp out so easily. You're literally a nigger.

Le_Squish ago

No, you are voat's biggest shill and you'll insert yourself in any disagreement between users to feign your own legitimacy.

youllrememberme ago

SBBH is Voats biggest group of shills and everyone knows it. There's a really good theory that you faggots are SRS. Look at the way you all run around screaming "nigger" while you act like a gang banger clique. "You aint shit without your homeboys"

Silverlining ago


youllrememberme ago

SoapBoxBanHammer... ShitRedditSays

Silverlining ago


srayzie ago

Ian could have replied to Crensch at any of the 3 other subs that Crensch posted about him at. If people are concerned about the SBBH crowd, this was the perfect way to call them over and Ian knows this.

Crensch ago

YOUR Sheila Jackson Lee Pedo Tringale Ring Pic from... wait for it... 8ch.net.

You reposted 8ch material here. You rode someone else's wave, and now you're taking credit for it since you've been exposed.

@Blacksmith21 @bopper @valk2 @Brizznazz

OWi's only real contributions are posting others' work here. Watch what he does when there's a narrative he wants buried.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Yeah... MY POST TO VOAT / what, you think I took the photo in Congressional Hearings ?

Look at this pathetic moderator of 7 subs and his sad 3 day smear campaign on me.

I'm not going anywhere faggot and this nigger jump you're running here is going to fall flatter than your OBAMA MOLOCH LARP...

This cunt is beginning to look like Millennial Falcon with a pussy between his legs.

Wow... may have to get this shitbag removed, just like MFer… He clearly is stepping over the line.

Crensch ago

Yeah... MY POST TO VOAT / what, you think I took the photo in Congressional Hearings ?

You didn't discover it. Some anon did months ago. You just posted it to Voat.

Look at this pathetic moderator of 7 subs and his sad 3 day smear campaign on me.

Anyone reading my posts might use the word "sad", but not to describe me.

I'm not going anywhere faggot and this nigger jump you're running here is going to fall flatter than your OBAMA MOLOCH LARP...

I don't care if it's real or not. Your "debunking" of it was embarrassing for anyone with an ounce of integrity.

Since you still won't understand what I mean, let me say it in a different way:

That photo might be fake, but you were too stupid to prove it fake, and you claimed to be a PHOTOSHOP EXPERT when the most likely explanation now is that it wasn't BO, but someone else. You still haven't answered my extremely reasonable questions about photoshop, that an expert should be able to spell out for everyone.

This cunt is beginning to look like Millennial Falcon with a pussy between his legs.

That's really funny now that you're on the hook for explaining why you being a photoshop expert has anything to do with that image.

Wow... we may have to get this shitbag removed, just like MFer… He clearly is stepping over the line.

By doing what? What moderator thing did I do that would cause me to be removed? That sounds a lot like the "impeach Trump" crowd, to me.

Or... is this just MFer under an ALT ?? who knows about this site anymore...

You just keep going after making such embarrassing statements. It's so weird that you'd say such embarrassingly-easy-to-refute things, then go in a tirade attacking whomever is against you.

@dooob @Vindicator @think- @srayzie @MadWorld

Oh_Well_ian ago

you have no integrity, nigger

That is exactly why you should resign from all your subs.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

This rat is cornered. ah ah ah Time to stomp on it!

Crensch ago

@Blacksmith21 @bopper @valk2 @Brizznazz

This is what OWi has in response to anyone holding him to his words. I asked him a very simple question in my post, and he has yet to respond. I'll copy the text here:

My questions to @Oh_Well_ian:

Since you are a photoshop expert , perhaps you could explain why this shows the image to be unlikely tampered with. How are these images wrong? What steps can we take with the original image on our own copies of photoshop in order to find out how this image is shopped?

Maybe it'll help if you compare it to this photo, which appears to show tampering, and tell us what's really going on here?

Blacksmith21 ago

Don't keep bringing my name into this pissing match. Yeah, Ian stirs up shit. I stir up shit. We all stir up shit. We are "shit stirrers" because we bring up uncomfortable truths. Are we right 100% of the time? Hell no.

When I stir up shit, it's for a very specific reason. Suffice it to say I don't do anything unintentionally.

These subs are LOADED with paid disinformation specialists. They work solo and they work in tandem, with and w/o -alts. Most recently, the shills have adopted the cry baby tactic - they toned down the rhetoric for a few weeks and now they are applying righteous indignation to their complaints about mods and contributors.

For Crensch, Kevdude, and any other owners who are NOT regular contributors to this (or related) subs, I advise you to spend a month or three reading and reading and reading and learning about Pizzagate, Q, and related-topics, before passing judgment.

I know y'all think you are smart, but unless you are BALLS DEEP in Pizzagate, you really don't know what is going on, who the players are, and the TTPs of the shills.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Didn't I tell you, jew boy?? Didn't I?? Its time to pay the fuckin piper, bitch face

Crensch ago

They work solo and they work in tandem, with and w/o -alts.


Why is he getting credit?

I know y'all think you are smart, but unless you are BALLS DEEP in Pizzagate, you really don't know what is going on, who the players are, and the TTPs of the shills.

Did you know that some people don't have to be balls-deep in anything to point out inconsistencies and posting patterns of users like OWi?

Did you know that all he posts is regurgitated bullshit from 8ch, and the only original content he seems capable of submitting is attacks on anyone questioning why his being an expert on photoshop makes that image fake? (and other similarly absurd claims of his)

Blacksmith21 ago

Did you know that I hadn't given 1.5 seconds thought about your existence until 10 minutes ago and it REALLY sounds like you are doing your best to discredit a specific user because you don't like him and/or his post?

Let me ask the obvious question: Given the large amount of BS which gets posted on the 3 pertinent subs, which you say nothing about, why would you choose an authentic photo of a sitting member of the US Congress wearing a pedo symbol for jewelry, confirmed by Q, to make your claim?

Occam would say that you are doing your best to discredit truth. WHo gives a flying rat's asshole if it was posted elsewhere previously? 90% of what gets posted is regurgitated.

Our job here is to do our best to authenticate and add context to the nonsensical content posted on the Chans.

Again - Why are you fighting this OP so hard in a sub you otherwise do not participate in?

Crensch ago

Did you know that I hadn't given 1.5 seconds thought about your existence until 10 minutes ago and it REALLY sounds like you are doing your best to discredit a specific user because you don't like him and/or his post?

@Vindicator @think-

I'm sorry to bring both of you into this, but I think we all know this user is lying.

BS21, I'll post proof of your lie if I have to. The users above saw what I wrote to you, and their copies will be dated before your own if they present screenshots.

Try lying to me again.

Let me ask the obvious question: Given the large amount of BS which gets posted on the 3 pertinent subs, which you say nothing about, why would you choose an authentic photo of a sitting member of the US Congress wearing a pedo symbol for jewelry, confirmed by Q, to make your claim?

Do you even read what you write?

OWi claimed Q acknowledged him, and pinged me directly here. Why wouldn't I be here refuting his lies?

Occam would say that you are doing your best to discredit truth. WHo gives a flying rat's asshole if it was posted elsewhere previously? 90% of what gets posted is regurgitated.

He's taking credit for it. He's calling himself a good researcher. Researchers aren't good because they regurgitate, they're good because they come up with information that was not previously known.

Our job here is to do our best to authenticate and add context to the nonsensical content posted on the Chans.

Then ask ian why his photoshop skills mattered in the debunking of that photo.

Again - Why are you fighting this OP so hard in a sub you otherwise do not participate in?

Did you knot see where I was pinged here? Did you not see where my points were completely reasonable?

I'm starting to wonder about you, and I don't think anyone reading this would think I'm alone in that.

Blacksmith21 ago

You just like arguing for the sake of arguing. OWI original post was nothing but a link to 8CH. I'm still at a loss how you made a leap from that OP to your current position.

Everything else you commented is nothing but circuitous, argumentative BS designed to obfuscate. I'm not even sure what you are trying to glean at this point.

I can't comment on the PS issue. That's between you and him.

"Proof of my lie"....what lie? It now looks like you are tossing accusations out like a Palestinian tossing candy after a suicide bombing.

And now you're bringing in Vindicator and Think-?

You get Shitstirrer of the Week award. (sorry, you aren't good enough to qualify for the -of the Month award).

Crensch ago

You just like arguing for the sake of arguing.

You keep trying to make this stick, it's not going to stick. I'm here because I was pinged here. I'm RIGHT, just like I was about your submission.

OWI original post was nothing but a link to 8CH. I'm still at a loss how you made a leap from that OP to your current position.

He. Claimed. Credit. For. It.

In the OP above. Read it. Go on, read the OP you've been posting under this whole time.

Everything else you commented is nothing but circuitous, argumentative BS designed to obfuscate.

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie @kevdude

Does BS21's description ever accurately describe anything I post? What about here? Why does he think he can comment on what my words were "designed" to do? In my opinion, BS21 has a dog in this fight that he hasn't disclosed.

I'm not even sure what you are trying to glean at this point.

I've been nothing but exactly clear this entire time. What part do you not understand?

I can't comment on the PS issue. That's between you and him.

Fair enough.

"Proof of my lie"....what lie? It now looks like you are tossing accusations out like a Palestinian tossing candy after a suicide bombing.

Did you know that I hadn't given 1.5 seconds thought about your existence until 10 minutes ago

You spent far longer on that in your response to my PM to you about your pathetic PG post that you caused Vindicator and think- headaches over.

And now you're bringing in Vindicator and Think-?

They can prove that you lied. They know that your words there are a lie.

You get Shitstirrer of the Week award. (sorry, you aren't good enough to qualify for the -of the Month award).

Playing this off as some kind of game in order to look snarky.

Does anyone buy this kind of wannabe mic-drop horseshit anymore?

srayzie ago

@oh_Well_ian said this? Wow

You get Shitstirrer of the Week award. (sorry, you aren't good enough to qualify for the -of the Month award).

No Ian. You’ve won that award every week for months.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

YOU ARE BUSTED. I HAVE PM'S WHERE I TOLD YOU THIS AND YOU SAID "FUCK YOU" TO ME AND TOOK THEIR SIDE! You are complicit. YOU KNEW. YOU FUCKING KNEW. I told your ass. You have harbored these fucking jews

srayzie ago

You’re a freak. I may not like his ass but he’s not a Jew. Go suck a dick.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You can be as defiant as you want. I got your ass. You knew! You've been okay with OWI, Blacksmith21, Dooob and Millennial Vulcans behavior up until this point. Now that ya'll are busted as larpers and trying to take credit for others work, Now its "oi vey boo hoo have pity on me".

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh they are all just lining up to defend you....

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Many here will defend Crench. You can bet your jew ass on that

Crensch ago

I think my blacksmith means is that you guys would defend me even if I'm wrong. And I know for a fact that you guys would bust my balls if you thought I was wrong.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I'd be on your shit if I thought you were wrong and I damn sure know you would be on mine. You aren't wrong about what's going on here. Of course he would claim some bogus shit like he is. The rat is cornered

MadWorld ago

His altitude has already spoken enough of his personal character. That's enough for me to know and get by. Thank you!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Look at all the rats scurrying!

Oh_Well_ian ago

I've had you on <block> for months because you're a shill. I don't give two fucks about shills.

Funny, on my screen all you niggers are blocked and it looks very organized, like files full of feces, little tabs of turds.

MadWorld ago


I've had you on <block> for months because you're a shill. I don't give two fucks about shills.

Congratulations, you just keep on shitting yourself. Block me, call me shill or pickle, call me whatever you like. It doesn't change the fact that I have already seen the kind of character inside you.

If you must have your last words to feed your male ego, by all means have your last words.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I don't answer compromised mods with agendas.

You are really trying to turn this into Reddit, aren't you?

Crensch ago

I don't answer compromised mods with agendas.

You don't answer legitimate questions about your words, it seems. You won't even answer what moderator tool I misused that makes you want to have me removed.

You are really trying to turn this into Reddit, aren't you?

More emotive outrage rhetoric. Do you think something like this convinces anyone? Well, maybe in your long-winded walls of garbage that you like to post, but look at what happens when I break down your words.

Everyone can see what you really are, OWi.

Oh_Well_ian ago

and everyone can see who you are, faggot...

You mean walls of garbage like this >>

People are waking up >> https://voat.co/v/whatever/2598250 >> https://voat.co/v/whatever/2598414

1 ) These people stacking up at the border ARE NOT Immigrants, they are Foreign Nationals. They do not have the right to break our laws and enter into our country illegally. They do not have Diplomatic Status and they are subject to ALL our laws, just like every American citizen. Any American who attempts to illegally breach a border or unlawfully enter into another country will be arrested and deported immediately. They will be banned or forever restricted from entering into that country ( or other countries ) in the future. Their passports ( if they have one ) will be revoked by our own State Department and they will be fined and possibly imprisoned.

2 ) Half the minor children that make it to the Southern Border are UNACCOMPANIED by their actual parents. That means they are more than likely victims of human trafficking, not victims of our laws. It would be morally irresponsible to turn these children loose in our country and subject them to the vast and predatory network of human trafficking.

3 ) The danger and threat to these children infinitely decreases the minute they are picked up by DHS, ICE and Border Patrol. The are protected from being victimized by Coyotes and traffickers. They are no longer subject to the harsh elements nor in danger of starvation or dehydration. They are fed, given shelter and water, blankets and a place to sleep while their status is determined. Almost none of these foreign nationals have documentation and it makes for an extremely complicated process of finding out who they are, their country of origin, and whether they are being trafficked. The delays are not cruelty and they are not being held a single day longer than they need to. They are not being incarcerated, they are being detained. ( I actually saw bleeding heart news story on MSNBC with a narrative about the inhumanity the poor children were suffering with an accompanying video of kids shooting pool and playing video games on a big screen TV. Probably the kids first ever experience with such horrible human cruelty. o_0)

4 ) Fast and Furious was more than just handing guns to Drug Cartels. That narrative lacks the central truth about Drug Cartels: THEY ARE HUMAN/SEX TRAFFICKERS, TOO!! The Obama/Clinton State Department was running guns deep into Central America, including Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. They were handing the guns directly to Drug/Human trafficking Cartels in a deliberate effort to destabilize those countries and facilitate human trafficking. Sound familiar? It should, because they did the same thing in Libya, Syria, Mogadishu, Liberia, Congo, and at least 10 other nations. This is the PLAN. Force refugees North to Europe and the United States and prey upon them every step of their journey. This is why you see mostly men in the massive wave that finally arrives at our ports and borders. The women and children have been picked like ripe fruit and swept into sex trafficking and slavery.

5 ) Lawmakers don't give two shits about this contrived and created problem. The President is the only person calling for a WALL and for Congress to act towards a solution. Democrats and Republicans alike are following the disingenuous narrative being laid out by the Orwellian MSM: 'Trump is destroying Families!! Oh, the humanity!!' <BARF> Human trafficking is big business and donors to both partiers are profiting enormously over the status quo. Politicians don't want a solution. They want a distraction to keep the train heading down the tracks.

Crensch ago

and everyone can see who you are, faggot...

Yes, they can, and I'm happy they're beginning to see both of us for who we are. It seems you're not very happy about that, though.

You mean walls of garbage like this >>

Exactly like that.

People are waking up >> https://voat.co/v/whatever/2598250 >> https://voat.co/v/whatever/2598414

Stating this for what reason? People ARE waking up. What's your point? That you somehow had something to do with it? All you do is regurgitate 8ch stuff here, and make long-winded posts where you try to take credit for what is already happening.

Tell me, does any of the other stuff you've written below explain how being a photoshop expert allows you to call that image fake? Or is all of the text just you copying what has been reported elsewhere, and typing it up here for internet points?

Do you type long-winded things like that in order to make it seem like you have a lot to say, and a lot to contribute? You could have just linked the articles that say basically the same thing, but without your editorializing.

Hell, another user could post all of those articles, and wouldn't harass other users, or break the rules of the subverses they posted them in constantly.

Blacksmith21 ago

FWIW - I'm pretty confident I am not the only contributor on this sub who spends ZERO time on Reddit and the Chans.

Personally, I appreciate salient reposts from those subs here. Otherwise, I have to wait until they percolate up to the surface.

Also, OWI has never attempted to plagiarize any post to my knowledge. Who cares if he forgot the citation. I'm pretty sure any Pizzagater worth his weight in _________ has seen that photo and knows OWI isn't the content source.

What's next? Are you going to start enforcing Turabian and APA?

Crensch ago

FWIW - I'm pretty confident I am not the only contributor on this sub who spends ZERO time on Reddit and the Chans.

That's fine. Think you could find someone to post stuff from there to here that isn't as intellectually vapid and/or as compromised as ian?

Personally, I appreciate salient reposts from those subs here. Otherwise, I have to wait until they percolate up to the surface.

I'm sure someone else would happily step up that wouldn't act like doing so makes him a top researcher.

Also, OWI has never attempted to plagiarize any post to my knowledge. Who cares if he forgot the citation. I'm pretty sure any Pizzagater worth his weight in _________ has seen that photo and knows OWI isn't the content source.

He sure takes credit for that sheila jackson photo. Why should I think he hasn't done that elsewhere? Why should I think that's not his modus operandi?

What's next? Are you going to start enforcing Turabian and APA?

Am I enforcing anything? What have I done as a mod here? When will OWi answer my extremely reasonable photoshop question?

And why is it that you asked me to:

Don't keep bringing my name into this pissing match.

Here but you're continuing to be a part of it?

Blacksmith21 ago

You tagged me twice so I feel obliged. FWIW, I don't have an innate urge to argue with anyone, but I also don't back down.

I'm not seeing anything which would indicate that OWi laid claim to being the origin of that photo. I would be the absolute first person to call out anyone, I mean ANYONE, who would attempt to pass off a post as their own if I could prove otherwise.

That's on OWi re Photoshop.

Again - Why the cause celebre?

Crensch ago

You tagged me twice so I feel obliged.

Did I? I did. Fair enough.

FWIW, I don't have an innate urge to argue with anyone, but I also don't back down.

Maybe, and yes, you do.

I'm not seeing anything which would indicate that OWi laid claim to being the origin of that photo.

Did you read OP?

Let me help:

Mod @Crensch Calling Me a 'NIGGER-TIER' User on Voat in Smear Campaign in 3 Subs / QAnon Just Posted My Sheila Jackson Lee Pedo Triangle Ring Pic / Thanks Q !!! XD

Do you see something fishy there? Something that doesn't match with your characterization of his words?

I would be the absolute first person to call out anyone, I mean ANYONE, who would attempt to pass off a post as their own if I could prove otherwise.

Apparently not.

That's on OWi re Photoshop.

Fair enough.

Again - Why the cause celebre?

Ambiguous antecedent.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm starting to see a pattern:

JewsBlendingIn [O]

pizzagate [O]

pizzagatemods [O]

politicalnews [O]

ProtectVoat [O]

Shekelverse [O]

Shitlist [O]

TrailOfTacos [O]

VoatHistory [O]

WritersoftheReich [O]

Crensch ago


Are you taking a pot-shot at me being a mod again? Show me where I DID something as a mod that is questionable.

Blacksmith21 ago

How about being a mod posting genocidal comments on their own OP?


Crensch ago

How about being a mod posting genocidal comments on their own OP?


Show me where I DID something as a mod that is questionable.

You're showing exactly how much winning this means to you. I was right about you having a dog in this fight.

Blacksmith21 ago

I have a dog in this fight as an American. You know what you posted.

"Every one of these subhumans should be slaughtered, along with their families visiting them, and the doctors and nurses treating them."

I hope the HIPAA 5-0 don't come looking for you.....LOLOLOL.

Crensch ago

It's so funny how you can't win on the subject matter here so you have to bring up something else completely irrelevant to the subject at hand.

Blacksmith21 ago

Or maybe it's because you are blinded by racism?

Blacksmith21 ago

It's funny how you can't establish your credibility as a man of substance. What's the matter Crensch? Did you dox yourself and some boogey man sent you hate mail?

Blacksmith21 ago

@vindicator @srayzie @oh_well_ian @think- @crensch

Which side of the fight are you on?

Q #1573

"They want you DIVIDED!

They call us names.

They make threats.

They censor.

They lie.

They project.

They cheat."

Crensch ago

Who has lied here? You and ian.

Blacksmith21 ago

"Who has lied here?"

You sound like that little outraged bitch from the DNC who got punked on Tucker last night.

Would you like to apply Robert's Rules of Order?

Crensch ago

So you have no response, just a snarky comparison and a rhetorical question?

You lied about multiple things here, and even strawmanned my argument pretty consistently, which I also consider a lie.

Blacksmith21 ago

And not rhetorical. Any well-heeled gentleman, such as yourself, should most honestly embrace Robert's Rules of Order.

Have you ever been to Mt. Vernon? Maybe you should.

Blacksmith21 ago

Please cite my "lies". Oh manly man.

Crensch ago

Did you know that I hadn't given 1.5 seconds thought about your existence until 10 minutes ago

Lie. I destroyed you in a DM that @Vindicator and @think- were copied on. You removed a post because of it; a post you'd fought for over a day to keep up otherwise.

Occam would say that you are doing your best to discredit truth.

From the link above.

What truth? You claim I'm trying to discredit truth. What truth? Not quite a lie, but dishonest, surely.

Again - Why are you fighting this OP so hard in a sub you otherwise do not participate in?

Also in the link above - acting like I had no business being there, and that I shouldn't respond when I'm pinged in the submission specifically. Not a lie, per-se, but really REALLY shows either a deep, disturbing stupidity, or dishonesty. You choose.

Everything else you commented is nothing but circuitous, argumentative BS designed to obfuscate.

Outright lie. You didn't source your claim, because you cannot. But this is, of course, an invitation to prove me wrong.

Or maybe it's because you are blinded by racism?

Outright lie. And also completely irrelevant to the subject-matter. As above, can you prove me wrong?

It's funny how you can't establish your credibility as a man of substance.

Outright lie. You deleted a post that you wouldn't have otherwise deleted because of my DM to you. Are you saying a man not of substance did that to you?

And not rhetorical.

It was rhetorical. It was a grandstanding attempt to make yourself sound smart when your position is so weak.

I'm not seeing anything which would indicate that OWi laid claim to being the origin of that photo. I would be the absolute first person to call out anyone, I mean ANYONE, who would attempt to pass off a post as their own if I could prove otherwise.

Outright lie. He passes it off as his own in the subject line of the OP you're responding in.

FWIW, I don't have an innate urge to argue with anyone, but I also don't back down.

Outright lie. You deleted that post after my DM.

No..it just proves to show that you are nothing more than a fat sack of shit sitting behind a computer with no other value to add to the world. When you can talk like a man, then I'll have respect for you. You first....

You're lying here, too. It doesn't prove that. You deleted your post because of a guy like that?

Blacksmith21 ago

Jesus kid...you are giving me a headache. Go take your meds and stop getting triggered. I didn't delete shit. You are "Kirking out".

Damn....LMAO....you are freaking the fuck out. Scared little boy. WTF? Was I a bit too close to home? Go check the back door...

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think-

No more pings from me. This is BS21. I don't think anything more needs to be said.

Blacksmith21 ago

Enjoy your keyboard, boy.

xenoPsychologist ago

i see. they keep shouting racism like its supposed to win the argument. it says a lot.

Blacksmith21 ago

Someone got sand in their mangina. Snitch.

valk2 ago

I had to block that guy. He did the same shit with me by labeling me a disinfo troll. I've even tried to be civil with the guy afterward but I guess maturity is something he lacks.

My voat experience has improved vastly since I took that action.

srayzie ago

Many have told me the same

Brizznazz ago

I like you @Oh_Well_Ian. No one is 100% but you're one of the most accurate Q followers.

Please take this as friendly advice. The more you fight back against these people, the worse you're going to look. The truth speaks for itself.

I've seen a lot of fighting within the Q community and I'm getting tired of it. If we splinter into sects and try to discredit others, we play into the same political game many of us are fighting against.

I will continue to follow you and others to get the best picture that I can, but remember, it's as Q said "Unity not division."

Oh_Well_ian ago

'The more you fight back, the worse you're going to look'

'The less you fight back, the weaker you're going to look'

It's a difference of opinion. Right? There is no group think on here. This is not a monolith.

I'll accept your comments as a suggestion, but I am not fighting within the Q community and I am not splintering the movement at all. The only people who get put on blast are the shills and anyone who calls me a shill. I will not unite with these people or placate them.

Sorry buddy, I'm not a doormat. And my contributions here far outweigh me slamming these fakes from SBBH and shady mods who have zero integrity.

Do you have anything you want to say to Crensch about his attempts to fracture this sub and Pizzagate? Mods should be held to much higher standard. Antagonizing users that have contributed significant time and information to PG and GA is a far bigger problem than a few curse words. I have never had a conversation with him. He's a Millennial Falcon level mod, with a nefarious and spiteful agenda. I have NEVER called out a user in a submission or made a submission about them in v/anons. I take them on, above table. Not him, and he's a Moderator. He has never posted a positive comment on any of my hundreds of submissions, ever. Now, he's on a 3 day and counting nigger jump on me with his SBBH faggots? Fuck him.

Brizznazz ago

I would say the same thing. This is just where I see the most hostility coming from and I understand why, but getting mad won't help. Do whatever you gotta do, man.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Great.. so reach out to him. He's now linking his submissions on me to this thread.

And I am not mad.. I understand shill tactics and I am reversing them. You may think ignoring it is a display of strength. It's not. Shills count on people cowering or ignoring them, especially when 2 or more are attacking. This has a cumulative effect of beating down the user and subconsciously weakening their arguments to others in the thread. I have no problem with the back and forth and I actually enjoy it. I will not submit and I will have the last word or only stop when I am satisfied. Trump fully understands this and so do I. His critics would love for him to talk like Obama or descend into politically correct blather. Do any of his supporters think he is losing, or do they love how he hits back?

clamhurt_legbeard ago


CheeseboogersGhost ago

I thought they were your friends????

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Disagreeing with you, once, is not the same as them being my friends.

Even if someone is my friend, I do not hesitate to call them out on their bullshit.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

YOU WERE RIGHT HERE WITH THEM, DEFENDING THEM. 'member? I 'member. Pepperidge Farm 'members.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I remember srayzie deleting two posts.

I remember one was yours, one you wanted deleted.

I remember you objecting.

I remember pointing out that she wasn't showing any favoritism because she deleted both off topic posts.

I remember you were very hurt by what I said.

I also remember rehashing this multiple times with you by now.

srayzie ago

I’m glad you remember that.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Of course.

He's not a bad guy, but he's very hung up on this.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Its hilarious that this little jewbag calls others "kooks". holy shit smdh

srayzie ago

Shut your pie hole Cuntstein. I knew you would be over here you little drama queen.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I told your ass this day would come. You fucked with the wrong bull. You were told about OWI, dooob, blacksmith21, millennial Vulcan THEY ARE YOUR FRIENDS AND YOU SIDE WITH THEM NO MATTER WHAT. I got your ass. I've been waiting like a fucking hawk. You fucked with the big doggies, baby.

Crensch ago


I think she got the picture on owi now. Kind of an admirable smackdown, IMO.


srayzie ago

Omg hahaha. You aren’t a big dog. You’re the little chihuahua that acts big and bad but is really small. Kind of like your balls must be since you don’t produce enough testosterone. I have other people to reply to Cuntstein.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

dick holes in your undies. Get them fixed. Go over to Trad Wives and hang out. Maybe some of that real woman goodness will rub off on you

CheeseboogersGhost ago

“There will come a day when all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and the truth will triumph again.”

“The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

– Joseph Goebbels

srayzie ago

You must suffer from little dick syndrome. You say the weirdest shit and the one picture you’ve shared is of you holding a big gun. So manly. You hide behind your computer you little faggot. You aren’t shit.

Shizy ago

I love you srayze! And your big ball sack 😂

srayzie ago

Hahaha. I love you too!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

uh oh, ziotard is mad. BREAKING NEWS!! Q just posted and said get some new underwear that don't have dick holes in them. ah ah ah

CheeseboogersGhost ago

lol This is the stuff. Its okay, they will just take others work and parade around here like its breaking news

youllrememberme ago

If you know someone was the "Minister of Propaganda", why would you use a quote from that person as fact? That's the kind of shit useful idiots do.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

What he says is absolute fact, jew

youllrememberme ago

LOL @ "Jew".. Is that all you have you fucking pedophile faggot?


"It makes your dick look huge in their little hands" "They make great dick fidgit spinners in the shower"

Fuck you SRS pedos and your little sbbh gang on Voat.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

That was Zyklons comment you stupid Israeli jew pedo!! bwhahaqhahahahahaha

My comment was"They make great fidget spinners in the shower". SMDH you fucking amateurs are history

youllrememberme ago

I know it was Zyklons comment, I took the screen shot.. A normal fucker wouldn't let that comment go, and you're supposed to be a "shit poster". All you did was add to the fantasy. You looked like 2 pedos in a pod to me.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

How the fuck do you get "pedo" out of a midget you low IQ jew?

youllrememberme ago

Who else fantasies about little baby hands on their dick?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Apparently YOU do you keep taking about it. You can comb through my history. You wont find anything pedophilistic I nthere. Not one thing. I think pedo's should be hung or burned alive on site. Now take your jew ass back to reddit. Ya'll are a bunch of fucking fruits over here. You go around throwing that pedo label on anyone you disagree with. Its pathetic. This is one of these rare times that I hope DMIN steps in here and drops a goddamned banfuckinhammer like it should be.

srayzie ago

You like to fuck midget Jews

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Swing and a miss. Maybe "Q" needs to post it so you will understand shitposting?

youllrememberme ago

I think pedo's should be hung or burned alive on site.

I agree and I'll give you credit for that statement. You all don't have to be downvote haters because I can shit post as good, if not better than you, just prove me wrong. Why do you act like faggots if you aren't?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I can shit post as good, if not better than you,

PFffffffffft! Better wake up, Alice. You are in Wonderland again. I'm well-known for my shit posting.

Nowhere have I ever acted like a faggot. You just make shit up as you go. You are about as interesting as a stick. Now run on along

youllrememberme ago

You're a one trick pony, all you have is "Jew".

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I'm a ten-trick pony

youllrememberme ago

People can see who the real SJW in this convo is. Just look at the downvoating. I haven't downvoated one of you faggots.

youllrememberme ago

You spelled dick wrong.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You sure are salty. ah ah ah

youllrememberme ago

You roll with that, but if I really cared I would quit replying instead of talking more shit. Your gay little tricks don't work with me, I've been dealing with sjw's for a long time and I don't give a shit about internet points. I was just pointing out the facts. Salty.. lol

CheeseboogersGhost ago

lol I detect a jew

youllrememberme ago

Back to your only trick.. I told you I'm a better shit talker than you. Fucking amateur hour.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Oh, we were having a contest? wow. I guess you showed me.

youllrememberme ago

LOL weak.. I bet you do the same shit when you get your ass whooped... "Oh, we were fighting? Wow. I guess you showed me."

You're such a SJW playing alt right. My brother in law is AB I know how they really act. You ain't it.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I've been in a couple dozen of fights and never had my ass whooped yet and I'm 47. You keep replying to me, -like you think I take anything you say seriously. Its funny. You are low IQ. I've looked at your comments. You are a low energy poster wrapped up in fucking fantasyland horseshit. What a cuck. I bet you even have a photo of yourself holding up a Nintendo Switch with that cuck grimace on your face amirite

youllrememberme ago

Nice deflection. You don't contribute anything anywhere except "You're a Jew". You would get wrecked in the yard talking the way you do, poser. So which one of those faggots, mouth open tongue out, (waiting for 10 dicks) are you? You are deflecting, so it's reasonable to make that assumption.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

awwww you need a huggy? Or a binky?

youllrememberme ago

LOL the fake Nazi is a faggot trying to hug on other dudes. Not my thing homo.

auto_turret ago

If it makes you feel any better, I think you're a nigger tier faggot no matter what you do.

Blacksmith21 ago

Nice work Ian. That pic has been floating around for a while. Real in your face. Certainly good to see one of our own here getting some Q credit.

Fuck the haters and the niggerlovers below. They have nothing left. ZERO, ZILCH, NADA.

For the Q-haters - How did Q post a partial image 1 minute before POTUS posted the whole image on T, taken in the Oval office? Kinda hard to fake that.

Crensch ago

Nice work Ian. That pic has been floating around for a while. Real in your face. Certainly good to see one of our own here getting some Q credit.

The image has been floating around for a while. Why is ian getting this credit? Why would anyone credit ian with this image? It's not even the same exact image, much less something ian discovered.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I caught them a few days ago trying to take cred for others work and I called them out on it. These greater Israel faggots need to be thrown the fuck out of here

ESOTERICshade ago

These greater Israel faggots need to be thrown the fuck out of here

Damn straight. They pretend to be America First but they are really Israel First. Trump kisses Israel's ass so they sell Trump because they love Israel. I am not talking about srayzie though because srayzie genuinely believes Q is real. BUT, blacksmith21 and vindicator are both Israel first lovers. If Trump turned against Israel both of those bitches would cry.

Blacksmith21 ago

Timing is everything.

ESOTERICshade ago

Timing is everything.

Time up fake faggot. The real truth community is purging you out.


Crensch ago

Timing is everything.

Timing. Not the fact that ian's image is edited differently, or that the 8ch post is recent enough for the link to still be alive. It's that he posted it here, and then it was mentioned by Q.

Something really doesn't seem quite right here, bud.

Blacksmith21 ago

I posted a link last night of a meme about Storzk which Tucker Carlson used the same pic of Storzk out front of his house 3 minutes later. Does that make me suspect?

Oh_Well_ian ago

Crensch has really come out of the closet and apparently so has our Mod..

he thinks were are working together and is claiming it all over

srayzie ago

No Ian. I finally laid it to you straight. You couldn’t handle it.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Didn't I tell you, jew motherfucker?

Crensch ago

I posted a link last night of a meme about Storzk which Tucker Carlson used the same pic of Storzk out front of his house 3 minutes later. Does that make me suspect?

If Q posts that meme now, does that mean you were acknowledged by him?

Do you have any idea how absurd your argument is at this point? You're not even arguing against my position or my argument. You're acting like my position is something it isn't, then arguing against that delusion in your mind.

Blacksmith21 ago

Why do you think I said "timing is everything"?

Have you ever heard the phrase "too smart for their own good"? I'm curious - this isn't meant to be denigrating, though it will come across as such - do you have any skills which do not involve a computer?

Crensch ago

Why do you think I said "timing is everything"?

Did you see where I responded specifically to that comment?

Have you ever heard the phrase "too smart for their own good"?

Who hasn't?

I'm curious - this isn't meant to be denigrating, though it will come across as such - do you have any skills which do not involve a computer?


Blacksmith21 ago

I know this is cryptic. PLease let me know if you need me to translate:

" [–] Oh_Well_ian [S] 4 points (+7|-3) 4.6 hours ago

yes... It has been out there and I am not the first to share it.

D5 Avalanche coming"

Seems pretty cut and dry to me....

ESOTERICshade ago

I know this is cryptic.

blacksmith21 you are so full of bullshit that you should be a Christmas Turkey. You and Oh Well Ian both are a loss to society. You fake "air gapped" fuck you are lucky that your dox is not front page.

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL. What did the red/black guide say?

Crensch ago

I know this is cryptic. PLease let me know if you need me to translate:

I'll translate it for you:

yes... It has been out there and I am not the first to share it.

D5 Avalanche coming"

Seems pretty cut and dry to me....

Takes credit for it in title. Comments that he's not the first. Still takes credit for it in title.

Blacksmith21 ago

So? That's the hill you wanna proverbially die on? Seriously, your biggest single concern is that some Anon (OWI) associated his post with a Q post. Damn, I'd hate to see what happens to you in a real crisis.

kneo24 ago

Takes credit for it in title.

It's the easiest way to control a narrative. While Voat might have more engaged users, the userbase here still largely reads the title only and upvoats or downvoats on that alone. They don't bother reading the source material or anything related to it. It's actually ridiculously easy to farm upvotes here just by posting things to an audience that is ready to agree with it.

On the other hand, there's also a lot of shills and bots mass upvoting the smell of their own farts. Still, gaming the system isn't hard, and misleading titles is one way of doing it.

Crensch ago

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Blacksmith21 ago

Such as (besides burning crosses - TBD if you can even operate a saw)?

ESOTERICshade ago

Such as (besides burning crosses - TBD if you can even operate a saw)?

Time up fake faggot @blacksmith21. You didn't know I knew that "blacksmith" was another name for "Freemason" did you? Fuck your fake ass.


CheeseboogersGhost ago

You're busted again, boy. You gotta go

Crensch ago

Such as (besides burning crosses - TBD if you can even operate a saw)?

This really is personal for you, isn't it?

Blacksmith21 ago

No..it just proves to show that you are nothing more than a fat sack of shit sitting behind a computer with no other value to add to the world. When you can talk like a man, then I'll have respect for you. You first....

Oh_Well_ian ago

yes... It has been out there and I am not the first to share it.

D5 Avalanche coming

Blacksmith21 ago

You sank my battleship!

kneo24 ago

Well, you are nigger tier. You constantly devolve any disagreement into nonsensical insults - indicating that you are chimping out. If you do not want to be called a nigger, stop acting like one.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

This little group of jews right here are brave. Blacksmith21, ohwellian, millennial Vulcan and a few others. They've been watched for a while now. Don't worry.....its coming

bopper ago

I saw that, congrats! Q also mentions the club again, something that you've long talked about.

Oh_Well_ian ago

everything works out in the end..

Trust the Plan

ESOTERICshade ago

Trust the Plan

What is the plan?

Oh_Well_ian ago

the plan is to put all you glow fag pickle boys in a ditch and cover you with dirt

Oh_Well_ian ago

No… only Niggers use Mod status to try and gather up all their fellow faggots in SBBH and smear a user with obviously good intentions.

Btw... this is the FIRST Voat submission to make the Qanon board in over 1500 posts.

All you kooks looking for your Obama Moloch LARP are butt hurt, and that's SAD.

ESOTERICshade ago

Btw... this is the FIRST Voat submission to make the Qanon board in over 1500 posts.

I love @srayzie to death and I consider her to be a friend of mine but you, Oh Well Ian, are cancer.

srayzie ago

See that @oh_Well_ian... me and @ESOTERICshade 100% disagree when it comes to Q. Before Q, we would share links, videos and research with each other. We chose way back when I started following Q that we would agree to disagree and pretty much went our separate ways.

You see, I am mature enough to accept the fact that people have different opinions. He hasn’t disrespected me and I haven’t disrespected him. I actually appreciate that he doesnt come to this sub and start drama. That’s called communication Ian. Something you know nothing about. Who’s weak?

ESOTERICshade ago

You know I luv ya @srayzie. We don't agree on Q but I have your back sister :)

srayzie ago

Thank you!

srayzie ago

I’ve received many pings showing that posts have reached the top 50

youllrememberme ago

Look at all the SBBH gang bangers calling people "niggers" when they run around here like a bunch of clique fags. lol

srayzie ago

Yeah and look who sends them a fucking invitation.

youllrememberme ago

He didn't start this shit, dooob did and then called in sbbh. Why are you defending those faggots? Who gives a fuck what the sbbh clique thinks? All they do is come in here and talk shit.

srayzie ago

I barely even know dooob. I’ve asked him to not feed the shills too. But Ian does it far more.

youllrememberme ago

Dooob calls out Ian, calls in Crensch. Crensch makes a bunch of posts about Ian in subs they control. I would have done the same thing. Why would anyone go to their subs to defend themselves and get brigaded? Would you go post in protect voat of the mods there were fucking with you, or would you post here where we're all definately going to see it? Also, to be fair, half of Ian's post was Q related. I know we'll never end the bullshit here, the site will go dark before that, but we can sure as fuck defend eachother.

youllrememberme ago

You always make comments that Q is distracting people from research.. Is this what you're doing with your time? Why don't you get back to all that important research you were doing? Oh, you weren't doing any?

ESOTERICshade ago

You always make comments that Q is distracting people from research..

Q is a suck hole for suckers. By design it wastes people's attention span and time. Q is bullshit and any sane person can see that.

Is this what you're doing with your time?

Yes. I teach people that Q is garbage tier trash.

Why don't you get back to all that important research you were doing?

Erasing Q from the face of the earth is more important right now.

youllrememberme ago

So basically you admit that your whole story is bullshit and you have an agenda. You're spending as much, if not more, time with your agenda than any Q follower. Good work doing what you were lobbying against.

ESOTERICshade ago

So basically you admit that your whole story is bullshit


and you have an agenda.

Cross contamination is a terrible thing. A little Sun is neccessary. What else do you want to know?

srayzie ago

I’ve asked Ian to not make posts about other users. He did before and all hell broke loose. This subverse isn’t Ian’s playground where he can just do as he pleases

I saw what happened with Crensch and Ian. That’s between them. It didn’t even need to be addressed publicly if he was concerned about commenting in a sub they control. Crensch had never even posted here until Ian invited him here. So Ian comes to this subverse where he believes he has control. He wanted his buddies to be on his side. He started drama. He brought people over.

Right now, this is about Ian. Not dooob. I don’t want his bullshit disrupting this sub

youllrememberme ago

He was defending himself both times, that's why I joined in, both times. Notice, instead of just calling him a liar for the photoshop comment it went straight to disinformation shill? It's pretty obvious with this thread that Ian wasn't taking credit for the pic, just posting it and Q acknowledging the pic. He was the person on Voat that saw that information and reposted it. Q confirmed it was important by addressing it. Its obvious Q didn't get the pic from his thread, it's different. The manipulators are manipulating.

srayzie ago

Yeah I’m not talking about the image. I think we’re all entitled to our opinions. Although he did push his view down our throats and acted as if anyone who disagreed was a shill.

There’s a difference between defending yourself and stirring shit up. Defending himself would have been him replying to Crensch. Making a post in a totally different sub telling on Crensch is another story.

I’ve asked him specifically to not do that. By making that post, he had to have known that of course Crensch would reply. At that point, Crensch is now defending himself. Ian sent him an invitation! He knew that going back and forth and involving other people would be disruptive. He knew it would cause drama. He knew he was doing the one thing I asked him not to do.

Then he gets mad at ME because I call him out on it. So he decides to attack me as a person. Does he not realize that I am then going to defend myself? He wanted war. Everyone was fighting.

He causes more drama than a teenager girl. Well I’m tired of it. So just to be clear, this wasn’t defending himself. This was stirring shit up knowing fully well that it would lead to much more.

youllrememberme ago

I see it more as someone else, like me, who is just sick of the bullshit around here. But, like you said, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

srayzie ago

I’m not defending them. Ian pulls this shit constantly. You don’t know ho much I’ve had to deal with him. Look what he posted. He invites trouble. I don’t care who it is, I don’t want people posting about other users. That has nothing to do with Q.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

dooob is another one. I warned her ass of these jew fuckers lon gago and she shit on me for it and took their side. She is complicit. She just knows they are all caught larping. She's took their side since fucking day one. I have proof in PM's

Oh_Well_ian ago

exactly... they count on people backing down and I won't. In fact, I do EXACTLY what they do back to them.

AND THEY HATE IT because it's one of their most effective methods of shilling and I'm better at it.

Not pretty, but you can't dance with a monkey without getting some shit on you.

ESOTERICshade ago

exactly... they count on people backing down and I won't. In fact, I do EXACTLY what they do back to them.

Kill yourself and get it over with.

Oh_Well_ian ago


you're going down, pickle boy

ESOTERICshade ago

you're going down, pickle boy

You use the word "pickle" a lot. Should I stop eating pickles?

Oh_Well_ian ago

nahh.. do this > park your car in your garage, roll down the windows and run it until you fucking die

or just put a shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger

it's your choice !! have fun with it !!

ESOTERICshade ago

park your car in your garage, roll down the windows and run it until you fucking die

I smoke car exhaust every day just for fun. What else you got nigger tier idiot? There are a about a thousand people that wish you would kill yourself OH Well Ian. Dont let us down. Do something dramatic. Hang yourself

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol you are done, faggot


srayzie ago

No, you feed them and do exactly what they want. You’re the entertainment. You don’t see that? If I wanted to troll, I would troll people that give a reaction. Like YOU. So don’t get cocky acting like you have a bigger pair of balls because you attack back.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You were told. What was it you mouthed off to me?? "oh I didn't ask you to patrol muh sub hur durr "

No its raining down on YOU