srayzie ago

I didn’t know that Trump posted on Instagram too

srayzie ago

I didn’t even realize it was you that posted this lady. Look at Q’s latest posts.

bopper ago

Well keep up bro...I haven't had time to check new posts, Q is on fire.

srayzie ago

Lol ok doll face

SoSpricyHotDog ago

@Are_we_sure - Are you ready?

Kiwi_Slave ago

AWS was last seen slouching in a hoodie boarding a plane to Israel

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Stop over before New Zealand?

littledropofpoison ago

breaker breaker code 42 the sandwich is in the OVEN the president asked me to quit SLOBBERING on his balls -q

poopingaccount ago

Damn it Jeb.

This is why you don't win.

MrKequc ago

* GOLDEN balls you mean

whatisbestinlife ago

oh shit back up your hard drives. dump to clouds. check your surge protectors and battery backups. emergency supplies. they might try a blanket knock out of services.

madmardigan ago

I've been giddy and giggling ever since I read that Q post...I hope to jebus it's time!

bopper ago

Ha, the guy in the Q shirt was given a VIP badge and then Q posted his picture.

bopper ago

This is the first time I've seen this Instagram account.


bopper ago

That's incredible isn't it?

Kirmz ago

Investment in popcorn futures complete.

ShaneTO ago

So, something is going to happen tonight?

bopper ago

No, what I'm saying (and it did sound confusing) is that tonight, Q said "It's time."

It is time for Q to become more known, and so more proofs will be given as we draw closer to bringing indictments, via, and beginning with, the declassifying of treasonous and damning documents and text messages that are being withheld by FBI and DOJ, which will lead to the more high profile indictments.

pby1000 ago

Yeah, I sense the counterattack has begun. RR should be the first target because I seriously doubt he will turn over the requested documents. Impeachment and arrest for obstruction of justice needs to happen.

Blacksmith21 ago

The counterattack certainly has begun on Voat. Mods are losing their shit in lockstep with crybaby shill tactics.

bopper ago

Yes, that's next. And Trump's patience is wearing very thin.

Supposedly he's already signed the EO to declassify everything (if that's what it will take).

EricKaliberhall ago

Did you see the protester at the Trump rally? He/she held up a photo of President Trump and Epstein... They are desperate.

bopper ago

Oh, that's the guy that Trump actually called out as they were taking him out, so I guess the president saw the picture of Epstein. Drudge has several stories about the rally, "Rally wild!"

EricKaliberhall ago

President Trump was on fire tonight... I was smiling the whole time.

Then you have the theory that the protester was a 'Trump plant' to get Epstein's name out there now... Either way, we win. I'm not tired of winning. :)

bopper ago

a 'Trump plant'

Why don't I think of these things? It would be just like Trump the showman and Q the intel team to do that.

Are_we_sure ago

Isn't it great when any fact plays into your premade conclusion?

hang_em_high ago

Nice of you to show up when pedophilia is the topic like usual. How long you been diddling kids?

Are_we__sure ago

It's not the topic, you lunatic. Topic is Q going mainstream.

bopper ago

It's my confirmation bias gone wild. Lol, how long are you gonna deny the obvious?

Are_we_sure ago

If Q and Trump wanted to make things obvious, they could easily and clearly do so.

Just like Trump easily and clearly changed his policy of taking children from their parents at the border. No more parables, no more riddles, no nonsense about p being a q, if you stand on your head.

But they can't, because it's a LARP.

bopper ago

You have yet to explain the original photos posted by Q, and the proofs will only grow.

Are_we__sure ago

Riddle me this, Batman!

yeah, let's focus on tiny anomalies, rather that the fact that the entire secret government coup plot is underway is a complete fucking fantasy.

Does Q still believe Mueller is working with Trump?

bopper ago

The Mueller thing is hotly contested, Q never said that, only to trust Sessions and Wray.

Q never said a lot of things, anons speculated, that is all.

Forget anything until you can assent to the obvious fact that Q is working intimately with the president. That is now undeniable. Look at the original photos posted by Q of POTUS.

The only deduction now if logic is applied is that Trump is very much in on whatever Q is all about. Stick with logic.

Are_we__sure ago

Stick with logic, and facts. Getting angry is just going to confuse you.

The thing that gets me angry is how little you care for logic and facts and you say things like with zero evidence its true.

the obvious fact that Q is working intimately with the president. Look at the original photos posted by Q of POTUS.

Post the picture here if you want me to look at it.

I may have time later today.

bopper ago

No I'm quite the skeptic on many subjects and it takes a lot to convince me. There is a ton of evidence Q is authentic (his connection w/ POTUS I mean).

I don't have time to post stuff for you, go to and look at our posts here and on the Reddit G/A board.

bopper ago

No I didn't see that!

bopper ago

Q is in great spirits. He can feel it in the air tonight.

srayzie ago

😂 That was actually funny

Slayfire122 ago

Jokes on you. Those things act as an antenna for those more difficult to brain control.

bopper ago

Haha, he who laughs last laughs best.

i_scream_trucks ago

Laughs hardest laughs best

Thinks slowest