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Blacksmith21 ago

Nice work Ian. That pic has been floating around for a while. Real in your face. Certainly good to see one of our own here getting some Q credit.

Fuck the haters and the niggerlovers below. They have nothing left. ZERO, ZILCH, NADA.

For the Q-haters - How did Q post a partial image 1 minute before POTUS posted the whole image on T, taken in the Oval office? Kinda hard to fake that.

Crensch ago

Nice work Ian. That pic has been floating around for a while. Real in your face. Certainly good to see one of our own here getting some Q credit.

The image has been floating around for a while. Why is ian getting this credit? Why would anyone credit ian with this image? It's not even the same exact image, much less something ian discovered.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I caught them a few days ago trying to take cred for others work and I called them out on it. These greater Israel faggots need to be thrown the fuck out of here

ESOTERICshade ago

These greater Israel faggots need to be thrown the fuck out of here

Damn straight. They pretend to be America First but they are really Israel First. Trump kisses Israel's ass so they sell Trump because they love Israel. I am not talking about srayzie though because srayzie genuinely believes Q is real. BUT, blacksmith21 and vindicator are both Israel first lovers. If Trump turned against Israel both of those bitches would cry.

Blacksmith21 ago

Timing is everything.

ESOTERICshade ago

Timing is everything.

Time up fake faggot. The real truth community is purging you out.

Crensch ago

Timing is everything.

Timing. Not the fact that ian's image is edited differently, or that the 8ch post is recent enough for the link to still be alive. It's that he posted it here, and then it was mentioned by Q.

Something really doesn't seem quite right here, bud.

Blacksmith21 ago

I posted a link last night of a meme about Storzk which Tucker Carlson used the same pic of Storzk out front of his house 3 minutes later. Does that make me suspect?

Oh_Well_ian ago

Crensch has really come out of the closet and apparently so has our Mod..

he thinks were are working together and is claiming it all over

srayzie ago

No Ian. I finally laid it to you straight. You couldn’t handle it.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Didn't I tell you, jew motherfucker?

Crensch ago

I posted a link last night of a meme about Storzk which Tucker Carlson used the same pic of Storzk out front of his house 3 minutes later. Does that make me suspect?

If Q posts that meme now, does that mean you were acknowledged by him?

Do you have any idea how absurd your argument is at this point? You're not even arguing against my position or my argument. You're acting like my position is something it isn't, then arguing against that delusion in your mind.

Blacksmith21 ago

Why do you think I said "timing is everything"?

Have you ever heard the phrase "too smart for their own good"? I'm curious - this isn't meant to be denigrating, though it will come across as such - do you have any skills which do not involve a computer?

Crensch ago

Why do you think I said "timing is everything"?

Did you see where I responded specifically to that comment?

Have you ever heard the phrase "too smart for their own good"?

Who hasn't?

I'm curious - this isn't meant to be denigrating, though it will come across as such - do you have any skills which do not involve a computer?


Blacksmith21 ago

I know this is cryptic. PLease let me know if you need me to translate:

" [–] Oh_Well_ian [S] 4 points (+7|-3) 4.6 hours ago

yes... It has been out there and I am not the first to share it.

D5 Avalanche coming"

Seems pretty cut and dry to me....

ESOTERICshade ago

I know this is cryptic.

blacksmith21 you are so full of bullshit that you should be a Christmas Turkey. You and Oh Well Ian both are a loss to society. You fake "air gapped" fuck you are lucky that your dox is not front page.

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL. What did the red/black guide say?

Crensch ago

I know this is cryptic. PLease let me know if you need me to translate:

I'll translate it for you:

yes... It has been out there and I am not the first to share it.

D5 Avalanche coming"

Seems pretty cut and dry to me....

Takes credit for it in title. Comments that he's not the first. Still takes credit for it in title.

Blacksmith21 ago

So? That's the hill you wanna proverbially die on? Seriously, your biggest single concern is that some Anon (OWI) associated his post with a Q post. Damn, I'd hate to see what happens to you in a real crisis.

kneo24 ago

Takes credit for it in title.

It's the easiest way to control a narrative. While Voat might have more engaged users, the userbase here still largely reads the title only and upvoats or downvoats on that alone. They don't bother reading the source material or anything related to it. It's actually ridiculously easy to farm upvotes here just by posting things to an audience that is ready to agree with it.

On the other hand, there's also a lot of shills and bots mass upvoting the smell of their own farts. Still, gaming the system isn't hard, and misleading titles is one way of doing it.

Crensch ago

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Blacksmith21 ago

Such as (besides burning crosses - TBD if you can even operate a saw)?

ESOTERICshade ago

Such as (besides burning crosses - TBD if you can even operate a saw)?

Time up fake faggot @blacksmith21. You didn't know I knew that "blacksmith" was another name for "Freemason" did you? Fuck your fake ass.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You're busted again, boy. You gotta go

Crensch ago

Such as (besides burning crosses - TBD if you can even operate a saw)?

This really is personal for you, isn't it?

Blacksmith21 ago just proves to show that you are nothing more than a fat sack of shit sitting behind a computer with no other value to add to the world. When you can talk like a man, then I'll have respect for you. You first....