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Crensch ago

YOUR Sheila Jackson Lee Pedo Tringale Ring Pic from... wait for it...

You reposted 8ch material here. You rode someone else's wave, and now you're taking credit for it since you've been exposed.

@Blacksmith21 @bopper @valk2 @Brizznazz

OWi's only real contributions are posting others' work here. Watch what he does when there's a narrative he wants buried.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Yeah... MY POST TO VOAT / what, you think I took the photo in Congressional Hearings ?

Look at this pathetic moderator of 7 subs and his sad 3 day smear campaign on me.

I'm not going anywhere faggot and this nigger jump you're running here is going to fall flatter than your OBAMA MOLOCH LARP...

This cunt is beginning to look like Millennial Falcon with a pussy between his legs.

Wow... may have to get this shitbag removed, just like MFer… He clearly is stepping over the line.

Crensch ago

Yeah... MY POST TO VOAT / what, you think I took the photo in Congressional Hearings ?

You didn't discover it. Some anon did months ago. You just posted it to Voat.

Look at this pathetic moderator of 7 subs and his sad 3 day smear campaign on me.

Anyone reading my posts might use the word "sad", but not to describe me.

I'm not going anywhere faggot and this nigger jump you're running here is going to fall flatter than your OBAMA MOLOCH LARP...

I don't care if it's real or not. Your "debunking" of it was embarrassing for anyone with an ounce of integrity.

Since you still won't understand what I mean, let me say it in a different way:

That photo might be fake, but you were too stupid to prove it fake, and you claimed to be a PHOTOSHOP EXPERT when the most likely explanation now is that it wasn't BO, but someone else. You still haven't answered my extremely reasonable questions about photoshop, that an expert should be able to spell out for everyone.

This cunt is beginning to look like Millennial Falcon with a pussy between his legs.

That's really funny now that you're on the hook for explaining why you being a photoshop expert has anything to do with that image.

Wow... we may have to get this shitbag removed, just like MFer… He clearly is stepping over the line.

By doing what? What moderator thing did I do that would cause me to be removed? That sounds a lot like the "impeach Trump" crowd, to me.

Or... is this just MFer under an ALT ?? who knows about this site anymore...

You just keep going after making such embarrassing statements. It's so weird that you'd say such embarrassingly-easy-to-refute things, then go in a tirade attacking whomever is against you.

@dooob @Vindicator @think- @srayzie @MadWorld

Oh_Well_ian ago

you have no integrity, nigger

That is exactly why you should resign from all your subs.

Crensch ago

@Blacksmith21 @bopper @valk2 @Brizznazz

This is what OWi has in response to anyone holding him to his words. I asked him a very simple question in my post, and he has yet to respond. I'll copy the text here:

My questions to @Oh_Well_ian:

Since you are a photoshop expert , perhaps you could explain why this shows the image to be unlikely tampered with. How are these images wrong? What steps can we take with the original image on our own copies of photoshop in order to find out how this image is shopped?

Maybe it'll help if you compare it to this photo, which appears to show tampering, and tell us what's really going on here?

Blacksmith21 ago

Don't keep bringing my name into this pissing match. Yeah, Ian stirs up shit. I stir up shit. We all stir up shit. We are "shit stirrers" because we bring up uncomfortable truths. Are we right 100% of the time? Hell no.

When I stir up shit, it's for a very specific reason. Suffice it to say I don't do anything unintentionally.

These subs are LOADED with paid disinformation specialists. They work solo and they work in tandem, with and w/o -alts. Most recently, the shills have adopted the cry baby tactic - they toned down the rhetoric for a few weeks and now they are applying righteous indignation to their complaints about mods and contributors.

For Crensch, Kevdude, and any other owners who are NOT regular contributors to this (or related) subs, I advise you to spend a month or three reading and reading and reading and learning about Pizzagate, Q, and related-topics, before passing judgment.

I know y'all think you are smart, but unless you are BALLS DEEP in Pizzagate, you really don't know what is going on, who the players are, and the TTPs of the shills.

Crensch ago

They work solo and they work in tandem, with and w/o -alts.

Why is he getting credit?

I know y'all think you are smart, but unless you are BALLS DEEP in Pizzagate, you really don't know what is going on, who the players are, and the TTPs of the shills.

Did you know that some people don't have to be balls-deep in anything to point out inconsistencies and posting patterns of users like OWi?

Did you know that all he posts is regurgitated bullshit from 8ch, and the only original content he seems capable of submitting is attacks on anyone questioning why his being an expert on photoshop makes that image fake? (and other similarly absurd claims of his)

Blacksmith21 ago

Did you know that I hadn't given 1.5 seconds thought about your existence until 10 minutes ago and it REALLY sounds like you are doing your best to discredit a specific user because you don't like him and/or his post?

Let me ask the obvious question: Given the large amount of BS which gets posted on the 3 pertinent subs, which you say nothing about, why would you choose an authentic photo of a sitting member of the US Congress wearing a pedo symbol for jewelry, confirmed by Q, to make your claim?

Occam would say that you are doing your best to discredit truth. WHo gives a flying rat's asshole if it was posted elsewhere previously? 90% of what gets posted is regurgitated.

Our job here is to do our best to authenticate and add context to the nonsensical content posted on the Chans.

Again - Why are you fighting this OP so hard in a sub you otherwise do not participate in?

Crensch ago

Did you know that I hadn't given 1.5 seconds thought about your existence until 10 minutes ago and it REALLY sounds like you are doing your best to discredit a specific user because you don't like him and/or his post?

@Vindicator @think-

I'm sorry to bring both of you into this, but I think we all know this user is lying.

BS21, I'll post proof of your lie if I have to. The users above saw what I wrote to you, and their copies will be dated before your own if they present screenshots.

Try lying to me again.

Let me ask the obvious question: Given the large amount of BS which gets posted on the 3 pertinent subs, which you say nothing about, why would you choose an authentic photo of a sitting member of the US Congress wearing a pedo symbol for jewelry, confirmed by Q, to make your claim?

Do you even read what you write?

OWi claimed Q acknowledged him, and pinged me directly here. Why wouldn't I be here refuting his lies?

Occam would say that you are doing your best to discredit truth. WHo gives a flying rat's asshole if it was posted elsewhere previously? 90% of what gets posted is regurgitated.

He's taking credit for it. He's calling himself a good researcher. Researchers aren't good because they regurgitate, they're good because they come up with information that was not previously known.

Our job here is to do our best to authenticate and add context to the nonsensical content posted on the Chans.

Then ask ian why his photoshop skills mattered in the debunking of that photo.

Again - Why are you fighting this OP so hard in a sub you otherwise do not participate in?

Did you knot see where I was pinged here? Did you not see where my points were completely reasonable?

I'm starting to wonder about you, and I don't think anyone reading this would think I'm alone in that.

Blacksmith21 ago

You just like arguing for the sake of arguing. OWI original post was nothing but a link to 8CH. I'm still at a loss how you made a leap from that OP to your current position.

Everything else you commented is nothing but circuitous, argumentative BS designed to obfuscate. I'm not even sure what you are trying to glean at this point.

I can't comment on the PS issue. That's between you and him.

"Proof of my lie"....what lie? It now looks like you are tossing accusations out like a Palestinian tossing candy after a suicide bombing.

And now you're bringing in Vindicator and Think-?

You get Shitstirrer of the Week award. (sorry, you aren't good enough to qualify for the -of the Month award).

Crensch ago

You just like arguing for the sake of arguing.

You keep trying to make this stick, it's not going to stick. I'm here because I was pinged here. I'm RIGHT, just like I was about your submission.

OWI original post was nothing but a link to 8CH. I'm still at a loss how you made a leap from that OP to your current position.

He. Claimed. Credit. For. It.

In the OP above. Read it. Go on, read the OP you've been posting under this whole time.

Everything else you commented is nothing but circuitous, argumentative BS designed to obfuscate.

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie @kevdude

Does BS21's description ever accurately describe anything I post? What about here? Why does he think he can comment on what my words were "designed" to do? In my opinion, BS21 has a dog in this fight that he hasn't disclosed.

I'm not even sure what you are trying to glean at this point.

I've been nothing but exactly clear this entire time. What part do you not understand?

I can't comment on the PS issue. That's between you and him.

Fair enough.

"Proof of my lie"....what lie? It now looks like you are tossing accusations out like a Palestinian tossing candy after a suicide bombing.

Did you know that I hadn't given 1.5 seconds thought about your existence until 10 minutes ago

You spent far longer on that in your response to my PM to you about your pathetic PG post that you caused Vindicator and think- headaches over.

And now you're bringing in Vindicator and Think-?

They can prove that you lied. They know that your words there are a lie.

You get Shitstirrer of the Week award. (sorry, you aren't good enough to qualify for the -of the Month award).

Playing this off as some kind of game in order to look snarky.

Does anyone buy this kind of wannabe mic-drop horseshit anymore?

srayzie ago

@oh_Well_ian said this? Wow

You get Shitstirrer of the Week award. (sorry, you aren't good enough to qualify for the -of the Month award).

No Ian. You’ve won that award every week for months.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

YOU ARE BUSTED. I HAVE PM'S WHERE I TOLD YOU THIS AND YOU SAID "FUCK YOU" TO ME AND TOOK THEIR SIDE! You are complicit. YOU KNEW. YOU FUCKING KNEW. I told your ass. You have harbored these fucking jews

srayzie ago

You’re a freak. I may not like his ass but he’s not a Jew. Go suck a dick.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You can be as defiant as you want. I got your ass. You knew! You've been okay with OWI, Blacksmith21, Dooob and Millennial Vulcans behavior up until this point. Now that ya'll are busted as larpers and trying to take credit for others work, Now its "oi vey boo hoo have pity on me".

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh they are all just lining up to defend you....

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Many here will defend Crench. You can bet your jew ass on that

Crensch ago

I think my blacksmith means is that you guys would defend me even if I'm wrong. And I know for a fact that you guys would bust my balls if you thought I was wrong.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I'd be on your shit if I thought you were wrong and I damn sure know you would be on mine. You aren't wrong about what's going on here. Of course he would claim some bogus shit like he is. The rat is cornered