bredlo ago

He had a breakdown when Kannibal refuted his difinfo here as well

freshmeat ago

Damn you are really shilling for the deep state. SRS needs to be purged from Voat. There are still a lot of genuine users here that PV/SBBH is fucking with

Rotteuxx ago

Come on now, don't be a lazy nigger.

Point out the falsehoods & fallacies, argument with verifiable facts, act credibly you know ?!

freshmeat ago

it's autistic SRS shit, not evena big deal. I'm glad Crensch and you are getting paid to waste your time on this shit lmao

Rotteuxx ago

Fuck, can't wait to collect that paycheck you keep talking about, it's going to be HUGE !

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

@Crensch Regarding your reply to my post in Part 1, yes, more links to back up his reasoning could've been provided. As I usually post about news and literature, I understand how important it is to provide citations.

dooob ago

Great post, top kek at commentary. Note @Oh_Well_ian not replying, no way to spin this.

The example you used is a textbook shill move, pilling on unrelated or misleading information. Like @Tallest_skil's long ass copy pastas meant to burn you out. Similiarities on modus operandi different "crazy" voat user exhibits, I am sure there are more users who fit in that category.

Tallest_Skil ago






Thanks for admitting you were wrong and can’t respond to any portion of my post.

BigFatDaddy ago

Obama a devil-worshipper?

I thought we all knew this already?

MadWorld ago

I am not sure if the following data is useful or not. But I have kept an eye on him, simply because he likes to piss off other users for no apparent reason. Based on his recent online activity(comment timeframe and profile activity), he seems to be here all the time. This would suggest some sort of shared account. A large number of users on the User-to-user interaction stat table were involved in that discussion. He sure has pissed off a lot of users in his obama-related submissions.

(Oh_Well_ian) User-to-user interaction stat, from 2018-06-16 to 2018-07-01:

(1)Cmnt From To (2)Cmnt From To (3)Cmnt From To
22 Oh_Well_ian Rotteuxx 2 Oh_Well_ian Quicktor 1 Oh_Well_ian midnightblue1335
14 Oh_Well_ian kalgon 2 Oh_Well_ian o0shad0o 1 Oh_Well_ian memememema
10 Oh_Well_ian Oh_Well_ian 2 Oh_Well_ian notaredditshill 1 Oh_Well_ian mattsixteen24
8 Oh_Well_ian whereisthemountain 2 Oh_Well_ian Marked2476 1 Oh_Well_ian Martel-Sobieski
7 Oh_Well_ian BillyBobBoJangles 2 Oh_Well_ian jerkwad152 1 Oh_Well_ian LexOrandiLexCredendi
6 Oh_Well_ian truckboattruck 2 Oh_Well_ian Hektik 1 Oh_Well_ian JackBlack1
5 Oh_Well_ian Lobotomy 2 Oh_Well_ian goatboy 1 Oh_Well_ian IShallNotFear
5 Oh_Well_ian Kannibal 2 Oh_Well_ian ExceptionEncountered 1 Oh_Well_ian hustonlarry
5 Oh_Well_ian dooob 2 Oh_Well_ian EricKaliberhall 1 Oh_Well_ian HarryVonZell
5 Oh_Well_ian digitalentity1497 2 Oh_Well_ian cavalieracer 1 Oh_Well_ian hang_em_high
5 Oh_Well_ian deleted 2 Oh_Well_ian carmencita 1 Oh_Well_ian Godhammer
5 Oh_Well_ian Cc1914 2 Oh_Well_ian Atarian 1 Oh_Well_ian Goathole
4 Oh_Well_ian White_pride_cis 1 Oh_Well_ian worlddownunder682 1 Oh_Well_ian Geo_synchronous
4 Oh_Well_ian Vindicator 1 Oh_Well_ian Unreasonable 1 Oh_Well_ian gazillions
4 Oh_Well_ian RockmanRaiden 1 Oh_Well_ian UncookedSpirit 1 Oh_Well_ian Enigmatic_Continuum
4 Oh_Well_ian ponyfriend 1 Oh_Well_ian unclassified 1 Oh_Well_ian ElementalPee
4 Oh_Well_ian MrShekelstein 1 Oh_Well_ian TheUltimateQuakerII 1 Oh_Well_ian edgelord666
4 Oh_Well_ian lovely1 1 Oh_Well_ian SoSpricyHotDog 1 Oh_Well_ian DrLizardo
4 Oh_Well_ian Blacksmith21 1 Oh_Well_ian Skeeterdo 1 Oh_Well_ian Dismal_Swamp
3 Oh_Well_ian valk2 1 Oh_Well_ian SirJiggzalot 1 Oh_Well_ian DegenerateAF
+11... +11... +11... +11... +11... +11... +11... +11... +11...

(Oh_Well_ian) User's comment timeframe:

(1)Cmnt User Hour (2)Cmnt User Hour
11 Oh_Well_ian 00:05 10 Oh_Well_ian 15:03
16 Oh_Well_ian 01:01 15 Oh_Well_ian 16:02
9 Oh_Well_ian 02:04 16 Oh_Well_ian 17:01
8 Oh_Well_ian 03:01 18 Oh_Well_ian 18:01
2 Oh_Well_ian 08:27 20 Oh_Well_ian 19:03
5 Oh_Well_ian 10:15 11 Oh_Well_ian 20:01
14 Oh_Well_ian 11:00 15 Oh_Well_ian 21:02
9 Oh_Well_ian 12:03 7 Oh_Well_ian 22:08
18 Oh_Well_ian 13:07 11 Oh_Well_ian 23:06
13 Oh_Well_ian 14:03      

(Oh_Well_ian) User's comments in subverses:

(1)Cmnt User Subverse (2)Cmnt User Subverse
78 Oh_Well_ian GreatAwakening 15 Oh_Well_ian science
42 Oh_Well_ian news 14 Oh_Well_ian whatever
40 Oh_Well_ian politics 2 Oh_Well_ian ProtectVoat
37 Oh_Well_ian pizzagate      

(Oh_Well_ian) User's profile activity:

(1)Date Time Activity (2)Date Time Activity (3)Date Time Activity
2018-06-16 02:10:16 11 2018-06-16 21:01:18 12 2018-06-17 13:53:59 20
2018-06-16 03:20:38 0 2018-06-16 22:15:57 25 2018-06-17 15:39:43 21
2018-06-16 05:10:26 0 2018-06-16 23:32:53 6 2018-06-17 17:37:37 19
2018-06-16 07:12:25 0 2018-06-17 00:46:40 1 2018-06-17 20:03:36 87
2018-06-16 08:22:44 2 2018-06-17 01:55:29 16 2018-06-17 23:26:31 43
2018-06-16 09:24:22 5 2018-06-17 03:10:55 2 2018-06-18 01:32:32 30
2018-06-16 10:31:23 0 2018-06-17 04:22:50 7 2018-06-18 03:16:08 30
2018-06-16 11:49:50 0 2018-06-17 05:46:48 0 2018-06-18 04:31:34 9
2018-06-16 13:25:24 17 2018-06-17 07:03:13 0 2018-06-18 05:48:30 0
2018-06-16 14:58:30 37 2018-06-17 08:18:41 0 2018-06-18 07:40:47 0
2018-06-16 16:41:25 26 2018-06-17 09:28:57 7 2018-06-18 08:54:27 0
2018-06-16 18:04:14 21 2018-06-17 10:51:52 7 2018-06-18 09:56:21 0
2018-06-16 19:43:56 17 2018-06-17 12:26:43 30      

(Oh_Well_ian) User's submission stat:

(1)Subm User Domain (2)Subm User Domain (3)Subm User Domain
3 Oh_Well_ian v/GreatAwakening 1 Oh_Well_ian v/politics 1 Oh_Well_ian
3 Oh_Well_ian 1 Oh_Well_ian v/pizzagate 1 Oh_Well_ian
1 Oh_Well_ian 1 Oh_Well_ian 1 Oh_Well_ian

(Oh_Well_ian) User's submission history:

User Time Title Source Domain
Oh_Well_ian 2018-06-17 21:54:24 InfoWars Phony ROGER STONE Stabs Trump in the Back as Mueller's Russia Collusion LARP Falls Apart and the FBI is Exposed as Traitors / Shocking, NOT Shocking src
Oh_Well_ian 2018-06-17 17:58:40 Obama at Bilderberg in 2014 >> 'Ordinary men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs. Order & progress can only come when individuals SURRENDER THEIR RIGHTS to a sovereign power' src
Oh_Well_ian 2018-06-17 17:44:16 OBAMA @Bilderberg >> 'Ordinary Men and Women are too SMALL MINDED to Govern Themselves' o_0 src
Oh_Well_ian 2018-06-17 17:42:29 Obama @Bilderburg >> 'Ordinary Men and Women are too Small MInded to Govern Themselves' / Grab the Pitchforks, GOATS! src
Oh_Well_ian 2018-06-17 17:35:46 When You Run Google, It's Easy Covering Up Stories of the Death of Your Daughter / Eric Schmidts Daughter ALICE Died One Year Ago, Did You Know That? src
Oh_Well_ian 2018-06-17 16:48:46 At FBI, Strzock and Page Conspired to Illegally Take Down an Elected President of the United States and Then Covered it UP src
Oh_Well_ian 2018-06-17 12:06:32 OBAMA MOLOCH Deep Fake Photoshop LARP DEBUNKED in v/pizzagate // Don't Help Faggot Obama and his Minions by Being Intellectually Lazy, ok? src
Oh_Well_ian 2018-06-17 10:26:25 Obama Moloch Deep Fake Photoshop is Spamming Voat / Second Debunk src v/politics
Oh_Well_ian 2018-06-17 10:14:20 Obama Moloch Deep Fake Photoshop is Spamming Voat / Second Debunk src v/pizzagate
Oh_Well_ian 2018-06-17 10:12:14 Obama Moloch Deep Fake Photoshop is Spamming Voat / Second Debunk src v/GreatAwakening
Oh_Well_ian 2018-06-16 19:43:07 LIMITED HANGOUTS are a Favorite Tool of Intel Spooks -- Expect to See A Lot of them as the Cabal Fractures src v/GreatAwakening
Oh_Well_ian 2018-06-16 16:42:09 Obama WAS NOT in a Moloch Costume the Night of President Trump's Inauguration src v/GreatAwakening
Oh_Well_ian 2018-06-16 00:04:00 2009 - Obama Slaps 30% TARIFF on Tires from CHINA / Thanks CIA/WAPO for Reporting the NEWS src

Rotteuxx ago

Hold on there... he actually replied to himself 10 times ?

MadWorld ago

Probably just adding another comment, in continuation to his own comment.

Rotteuxx ago

Yeah that edit button can be a bitch to click on, lol

Anyhoo, always fun to trigger him since he admitted last night his favorite hobby was drinking beer, watching baseball on TV and chimping out on Voat at the same time.

Those back to back PMs he was trying to harass me with were quite entertaining I must admit.

MadWorld ago

How many PMs have you received from him so far?

As far as I am aware of, @Ho-Lee-Fuk has deleted his account, some hours after heated discussion with him regarding the /v/GreatAwakening submission.

Rotteuxx ago

Just 3 in all this time, can't recall how many the last time I triggered him.

Rotteuxx ago

@Crensch see parent, thought you might be interested in having examples of PMs that OWI sends users that trigger him/them

Ina_Pickle ago

Oh for (literally) Christ's sake.

Edit: my guess is that is not tampering on the second photo. That black pixelated area is actually the demon feeding on his soul.

Alopix ago

Instead of all those words you could also just debunk it by observing that the pizzagate tooth fairy 'moloch' is not real

Crensch ago

Instead of all those words you could also just debunk it by observing that the pizzagate tooth fairy 'moloch' is not real

Not really interested in what you think is real or isn't, or what occultists thinks is real or not real. I'm also not interested in whether or not the costume is meant to be.

Hell, I'm really not that interested in whether or not the image is real. My interest lies in this user acting as if he's debunked something when he clearly hasn't done shit, and the mockery and hammering of an easily-refuted point throughout.

Your response seems odd to me. Are you just commenting to attack PG by asserting that 'moloch' isn't real? Why choose this post, if so? Do you really think your comment would convince anyone of anything?

Alopix ago

fairies and demons not being real means the whole thing is a red herring and this drama is about nothing

I chose this because it was most prominent at time of posting

No, honestly if someone needs to be told that supernatural creatures are not behind everything they dislike talking to them is pretty useless. And yet, when people are going around declaring the sky is green I feel like I have to say something, even if it doesn't accomplish anything

dbvapor ago

Guys I honestly didn’t think it was him. I have like scary good facial recognition and while there were definite similarities I saw things that didn’t match up, like his brow. Bummer but thanks OP.

Rotteuxx ago

How about you graphically explain this instead of making empty claims ?

You know, for credibility.

dooob ago

He is one of those experts that just know it, okay? Stop asking questions REEEE

whereisthemountain ago

You forgot to change accounts, dum dum.

dbvapor ago

Why would I change accounts? I’m not afraid to speak my mind.. who cares about worthless internet points? It’s not Obama if it was I’d be excited about it but I’m not.