Oh_Well_ian ago

UFO's have no place in this sub...

Gimme a fucking break.

Podesta is smiling over shit like this.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Do you have any idea how much shit was slung my way when I posted 4-10-20 was DJT (which i read on 8ch and reposted on voat before 8ch and Q was cool)? I think it was even before this sub was created if memory serves... I believe I excitedly exclaimed "This means Q is Trump!" I would have to actually go back to the very first 4-10-20 DJT Qpost to find it but if Voat goes back that far then it will be there. I think it would be within 2-3 days of that Qpost. I caught A LOT of shit for that. Felt like a fool just like I did after reading your post. I looked at this pic and I don't see why some volcanoes and clouds would really be all that interesting unless it is simply showing the location of the picture-taker. This certainly could be the case and likely is. But then again maybe not so I opened the pic up in the GIMP and looked close. Literally zoomed in to the pixel level and that was when the "feature" I mentioned popped out at me. This whole thing is all about a slow drip of information right? It is about the impossible slowly becoming possible. Think back a year ago... What if I told you... the the President is going to have top level intel agents make weird cryptic shitposts on a usually racist and obscure message board that will show the world what is really going on behind the scenes... Then all of Hollywood and all of DC will basically commit doorknob-scarf suicide and NK will become our friends, and that will just be in the first 9 months... You would have said... "That has no place in this sub... Gimme a fucking break... Who is Podesta?" Right?

So it is a weather balloon bouncing light off some swamp gas and Trump wants us to focus on some volcanoes because (making this shit up) they know one of them will blow and its being hidden. Ok cool. Did this post really wreck Great Awakening? Nope. Not here to wreck your sub just like I was not here to wreck Voat with my aforementioned post. I love what you guys are doing here and like to be a part of it as I can. I got death threats with some scary specifics a while back here and on a chan board so I have not participated much. I couldn't sit idily by and let this one go though. You know... What if I am right? I have been before.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I'm sorry you wasted so much additional time spewing out more presumptive crap.

This UFO shit is absurd and if you do follow Q, you'd realize he already answered the question about 'alien life' on the research board >> 'Are UFO'S a distraction', an Anon asked >> Q's response: ' How far away is the closest star? -- What do you think? ' ( POST #376 ) He barely give it the time of day.

I'm not saying you ruined anything. I'm saying it's garbage and lines up with the shilling on the GA research board and the Podesta/UFO psyop. It's nothing but a distraction to fracture consent. I actually liked your work in Pizzagate, but you are off the rails on this one.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

No worries. I will delete this post in a bit (as soon as I know you have seen this response) and will not contribute further to this sub in the future. The last thing I want to do is be where I am not wanted. Good luck to you guys!

Oh_Well_ian ago

oh brother... can you be more mellow dramatic?

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Ok... I'll leave it?

Aaronkin ago

Looks to me to be the peak of Mt. McKinley. Peaking above the clouds.

EricKaliberhall ago

What you are looking at @Ho-Lee-Fuk is nothing more than swamp gas... :)

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

bouncing off a weather baloon.... Actually a weather balloon would be a reasonable explanation for this sucker now that I think about it. Q must have been warning us to watch the weather again.. :p

pessimisticsteel ago

Lol...... O NO the aliens are coming

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Not sure what it could be. Maybe this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwQfvHwfufk

Ialwayssaythis ago

Yeah see, that one shows the focus issue... If it is on the window then the background is not crisp. Something is up with this pic. If not the thing floating in air out there then why the hell woudl Q post this? Some warning about volcanoes in Alaska? I guess if those start cooking off bigtime then the UFO is not the point of the picture. but it is pretty obvious.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I don't know, and your guess is as good as mine. Strange times indeed! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjlU23bT65k

BillyLuath ago

Hard to say, speck of dirt on window?

A F-15 flying patrol around Air Force One?

Ialwayssaythis ago

Not an expert but I dont think it could be in the window. The reason is the focus would not work. either the dirt would be in focus or the the mountains would be in focus. The mountains are in focus so we pretty much have to assume that whatever that thing is it is out there in the air somewhere. Now WHAT it is, who knows. Hard to tell from 7 pixles but why else would the photo be there? What is the ACTUAL feature in that photo that we are supposed to pay attention to? Inquiring minds want to know.