DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I don't know or care if it is him or not, don't think it matters. But I downvoated because you are a pathetic shill, like Vindicator, Honeybee, all the rest of the mods. Only one I like is Are_We_Shill. Hey folks, did you get your FBI criminal complaint forms? Just fill um out and watch the magic.

Oh_Well_ian ago

You can feel it, can't you?

The world is closing in on you and justice is about to be served.

Noose? Q said about HRC -- You think this is a game or a LARP?

Naaaa.. you know it's real.

ESOTERICshade ago

This whole topic is National Enquirer tier tabloid circus material. I used to do a lot of graphics. I could probably blow up that picture and look at it and see if its photoshop. Won't do it. I don't care. This is the sort of schlock the perps want to roll around in.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Yeah, that is what I got too.

SterlingJB ago

Seemed bunk to me. Also seems like the picture theyre photoshopping the mask onto to in the infographs to show it's him beneath the mask is what was also used for the original pic pulled off, allegedly, instagram.

risewithoutfear ago

I just went over some of my own photoshopped images, just to see if I could see where they were photoshopped. Most of these are years old (I've been doing photoshopped images for 15+ years) so I couldn't remember the edit locations for most while taking a fresh look at the graphics..... but I ran it through some basic filters, and yeah, Photoshop says 'this shit was photoshopped'.

But Obama as satan did not ping either a fresh look at the image, either from a distance or up close, and the filters didn't show anything obvious - to me - either.

So either that is one hell of a good photoshop, or it's real.

Oh_Well_ian ago

zzzzzz… if it's real we'll see it on TV real soon, right?

why don't all you flakes get together and start of movement to get this PROOF out to the world?

Go ahead... gather up all your supporters and start a group and get this thing WORLD WIDE !!

risewithoutfear ago

Why are you attacking me for? I never said it was real. I never said it was either. As a matter of fact I merely shared some thoughts based on a 15+ year expertise in the field of photo editing.

No wonder they think pizzagaters are fucking crazy.

Oh_Well_ian ago

shut up, faggot.. your account is totally bogus and you ad hock claims of expertise are fake as fuck

TrendyCantina ago

The subject of this post is, like the "skull in the Arizona desert OMG all Vets get out here NOW" psyop, is meant to discredit us.

However, THIS ONE is real. It is photoshopped by the White House, which released the photo. What are they trying to tell us?

urbanmoving ago

Its not photoshop its off an instagram

Oh_Well_ian ago

what Instagram, idiot ?

You didn't take the time to read the submission, did you dickhead?

I address the IG account it came from clearly, you fucking moron.

urbanmoving ago

Kind of funny how idiots like you ignore the scrubbing, that sick instragmmer deleted the post of it wonder why, thankfully archived, go shill somewhere else.

urbanmoving ago

Title Here Its him walking around with his sperg pals

urbanmoving ago

false, the connections were amptly made its Arthur Lewis standing right there and not photoshopped ELA is perfectly fine, moron

Oh_Well_ian ago

and you're worried about me taking Obama out of context lol

you glow fag pickle boys and your little LARPS LOL

urbanmoving ago

Get real dude, you claimed photoshop you have to provide digital forensic evidence, ITS NOT it real and its the sterotypical "black masonic" judaic occult shit that da "brothers" love to do....Go sperg somewhere else "bruh"

urbanmoving ago

Its Barry Soetoro and its not my fault you pedophile queen likes dressing in public like a stooge

Oh_Well_ian ago

Great.. take it to the New York Times, you fucking faggot.

take it to InfoWars

Take it somewhere if it's real...

It's not.

You're a fucking faggot spamming cunt pickle boy.

ponyfriend ago

FWIW your post is the first time I am hearing it was on Inauguration night. I don't believe either you or the OP who posted that photo. I believe the truth is somewhere in-between. Much respect to you, but I think you made some assumptions here.

Oh_Well_ian ago

who gives a fuck what you believe, asshole?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Do you double is one of the Jew haters in here meant to frame us as bigots? You are frothing at the mouth and being rejected across the board.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I'm just fine.

astroturf brigading will not stop Q and it will not stop me

ponyfriend ago

Woah. I tried to be as positive as I could be... and now you're attacking me with ad homimens instead of explaining why you think this photo would of had to be some "counter-inauguration ritual"

First of all that is a huge assumption. Second of all it doesn't exactly make sense as far as I understand magic. 12 hours later? 24 hours later? what is the time limit?

Present any evidence you have that it has to have been on Jan 20th, please. Also don't attack people who are TRYING to take your side.

Oh_Well_ian ago

whoa !! you fly in here with no evidence that supports your position and dismiss out of hand my entire submission, like your worthless opinion means anything?

your acceptance of the DEEP FAKE SHOPPED PIC is the ASSUMPTION, you flake.

you cunts are all over this shit... tell you what, Jackass... send this shit to Alex Jones and see what he does with it.

ponyfriend ago

Admit your constant negativity I forgot to say in my reply that after looking at the photo again I believe it is photoshopped but again that is different than deep fakes (calling me worthless, a jackass, a flake, a cunt... wow, you are a class act)

I'm sure the technology can be used on a still photograph but that doesn't change the fact that it is most well known with video and it is probably not necessary here.

Stop acting evil and attacking people just for having an opinion different than your own, please. For the love of God, the last thing we need is people constantly attacking others and driving down the traffic. D&C 101

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol shut up

you have a sleeper account and are obviously a shill

ponyfriend ago

No I'm just a mostly normal person who comes here from time to time and rarely posts. I was on 4/pol/ when spirit cooking started and then pizzagate later. You keep calling peoples shills and leeches, I feel like you are projecting.

Btw in that photo the character obama may or may not be dressed up as is the wife of saturn,

Cybele was Saturn's wife who's devout followers would castrate themselves and would later assume female identities. What group religiously practices male genatile mutilation? What group is responsible for the transgender movement? F-ing juice.

ponyfriend ago

I look at the photo and I agree that it could be fake but it is not a "deepfake" which is a specific software that uses 3d modeling on video to change someone's face, aka the deep fake porn thing, fake celeb porn.

1) stop with the verbal attacks 2) realize when people are either on your side (I said the truth is somewhere inbetween, aka you got SOME DETAILS WRONG) 3) realize when people who are not on your side can be easily converted to your side 4) use specifics to win support

lovely1 ago

the date theory is wrong but i think the photo is real

Oh_Well_ian ago

thank you for your 100% anecdotal and completely unsubstantiated OPINION

you have added nothing

ponyfriend ago

what have you added other than downvotes?

Comments: This user has upvoted 5725 and downvoted 4334 comments.

Oh_Well_ian ago

buzz off leach..

I have 28k submission points in half your sleepy nap here on voat

You have 59 lol FIFTY NINE

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

That just means you post too much. Go to the Trump forum. That's where you belong. Follow the occult leader.

Oh_Well_ian ago

day of the rope is near, faggot

you are breaking down, huh?

lovely1 ago

good day to u too. u fail to prove its photoshopped all u disprove is date theory. u kicked those teenagers off ur lawn yet?

Oh_Well_ian ago

Stay in the shallow end, girly.

Your passive aggressive bitchery wont fly here.

lovely1 ago

and ur outright aggressiveness reeks of micropeen

Oh_Well_ian ago

ohh… look at the feminist bitch going for the endowment barbs

Sorry hairy pits... that shit don't fly with me..

You're outright stupidity reeks of entitlement and laziness.

lovely1 ago

because i disagree that u proved it false? u did not prove it because you cant.

Geo_synchronous ago

Yep and Bill Clinton flights to Epstein's orgy island aren't on the White House records. The White House records are manipulated to cover up the real deal

Oh_Well_ian ago

Obama is on video in Palm Springs at 8pm on 1/20/18, you doofus.

Geo_synchronous ago

Well cool. Then go watch it while you wack your pin dick. Im sure the Deep state will enjoy watching you while you do it.

JackBlack1 ago

It's not shopped. Why would they have to shop it? You are disinformation.

Oh_Well_ian ago


Member: 18 days SCP: 0 / CCP: -4

Cc1914 ago

This could be fake but the real problem I think your having is that people are attaching this leak to.. " Q "
" I strongly suspect Q leaked this photo Obama of To prep the population for the exposure for the first time in history the satanic cult that has run the world. "

Here all the Q believers are debunking all your debunking , but they are using proper software and not just saying " look at the collar though " ( a costume can't be put on over a jacket ? ) before I completely dismiss this , I will need more evidence.

Oh_Well_ian ago

'Q Believers'? prove to me those are legitimate 'Q Believers'

Q Believers like CORSI and AJones?

or new improved Q Believers ?

As for the software, sweety-kins… Prove that the software analysis is not Vault 7 manipulated.

You have always been on my radar as a limited hangout account. And now you're really pinging my radar.

I really don't care about your opinion, btw. Because you have never supported anything I have done here.

Cc1914 ago

Prove to me , that the people saying this is real , are just trying to push disinfo ?! I've never supported anything you've done here ? Accusing me of being a limited hangout and I'm on your radar ? Oh no!! 😲 This is laughable . Is it because I don't put all my eggs in the Q basket ? Like I said , I will need more evidence before I dismiss this and I'm aloud to think critically .

Oh_Well_ian ago

Prove to me that this photo is Obama and that Witch account on IG that set off this shitstorm is real?

Where is your critical eye on that? I'm looking at the original post in PG and you are nowhere to be found. Why?

I don't have shit to prove to you, sister. Prove to me you are not full of double standards and go back over that now DEBUNKED submission. Or argue with @Vindicator that it was wrongly debunked. Give it a shot.

Cc1914 ago

Wow ..smh

Oh_Well_ian ago

well now is your chance, sister...

have at it... It's only been all over Reddit, Twitter and Voat for 48 hours.

but somehow... someway... you see and comment to mine FIRST

and if you had not seen it until now... why are you attacking my debunk before reviewing the original and getting all the facts o_0

wow.. smh at your weak shit..

Cc1914 ago

Because your the one debunking it ! It could have been anyone and I still would question it . You see these days , I don't believe anything till I have PROOF . I don't just think to myself " gee they say it's debunked so I guess it is " I have to go through all the necessary channels to prove to myself that it's fake . I simply said " whoa " at a picture and YOU attacked me first ! Now that the record is clear . I would have probably never said another word about that pic if you hadn't attacked me for saying " WHOA " Then ..... that made me want to look further into it and see that there are ALOT of people who think it's real . So thanks for pointing that out 😊

Oh_Well_ian ago

I actually saw your posts on the original and you were clearly concern trolling skeptics of the pic and I called you out there. You look like you totally believe it's real were throwing shade on those those who were doubting it. You have to be some kind of idiot to even imagine that the proofs in the PG post were legitimate. I already proved the proofs wrong. I used the proofs in the post against it and it was flaired with a DEBUNK by Vindicator.

Your 'WHOA' comment was over the top to me and lacked all context to the digital data 'confirmation'. So I asked you about it. I didn't attack you, you're lying.

It's DEBUNKED, sister. You have only obvious shills agreeing with you on that thread, not a single legit PG researcher is in your camp. Stop pretending.

' I have to go through all the necessary channels to prove it's FAKE '

'I have to go through all the necessary channels to prove it's REAL'

When it comes to OBAMA DRESSED AS MOLOCH, your method is pathetically inadequate for anyone who is serious about the subject.


Cc1914 ago

What comments on the original ? My first comment was " whoa " . Seriously though , if it's so obviously fake , and so provable, then why worry ? I think it's possible that a costume can be put on over a jacket . Do I wholeheartedly believe it's real ? NO . Some people can't understand where your proof is , that's all .

Judgejewdy ago

I honestly didn’t give a crap about the photo until oh well Ian showed up everywhere complaining about people disagreeing with him. Now anyone with just a modicum of questioning gets labeled a shill by him? Sounds weird. Especially since the first question was totally legit - where is his photo date coming from? His whole theory rests on that date, but it’s just a “posted on” date. Everyone knows that doesn’t mean anything. P.s. he’s starting to sound like MF. Just sayin.

IpointOutTrolls ago

He is panicked because Q might get smeared. Doing Q damage control. The Qrack must have been strong this morning :)

Cc1914 ago

Thank you @judgejewdy who has been a long time PG researcher ! You took the words right out of my mouth ! I appreciate you chiming in and I feel the same way !

o0shad0o ago

Why are you putting so much effort into spurious reasoning to debunk a photo that's obviously edited?

Oh_Well_ian ago

Because that edited photo is all over the interwebs and is being attached and hashtagged to legitimate research in Pizzagate and the work of QAnon.

Why are you so blasé and apathic? Why are you sitting on your butt and allowing this obviously edited photo to go viral and be brigaded here on Voat?

Why are you wasting my time with dumb questions?

What's in it for you?

o0shad0o ago

What's in it for me? Oh, I like debating.

You've supposedly pinned down the date a supposed photo was taken based on spurious evidence and then gone on to show that it couldn't be on that date, therefore the photo must be invalid. Poor logic.

Blase and apathic? Well, it's basically because this is going to continue as a trend. With photoshop and deepfake this sort of editing will become ubiquitous, from all directions. I think eventually this will result in people questioning everything they see, which is a healthy response and may help break bubbles and stop polarization.

Either that or people will just refuse to look at what's outside their bubble and accept edits that reinforce their beliefs, which will make things even worse. That's okay too, I'll just sit here and watch the world burn. This is fine.

Oh_Well_ian ago

good job... ignore all other aspects of the debunk...

I'm not the originator of the authenticity of the date. That is in the original PG post and on Reddit and Twitter.. Head over there for your debate, faggot.

o0shad0o ago

Well, this just popped up, an archive copy of the original instagram post. The post itself is dated Jan 20th, which is where the date apparently came from. I suppose it could've been taken that same day, but there's no indication whether or not it was.

Marked2476 ago

Honest questions.. 1.. how do we know the photo was taken January 20 2017, and not October 29 2016 like indicated by the person asking to have that costume for a wedding they were attending on that date? 2. If someone was a Chicago fan, then dont you think they would wear their jacket everywhere, not just in chicago?

Your entire argument is based on a date.. if that date is wrong, your entire argument goes up in flames... but if the date is correct.. then great job debunking!

Oh_Well_ian ago

funny how you don't bother questioning the original post that is all over Reddit and Twitter right now, that's full of holes. Most of those are just the pic, on it's own. What does that mean? It means it's WORTHLESS. And NO, I'm not just using a date. See the attached initial debunk. Look at the thread in PG and read through the links that claim to prove that was the date.

You are applying a glaring and disingenuous double standard, Skippy, and your thinly veiled trolling comment here seals the deal for me. You're not even using common sense.

You're a shill. ( don't use 'WE', skippy, there is no WE )

Marked2476 ago

I've BEEN looking and I CANNOT find whatever info you are using to come up with that info.. you can call me whatever you want.. I am in search of truth.. if it's so easy to say "heres why I think that's the correct date" then why not do so.. why bite my head off and call me names for asking a simple honest question about how you arrived at your information?

Oh_Well_ian ago

maybe it's because you have one lousy post to Pizzagate and you're not that fucking bright ?

could that be it? This is the link at the top of my post, you coy fake >>

did you miss that shit? GTFO

Marked2476 ago

Omg.. that's when the picture was POSTED not TAKEN! And you wanna call ME "not bright"?! A 2 year old could see through that.. you are the shill here.. coming here and posting this fake ass information and then screaming and yelling at people who would DARE question what you posted... just because a picture was POSTED on January 20th 2017, doesnt mean that's when the photo was TAKEN.. you dumb tard...

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Hahaha. See what we have to deal with? These inbred Satanist are touched goth dorks when in public with regular people.

carmencita ago

Hey I pretty much hate the Obamas especially him, but pushing something that just ain't so is really beneath us. I have too much respect for all the work that all of us do to bring disinfo to our board And the gloating and berating we will receive from shills for believing this, what I will call a piece of CRAP!!! What do people not understand about respecting truth? For me just the picture of the head shot of him with the Black Collar was enough proof, but OH NO!!! Could you not see that there was a Black Collar also on the picture sticking out? It is beyond obvious to me. WAKE UP!!! Somebody was trying to Embarrass Us and Yes, they could not wait to BLAST it ALL OVER!!! Thank you @Oh_Well_Ian

whereisthemountain ago

Did you mean this picture of Obama?

Judgejewdy ago

Look, I want this to be real, I really do. But the main issue I have with this photo is the light source. the light coming at him is from the front left, making the sequins shine. That same light would make the sequins on his mask shine, too, and his skin wouldn’t be so dark. #followthelight

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Solid argument. I am no lighting expert either, so this can go on and on. It's odd. If I was to bet, I would say it is a setup, put out there to debunk and say PG is stupid. I don't think it matters either way. I don't rule it out being him though.

EricKaliberhall ago

Oh.. they're pushing them... look at the shilling on this concise, accurate, and devastating debunk.

I'm thinking share flair... :)

Vindicator ago


DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You are such a gatekeeper. I'm going to post on The catholic church and British crown and their mass genocide of Canadian aboriginals. Boil your blood eh?

Oh_Well_ian ago

that is a great idea !! thanks EK

derram ago :

WWG1WGA | WE ARE Q on Twitter: "… "

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