srayzie ago

Ever since Jerome Corsi and Alex Jones pulled their little stunt, I don’t trust any of them. Including Roger Stone.

Pattern_Blind ago

Yeah this a totally misleading article title. There is no stabbing in the back. Maybe the stabbing in the back is how Alex Jones on air described the Russian Spy as “having a Western sounding name” that tricked (((Roger Stone))), Greenberg...Western sounding Kike name. Good Goy-Wash Alex...Of course a fellow Kike like Stoneberg is going to meet up with a Greenburg and get Yiddish with them. Alex kept saying “a Western sounding name” on his show avoiding the Greenberg Kike name.

Roger Stone has had some excellent insight at times but remember he is Jewish and his ties that bind lay with that community. He has many Zionist and Israeli connections. Never forget that when you listen to him speak.

0rion ago

How exactly did Roger Stone stab Trump in the back? Not that I am doubting you...but some context would be nice.

dooob ago

How did Roger Stone stab Trump in the back?