pby1000 ago

Looks real to me.

Unreasonable ago

Expert Photoshop expert here.

It's genuine.

Jew shills have been out in force lately. Yeesh.

Oh_Well_ian ago

nice try... I'm a photoshop expert since 5.0

'expert photoshop expert' lol Please tell me that is satire and I'll laugh

Unreasonable ago

The only satire here is your fucking ugly face.

mynewaccountagain ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

Hi TS !!

Tallest_Skil ago

Please don’t mean me. Pizzagate is proven to be true. It has nothing to do with Q-LARP and is sullied to hell and back by the false association therewith.

zyklon_b ago

Word on the the playground is you are involved

Tallest_Skil ago

Why the old post ping? That’s forever ago. It’s funny to see how Q-LARP still doesn’t have a single shred of evidence after 9 months, though. I wonder what happens when November 2018 rolls around, absolutely no one is arrested, and the goalpost-moving Qcumbers lose their defense of “HE DIDUNT MEEN THIS (2017) YEER HURR!”

Should be a fun time. The humor will soften the blow of the electoral results.

zyklon_b ago

the old ping is because this thread is supposedly evidence ohwellian is a paid shill.

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh, he’s probably just a guy who isn’t fully redpilled, is all.

zyklon_b ago

the word on the playground is he works for obama.and hillary and.personally killed seff ritch

BillyBobBoJangles ago

So the evidence that it is fake is that people on 4chan, voat, and reddit say so?

Tallest_Skil ago

No, that’s the “evidence” that it’s real, Q-LARPer. Try harder.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

What does qlarp mean?

Tallest_Skil ago

There’s a hoax going around about a ‘Q-level patriot’ that retards claim is Trump himself, posting on imageboards in retarded, vague statements about what is “happening” in the government. It’s a LARP, so Q-LARP or Q-hoax is common terminology. They’ve scooped up thousands of dipshits along the way; it’s really rather disconcerting how many people fell for it.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Gotcha, I had heard of Q and seen some of his post, but I had never understood what q-larp meant. I don't take any conspiracy at face value since the majority of them are misinformation, just draw from all of it to try and get an idea of what is really going on.

Pattern_Blind ago

It’s funny becuase it’s the same Trolls who posted it 2 days ago, are now saying look Niggerfaggots we got you! Sweet LuLz!

OMG the Soy is falling! Quick get a latte and take some cock eating grin selfies. Those Niggerfaggot Chan’s really got everyone this time...Niggerfaggots attitude on Voat 2 days ago, posting that picture.

Same Niggerfaggot’s are the ones who follow up their own fake post with “Make sure you get this out” or “Share this on social you’re media” or “I gotta post this, I knew it!” on their alt-Voat accounts.

whereisthemountain ago

Hey, you're talking about this picture, right?

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

That shit don't look Photoshop to me that looks like Obama in a fucking costume.

What the fuck is this CIA doublespeak shit going on right now?

whereisthemountain ago

This dude is nuts. Just wanted to make sure people saw the "fake" picture he's been screeching about, since he went through the trouble of upvoting himself to the front page.

Tallest_Skil ago

Isn’t it interesting how you’re defending a proven hoax and projecting your own tactics onto others...

whereisthemountain ago

Have you thought about changing your language or maybe just waiting a few minutes in between alt-posts? You're pretty heavy-handed when it comes to subterfuge.

Tallest_Skil ago


Have you thought about having an argument, posting evidence for your retarded claims, or NOT sucking jewish cock? Reported for libel.

whereisthemountain ago


I'm as good as banned, aren't I?