wonderfuldonut ago

O'Bummer, has no right to speak on my behalf anywhere! Period, I dont care where speech was given, I can speak for myself, as for small minded, Unlike you I dont have to hide my academic credentials

woadowl ago

race. remember to bring up race again. just slip it in there somewhere.

Omag ago

I'm no Obama fan but this is a horseshit post. Taken totally out of context. Lord knows this POS said and did enough to despise his presidency without this kind of cheap crap.

Oh_Well_ian ago

He told you exactly what he was going to do, and he did it.

You sad sheep. Either he was lying and every word was a deception, or he was talking to the crowd and they were all snickering at your gullible ass.

which is it?

ExceptionEncountered ago

He's a silver tongued devil. He talks of independent nations striving for and achieving their own freedom and then calls for an international order to control those free nations in the second to last paragraph.

"We can’t count on others to rise to meet those tests. The policies of your government, the principles of your European Union, will make a critical difference in whether or not the international order that so many generations before you have strived to create continues to move forward, or whether it retreats."

Oh_Well_ian ago

Yeah.. Never mind if you hold your government to account like Tommy did in UK or dare to question one of their sycophantic Judges, you will be thrown in prison without trial and into a den of Islamic terrorists.

Or if you take photos of the inside of a sub, Obama will lock you in the slammer for 4 years, while pardoning Tranny Traitor Manning and have taxpayers foot the bill for his Sex Change.


Hektik ago

Fuck you OP is a shill

Oh_Well_ian ago

O/P dominates this subverse, little man.

You have been here 3 years and have nothing to show for it.

Hektik ago

I sure as fucked dont spread fake news. Thats a paid shills job . hence the time hes put in lil man

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol So.. you're basically saying that the 'we' on Voat are nothing but a bunch of suckers for my fake news..

got it.. hahaha you schmucks..

Lobotomy ago


You out yourself as a yid, yid.

Oh_Well_ian ago

3 years here and you really have not done too much...

I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go, pickle boy..

get a box... get your things.

Lobotomy ago

Aww, look! He thinks he's people!

Make me leave, kike!

Lobotomy ago

Pickle boy? You are mentally ill.

ieatmyownpoop ago

Obama is a stupid filthy nigger

jerkwad152 ago

It doesn't make us look good when you put up outright lies, regardless of who's in the clip.

Oh_Well_ian ago


It doesn't look good when this site upvoats and spams shit like this >>> https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2594197 Where were you then?

Oh.. and what doesn't make this site look good is a bunch of faggots spouting about NIGGERS AND JEWS every fucking day.

jerkwad152 ago

Look at the context, and the meaning changes completely, you ignorant fuck.

...but then, you probably know that already and are just throwing a bitch fit.

Bye Felicia.

Oh_Well_ian ago

oh.. another sap who believes the Messiah would never lie to him..

you're the reason we got 8 years of that faggot

jerkwad152 ago

This is really entertaining.

SpongeRobert ago

Did Obama say we are too small minded to govern ourselves?


The OP"s post takes the quote out of context, but it is what Obama said and it is what he believes. I give the OP one CNN for taking the quote out of context, but I still have to rate this as TRUE.

Anam ago

Did Obama say we are too small minded to govern ourselves?

No. From the full text quoted in comments above, it is apparent that he was attributing that belief to his enemies - basically implying that Trump is a Nazi without actually saying it. That said, Obama's actions belie his words, and it is certainly something that he and the elites actually do believe.

SpongeRobert ago

He did say those words.

I was making fun of Sniped while pointing out that yes, he did say those words.

DrLizardo ago


Oh_Well_ian ago


MrShekelstein ago

But those ideals have also been tested — here in Europe and around the world. Those ideals have often been threatened by an older, more traditional view of power. This alternative vision argues that ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs, that order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign. Often, this alternative vision roots itself in the notion that by virtue of race or faith or ethnicity, some are inherently superior to others, and that individual identity must be defined by “us” versus “them,” or that national greatness must flow not by what a people stand for, but by what they are against.

relevant paragraph.

obama never mentions which side hes on.

Anam ago

And it was here in Europe, through centuries of struggle — through war and Enlightenment, repression and revolution — that a particular set of ideals began to emerge: The belief that through conscience and free will, each of us has the right to live as we choose. The belief that power is derived from the consent of the governed, and that laws and institutions should be established to protect that understanding.

The above quote is a good precis of classical liberalism. Obama is claiming to be on the side of the enlightenment by contrasting it favorably with the confused mix-up of feudalism and identity politics based on race or religion you have quoted above. Judging by his actions rather than by his words, he is lying his ass off.

MrShekelstein ago

Hes done this before.

He would talk to the rust belt back in 2008 by starting with a cover and arguing that they've been hit hard by changes in the economy then offers no solution and slowly twists the argument to a misplaced blame on illegal immigrants.

Anam ago

Obama speaks with forked tongue. That's why he needs two teleprompters.

Le_Squish ago

Convenient omission.

Oh_Well_ian ago

excellent... we normally hate each other and at least you have the integrity to be honest about his words


WhiteMakesRight ago

Pretty sick of this dumbass larper Q already.

voltronsdicks ago

As soon as I saw this I thought it sounded suspicious.

we're coming to a point where we're starting to realize that the only thing in the universe that we can trust....is math.

Oh_Well_ian ago

so… you think Obama cared about individuals and the EU leaders in that audience are adhering to the whims of their constituents? Do you think 90% of Europeans are just dumb when they say they don't want Islam overrunning their countries and their leaders just know better than them?

Did you read 1984 and do you understand its concepts? Do you think the Messiah was telling the truth here or do you think he was laughing at you? Or do you think all his fuck ups and steamrolling over our rights was on accident?


voltronsdicks ago

I love how you came up with this whole retarded speech just because I pointed out the dishonest presentation. LOL

Oh_Well_ian ago

I love how you eat Obama's shit, complain for 8 years about his destruction of the USA, and then defend him.

What a sorry piece of shit you are.

voltronsdicks ago

Obama is one of the worst criminal presidents ever to sit in office and your claim is that I'm supporting him? LOL! You are one dumb faggot piece of shit LOL

nigger_plz ago

This is taken out of context but Obama is doing his usual dancing around words routine and not really saying anything but trying to sound important. That dude was damn good at public speaking, but I'll be damn if I would ever get anything out of it besides "we can change the world." Hell, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young sang a song that said the same thing. Good song.

newoldwave ago

Probably fake headline, but I believe the Bilderberg's (part of deep state) conspired to get Obama in the WH. Notice I didn't say elected. Hillary was the deep state's next choice but they failed to rig the election nd Trump win. This is who hates Trump and trying hard to get him out. .

BillyLuath ago

Came here to point out that this edited piece is the exact opposite of the point he was trying to get out... see everyone is already on the ball.

He's still the US's first foreign President, though.


Oy vey goy, demz is just conspiracy big thinks!

Doesn't matter Obama was never in any yearbook nor that the Docent stated he never had an Obama in his class.

Kannibal ago

Actual speech not at Bildeberg , but at Palais des Beaux Arts in Brussels, Belgium

Full speech here


relevant section at 3m00s


Larger transcript show OP is twisting the words

Leaders and dignitaries of the European Union; representatives of our NATO Alliance; distinguished guests: We meet here at a moment of testing for Europe and the United States, and for the international order that we have worked for generations to build.

Throughout human history, societies have grappled with fundamental questions of how to organize themselves, the proper relationship between the individual and the state, the best means to resolve inevitable conflicts between states. And it was here in Europe, through centuries of struggle — through war and Enlightenment, repression and revolution — that a particular set of ideals began to emerge: The belief that through conscience and free will, each of us has the right to live as we choose. The belief that power is derived from the consent of the governed, and that laws and institutions should be established to protect that understanding. And those ideas eventually inspired a band of colonialists across an ocean, and they wrote them into the founding documents that still guide America today, including the simple truth that all men — and women — are created equal.

But those ideals have also been tested — here in Europe and around the world. Those ideals have often been threatened by an older, more traditional view of power. This alternative vision argues that ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs, that order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign. Often, this alternative vision roots itself in the notion that by virtue of race or faith or ethnicity, some are inherently superior to others, and that individual identity must be defined by “us” versus “them,” or that national greatness must flow not by what a people stand for, but by what they are against.

source: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2014/03/26/remarks-president-address-european-youth

Considered in their full context, President Obama’s mentions to ordinary men and women being “too small-minded to govern their own affairs” and order and progress being possible only “when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign” are clearly references to an old, undesirable form of power, not an expression of President Obama’s viewpoint about how things are or should be in the world today.

so clever editing to tell a lie.

This should not be necessary, surely there is enough legitimate proof that you don't have to make shit up?

MrShekelstein ago

you just proved it real news you retard.


RageAgainstTheAmish ago

(((They))) aren't sending (((their))) best 😂

Kannibal ago

He was basically calling out assholes, idiots, and retards.

maybe he should use smaller words for your benefit?

Feral_Human ago

Assholes, idiots & Retards = Ordinary people? OK that makes perfect sense.......If you're a Pinko Commie Faggot.

Kannibal ago

you need a better dictionary, and a better understanding of english

Assholes, idiots & Retards = the old guard in charge who do not want human rights, who want to remain in charge and think that since they have theirs, fuck everyone else.

and all the other folks so simply say fuck everyone else.

learn to read english instead of being feral

Feral_Human ago

The "Old Guard in charge" are the Globalists & their dancing Monkeys like Comrade Obama. Donald Fucking Trump is the New Leader of the Free World & the "Old Guard" is fighting tooth & nail to regain it's hold over the Peasants/Ordinary People.

Kannibal ago

so you agree with what Obama was actually saying?

Feral_Human ago

I'm just NOT stupid enough to believe that Comrade Obama doesn't fervently believe EXACTLY what he said in the edited sound bite this thread is based on.

Kannibal ago

see with simple editing I can reveal your true thoughts

I'm just NOT stupid enough to believe all sorts of stupid shit


Feral_Human ago

Why don't you suck a nigger dick? Stop resisting YOUR true thoughts.

Kannibal ago

Just because this is what you fantasize about all the time does not mean that everyone else does it.

Feral_Human ago

Sorry dude it doesn't work like that. If you get to tell me what I'm thinking, than I get to tell you what you're thinking........You degenerate fag.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Or you could just own up and admit that this entire speech was a pack of lies and his 8 years were EXACTLY going against the will of the people. The EU dumping millions of INVADERS into Europe AGAINST THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Obamacare DESTROYING HEALTH CARE. DOUBLING OF THE NATIONAL DEBT after accusing BUSH AND REPUBLICANS for doing the same.

You're a faggot and he is a fucking liar and a total failure.


sinclair ago

This is a leftist tactic. Context matters. I got no love for this dude either, but you discredit a movement with bullshit.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Movement?? lol Bro, you have not done shit here for a year and a half, you fake fuck.

I'm not part of your movement, faggot. You're sitting on the couch eating Funyuns and sipping Root Beer.

Podd ago

You're doing yourself a disservice. At the very least you should have made it clear the piece was edited.

Kannibal ago

then you should post shit without making shit up

making shit up discredits you

bredlo ago

Worse, it discredits the people who are eager to share information with friends.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Don't worry, gatekeeper, I can handle it.

The post is 100% accurate. Nothing is MADE UP. He said it VERBATIM.

You are actually the one who believes that NEWSPEAK he spewed and are defending it.

You are making shit up. Not me.

Kannibal ago

Not verbatim, because the words that came before and that come after re-frame and change the meaning of what he said.

thus the meaning of the segment you use is different than what you say it is, regardless of how much you whine about it.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Get Obama's dick out of your mouth. Even if you take him at his word, he LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING IN THAT SPEECH.

He did the EXACT OPPOSITE. Only when it's parsed out ( just what I did / WORD FOR WORD ) is the TRUTH apparent.

My headline exposed the actually reality of his ACTIONS.

ORWELL 1984 -- read it

Kannibal ago

no it didn't

it was totally ineffective and unconvincing because you shitposted a lie to make your point.

so a troll, and idiot, or a super duper double agent

Oh_Well_ian ago

shut up... You're hated on Voat, faggot..

Go suck some more Obama dick... He's going to GITMO... maybe you can write ?

Kannibal ago

like I really care

and which is why your comments to me are getting downvoated

and my comments to you are getting upvoated.

Lobotomy ago

All you've done to defend yourself is shift the goalposts. He did not say that verbatim, you were provided the bigger context, and all you can say to defend yourself is "Oh, well, he meant it!" So what if he meant it? We all know that already, but you lying about the context helps fucking nobody.

GAS YOURSELF. The truth is bigger than the terror your ego faces by being proven wrong. You're WRONG. Try being less wrong in the future.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I'm destroying this site and exposing it for what it is...

Too bad you're too fucking lame to see that... lol

VOAT IS A HONEYPOT to make Trump supporters look like Nazis

by the way, you whore... NO JEWS WERE GASSED

Lobotomy ago

No shit no jews were gassed. But I'd be more than happy for you to be the first.

Voat isn't a honeypot, you are just a shill. Go back to shareblue.

Oh_Well_ian ago

uh.. David Brock and James Alefantis tried to start a Museum called Pegasus which was really a chop shop and a ritual sacrifice temple..

I have 3 posts in Pizzagate on Pegasus... search for them, whore.

Lobotomy ago


RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Motherfukers come at us acting like we don't realize (((they))) have cryptic messages between the lines lmao

The goyim fucking know and have known forever.

American-Patriot ago

Put Obama to death as a TRAITOR with all the other Globalist freaks.

oldzeke ago

Get the f out with this edited crap. It's plain as day that's spliced mid-sentence. If I were Israel and wanted to make this site look stupid, this is the exact sort of thing I would post.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Again... Obama went against EVERY WORD in this speech and shit on every man and woman in this country.

You don't know how the world works, do you?

Do you miss all the LIES, Skippy?

You want more lies told to you?

oldzeke ago

When you embarrass this site with fake b.s., you do Obama a favor. Do you understand that?

Oh_Well_ian ago

shut up, faggot..

He said the words.. He acted on those words. Dumb cunts like you are the embarrassment. Eat up the lies, you dumb shit.

and you have not even been here a month, so shut the fuck up about what is good for this site

oldzeke ago

I get the sense you're barely literate. Have a nice day.

Samchay6 ago

How far into the speech is this exert?

Kannibal ago

3 minutes into the full speech


Quicktor ago

The real Zionist swine who run the darkness are secretly laughing at this faggot kaffir...do our bidding your egoless, schtuped-in-the-ass half breed...

lesshateplz ago

wow... so he's a traitor to the american ideals and beliefs... nope that was edited watching the lips don't match the video.

MrShekelstein ago

Q just said this was real.

We need actual proof of course but thats a pretty big deal.


MrShekelstein ago

its real, neat.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I have the Q board right in front of me and it's not there. You're a Q hater anyway, faggot.

provide the link

memememema ago

Is this edited

Oh_Well_ian ago

Why, because Obama clearly demonstrated that he gave two shits about INDIVIDUALS in his 8 years as Prez-O-dent ? Shit... he didn't say ONE DAMN WORD about Chicago. That was his hometown !!

He is losing his shit to this very day and whining about the NEW WORLD ORDER being unwound by Trump and his America First Agenda.

Here is the full speech. I suggest you listen to the entire thing and realize how time has exposed him for the LIAR HE IS..



oldzeke ago

What is the time stamp of the excerpted portion?

Oh_Well_ian ago

Obama was bullshit. Just like this speech was pack of lies.

Or did you really feel like he gave two shits about the men and women of this country and what they wanted? Do you think the leaders of the EU in that audience are giving the men and women of their nations what they want? Or do you think they are imposing a Sovereign Power on their individual desires? You think millions of Muslims shitting in the streets of London is what European want? Do you think Muslims raping Swedish girls and getting off the hook is what the Swedes want?

Dipshit... YOU'RE LIVING IN AN ORWELLIAN FASCIST STATE and you're too fucking arrogant to admit it...

Lobotomy ago

"Obama was a liar, so if I lie about him, then that means I'll be the better man!"

A lie by omission is still a lie. Admit your fault already, you autistic piece of trash.

Lobotomy ago

Not an argument. Just insane ramblings from someone already proven wrong.

You're wrong.