Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Follow the white rabbit. When your the FBI deep state swamp and you work with google and news media a lot, you tend to be able to get a lot of information to extort people and blackmail the universe with and when your google you tend to be able to work with your technology and the news media to completely control and have a huge propaganda narrative and the FBI is even able to feed dis info and lies to the news and work with the news on crafting and creating lies and made up stories. And when your the owner of google and have that kind of control and power where you can vanish anything unpleasant about you and you work with swamp like FBI all the time and are BFFL i mean you begin to see how these people work with each other and are sick. I mean we're talking about people who can make stuff on them vanish and make dirt about you come out and ruin your life and they all work with each other.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Alice in wonderland. Follow the white rabbit. Can you feel that closing in on you. Oh i sure can.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

And again down the rabbit hole to wonderland we go. The real follow the white rabbit. This is the real follow the white rabbit. I think we just found follow the white rabbit.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Back in the day before the Cambridge Analytica deal, Sophie (I think she was around 19 at the time), shared her trip to North Korea with her dad in a blog complete with photos. Info here and it's not mine BTW of course it is connected to Google sites AWBE. https://sites.google.com/site/sophieinnorthkorea/home

What stands out to me in various write-ups and sources sanctioned by the AP, is the fact she used the words handler for those who were delegated to escort them and she referred to the word "controlled" and staged encounters. Indeed!

She says she posted these observations because she was on her grad school winter break. There are some photos in her blog. All surface driven and pointed towards the belief system supported and sanctioned by all MSM.

The other thing that caught my attention was her father was invited by Bill Richardson, former New Mexico governor. He's done a bit of everything. Was a congressman, Ambassador to UN, energy sec. for Clinton, Chairman of DNC and Democratic Governor's Association. Had some alleged shady business dealings in NM so he withdrew from a position on Obama's cabinet. Charges were dropped, but. . .I know what they hide within their "government" systems.

I believe the tell, lies within the background of his father who was a Citibank Executive. Mother was of Spanish and Mexican ancestry. Since his father had been born on a ship and not in America, Richardson's father sent his mother to California when she was ready to give birth to him so he could be a US citizen. He actually grew up in Mexico City and was sent to Boston. MA for prep school around 13.

He surely must have been a shoe in for the global style scholarships they give to their "best, brightest and most likely to be influential" with him later living and working in Mexico City. What a great handler for trade deals with Mexico to weaken the US and strengthen the Globalist agenda. As the World Turns.

Just interesting that Richardson was the one wanting to "take" Eric Schmidt to NK with his young daughter on break while she speaks of handlers, controlled and staged environment. Is it a poke in the eye or reading too much into it? You be the judge, as everyone on here is.

We all know Exactly what ES has been up to. Nice networking ES!

Good article. The Cabal LOVES the word Alice. When one starts noticing, it is All Over the MAP. New agenda's being furthered constantly, their names and connections. . .No Coincidences!

gazillions ago

If there's one company in the world that needs destroyed, it's Google.

Oh_Well_ian ago

word... and when the entire truth comes out about everything they've had their hands in...

people will be wanting it's leaders executed for crimes against humanity and high treason

goatsandbros ago

long illness

Blood girl for dad and friends?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

These people are Sick!

Blacksmith21 ago

“1. Go to North Korea if you can. It is very, very strange; 2. If it is January, disregard the above. It is very, very cold; and 3. Nothing I'd read or heard beforehand really prepared me for what we saw.”


Are_we_sure ago

Why would be news that Alice Schmidt passed away? Alice Schimdt wasn't a public figure. In fact, she wasn't even a member of Eric Schmidt family.

Alison Schmidt however, yeah, they sure covered that story up well. You found it on a tech website who saw the story on Twitter and confirmed it

From a public announcement on the The Schmidt Family Foundation website.

An announcement that is still up today.

valk2 ago

Wasn't there something the DOJ or E.O. that stated the government could take everything from a person or corporation if they were found to have participated in human trafficking?

If so does that mean that if this leads back to google, NK and Human trafficking as @thisitotallynotme has suggested, that the US could seize all of google assets or part of them?

Is that partly why google did the alphabet split in order to shield them from this in the future?

Are_we_sure ago

Wasn't there something the DOJ or E.O. that stated the government could take everything from a person or corporation if they were found to have participated in human trafficking?

Not really. Something else happened that people started pushing a bunch of myths about.

In 2012, Congress passed a law called the Magnitsky Act. It levied sanctions against people involved with the death of Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian Tax Accountant who died in prison in Moscow.

In 2016 Congress passed a new law called Global Magnitsky Act. This went beyond Russia and levied sanctions at people involved in gross Human Rights abuses. The law said Congress would send a list of names to Treasury and State and they would vet the names and choose which names would be sanctioned. To enact this law would require the President to issue an executive order because the lawful authority enact treasuring sanctions exists in a few existing laws dating back to the 50's.

Obviously these laws predate Trump's presidency. But the enforcement of this law --coming up with the people to sanction and issuing the order-- happened in 2017. This right during the Qanon hubbub and fit perfectly with the fictions the Qanon crowd was pushing, that Trump was going to act like a dictator and was going after the assets of child trafficking, so a bunch of Myths got created.

Myths about the Dec 2017 Executive Order.

  1. This executive order is focused on Human Trafficking. Actually it goes way beyond that, its focus is Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption. It could be used to go after human traffickers but it could be used for other crimes.
  2. This was President Trump's initiative. Actually it's based on a law passed by Congress and the initial list of people selected for sanctions was proposed by Congress. The State Department and the Treasury Department the pick the nominees and send them to the president. The sanctions list is managed by the Treasury Department's OFFICE OF FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL
  3. This can be used to take everything a person has away from them. Actually, it can be used to "freeze" your assets if those assets are kept in American banks. Also Banks that do business with American banks will not do business with you because then they could get cut off from the American banking system, which means you become a pariah to banks all over the world. So if they have their money outside the US and outside banks who do business with the US, nothing happens. The real "bite" of these sanctions is you are cut off from Global banking system and it becomes much harder to move your money around the world. It becomes much harder for you to travel. Imagine being a billionaire but not being able to use your credit card in Rome or get money from an ATM in Paris. Some of the money in the original Magnitsky case was laundered into NY real estate and the US Attorney in NY went after it. It can also use you to deny you a visa to the US.
  4. This could be used to go after the "Swamp" or "The Cabal" or Eric Schmidt. Actually this only applies to foreign nationals outside the reach of US law. People committing crimes inside the US would be subject to the US justice system with the usual Constitutional protections
  5. There are over 100,000 names already on this list. See here https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2514858 or here https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2420106. Actually this is the entire list of sanctions people or entities maintained the Treasury Department's OFFICE OF FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL. The names on this list go back decades. There are all sorts of ways you get on this list. Columbian drug dealers from the 1980's on are this list. Terrorist organizations like the Irish Republican Army are this list.
  6. Here's a new myth about this "This is what the removal of the power structure of major corporations is about. The example of ZTE is a template of how the Qanon team intends to take over ALL these private and publicly held companies." Actually this is fantasy. This had nothing at all with ZTE. The ZTE case was about them breaking sanctions on Iran and the Commerce department cut them off from buying American technology. Trump overruled the Commerce Department's decision and kept ZTE alive.

Background Info From Human Rights Watch.

Sergei Magnitsky was a Russian accountant who, in 2009, was tortured, denied medical attention, and found dead in his Moscow jail cell. Russian authorities had targeted him for his role in exposing a giant tax fraud scheme allegedly involving high-level government officials.

In 2012, the US Congress passed a law in his name that imposed sanctions on a list of Russian officials believed to be responsible for serious human rights violations, freezing any US assets they hold and banning them from entry into the United States.

In an important step for global accountability, Congress built on the original Russia-focused Magnitsky law in 2016 and enacted the Global Magnitsky Act, which allows the executive branch to impose visa bans and targeted sanctions on individuals anywhere in the world responsible for committing human rights violations or acts of significant corruption. The act received widespread bipartisan support. Senator Ben Cardin, a Maryland Democrat, introduced a version of the bill, and five Republican senators and five Democratic senators signed on as co-sponsors. President Barack Obama signed the law on December 23, 2016.

What does the Global Magnitsky Act do?

The Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act authorizes the president to block or revoke the visas of certain “foreign persons” (both individuals and entities) or to impose property sanctions on them. People can be sanctioned (a) if they are responsible for or acted as an agent for someone responsible for “extrajudicial killings, torture, or other gross violations of internationally recognized human rights,” or (b) if they are government officials or senior associates of government officials complicit in “acts of significant corruption.”

Why is the Global Magnitsky Act a useful tool?

The act promotes respect for human rights at all levels of government by enabling the US executive branch to apply targeted sanctions on any individual involved in a human rights violation, from senior officials to low-level officers and even nongovernment associates. These sanctions can take the form of asset freezes for funds held in US banks and bans on visas for coming to the US.

The Global Magnitsky Act functions as a deterrent, forcing foreign officials at all levels who would use unlawful violence or corruption to consider repercussions from the US government. The act also provides incentives to foreign governments to improve their own accountability mechanisms. By cooperating with the US on Global Magnitsky investigations, foreign leaders can show that they will not tolerate human rights abusers in their own countries.

How effective are sanctions from the Global Magnitsky Act?

Sanctions deny individuals entry into the US, allow the seizure of any of their property held in the country, and effectively prevent them from entering into transactions with large numbers of banks and companies. Both American firms and international firms with American subsidiaries run the risk of violating US sanctions if they do business with sanctioned people. The law’s impact is exemplified by the Russian official sanctioned by the Magnitsky Act who hired a Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, to advocate against the act at the US Congress and help establish a non-profit organization opposing the act.

valk2 ago

The fact your account is negative in both departments leads me to just block you and ignore this entire post. This is a canned response that you have in a file on a PC ready to spam out.

This is typical shill shit right here. After this comment I won't waste more time on you or anything associated with you.

Are_we_sure ago

All of what I said is the truth. You obviously would prefer to believe the myths.

Is this a canned response I have a PC. No. it's not. Though that would have saved me time.

It has come several times on this board which is why I knew the basic facts.

If you want to deal in reality, you can look up how the executive order came about and which laws it reference.

You want to believe the myths you can keep your head buried in the sand.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Exactly.. the Presidential EO from December.. This is what the removal of the power structure of major corporations is about. The example of ZTE is a template of how the Qanon team intends to take over ALL these private and publicly held companies. I pointed it out here in this post >>


patriot_biz ago

Deus vult!

hang_em_high ago

Interesting, I had never heard of this. All I could find is information on his other daughter Sophie. One of the first articles to come up was this one. Why was Schmidt and his other daughter visiting NK like that?

Another article about Sophie Schmidt is talking about her Cambridge Analytica and Palantir. Why does a 20 year old girl have this sort of information?

I'm going to keep looking into this. He also resigned last year I believe. Another one of the many CEOs to step down.

Oh_Well_ian ago

searches are bereft of information

that is my basic point

thisistotallynotme ago

Holy fuck, this put so many connectons together.
Alice and Wonderland, but also the human trafficking/CRM set up in NK by Eric Schmidt last year.
IIRC, he went on that trip with Alice.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Nice "cold" environment people where Sophie and her dad claimed people acted in what they described as indifferent and "not responding to stimuli." That must be useful for him in building his "Robot Army!"

Blacksmith21 ago

CRM - that is an apt description. They probably laid and lit fiber cable and provided satellite segment for all comms. All encrypted. Google and CIA have had close business affiliations since its founding.

hang_em_high ago

I believe he went on that trip with Sophie. That is according to the dailymail article though.

NotHereForPizza ago



ArtistiqueJewelry ago

There are also ALICE drills they have been training many of our kids for in the school systems. Interesting how many FF's there have been. A recent shooting at a MS in my town along with a Bomb threat at my daughter's school where there was a lockdown and authorities literally Crawling all over that school!

Some Very interesting things were going on that day. A big tell is observing various department responses and how you could almost invision a hook coming out as they tried to get one officer to Shut it! Almost comical, but tired of the "Staged events". I live in a very masonic controlled town, but people don't even realize it.

Another training program posed as "good" and their is indeed some good training involved, at the same time, many people Stood and still Stand to make quite a bit of money off of programs like this. Reminds me of what came out of the LV shooting and who stood to profit nicely on their FUD. Follow the money trail or train, whichever you prefer.