cavalieracer ago

Wait so a secretive group that usually has heads of state and members of wealthy dynasties who plot to overthrow the world let all their members take video with their cellphones. I'm gonna say I don't think this was a bilderberg meeting but I'm welcome to proof.

Oh_Well_ian ago

They eat children and harvest their organs. Hillary worships Satan and was almost President.

When are you dumb cunts going to wake the fuck up?

cavalieracer ago

Ok, I see you are not going to answer my question which is simple I can't take a phone into the local magistrate court house. But you are gonna sit here and try to bullshit everyone here that at a BILDERBERG meeting they all had their cellphones to take video to post on the Instagram accounts. Sure buddy. There's enough crazy bullshit going on with our government without you trying to muddy the waters with this shit all you do is make the problem worse. There are senior members of the FBI who allowed HRC to get away with crimes against our government lets start with fixing our FBI and if they are eating babies then maybe an FBI free of corruption would stop it.

Oh_Well_ian ago

zzzzzz… I can take on all you faggots all fucking day. You think I don't know your 3 year old 75 SUB point account is not a sleeping CIA GLOW FAG PICKLE ACCOUNT?

LOL fuck you

ardvarcus ago

Obama is being quoted out of context -- something the Jews do all the time whenever they mention Hitler and the "big lie" which they invariably imply Hitler supported. On the contrary, Hitler's reference to the "big lie" was made to condemn the Jews who used the "big lie" -- nowhere does he advocate the use of the "big lie." Let's try to avoid doing what the Jews do, shall we? We're better than that.

Oh_Well_ian ago

The quote is totally in context. It's a message to Elites. Did it ever occur to you why you have never heard this before? It's almost 5 years old.

"Oh Gee... He didn't mean that! Even though he did the exact opposite of the CONTEXT of the speech and the EXACT headline of the O/P's post, it's still something, something, something.... HITLER!! '

You disingenuous fake. You know what the Jews did? They put faggots like Obama in power and shoved an Orwellian pscho-babble down our throats and counted on you sheep to defend it..

looking4truth ago

op is a shill faggot trying to discredit voat. This quote is out of context.

Oh_Well_ian ago


and really.. why the fuck are you still believing that faggot?

just another CHUMP, bending over and listening to all the pretty words

that message was not for YOU, it was for the Elite shitbags in the audience

looking4truth ago

what why do you think i belived that faggot? i am just saying you need a better headline. it is misleading

Oh_Well_ian ago

the headline is 100% accurate.. it's you that cannot get how you were punked

what did he do in his 8 years? Did he follow the headline, or did he follow the context of the full quote?

ORWELL 1984... read it

looking4truth ago

not really. you are saying that he SAID those things. he did not. Youre claiming he confessed his intentions .so far i didnt hear him admit that he fucked up.

Stop acting obtuse. Did he fuck up? yes. Did he admit that he fuckep up? no.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Jesus fucking Christ... HE DIDN'T FUCK UP ANYTHING

He did EXACTLY what the Headline said he did.

You sad, sad fucks need to stop acting like sheep and learn how these Elite leaders lie right to your faces.

It is a Satanic paradigm >> They have to tell you what they intend to do. It does not matter how it is framed.

I bet you think it's just a coincidence that HW Bush's New World Order speech was on September 11, 1991 was 10 years TO THE DAY before the 9/11 attacks

Listen closely to how closely the PROPAGANDA follows exactly what Obama said in his pack of lies in the O/P.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

That is that jewish arrogance at play when you hear stuff like that. Its why they tell us nothing about what they've seen in space, on Mars or the Moon.

Durm ago

Ordinary disenfranchised men of every walk of life are what built this country.

77777 ago

Obama is talking about non trannified humans here...

New_FoundingFathers ago

When did that fuck spout that bullshit? When was the Bilderberg meeting or whatever that he said that at?

Oh_Well_ian ago

2014 Full version is here >>

There are carefully crafted messages within the speech for those in attendance. There is a deliberate attempt to bookend these message in layers of plausible deniability.

Obama's 8 years proved his allegiance to a top down power structure that he holds to this day. Since Trump's election, he has shit on the Men and Women who put Trump in the White House. He backs the EU and calls it THE WORLD ORDER that Trump is unravelling in favor of the INDIVIDUAL.

derram ago :

KB446778899 on Twitter: "#Bilderberg #ObamaGate 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #WeThePeople #TheStormIsHere #Qanon8chan #Qanon #MAGA  #DraintheSwamp #redpill #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheGreatAwakening #wearethechildren #wearethechidren… /nEZbC9Oq2g"

This has been an automated message.

ElementalPee ago

This was taken out of context.

And those ideas eventually inspired a band of colonialists across an ocean, and they wrote them into the founding documents that still guide America today, including the simple truth that all men -- and women -- are created equal.

But those ideals have also been tested -- here in Europe and around the world. Those ideals have often been threatened by an older, more traditional view of power. This alternative vision argues that ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs, that order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign. Often, this alternative vision roots itself in the notion that by virtue of race or faith or ethnicity, some are inherently superior to others, and that individual identity must be defined by "us" versus "them," or that national greatness must flow not by what a people stand for, but by what they are against.

I think some folks are trying to argue that he was secretly advocating for that since he set it up as if he doesn't agree, but he doesn't actually explicitly reject it. Seems a little far fetched to me but I don't know anything. I'm just a guy.

Edit: here is the full speech

Oh_Well_ian ago



He didn't really mean to double the debt and start 5 new wars when he said he would end 2. He didn't really mean you COULDNT KEEP YOUR DOCTOR. He didn't really mean he was going to ignore the will of the people in favor of the arrogant power structure he so stridently aheres to...

gimme a fucking break.. Either he was LYING THROUGH HIS TEETH or HE WASN'T in this speech


New_FoundingFathers ago

If you wanna defend Obama please go back to spending your time on Reddit dude

Pawn ago

Please go back to reddit if you want to pitchfork with only feelings and no thought.

7e62ce85 ago

Fuck off Voat appreciates the facts and context. We all know Obama believes it, but to say it without proof makes us look stupid.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Do you realize who he is talking to? These cunts get the speeches IN ADVANCE and the language is carefully bookended. They know what the fuck he is saying.

He clearly followed through on his words here and so did the EU. Do they give two shits about the 90% of the EU who don't want Islam taking over their countries?

'Oh... he said nice things... of course he meant them!! ' ' Don't take him out of context!! '


agoutix ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

lol source ? that's him.. He is the source.

what the actual fuck are you talking about ?

notaredditshill ago

The audio was spliced out of context to make it sound like he's saying the opposite. Here's the full unspliced context:

But those ideals have also been tested -- here in Europe and around the world. Those ideals have often been threatened by an older, more traditional view of power. This alternative vision argues that ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs

Oh_Well_ian ago

LOL And just how did Obama and the rest of the EU rule over the last 8 years? HUH? Tell me how much they cared about the INDIVIDUALS and the men and women of this country and the EU and what they wanted from government. PLEASE TELL ME. You think they 'ACCIDENTLY' went against the context of this ORWELLIAN SHIT ?

You have no idea how Bilderberg works, do you?

notaredditshill ago

I'm not defending the EU or Bilderberg, I'm just saying that Obama didn't actually say what the thread title says. If you have a sentence like "I did not have sex with that woman" and splice the audio to take out the "not" in it, that's dishonest and everyone knows it.

And no I don't have any idea how Bilderberg works.

Oh_Well_ian ago

he said EXACTLY what the title said... word for word..

and he followed through completely on those words in his 8 years

notaredditshill ago

He's saying that the idea "ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs" is wrong.

You can't just take words out of a sentence and keep the same meaning. Read the full sentence and context dude.

agoutix ago

You're right, I should have specified. What is the source of the video? Who recorded it?

Oh_Well_ian ago

full version >>

Remember, there are parts within the speech that are carefully worded to be messages to those in attendance.