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Crensch ago

YOUR Sheila Jackson Lee Pedo Tringale Ring Pic from... wait for it...

You reposted 8ch material here. You rode someone else's wave, and now you're taking credit for it since you've been exposed.

@Blacksmith21 @bopper @valk2 @Brizznazz

OWi's only real contributions are posting others' work here. Watch what he does when there's a narrative he wants buried.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Yeah... MY POST TO VOAT / what, you think I took the photo in Congressional Hearings ?

Look at this pathetic moderator of 7 subs and his sad 3 day smear campaign on me.

I'm not going anywhere faggot and this nigger jump you're running here is going to fall flatter than your OBAMA MOLOCH LARP...

This cunt is beginning to look like Millennial Falcon with a pussy between his legs.

Wow... may have to get this shitbag removed, just like MFer… He clearly is stepping over the line.

Crensch ago

Yeah... MY POST TO VOAT / what, you think I took the photo in Congressional Hearings ?

You didn't discover it. Some anon did months ago. You just posted it to Voat.

Look at this pathetic moderator of 7 subs and his sad 3 day smear campaign on me.

Anyone reading my posts might use the word "sad", but not to describe me.

I'm not going anywhere faggot and this nigger jump you're running here is going to fall flatter than your OBAMA MOLOCH LARP...

I don't care if it's real or not. Your "debunking" of it was embarrassing for anyone with an ounce of integrity.

Since you still won't understand what I mean, let me say it in a different way:

That photo might be fake, but you were too stupid to prove it fake, and you claimed to be a PHOTOSHOP EXPERT when the most likely explanation now is that it wasn't BO, but someone else. You still haven't answered my extremely reasonable questions about photoshop, that an expert should be able to spell out for everyone.

This cunt is beginning to look like Millennial Falcon with a pussy between his legs.

That's really funny now that you're on the hook for explaining why you being a photoshop expert has anything to do with that image.

Wow... we may have to get this shitbag removed, just like MFer… He clearly is stepping over the line.

By doing what? What moderator thing did I do that would cause me to be removed? That sounds a lot like the "impeach Trump" crowd, to me.

Or... is this just MFer under an ALT ?? who knows about this site anymore...

You just keep going after making such embarrassing statements. It's so weird that you'd say such embarrassingly-easy-to-refute things, then go in a tirade attacking whomever is against you.

@dooob @Vindicator @think- @srayzie @MadWorld

Oh_Well_ian ago

you have no integrity, nigger

That is exactly why you should resign from all your subs.

Crensch ago

@Blacksmith21 @bopper @valk2 @Brizznazz

This is what OWi has in response to anyone holding him to his words. I asked him a very simple question in my post, and he has yet to respond. I'll copy the text here:

My questions to @Oh_Well_ian:

Since you are a photoshop expert , perhaps you could explain why this shows the image to be unlikely tampered with. How are these images wrong? What steps can we take with the original image on our own copies of photoshop in order to find out how this image is shopped?

Maybe it'll help if you compare it to this photo, which appears to show tampering, and tell us what's really going on here?

Oh_Well_ian ago

I don't answer compromised mods with agendas.

You are really trying to turn this into Reddit, aren't you?

Crensch ago

I don't answer compromised mods with agendas.

You don't answer legitimate questions about your words, it seems. You won't even answer what moderator tool I misused that makes you want to have me removed.

You are really trying to turn this into Reddit, aren't you?

More emotive outrage rhetoric. Do you think something like this convinces anyone? Well, maybe in your long-winded walls of garbage that you like to post, but look at what happens when I break down your words.

Everyone can see what you really are, OWi.

Oh_Well_ian ago

and everyone can see who you are, faggot...

You mean walls of garbage like this >>

People are waking up >> >>

1 ) These people stacking up at the border ARE NOT Immigrants, they are Foreign Nationals. They do not have the right to break our laws and enter into our country illegally. They do not have Diplomatic Status and they are subject to ALL our laws, just like every American citizen. Any American who attempts to illegally breach a border or unlawfully enter into another country will be arrested and deported immediately. They will be banned or forever restricted from entering into that country ( or other countries ) in the future. Their passports ( if they have one ) will be revoked by our own State Department and they will be fined and possibly imprisoned.

2 ) Half the minor children that make it to the Southern Border are UNACCOMPANIED by their actual parents. That means they are more than likely victims of human trafficking, not victims of our laws. It would be morally irresponsible to turn these children loose in our country and subject them to the vast and predatory network of human trafficking.

3 ) The danger and threat to these children infinitely decreases the minute they are picked up by DHS, ICE and Border Patrol. The are protected from being victimized by Coyotes and traffickers. They are no longer subject to the harsh elements nor in danger of starvation or dehydration. They are fed, given shelter and water, blankets and a place to sleep while their status is determined. Almost none of these foreign nationals have documentation and it makes for an extremely complicated process of finding out who they are, their country of origin, and whether they are being trafficked. The delays are not cruelty and they are not being held a single day longer than they need to. They are not being incarcerated, they are being detained. ( I actually saw bleeding heart news story on MSNBC with a narrative about the inhumanity the poor children were suffering with an accompanying video of kids shooting pool and playing video games on a big screen TV. Probably the kids first ever experience with such horrible human cruelty. o_0)

4 ) Fast and Furious was more than just handing guns to Drug Cartels. That narrative lacks the central truth about Drug Cartels: THEY ARE HUMAN/SEX TRAFFICKERS, TOO!! The Obama/Clinton State Department was running guns deep into Central America, including Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. They were handing the guns directly to Drug/Human trafficking Cartels in a deliberate effort to destabilize those countries and facilitate human trafficking. Sound familiar? It should, because they did the same thing in Libya, Syria, Mogadishu, Liberia, Congo, and at least 10 other nations. This is the PLAN. Force refugees North to Europe and the United States and prey upon them every step of their journey. This is why you see mostly men in the massive wave that finally arrives at our ports and borders. The women and children have been picked like ripe fruit and swept into sex trafficking and slavery.

5 ) Lawmakers don't give two shits about this contrived and created problem. The President is the only person calling for a WALL and for Congress to act towards a solution. Democrats and Republicans alike are following the disingenuous narrative being laid out by the Orwellian MSM: 'Trump is destroying Families!! Oh, the humanity!!' <BARF> Human trafficking is big business and donors to both partiers are profiting enormously over the status quo. Politicians don't want a solution. They want a distraction to keep the train heading down the tracks.

Crensch ago

and everyone can see who you are, faggot...

Yes, they can, and I'm happy they're beginning to see both of us for who we are. It seems you're not very happy about that, though.

You mean walls of garbage like this >>

Exactly like that.

People are waking up >> >>

Stating this for what reason? People ARE waking up. What's your point? That you somehow had something to do with it? All you do is regurgitate 8ch stuff here, and make long-winded posts where you try to take credit for what is already happening.

Tell me, does any of the other stuff you've written below explain how being a photoshop expert allows you to call that image fake? Or is all of the text just you copying what has been reported elsewhere, and typing it up here for internet points?

Do you type long-winded things like that in order to make it seem like you have a lot to say, and a lot to contribute? You could have just linked the articles that say basically the same thing, but without your editorializing.

Hell, another user could post all of those articles, and wouldn't harass other users, or break the rules of the subverses they posted them in constantly.

Blacksmith21 ago

FWIW - I'm pretty confident I am not the only contributor on this sub who spends ZERO time on Reddit and the Chans.

Personally, I appreciate salient reposts from those subs here. Otherwise, I have to wait until they percolate up to the surface.

Also, OWI has never attempted to plagiarize any post to my knowledge. Who cares if he forgot the citation. I'm pretty sure any Pizzagater worth his weight in _________ has seen that photo and knows OWI isn't the content source.

What's next? Are you going to start enforcing Turabian and APA?

Crensch ago

FWIW - I'm pretty confident I am not the only contributor on this sub who spends ZERO time on Reddit and the Chans.

That's fine. Think you could find someone to post stuff from there to here that isn't as intellectually vapid and/or as compromised as ian?

Personally, I appreciate salient reposts from those subs here. Otherwise, I have to wait until they percolate up to the surface.

I'm sure someone else would happily step up that wouldn't act like doing so makes him a top researcher.

Also, OWI has never attempted to plagiarize any post to my knowledge. Who cares if he forgot the citation. I'm pretty sure any Pizzagater worth his weight in _________ has seen that photo and knows OWI isn't the content source.

He sure takes credit for that sheila jackson photo. Why should I think he hasn't done that elsewhere? Why should I think that's not his modus operandi?

What's next? Are you going to start enforcing Turabian and APA?

Am I enforcing anything? What have I done as a mod here? When will OWi answer my extremely reasonable photoshop question?

And why is it that you asked me to:

Don't keep bringing my name into this pissing match.

Here but you're continuing to be a part of it?

Blacksmith21 ago

You tagged me twice so I feel obliged. FWIW, I don't have an innate urge to argue with anyone, but I also don't back down.

I'm not seeing anything which would indicate that OWi laid claim to being the origin of that photo. I would be the absolute first person to call out anyone, I mean ANYONE, who would attempt to pass off a post as their own if I could prove otherwise.

That's on OWi re Photoshop.

Again - Why the cause celebre?

Crensch ago

You tagged me twice so I feel obliged.

Did I? I did. Fair enough.

FWIW, I don't have an innate urge to argue with anyone, but I also don't back down.

Maybe, and yes, you do.

I'm not seeing anything which would indicate that OWi laid claim to being the origin of that photo.

Did you read OP?

Let me help:

Mod @Crensch Calling Me a 'NIGGER-TIER' User on Voat in Smear Campaign in 3 Subs / QAnon Just Posted My Sheila Jackson Lee Pedo Triangle Ring Pic / Thanks Q !!! XD

Do you see something fishy there? Something that doesn't match with your characterization of his words?

I would be the absolute first person to call out anyone, I mean ANYONE, who would attempt to pass off a post as their own if I could prove otherwise.

Apparently not.

That's on OWi re Photoshop.

Fair enough.

Again - Why the cause celebre?

Ambiguous antecedent.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm starting to see a pattern:

JewsBlendingIn [O]

pizzagate [O]

pizzagatemods [O]

politicalnews [O]

ProtectVoat [O]

Shekelverse [O]

Shitlist [O]

TrailOfTacos [O]

VoatHistory [O]

WritersoftheReich [O]

Crensch ago


Are you taking a pot-shot at me being a mod again? Show me where I DID something as a mod that is questionable.

Blacksmith21 ago

How about being a mod posting genocidal comments on their own OP?

Crensch ago

How about being a mod posting genocidal comments on their own OP?

Show me where I DID something as a mod that is questionable.

You're showing exactly how much winning this means to you. I was right about you having a dog in this fight.

Blacksmith21 ago

I have a dog in this fight as an American. You know what you posted.

"Every one of these subhumans should be slaughtered, along with their families visiting them, and the doctors and nurses treating them."

I hope the HIPAA 5-0 don't come looking for you.....LOLOLOL.

Crensch ago

It's so funny how you can't win on the subject matter here so you have to bring up something else completely irrelevant to the subject at hand.

Blacksmith21 ago

Or maybe it's because you are blinded by racism?