CheeseboogersGhost ago

In Dems and Repubs eyes they are future toilet scrubbers, maids, etc

Naught405 ago

Standard practice is to separate individuals who cannot prove their identity or relation

wonderfuldonut ago

The MSM twists the truth, to suit the claims of the Liberals and the Democrats agenda, they would have us all believe that are all Families. The truth is many are People Smugglers pure and simple. as such they do not fall within the Family Definition. Send them all back to country of origin, Illegal is Illegal.

Cat-hax ago

Child trafficking yes, but with this many kids for who, the pedocrates can't abuse that many children with out help.

Alopix ago

Source for figure please

Oh_Well_ian ago

DHS is the source... is it shocking to you?

Think you're going to be tricked into believing there is massive human trafficking at the Border?

MrShekelstein ago

link the source you retard.

if this is true we can shit on libtards with the actual source instead of your faggot ass tweet screencaps.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Hey you worthless piece of shit, are you chapped that your one and only post to the Q Sub, the OBAMA is MOLOCH LARP, is history??

Tweet Jack Prosbiac and tell him to link the source, he's the OP. Or ask the OP of this post, you smelly cunt.

Oh.. and DHS is always capitalized as are all ANAGRAMS, you sucker of big black dicks.

RedditisPropaganda31 ago

Democrats = child traffickers.. pedophiles... Globalists... Jews

Kleemin ago

is it culling o'clock yet?

RedditisPropaganda31 ago

Yes. Buy guns and ammo

Kleemin ago

psssh that's been done

RedditisPropaganda31 ago

Buy food, water, and power source for rainy day.

Then buy more guns and ammo (appreciating asset

edistojim ago

Liberalism is a mental illness and please stop confusing these morons with facts. A liberal fucktard sees no connection between these children they seem to care so much about and their ability to abort a child from a mothers womb minutes before birth, they are just simply unable to grasp the concept. "Think of the children"!!!!!! Maybe they should try that.

Alopix ago

There you go, reeing about abortion out of the blue again. Gotta make everything about your religious feefees. Let nobody forget that, in a terrible injustice, your feelings aren't the law. Wow and even after you unsuccessfully tried to pull a marxist redefinition of "fetus" to "baby/child" they still didn't make your feelings law, those monsters

TheWorstImaginable ago

Yea, the christcucks following their heeb religion are the weakpoint in any sort of 'right wing' action. They focus on these fuxking retarded petty things and will attack their own families and allies for it. They can fuck off and get shot along with the kikes and niggers for all I care.

edistojim ago

So calling, in your words, a "fetus" a living thing is marxist? Fucked up logic again. I don't have to be successful in calling an unborn infant anything, its what it is. No redefinition needed whatsoever. It is the law, as fucked up as it is, I'd advocate a little more personal responsibility you liberal retards seem unable or unwilling to grasp.

SChalice ago

So care bout kids or not care. I am confused.

edistojim ago

You think a liberal gives one fuck about a child? I'm confused also. Liberals care about their fucked up agenda and nothing more.

Reporter: How is this not child abuse?

Nielsen: We give them meals, an education, medical care, television.

Abuse…….sure it is in the liberal mind.

Cat-hax ago

This, all they care about is the virtual signal, once they are past the border they would be perfectly happy if the children were just handed over to CPS to be abused.

edistojim ago

Exactly, this fits their agenda and nothing more.

northm4nn ago

I thought subspecies were part of extended families tho. Isn't that the whole point of the alt-right.

Greenzero86 ago

When the left supposedly cares about families, but only if it is in support of this.