ReadPastHeadlines ago

Media reached into their hat of distractions and pulled out: holding areas for children who came illegally into the country alone, with family, or with others. This is what the whole country is supposed to talk about now instead of continuing to focus on the crime families coming to justice and an end to pedophiles running the world, banks destroying our quality of life, digging into shooting hoaxes, etc.

Quicktor ago

I think encapsulates the millions of Forrest Gumps nationwide who are going to finally have that moment of clarity where they finally wipe their drool and figure it out...schtup'd is as schtup'd does...

SpongeRobert ago

Democrats have always supported child.trafficking, human sacrifice (abortion) and child rape.

strange_69 ago

Illegals head North, our children head South.

strange_69 ago

Of course, they don't care about our families be split up.

Kleemin ago

the trick was getting the bleeding hearts to agree with them adamantly, while also not realizing what they were agreeing to, useful idiots indeed

Morbo ago

Didn't they pretty much invent it?

Papaganda ago

I just woke up, is there something that I missed?

voltronsdicks ago

Just democraps arguing with themselves.

parrygrin ago

Yeah, what are you guys talking about?

Oh_Well_ian ago

beat me to it !!

started >admitting< to supporting HT

Zanbato ago

yeah, this

edistojim ago

More democrat logic. I can't even say that with a straight face.