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srayzie ago

I see you have everyone talking crap about each other now. Great job. Crensch at least doesn’t come over here stirring up shit. You provoke people until they come after you. You bring the drama here.

Oh_Well_ian ago

bullshit... he's been posting for 3 days in 3 other subs and the timing with the Q post was perfect

Remove the submission if you like.

'I bring the drama' lol No... I protect the subverse from shills and keep it moving.

I leave and it's going right down the drain.

srayzie ago

He has not been making posts here until now. This is not the 3 other subs. Yes, you DO bring the drama. You feed every troll that shows up. If you aren’t busy doing that, then you are calling them here.

I never asked you to be the police. At least half of the complaints I get are because of you. I’ve talked to you about all this. So you’re saying this place goes down the drain if you leave? So you’re the glue that holds everything together? Get over yourself Ian.

I never asked you to leave. If that’s what you choose to do, that’s on you. All I’ve asked of you is to stop feeding the shills and stop bringing them over. You’ve been here as long as I have and should know by now how shills work. Give them the reaction they seek, they think it’s fun, it disrupts the board, the cycle continues and they win. A shill here and there is one thing. But it’s constant with you.

I shouldn’t have to remove your post. You should be responsible for your own actions. I’ve seen Crensch write a post about you. Why aren’t you taking it up with him? Since when have you not responded to attacks? By telling us, it’s just stirring shit up and getting more people involved. Wouldn’t that be considered drama? Is that protecting this subverse? NO!

Oh_Well_ian ago

here we go... I pretty much saw this coming... A weak mod who doesn't understand Voat is a free speech site and micro manages the subverse.

Yes, you DO bring the drama. You feed every troll that shows up. If you aren’t busy doing that, then you are calling them here.

Exactly what I've been hearing from you for months. Tired of it. You're a bell ringer, srayzie. You contribute very little to this sub, other than a control freak attitude and copious amounts of whining how busy you are and how you don't have time to answer all the SHILLS who fill up your mailbox about me. Shills. Not users.

You paste decode accounts and tell people how reliable they are, not understanding they are all potential land mines that will blow up, sooner or later. Like how you ranted and raved about Corsi for months until he pulled off his mask. You scolded him and called him names and stalked him on Twitter. Bragging to the sub how tough you were on him. Gimme a break, you never owned up to it or apologized for leading people down a primrose path. Same thing just happened with NeonRevolt and the Obama Moloch steaming pile of shit.

Why did I do this here? BECAUSE IT'S A FREE SPEECH SITE, SRAYZIE... understand? See the support I am getting from the REGULAR posters? Unlike you, I understand shill tactics and I am reversing them. You may think ignoring it is a display of strength. It's not. Shills count on people cowering or ignoring them, especially when 2 or more are attacking. This has a cumulative effect of beating down the user and subconsciously weakening their arguments to others in the thread. I have no problem with the back and forth and I actually enjoy it. I will not submit and I will have the last word or only stop when I am satisfied. Trump fully understands this and so do I. His critics would love for him to talk like Obama or descend into politically correct blather. Do any of his supporters think he is losing, or do they love how he hits back?

You could ban all those faggots from SBBH and you don't because... FREE SPEECH.. Ignoring your OWN RULES in the sidebar.

Oh.. and there is no damn way I am leaving, even though your nagging is getting old and you continue to side with shills and not protect the subverse by applying your rules. Get over yourself.

srayzie ago

here we go... I pretty much saw this coming... A weak mod who doesn't understand Voat is a free speech site and micro manages the subverse.

I will start by reminding you again what you wrote me in your last message sent to my inbox only a couple of days ago.

Vindicator really shined through in this entire episode and proved his is a valuable and honest mod, just like you. ;)

A WEAK mod huh? A man that can’t control himself even when he knows he’s wrong is the weak one. A man who can never ADMIT he’s wrong is weak. If anything about me is weak, it’s that I actually felt compassion for you. I cared about the personal issues you were facing. I handled you with kid gloves.

I’ve also felt for a while now that you have some sort of mental illness that makes you have major mood swings and paranoia. Before having a family, working with the mentally handicapped and mentally ill is what I did for a living. So my weakness was being too easy on you.

I’ve always treated you with respect and spoke to you privately. I would always make sure I patted you on your little head telling you that you’re doing a good job. Do not mistake my compassion and kindness for weakness.

You're a bell ringer, srayzie. You contribute very little to this sub, other than a control freak attitude and copious amounts of whining how busy you are and how you don't have time to answer all the SHILLS who fill up your mailbox about me. Shills. Not users.

I seem to remember telling you privately one week that my husband was working out of town that week, and that I had a lot on me taking care of everything and kids. I asked you to please stop the drama. I spent hours for 2 days straight because you made a post talking shit and causing Cheesefaggotghost and his whole crew to show up.

I am normally very active here. When I say I’m busy, it’s not because I’m whining. It’s because it’s true. I have a whole household to take care of. I have other people to take care of. The last couple of weeks I haven’t been able to be around as much. But I still updated the graphics, PDF’s, maps, etc.. I still made the posts I’ve always made when Q posts. I annotate and organize to make it easier for new followers. I ping everyone. I am dealing with things behind the scenes daily. So far, I’ve done it all without a mod. So you don’t know shit Ian!

You have no idea how it works obviously. You always privately give me advice on how to make things better. You would have never managed to get this far running your own sub. You would ban people right and left. You have no control over your outbursts. You have no people skills. You don’t see compromise. You can’t just accept that someone else has another opinion than you and leave it at that. You would be a fuckin disaster! I stepped out of my comfort zone because I believe in this movement. Does that sound like I’m weak? Your bitch ass doesn’t know what it takes.

How am I a control freak? I get along with almost everyone, except shills. I have my regulars that followed from pizzagate. I’ll kick them in the balls every now and then. But, I don’t have problems or have to lecture most regular users. What is the only thing I ever ask of you? It’s the same thing over and over. I have to repeat it because you’re a disrespectful little prick who continues bringing drama here. I’m beginning to wonder if you’re even legit anymore. You have even told me to listen to you because you’re older and wiser. Ha! You thought I was weak and naive. I just let it slide because I think you’re mentally ill.

You paste decode accounts and tell people how reliable they are, not understanding they are all potential land mines that will blow up, sooner or later. Like how you ranted and raved about Corsi for months until he pulled off his mask. You scolded him and called him names and stalked him on Twitter.

I was the first one to admit that I was wrong about Corsi. Corsi taught me a big lesson. What he pulled was a big eye opener for me and showed me a side to things that people had talked about but I couldn’t see for myself until it happened before my eyes. Many people said that it was big of me to admit it. I now post a couple Twitter threads that do a great job showing all the connections in Q’s post. Kind of like shit you share here. I told you privately that it’s not really decoding, but more like putting connections together. If you don’t like my decode links, DON’T READ THEM. How hard is that? Other people have really liked them. I’m not stopping shit because Ian is annoyed by something.

Bragging to the sub how tough you were on him. Gimme a break, you never owned up to it or apologized for leading people down a primrose path. Same thing just happened with NeonRevolt and the Obama Moloch steaming pile of shit.

That’s bullshit. I did tell people I was sorry about Corsi and not one person was mean about it. I didn’t act tough. I had fun trolling him. I was angry at him. YOUR opinion of NeonRevolt is only that. Your opinion. Many people still like him. You don’t even know the answer to the Obama Moloch shit, that’s why Crensch called you out. But even if NeonRevolt had a different opinion than you, you’re too immature to realize that people can have different opinions and both not be shills. It’s simply different opinions!

You do not understand shill tactics. You sound so lame. You need to go read a couple of shill handbooks Ian. How hard is it for you to understand that you FEED THE SHILLS? You make it an endless cycle of drama with your flipping out on people. Then, they come and reply. More join in. They ping their friends. The cycle continues. Are you fucking kidding me? I also have the support of regular posters Ian. You aren’t the glue that holds GreatAwakening together. I’ve had people leave and move to Reddit because of YOU.

Unlike you, I understand shill tactics and I am reversing them. You may think ignoring it is a display of strength. It's not. Shills count on people cowering or ignoring them, especially when 2 or more are attacking.

I can’t believe that you haven’t learned by now that the best thing you can do is ignore them. You always think you’re the smartest one here. You aren’t showing strength Ian. A real man can control himself. You fly off the handle.

Was it a show of strength when Crensch made those posts about you and wanting you to prove your theory? Instead of replying to him like a real man, your bitch ass comes here to tell your little friends hoping that they would have your back. Grow some balls dude. I’ve never seen you back down from anyone. You never shut the fuck up. But Crensch shut you up. You looked like a fool coming here to whine.

I will not submit and I will have the last word or only stop when I am satisfied. Trump fully understands this and so do I.

I seriously laughed just now. Don’t ever act like you and Trump are buddies and agree on something. He would laugh in your face.

Second, when Crensch challenged you, you DID SUBMIT and HE HAD THE LAST WORD. You knew he would rip you a new one.

You could ban all those faggots from SBBH and you don't because... FREE SPEECH.. Ignoring your OWN RULES in the sidebar.

I ignore those punks most of the time. I like to put cheesefaggotghost in check sometimes. But I don’t make it a full time job. You are the main one that invites them guys over. Don’t get too cocky Ian. You are the one that I get the most complaints about. You may just find your own ass banned some day.

One more time. What did you just say to me a couple of days ago in private message?

Vindicator really shined through in this entire episode and proved his is a valuable and honest mod, just like you. ;)

I remember the day you told me “NEVER trust a mod.” I guess that means as long as they do something that Ian agrees with. You need meds.

Go fuck yourself.

Oh_Well_ian ago

You're a fraud.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I told you your day would come.