thebearfromstartrack ago

Make sure you mention they mine "thebearfromstartrack" posts. GOLD. pure GOLD.

NiggadermCQ ago

This post as in OP above.

Hand_of_Node ago

Highlights from my saved page and comment collection. Oldest at the bottom.

Holohoax pill here; for sharing with all your faggot friends.

Did someone say goat memes?

Fashwave Collection (with mega download)

Blacks proven NOT human!

I put together a text version of Brenton Tarrant's book "The Great Replacement,"

ARRESTS OR GTFO (text image)

I want to start reading books, what books would you recommend me?

Putt posting his bitcorn address

ImmaLueserBaby ago

Madonna is a tranny and so are many "female" celebrities. Glenn Close belongs in the hall of shame.


Rotteuxx ago

Just replace "" with "" in any link ;)

heroinwinsagain ago

Space travel is gay and fake so is space.

mr_anthrope ago

Necessary wisdom and knowledge:

  1. Don't trust jews.
  2. Never relax around niggers.

Hand_of_Node ago

Was just looking through a saved 'cancer cure' post. If only we could save the site as even just read only.

thor7 ago

I received an automated PM from the site sometime overnight, linking to this:

While that's nice to have up, I would absolutely not count on it to stay up for any meaningful length of time. Take advantage of the time we have left here if you're able. One of the reasons I made this thread so it will be easier and more convenient to download the "gems" for yourself, instead of frantically searching around for stuff. You ought to post that cancer thread you were talking about.

Astupidname69 ago

Don't forget to archive them as well.

prairie ago

The most important are the memes. Like the one showing how much color there is in white people's faces and eyes, while darkies are all just shades of brown.

Hand_of_Node ago

There was another one with quite a few more eyes, but this one is good.

lucidjoe ago

Hand_of_Node ago

Maybe that's the one I'm thinking of. Yes.

MarauderShields ago

Can we do this without his input? I'm assuming he will be inundated at the moment.

mikenigger ago

Maybe we can convince Putt to keep it read-only for a while? before it's shut down for good

thor7 ago

I'll start with this:

A giant thread filled with based book downloads.

fzohh ago

I got through about 1/3 last night, a lot of books there

MarauderShields ago

Hijacking your top comment to fit this in. @jimmycrackerson did amazing work stockpiling all this...

Frenchfrythedog ago

is there a way to archive this page for future reference when voat goes down? If obvious sorry, noob here

MarauderShields ago

Easiest way is open a free account, follow the links on the page at v/arcave, the OP did mega links so you can simply copy them over to your drive without needing to download. I have most of them already.

thor7 ago

You beat me by 10 seconds.... and awesome share.