I can empathize with you on the "hypervigilance" but not sympathize (as i've never been in the joint). But i have always suffered "analysis paralysis" with a sprinkling of paranoia and anxiety.
@00ellis you posted something from this dude called "No More Zero Days" and that was a very good read. I started clicking on links in that post, and stumbled upon this one.
DIS SHIT IS INSPIRING, everyone. I feel pumped just reading it :)
Voopin__Voopin ago
I can empathize with you on the "hypervigilance" but not sympathize (as i've never been in the joint). But i have always suffered "analysis paralysis" with a sprinkling of paranoia and anxiety.
thanks for the response :)
Voopin__Voopin ago
@00ellis you posted something from this dude called "No More Zero Days" and that was a very good read. I started clicking on links in that post, and stumbled upon this one.
DIS SHIT IS INSPIRING, everyone. I feel pumped just reading it :)