stayawayfrommybutt ago

Incredible.. Good job.

Feelslikeclownworld ago

I dont usually browse this forum but thank you for all this hard work. : )

zxcvzxcv ago

You are welcome.

indreams ago

This is lovely! Thank you so much. I'm going to be showing this to people for years. Re-reading through it is so uplifting.

ledbetter ago

Best of Voat!

radwife ago

This is really well done. Thank you.

Kennedyclark ago

I wish I could bump a 2nd time! Thank you for your hard work!

tcp_syn_ack ago

Amazing work! I too, cannot wait to get home and print this. I feel like this should be distributed everywhere. I am working more towards the dressing aspect of tradwives. I feel like I got most of this down!

GoatsnHoes1 ago

This is great! I've been wanting to print out some of the cleaning charts. Definitely downloading this to the computer when I get on.

Thank you!

Le_Squish ago

Thank you. I shall sticky.

YoHomie ago

Did you get all my blowjob jokes?

callthehambulance ago

I didn't see any. If it would make you feel better, please feel free to dispense some of your finest fellatio related humour my way

BoraxTheFungarian ago

All I have to say is WOOOW! Can't wait to review the content! I'm probably going to make a master copy to bring on first dates, lol.

by2inthemorning ago

I think thats a really great idea . It would be a fun conversation starter.

by2inthemorning ago

Beautiful. Thank you .Both of them but especially the top one. How timely for christmas !One for my daughter and one for sils boyfriend , the red pill one haha not the top one.

I cant wait to see my daughter reading it! so jealous my mother didnt really show me these things, she thought work was more important but both of her daughters ended up being stay at home moms so it worked out, Tnank you again amazing work!