So I went back though this sub and saved every post, at least, I went back as far as voat would let me, which happened to be 20 clicks on the "previous" button. It ended up being around 400 images, give or take. Many of the earlier images were hosted on a site that got shoah'd and so I could not access them. I also went through most of the comments and saved the ones I thought were exceptional. The comments filled up 66 pages (double-spaced). Then I organized the comments and images into 4 sections: Traditional Wives, Wives and Children, Wives and Men, and Evil Feminism (though these sections are not labeled in the pdf). Finally, I put all of the comments and the images together into a 118 page, 27mb pdf and loaded it here: <===== click to download
Anyway, feel free to comment if I made any typos and I will get them corrected in the next edition. If I happened to miss an important image or thread, feel free to post it or link it below and I'll get it added some time. I didn't put page numbers in this pdf because I thought maybe you knew someone who might like a printed copy (like as a wedding present), and if there was a page or two that you didn't really agree with...well, since there are no page numbers, now you can simply print the pages you like and remove the pages you don't, and then scrapbook them together in a nice binder as a gift.
Since many of you comment in this thread, hopefully you made it into the pdf. I left out names to keep it anonymous, but I wanted to warn you all that I took some editorial liberty with some of the comments (I hope you won't mind). If you do mind, let me know and I can get them updated as well.
The original idea for this came from this thread, but it took be 7 months to finally get around to putting it all together. Sorry for the delay. In the thread, @kkkrystal had offered to help, though I guess the file is mostly finished already; anyway, if you have ideas on how to improve this file, let me know.
The last thing I wanted to note was that many threads in this sub have to do with helping men. I left those comments and images out of the pdf. One day, if I get some time, I plan on putting together a Traditional Men file as well. Don't expect it any time soon, though. I also wanted to mention that I removed any mention of the jews. My reasoning for this was fairly straight forward: the information on this sub is so important that it needs to reach the maximum audience possible, and including a few "anti-semitic" comments or images might reduce the size of the audience. I plan on putting all of the jew-related comments/images into the Traditional Men file. In the mean time, if you want to red-pill your friends on the jews, feel free to use this pdf:
And lastly, thank you @Empress
stayawayfrommybutt ago
Incredible.. Good job.
Feelslikeclownworld ago
I dont usually browse this forum but thank you for all this hard work. : )
zxcvzxcv ago
You are welcome.
indreams ago
This is lovely! Thank you so much. I'm going to be showing this to people for years. Re-reading through it is so uplifting.
ledbetter ago
Best of Voat!
radwife ago
This is really well done. Thank you.
Kennedyclark ago
I wish I could bump a 2nd time! Thank you for your hard work!
tcp_syn_ack ago
Amazing work! I too, cannot wait to get home and print this. I feel like this should be distributed everywhere. I am working more towards the dressing aspect of tradwives. I feel like I got most of this down!
GoatsnHoes1 ago
This is great! I've been wanting to print out some of the cleaning charts. Definitely downloading this to the computer when I get on.
Thank you!
Le_Squish ago
Thank you. I shall sticky.
YoHomie ago
Did you get all my blowjob jokes?
callthehambulance ago
I didn't see any. If it would make you feel better, please feel free to dispense some of your finest fellatio related humour my way
BoraxTheFungarian ago
All I have to say is WOOOW! Can't wait to review the content! I'm probably going to make a master copy to bring on first dates, lol.
by2inthemorning ago
I think thats a really great idea . It would be a fun conversation starter.
by2inthemorning ago
Beautiful. Thank you .Both of them but especially the top one. How timely for christmas !One for my daughter and one for sils boyfriend , the red pill one haha not the top one.
I cant wait to see my daughter reading it! so jealous my mother didnt really show me these things, she thought work was more important but both of her daughters ended up being stay at home moms so it worked out, Tnank you again amazing work!