kkkrystal ago

So like a trad wives for beginners e book? That sounds fun! I dont have a ton of time but maybe i could help with a graphic design aspect? Im no pro but ik my way around an image editor.

nrlftw ago

Great idea.

18005444? ago

Nothing would please me more. <3

Telling you now- I have very limited time. My free time is reserved for the gym and trying to cultivate content for TWs (which is done during nap time). Also, my computer skills are beyond dismal and I can barely even work a smart phone.

How's this: If you would like to team up with another competent goat and make a pdf file, I'll happily post it in the sidebar as well as perma-sticky it. I'm more than happy to help, I just don't know how helpful I would be since I have no talent for computers.

Also, thank you.

DishingShitLikeA ago

He'll, while someone's at it why not make a Voat Cookbook? You all share some great recipes. "Cooking with Goats - A Voat Cookbook".

It could be PDF or maybe even a permanent sticky where healthy and delicious recipes could be stockpiled. Can we make this happen? I still have that easy kimchi recipe open in my tabs from the other day. Haven't had time to make it yet but I will!

Kennedyclark ago

I'll back a Goat Voat Cookbook.

MrPim ago

Cooking with Goats

You sick bastard

bdmthrfkr ago

I'd even share some of my BBQ recpies for that, which I normally hold very close to my chest.

DishingShitLikeA ago

BBQ is an art

bdmthrfkr ago

You make the book and I will be happy to bring the Q. pic related https://imgoat.com/uploads/b163727917/210501.jpg

DishingShitLikeA ago

I'm at a BBQ feeding ~40 people right now. Life is good.