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Rellik88 ago

Where not in here with you redditors. You redditors are in here with US.

Palindromedan ago

prepares Goat memes

eongoat ago

Here's my variant of the first one

New-World-Ebola ago


Broc_Lia ago

This is why I love redheads. Thank you.

cantaloupe6 ago


Rellik88 ago

Holy shit thanks goat!

TripleZ ago

This is the one I was looking for above. Who can forget it? It's a classic.

ciaozuzu ago

This is my favorite one. I wonder how many of the Qtards assimilated.

DoyouSEE ago

I’m a proud Qtard and have been here since 2016ish. I can promise you that Q sent people here for a reason, and it’s not to be welcomed warmly by this community.

Honestly whenever my fiancé calls me a niggerfaggot or tells me that the nose knows, I get all warm and fuzzy because I know she has been spending time on here :))

ciaozuzu ago

I'm proud of you too, jewfag.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

I had that one but it was hosted elsewhere and 404’d. Thanks for the new link

slumbermachine ago

Looking at all these is like going back in time a few years.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I love how the fourth one has a buttplug. HighlyPaidOrgyPro was Voats only endearing degenerate.

AesopsFaggot ago

What's even more amazing is that it was still there after all the reddit fags fucked off.

SIayfire122 ago

There was also /u/stretched_girl, who sadly passed away.

Shlarb123 ago

How do you know?

Shlarb123 ago

Thanks. Not sure why, but reading what you wrote and then reading some of her old posts gave me this strange feeling knowing that person is not here anymore. I guess we’re next haha.

“Here one minute, gone the next.”

Doglegwarrior ago

you sir are a true goat hero... well played. and much appreciated.. damn i should down load them all as well but in a high trust voat goat society i trust you to keep up the good work.

TurdLord5000 ago

You should really post this as a submission to /v/whatever.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Feel free to whore away my imaginary internet points.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Not so fast; those imaginary points can be traded for imaginary goods and services.

TurdLord5000 ago

WOO! Thanks inflamedvaginaperson!

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Your welcome turdlord9000. (Sorry, I’m not as creative as you)

TurdLord5000 ago

Nope. Your name's pretty fucking based.

Silver_Sky ago

Get them while they are steamy piles of shit that is. Hell, there's something about that half baked, made in 30 minutes in ms paint art that I should find dumb and repusive, but I always find these comics charming and on the nose. I wish there were more.

Jiggggg ago

Jesus these were heartwarming. I love Voat and all of you fags

TurdLord5000 ago

There's always love when we unite against newfags. I feel it man.

Outstretched_Bill ago

Funny how you value accounts instead of people. I’ve been here for years but because I burn accounts I’m always a newfag? I thought we were better than this. It’s the content that matters, not the internet points.

TurdLord5000 ago

I burn my account once a year. Getting hazed is the best part of having a new account.

Palindromedan ago

The last one is my favorite except, shouldn’t it say “Hall of Cost” museum?

Splooge ago

No, because it’s talking about an actual holocaust, aka the Holodomor.

If it were a museum explaining why the holohoax didn’t happen, then “Hall of Cost” would be appropriate, but in this case, it’s dedicated to an event that actually took place as described.