steven_feelsperg ago

PSA: Voat is an open border forum

Subverters and delusionites are here and will continue to pour in

The end result is Reddit / 4chan / Wiemer Germany / Rome / Judea / Egypt / Sumeria

jthun2 ago

JIDF probably received a big budget boost from the stimulus spending bill.

Cumin ago

'a dead redditor is a good redditor' -william tecumseh sherman

ThenThatMouth ago


Negerrrr ago

God damn normie faggots!!!!!

NotaQjackass ago

One word, Qunts, enough said.

chirogonemd ago

At 1,000,000 you become an FBI agent.

At 6,000,000, Mossad.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Ohhh, fresh meat.

See? This is the problem, we used to have hardened walls but when putt leashed us during the Qtard invasion it gave the normies a beachhead to launch attacks from.

BadBoyBubby ago - "hate" facts

truth macht frei, niggerfaggot kikes lovers

winterdreams7 ago

For any newcomers: The language is a bit harsh, but voat offers a perspective, and information, found nowhere else.

OysterSoup ago

That's what I love. I'm also glad this site shows its "points" systems in the comments. Reddit got irritating the second downvotes turned into a censorship tool.

LargePeter ago

Kick ‘em the fuck out. Don’t let this site be turned into Reddit 2.0!

WANTunderagePUSSY ago

What makes me smile is when I put some mayo on my finger and shove it in the rectum of a child. Love french kissing little girls and feeling their tiny tongues on my cock as I blow a WAD in their little mouths! Then we get CANDY!! Jesus is LORD he is OUR LAMB!




I love fucking little girls. something about forcing an over sized penis in a tiny slit makes me hard. i feel little girls want it. around 9 they start shoving hot dogs and crayons in their honey holes so that tells me they want cock. using lube does help but god i love when it is in and blow a load all over their faces and tongues. god bless little girls.

8_billion_eaters ago

This whole "jew" thing is a LARP, right? Do any of you really believe jewish people from the kingdoms of judea and israel from 3000 years ago have any affect on our world today? Pfffft. Where are the Byzantiumiums? The Phonesians? The Hitites? The Babylonians?

"i'm a jew" is a LARP. It's the same as a nigger saying "i'm a kang".

Commie_Crusher ago

Earth is flat.
There is a dome, hence operation fishbowl.

NASA is fake and loves the invention of fish eye lens.
Demons are the spirits of the Nephilim.

Heliocentric model is fucking gay and fake.

Lefties can't meme to save their retarded lives.

The true Sabbath is not on Fri, sat or Sun.

The Nazis weaponized / militarized the occult.

There are traitors in the Republican and Democrat side.

Q is real as he predicted Mcains death 30 days in advance, to the very hour.

GPS is ground based.

Trump is your President.

Michelle Obama is a tranny.

albatrosv15 ago

Nah, it's the same old Qshilltards. They are just employing new strategies.

kayakbassfisher ago

This is how thought control begins.

Aidan20 ago

China has their Wumao, Israel their JDF.

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

This is where we at now. Without voat we wouldnt have been here.

^insert fag picture of homosteading.

I dont know whatyouu are talking about tbh.

anotherdream ago

NewFags - emphasis on FAGS. - Rectum-Wrecked-Reddit-Refugees, Loser-ferians, Chi-Com-Chink-Twinks, JDIF-Jew-Fags, any other rag-head bribe taking cock sucker you wanna group together with that lot. All Faggots, all desparate, all shit-eating keyboard slave-stock, - all fucking cucks. - LOL downvoat as you see em, and treat them with the same regard as you would a mosquito. - Petty, insignificant, and sad really. It's always in waves, and always right around the time their team is getting the shit kicked out of them. - It's gotta be really fucking sad to live as one of these fucks. Stay on task.

constitutionranger ago

I like your leadership qualities. You should start a sub.

facepaint ago

Please stop using such horrible words. You are making my eyes bleed. I just can't even

TurdLord5000 ago


ViperCarbz ago

Normal influx of niggerfaggots from Reddit. Also, nigger.

wokeasfook ago

3 year old sleeper account. Kikes gonna kike

ColinKelley ago

No. In the US there are some religious orthodox anti-zionist Torah believing Jews who think Israel is not from God, and is evil, and don't want to have anything to do with it. They see through Chabad and the Rothschilds. I do not have anything against them. Sorry, that does not make me a Jew lover, and anyone who says it does, is an idiot.

wokeasfook ago

Try disagree with them on the holocaust and then get back to me. Once you've finished putting your life back together that is. Idiot. You're clearly a jew yourself.

Post a video of one of these imaginary jews of yours. Just one video of a jew telling the truth about history.

What about you mr sleeper jew, do you believe the holocaust version of events? The jewish version of history?

constitutionranger ago

I’ve heard about these Torah-true Jews before. So let me get this straight, they want to reject Talmud and embrace Torah, great. But they are still retarded enough to reject the messiah who fulfilled every prophecy? They will be tossed into the lake of fire, as will all of the unsaved, on Judgement Day. They will be stuck in hell with all the sinners, atheists, fags, chinks, niggers, Talmudic jews, demons, etc.

CrowUp ago

They're Q-tards who love kikes and their golems because patriots have no color or something.

ColinKelley ago

I am totally suspicious of Jared Kushner, and viscerally do not like him. Too many promised Q "Booms" have not happened. It may be that Trump is overly cautious, and it may be that he is actually working for the Rockefellers -- and WWIII is between the Rothschilds and the Rockefeller s. Between two different visions of the future: technocratic and bureaucratic. I am not sure what the overall average IQ is on this site. But there have been some very intelligent comments to my posts. That is why I have stayed here.

constitutionranger ago

If you go back and look at the things Trump was saying in 2015 and 2016 it was amazing. He sounds woke beyond belief about the threat the Synagogue of Satan poses. He clearly understood the threat, and how truly evil they are. It gave me some hope, and he has actually done some positive things like tax cuts, exiting Paris agreement, exiting TPP. Once Epstein got arrested, and before he was ‘disappeared’, I had my highest hopes for Trump, that he was for real.....Then Epstein got suicided....then nobody ever got locked up....and then he pushes the fake virus on us.....I think they finally got something on him that cucked him, or he is simply a conman. Either way, its bad, the deep state is just too powerful, or this was their last gasp and we really will get a great victory going forward, who knows.

danjo_kandui ago

Why would there be an influx now? The Reddit Q community was banned almost 2 years ago from Reddit. Or is everything Q related?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I think this is an appropriate time to discuss swearing on Voat by girl-goats some of whom use the f and c words. It's not ladylike and I'm sure their parents would be mortified so...a rule perhaps?

PaulNeriAustralia ago

Once they are subjected to a mandatory recital of poetry by @Deplorablepoetry, they won't stay long.

TurdLord5000 ago

I read that as "rectal poetry."

cantaloupe6 ago

How is that recited?

TurdLord5000 ago

I think Taco Bell is involved.

Maersk ago

I never was on plebbitt, bookface, Twatter, 4/8 chans or any of the others.. When I came here 3 years ago it was kinda fun to drop these words for the first time. I'm just saying. Now I just lurk.

Anyhow, Its the Jews

TurdLord5000 ago

Yeah, I don't use them either. But they're part of what make Voat, Voat.

swinston79 ago

God the summer fags are here all ready?

veteran88 ago

Or shills

Have these faggots leeched of enough federal funds to pay for faggot shills too go all over the internet to make everything more boring and some the praises of poop covered dicks?

Or is it jidf just mailing it in. That could be, one tried to tell me Jews don't own the banks recently.

TurdLord5000 ago

Jesus. What user told you that?

veteran88 ago

[deleted] guess i wasn't the only one who noticed that tard.

GameBOB64 ago

Ban them.

SonofaHulk ago

with all the this is my life now, garbage going on seems like they are running gay ops against voat. We should just ignore them and they'll piss off eventually.

ColinKelley ago

You guys are great at calling people names, and I "get" how much fun you are having doing it, but I don't think you have a clue as tp what we are actually up against, or how sophisticated it is.. The mythical "Jews" you love to hate, are just some among the mid level manipulated useful idiots of "the" evil cartel. The cartel is only pretending to be Jewish. They are pure Satanic evil. And you have no idea what Christianity is all about or why it is important. A few years ago, a Mississippi game warden caught a good ol home boy fishing with dynamite. While he was writing up the citation, the home Boy took a stick of dynamite and lit the fuse and handed it to the game warden: "You gonna fish or you gonna gab?" Everything you say about Jews, faggots and niggers is true. But at best, the way you are going about it, that plus 25 cents will only buy you a cheap cup of coffee. You want to gab, or do you want to take the Rothschild deep state down? Voat is important because it is telling the truth about what "they" have been up to. We need more of that.

constitutionranger ago

I agree with your post, but not your optimism. There will be no defeating of the Synagogue of Satan before Gog and Magog are gathered together to make war with the camp of the saints. We are in this time now. I believe the camp will be formed soon and people with understanding will flock to it. Things will probably get a lot worse first before shit really kicks off. I pray that Trump is delaying the plans of the SoS, giving us more time to get people saved and into the kingdom.

Nadeshda ago

I agree with you.

Nadeshda ago

I Agreed with you before you edited your comment @Colinkelley

@turdlord5000 check out the slippery eel...

TurdLord5000 ago

Any idea what he edited?

Nadeshda ago

OK. One more thing. I agree with you on one thing. What you are doing is important. We have to become more assertive -- just as assertive and bold as they are. We have to learn how to get eyeball to eyeball with them and scream in their faces "YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT." But that is not the whole thing. The evil cartel wants us to fight with each other: Black against white, LGBTQ against straight, liberal against everyone else, jew against everyone else, fight fight fight. "They" are subsidizing these weirdo's and giving them a voice on the news, and making them seem more important than they are. We cannot let that distract us from the real fight with the evil satanic globalists for control of the world. Some things are tactical. Some things are strategic. We need fly swatters, and we need ICBM's.

I think he added all this above... not sure of the rest but it seems kinda the same the rest...

TurdLord5000 ago

I think either that was already there, or was also in a different post.

I'll come back to edit things and hour later to correct spelling/grammar errors.

Drstrangebeard ago

Those words will get you killed around some folks. I dont use those words because ive never been able to use them without looking like an ahole

TurdLord5000 ago

I don't really use those words either, even here. But they're a part of what makes Voat, Voat.

Drstrangebeard ago

a honeypot?

TurdLord5000 ago

A group of beautiful retards who get to be assholes all they want.

Drstrangebeard ago

No, dude. Its about intent. And there are people on voat with bad intentions.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

They aren't even newfags because they will never integrate into this society, much like the Muslim dicks they fellate in a daily basis. Someone post the Voat influx comic.

keksupreme ago

paid shills

TurdLord5000 ago

It's rare for me to think someone is ACTUALLY a paid shill, since I'm accused of it constantly. But these guys really fit the M.O.

keksupreme ago

they definitely are...they have been for coming here for awhile but there may be more recently

tankingwrong ago

Does Reddit do bans in waves? Because that could be why.

I felt the pressure a bit ago and started getting my feet wet over here before they finally laid the banhammer down on my main and all my alts I had tied to my phone.

blighty ago

Best way to weed out normies.

TurdLord5000 ago

Looks like 3 year old sleeper accounts actually.

ColinKelley ago

What do you mean? I never sleep. I voat 24/7.

TurdLord5000 ago

You made one comment in the last three years, and just woke up 20 days ago. Valid explanations are possible, but not likely.

Nadeshda ago


What sayeth though to the above observation?

TurdLord5000 ago

He can't comment. One of his comments here got him 31 downvoats, putting him in the minus.

duckontheriver ago


Nadakai ago


Well_Deserved_Brew ago


bitbug ago

The glowniggers (gov. agents) on Voat want you to believe it's the brash vulgarity that is offending the Qoomers and redditfags (e.g. niggerfaggot, f-bombs, kike this, that, etc.). In reality the harsh truths of our times is what is feared.

The offense-takers have a choice: Quarantine themselves in their safe spaces, or enter into the general population where other opinions exist. Some of y'all certainly need to learn how to let your ideas be put under scrutiny and also grow some balls and openly challenge the beliefs of others.

ColinKelley ago

Well said.

jeeees ago

What a bunch of jews

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @fusir.

Posted automatically (#113169) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@TurdLord5000: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @fusir)

GutterTrash ago

Not surprising if true. It is just like those faggot kikes to impose themselves where they are not wanted and then proceed to terraform other places to suit their fucking needs against the interests of those who are already established

MrGoober ago

If you're not an anti-semite, you're either a jew or unaware of reality.

Mind_Games ago

Wouldn't be the first time.

waucka ago

If you're wondering what happened, r/TheKingPill got shoahed.

SexMachine ago

What was that subreddit?

BlowjaySimpson ago

From what I can gather a r/theredpill crossed with r/mensrights crossed with /SIG/.

Probably a bunch of angsty incelish chumps, but we can polish them into niggerfaggots methinks.

It at least beats an influx of qtards.

ColinKelley ago

You guys are great at calling people names, but I don't think you have a clue of what we are actually up against, or how sophisticated it is.. The mythical "Jews" you love to hate, are just some of their mid level manipulated useful idiots of the cartel. The cartel is only pretending to be Jewish. They are Satanists. A few years ago, a Mississippi game warden caught a good ol home boy fishing with dynamite. While he was writing up the citation, the home Boy took a stick of dynamite and lit the fuse and handed it to him: "You gonna fish or you gonna gab?" Everything you say about Jews, faggots and niggers is true. That plus 25 cents will buy you a cheap cup of coffee. You want to gab, or do you want to take the Rothschild deep state down?

BlowjaySimpson ago


TurdLord5000 ago

AUGH! Not another Shoah!

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @fusir.

Posted automatically (#113168) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@TurdLord5000: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @fusir)

OysterSoup ago

I'm a newfag. I find this site very liberating.

douk_nokum ago

No, you're a niggerfaggotkike.

chirogonemd ago

That's good, because you're here forever. Congratulations, you're now a far-right extremist. You'll be provided with a complementary FBI handler once you've reached 100 ccp.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

I prefer the term "hard-right" but each to his own.

SpreeFeech ago

Sieg heil, faggot. You are going to like it here. You will probably get called a jew and probably meet a jew.

ReAwakened ago

And remember, most problems in the world can be traced back to jews. That's not rhetoric, it's simple truth.

TurdLord5000 ago


Alpha-As-Fuck ago

Allow us to educate you on the kikes.

ALIENS2222 ago

Gas the kikes Niggers and mexiniggers have to go back.

SaxonWolfcock ago

What does nigger mean ive literally never seen that word before

massiveprivilege ago

It comes from the word jogger.

TurdLord5000 ago

It's a word that refers to people without scruples, manners, or refinement who like to jaywalk slowly in busy traffic.

ViperCarbz ago

Hold off with the SJW all races and backgrounds narrative. Do I need to cite crime stats for you?

ColinKelley ago

This is the best definition I have seen. Well said.

TurdLord5000 ago

Those words are a part of what make Voat, Voat. I don't really use them, here or anywhere else, but new users are hazed with them, it filters out the people who shouldn't be here and lets people know this is really a free speech site. Telling people not to say them will result in a massive response. Voat culture is ingrained here.

SexMachine ago

There's niggers, and then there's actual niggers who were born into niggerdom. They were raised on the teet of their jew politicians and think the world is owed to them because someone called them a nigger for acting like a fucking nigger.

freshmeat ago

whole site glows in the dark anyways

gabara ago

The Black man is right!

Usernamenameuser ago

I still hate that kike nigger faggot, but at least u/deplorablepoetry is angry and consistent. He wants to kill us, not just whine about his hurt feelings.

I still think you're a fucking faggot.

heroinwinsagain ago

I knew I smelled faggots

TurdLord5000 ago

Most of this shit is in QRV. I hadn't seen it there for a while. But it's spilling out into /v/whatever too.

armday2day ago

Ya know, I was slowly cutting my activity online...

Looks like I gotta jump back in with the goats

TurdLord5000 ago

Welcome back to the fray! NiggerfaggotkikeGoats assemble!

clubberlang ago

Fuck those fuckin faggot fucking jewfucks

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

Attention Faggotors: GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM. THIS IS A WHITE NEIGHBORHOOD (and Asian, but not pajeet Asian—the Oriental kind).

ReAwakened ago

Like... Chinese?

Scyber ago

Asian as in CAUCASIAN

Crankbait ago

No Asian as in zipperhead or swamp rat.

WhoFlungPoo1132 ago

Like Tojo or Fuckface

lnsip9reg ago

The word Asian is useless now. I prefer Orient/Oriental.

LurkedForever ago

Works fine in America. It's only those brits who conflate it's usage.

Usernamenameuser ago

I've heard multiple people say its racist here in USA. "Oriental is a rug or a food, not a person hurr durr I'm a fucking retard who just wants to be upset about something."

Damnpasswords ago

Saying "eastern"/"from where the sun rises" is fine in english and greek, but god forbid you say it in latin

LurkedForever ago

fucking retard who just wants to be upset about something

Most of the left.

lnsip9reg ago

In America, South Asians are also wanting to use the word Asian now. I just don't see how Orientals have anymore in common with Indians, versus Latinos or White people. It's a stupid grouping.

LurkedForever ago

Really? I havent noticed that at all. Asian has always meant Jap, Chi, Kor, and Viet Camb, Laos, Thai. Never ever ever heard it used to refer to Indians, Pakis etc. Like I said, only dirty brits pull that bullshit.

BTW, Oriental seems fine to me too, but it was already well out of use by the time I was small.

edgydude69 ago

Close the gate!

shitface9000 ago

Those are shills

TurdLord5000 ago

Their posting pattern has "Qoomers" written all over it.

ForgottenMemes ago

So explain to them why semitism is evil and niggers are subhuman. I don't see the problem.

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

Yes we did.

BillNye_TheSoyGoy ago

When r/cringeanarchy was banned on reddit i came here. Banning r/cringeanarchy was the best thing for me, it is wonderful here.

I am glad i lurked moar, glad i stayed, and glad we could hate nigger and jews together.


ReAwakened ago

I don't hate niggers, I pity them. I think we should do the humane thing and return them to their natural environment. They're not much use in civilization and all they can ever do is feel inferior. Jews, on the other hand...

SexMachine ago

We are going to build real gas chambers this time, way better than the fake ones built by the USSR to make amusement parks out of labor camps.

ReAwakened ago

I think cages and ponds are way more efficient, though guillotines aren't bad.

BlowjaySimpson ago

*We'll build a real holocaust this time. With helicopters. And luau shirts."

anticlutch ago

Link to each post please.

SexMachine ago

The latest post about the cracked out drunken nigger that was resisting arrest and died because his cracked out body couldn't handle being slightly restrained.

Cops are faggots for the most part, but seriously, I have to defend them here. For one, it was a nigger, two, he was resisting, three, fuck niggers and this wouldn't even be news if the cop was a nigger and it was a cracked out white man.

DemocratsAreAssholes ago

That's okay, I know a lot of other words for faggot, nigger, kikes.

BigFatDaddy ago

Well, guess its time to arm the redpill cannons.

TurdLord5000 ago


She2002 ago

I love you niggerfaggots

CrackerSlant ago

How about go fuck yourself Jew bag faggot nigger curry motherfucker.

TurdLord5000 ago

We love you too, faggot.

Nevulox ago

All nigger faggot kikes get gassed

ranch-othelioma ago

Do we have to use delousing insecticide, or can we use real gas?

Nevulox ago

Whatever won’t turn my chambers blue...

ColinKelley ago

Just eat beans. Gas happens.

user1212 ago

Soak your beans in water overnight then discard the water and rinse the beans off a few times. No gas

TurdLord5000 ago


jimibulgin ago


Welcome about niggerfaggots!

Jews did 9-11, we've never been to the moon, and Hitler was the good guy.

You've got a lot to learn.

TeddyJackson ago

1.5/3 , typical alpha user wokeness level.

FriedChicken ago

Please don't soil great truths with a statement so stupid as "we've never been to the moon"

SirEel ago

Holy shit... I visited Ravensbruk concentration camp in Germany many years ago. They put gravel all over the place there as well. They covered all the original grounds, acres and acres of fresh new gravel.

CheeBooga ago

and Bob Dylan fucking sucks.

isvoat86 ago

Jews did do 9-11, Israel's SpaceX rocket carrying the Torah and AllJews flag smashed into a million pieces on landing, and Hitler was the excuse for expanding central banking and much gibs.

smokratez ago

Dinos are fake, most of the people in hollywood are trannies, there is tons of estrogen in your diet. That's why you're a faggot.

BlowjaySimpson ago

The moon hoax shit is their to (((poison the well))).

jimibulgin ago

We've never been to the moon, faggot. Do you believe The Holocaust^(TM) really happened too?

BlowjaySimpson ago

We've never been to the moon, faggot.

Kevin Bacon was not in footloose

constitutionranger ago

The moon hoax is just 1 of dozens of major hoaxes, but all of them are designed to turn you away from God and Jesus Christ through a fake Babylonian system.

BlowjaySimpson ago


The Desert Jew is maybe the grandest hoax of all.

HbMcNutt ago

Space may be the final frontier but it was filmed in a Hollywood basement

BlowjaySimpson ago


HbMcNutt ago

Kubrick filmed the moon landing around the same time he filmed 2001. He was later killed for trying to take credit by leaving hints in his films. The shining was his greatest work second to the fake moon footage.

smokratez ago

Nigger tier iq.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Okay my obvious ubermensch, u/smokratez

smokratez ago

Stop believing jew religious fairy tales, you inbred nigger.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Such loquacious eloquence.

You are almost worse than a nigger.

A room-temp IQ white-nigger.

Taken an IQ test? Let's compare.

Smokratez2 ago

I am not a christian. jews made up the ball Earth. Post your iq score.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Why are other planets spheres?

Smokratez2 ago

Why are all other planets spheres?

There are no planets. There are stars. Those aren't planets. The word planet is made up. Planets don't exist. lol

You can literally see the fucking curvature from a high altitude flight.

That's a limition of our eye sight. There is no curvature. There can't be curvature, because water is always level.

Don't be this retarded. Please. You poison the well.

I am the genius. You are the inbred. Atheists are the faggots who are holding us back.

I am not the useful idiot jew puppet. That's you and all the other anti science atheists.

BlowjaySimpson ago

I have literally seen the planets in our solar system in my father's observatory with my own eyes.

I have watched solar transits of our planets across the sun. All spheres.

You are peak retard. Seriously. Simple experiments that a fucking 6th grader can perform prove you are a fucking mongoloid.

Smokratez2 ago

I have literally seen the planets in our solar system in my father's observatory with my own eyes

You've seen stars, not planets. Jesus. This is why I hate talking to dumb people.

I'm a white white nationalist. You are the jew slave. Their useful idiot.

BlowjaySimpson ago

What the fuck do you think Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune are?

I've literally looked right at them and watched astrophotography happen real time.

You are a knuckle dragging mongoloid.

ColinKelley ago

They also assassinated Lincoln, JFK, tried to kill Reagan, and have made several attempts against Trump. They caused and exploited all the recessions and depressions, and started WWI and WWII. The evil Rothschild deep state is financing extreme lesbians, extreme LGBTQ, Agenda 2020, Communists, Black Lives Matter, Brown Shirt Democrats, and the Communist Chinese. They own 95% of the major newpapers and MSM, including Reuters and AP. This is why you never hear about them in the news. They own the Big Banks, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, and the utility and phone companies -- and at least a dozen Senators. 89 Democrats, in the House of Representatives and including a few in the Senate have dual citizenship with Israel. Don't ever forget USS Liberty. Qaddafi was a good guy too.

jimibulgin ago

tried to kill Reagan

I doubt it. I think this was staged to introduce the Brady Bill.

Agent7851 ago

Can you enlighten me on Reagan?

CornyGoatWeed ago

Didn't hurt Poppy to have the launch codes sewed up either

ColinKelley ago

Reagan was talking about going back on the gold standard and issuing "greenbacks" like Lincoln did and JFK was talking about, and Trump is currently talking about. VP Bush was their backup guy. Hinkly was an MK Ultra kid. If you have not heard about it, google it.

jimibulgin ago

Stop using the word 'google' to mean 'internet search'.

See my post here:

Qqqqqqqqqqweeds ago

Heeeeyyyyy! I remember that post. Very nice, much quality. Have an internet point.

Centerist415 ago

My dad was one of the engineers who put us on the moon and yes, he is German American, but not a Nazi, his boss was one though...It did happen -moon landing. Oh and the know, our planet? It’s not flat, Zionists did take out the towers and Epstein didn’t kill himself.

jimibulgin ago

My dad was one of the engineers who put us on the moon

You're dad was a patsy used to dupe the public. You have a personal stake in that lie, so I don't blame you for denying it, but you are wrong.

zepto ago


kayakbassfisher ago

Epstein isn't dead.

Blood-is-Nature ago

My dad...his boss

This is called a chain of command and it isn't a natural human hierarchy, but a caste system; a pyramid scheme where all participants put blind faith in the false authority of those above them, which creates the behavior of "kissing up; while kicking down". Your father had not the slightest idea what information his boss had access to, and his boss is in the same situation with the added attention to keep your father at bay to secure his own position until he kissed up enough to rise. The higher one goes the more crimes have to be committed against those below them, which makes this a self perpetuating system, because everyone upstairs will soon have the same agenda...keep the exploitation going or face the consequences of what you're doing. Every institution in this world is designed around this caste-system and those in charge are using it to control it all with the least amount of effort, because it requires nothing more than sprinkling in some secrets and making sure that the gatekeeper within are bribed and blackmailed accordingly to prevent leakage from below.

When you step into a bus; you subconsciously agree to put blind faith in the false authority of the one driving the bus, because you already put blind faith in the false authority of "human society", "government", "public transportation", "uniformed authority", "traffic regulations", and "fair trade business transactions". In natural reality YOU have not the slightest idea that all these false authorities where designed to control and exploit (farm) YOU, and you justify this shirking of responsibility to the authority over yourself to others, by pointing your finger at others and saying "but everyone does it". That's how 1% manged to usurp all natural resources; infrastructure and fruits of your labor and enslave 99% by the utilization of lies and deceptions.

constitutionranger ago

Moon landing was a hoax. Earth is flat. Your Dad is a useful idiot who worked for the Synagogue of Satan in a compartmentalized way. Jesus Christ is Lord. Virus transmission via normal human contact is a hoax. Corona virus is a hoax. All vaccines are a hoax. Dinosaurs are a hoax. Evolution is a hoax. Outer Space and Big Bang are a hoax. You are a faggot. Enjoy your stay.

justregtoasku ago

Woah! Nice!

jimibulgin ago

Look, At this point I almost WANT to have the realization that the Earth is flat, but every single shred of evidence that I can see supports the conventional Heliocentric model of the solar system. By all means, if you can offer any support for Flat Earth other than "look into it", enlighten me, FFS.

justregtoasku ago

Have you read any wild heretic? I have not for a number of years but it's very interesting if you haven't seen it

Just a suggestion and not a topic im hugely into so I'm sure there's much better material out there

Fairviews ago


HbMcNutt ago

Your dad pushed button on a computer. He didnt put anyone on the moon

Busty_Neckbeard ago

There is no recovery from this

lipids ago

Your nigger brain can't understand abstract concepts like plotting a course and calculating a trajectory.

Moose_of_Reason ago

All telemetry data (radio pings) from every Apollo fraud have been "lost" never to be found again.

justregtoasku ago

"Yeah we needed to overwrite those moon tapes

...ya know budget and all"

Pretty sure these nasa goons said something along those lines - 'footage' / telemetry im not sure but the whole thing is clearly a hoax

It's sad how many hold this in a special emotional place. It's blinding them to reality

lipids ago

The apollo program was a weapon program. If we have a missile to put a man on the moon, we can plant a nuke in Moscow. It's real because it was an important part of the cold war.

SirEel ago

Only boomers think it happened these days. Even most normies under 40 question the moon landing to some degree.

IJustMadeThis ago

Your dad was a fraud.

Divinelight ago

I just can't get over the lost technology of the 60s that they say got us there and we can't do it now. Reeks of bs.

chrimony ago

I just can't get over the lost technology of the 60s that they say got us there and we can't do it now. Reeks of bs.

Strawman. Plenty of that "lost technology" still around. We've been launching stuff into space continuously. And it's not that we "can't" do it, it's that it would take a lot of time and money to do it for pretty much no benefit. But for some stupid reason, it's actually in the works.

rndmvar ago

We don't lack the technology.
NASA became another welfare office for diversity niggers.

WhiteChickens ago

We do lack the technology to get through the Van Allen belt and we have never left low earth orbit.

NASA admits this on video.

Outstretched_Bill ago

It’s incredibly expensive to get there. If you’re not planning on making money to do it what’s the point?

smokratez ago

Kill yourself faggot.

greydragon ago

Are you implying that the Earth has a moon?!

IJustMadeThis ago

Youre kinda right. Outer space is fake and gay. The moon is a light, not a space ball.

SirEel ago

Glad to see voat coming around to this idea. Even a year or so ago, you would be downvoated into oblivion for any of this talk. (not my first account on voat, accidentally doxxed myself on the last one with a screen shot, whoops)

IJustMadeThis ago

I think the shills are losing funding haha. They cant hide us as much anymore.

Blood-is-Nature ago

You fell for the same trick that gives them control...instead of sticking to calling out their lies about outer space; you bring forward an assumption about what it is instead, which takes the belief based conflict between true and false away from them and onto you, because now you are the one proclaiming something that cannot be proven and have to face all those who don't believe you, while those in control over the initial lie are controlling both sides of the conflict by dumping contradictions onto both sides to keep you going.

Stick to attacking their lies and stay clear of making assumptions; instead urge people on to investigate their own answers for themselves. If YOU cannot prove something for YOURSELF then it is a lie for YOU until proven otherwise by YOU. Understand that nature gave only YOU the sole authority over YOUR actions (free will; the liberty of freedom of choice), while only nature can judge the consequences. That's the fundamental contract we are under, which we agree to with the first breath we took; thereby agreeing to value life over death, while accepting the authority of nature over our free will. If you want to verify that; hold your breath with the intention to die by it and find out who's in charge...your mind our the survial instinct you receive from nature?

IJustMadeThis ago

You do you. Stop assuming everyone needs to do truth in the same way. You're a pagan btw. Repent.

Blood-is-Nature ago



You do you.

One can by definition only do oneself...the liberty of freedom of choice over ones own actions.

Stop assuming everyone needs to do truth in the same way.

Every assumption is by definition a lie, because it is made within a system basted on constant change. You cannot point at something that moves and say what it is, because at the time you proclaim your assumption it already moved on; it isn't anymore; it was, which means your assumption wasn't a truth, and your act of proclaiming it as such was in fact a lie., as proven by the change within nature itself.

The only truth in a system based on constant change are the laws of nature that define such a system, because those are fundamental and cannot change.


Judge not lest ye be judged


PA'GAN, noun [Latin paganus, a peasant or countryman, from pagus, a village.] A heathen; a Gentile; an idolater; one who worships false gods...consider that terms as such were designed to attack those who didn't fell for the initial doctrine of belief as to create division and conflict. Now why would one want to accuse others instead of improving oneself?


Or else...I presume? Anyway; life itself is defined as the struggle t maintain the natural order between the positive and negative consequences of our actions, so I rather stick to the adaptation needed to deal with that.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

A light of what?

IJustMadeThis ago

Not sure, but moonlight is cold light rather than hot light. Very mysterious.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

So you have absolutely no idea?

IJustMadeThis ago

Theres nothing wrong with admiting you dont know something. Better than pretending you know something when you dont. I dont have "absolutely no idea". I have ideas.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

You’re the one making claims here.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Earth? Kek.

FiringSquad2020 ago

id give you gold, but those jews have enough gold. and this isnt faggotland. reddit

Outstretched_Bill ago

Go back. Closet redditard.

FiringSquad2020 ago

That was the joke you retard.

HiJoker ago

All that but the moon bullshit. We've got a few faggots here that need weeded out of the gene pool for sure.

smokratez ago

Yeah, the ones who believe in jew religious fairy tales and are too dumb to do the research.

puggy ago

Anyone who doesn't believe that white male engineers (and ex-Nazi rocketeers) can put a man on the moon may not belong here.

smokratez ago

How does it feel to be stupid?

jimibulgin ago

not stupid, just duped.

smokratez ago

Agreed. However it's still a form of stupidity to not have looked for the truth. It's not like it's hidden. I redpilled myself on space with publicly available information.

magic3383 ago

It's 2020 and you still believe in outer space. You in middle school?

Ocelot ago

What do you believe?

smokratez ago

That dumb faggots like to think they are smart and pretend to know science because jews told them they are smart if they don't believe in God.

Doglegwarrior ago

Im so glad everyone here is coming around to the moon hoax.. you forgot about the holahoax and covid1984 the great plandemic

constitutionranger ago

Yeah but when are they coming around to the spinning ball earth hoax? Are you still retarded on that one? I’ve been waiting 6 years now, and most retards are not waking up.

Doglegwarrior ago

man i went down the flat earth road with owen benjamin... owen a very smart guy who holds nothing back and has about a 147 iq got turned on to flat earth. he started like everyone calling them retards saying its impossible etc etc... he was so convinced that he was right he set up a debate with a leading flat earth guy.. erik dubai i think is how you spell his name. well they actualy talked for a little bit did some emails and owen big bear started doing a lot of research. I was looking at videos as well and shit started getting really weird.

long story short i stoped short of going full on 100% the earth is not a globe you can call me weak but it was just kinda to much. the evidence was absolutly rediculous when you start looking it the math doesnt add up at all and i just thought what the fuck... I am at the point now i dont know what the fuck we are living on but it sure is not the globe we have been told.

owen went 100% flat earth or some type of curved earth under a dome god made. owen is basicaly a born again christian who has now started coming up with his own interpretations of the bible which if you listen to him make a lot of sense.

ya the earth is probably not what we are told but what is it? i have an issue with thinking ok you go down 10 miles? 100 miles? 10,000. 1 million miles into the ground? is it just solid dirt rock lava for infi ity? for what ever reason my mind accepts floating globe despite all the obvious evidence againt it.

my favorite why does a plan flying with the spin of the earth get to a destination the same as a plane flying oppisite? then i thought thats why they have time zones? lol no clue its all fucked up

SirEel ago

I am there too. I am not ready to call it flat, but it is sure as shit not what NASA tells us it is. This is clear from countless videos and photos and my own damn eyes

jimibulgin ago

enlighten me......

SirEel ago

You can watch all the youtube videos in the world, but nothing beats your own senses. Go to any body of water, that is at least 1 mile across from shore to shore. The longer the distance the better. I used a 4 mile across lake on a calm clear day. Lay down on the beach with binoculars or a high zoom camera. Observe the other side of the water and note what you see. Boats docked? Cattails coming out of the water? sandy beaches?

Now look at the official curvature formula, 8" x Miles Squared. So at 1 mile you would have an 8" hump between you and the opposite shore. At 2 miles, this becomes 32" and so on. At 10 miles it would have a curve of 16ft. However, we just do not see this. You can easily see the opposite shore, across flat water at several miles.

smokratez ago

It's not everyone yet. There are still a lot of inbred faggots who can't let go of their science fiction.

SirEel ago

You mean Q tards and boomers? Or is that redundant?

smokratez ago

Yeah, inbred faggots like this guy. SirEbral and all his other alts.

SirEel ago

I have no alts. I make a new account every few months and delete the old one. But I can't prove that, so believe whatever you want. I don't give a shit.

Whats_my_password ago

I'm really offended by your use of the term "newfag."

TurdLord5000 ago


Splooge ago

I didn’t even know hazing was a thing here (outside of the typical “fuk u niggerfaggotkike” stuff) until I started hearing the stories from others.

When I first came here, everyone was super chill. No one really blasted me for anything.

TurdLord5000 ago

Crap. You missed the best part.

Splooge ago

I think it helped that I wasn't a qoomer or outright redditfugee. I came here because I wanted an alterrnative.

Usernamenameuser ago

I didn't come here in some kind of wave but I still got shit from people, and the shit I was getting from people is what made me want to stay. I did come here from reddit though, but I came here because I was tired of arguing with retards about communism. A sub called "aboringdystopia" that thinks that communism wouldn't lead to a boring dystopia. What a bunch of fucking brainless losers.

I always hated niggers, but I suppressed and denied that hate. When I came here I was able to let it be free. I feel much better, mentally and physically.

I didnt know about the Jew. Thanks Voat.

TurdLord5000 ago

I'd always get hounded on the basis of my CCP alone.

ColinKelley ago

You belong to the Chinese Communist Party?

Splooge ago

I don't get it. Is your CCP supposed to be higher or something?

con77 ago

fuck those nigger faggot kikes

voatusernamevoat ago


fusir ago

Exactly, as proof he posted to someone saying the same thing as him. This feels like it's a two minutes hate.

Goddamthisiseasy ago

Boomers dude. The hear q mentioned on their facebook feeds and want to be on a team that has an echochamber where reality doesn't intrude and ruin the illusion. Let's them pretend that they aren't literally and personally responsible for every facet of the crisis we find ourselves in.

It's the only 'club' they can belong to that peddles the illusion that they're relevant. Lol works on them every single time.

anticlutch ago

Boomers dude.

And there it is.

History tip for (((you))) boomers didn't ruin this country.

"The Greatest Generation" ruined this country.

But (((you))) know that and are going to continue to push your D&C to split Whites.

Hoodboarder ago

Incoming jews, queers, nogs and soys! Pathetic

hungry_mungry ago

Fuck those faggot niggerkikes

Locked_Account ago

Good, use the power they give those words.

TurdLord5000 ago

I just wish new subverses could be created so we could pinpoint where they're congregating. Then we could really have fun.

Rellik88 ago

Where not in here with you redditors. You redditors are in here with US.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Que that ultimate redpill post

PaulNeriAustralia ago

g'day Inaminit. Last night the missus asked me if I wanted something to eat and I said: "in a minute" and it came to me in a flash (but you can call me dumb) that that was what your name was all about. I've seen you, of course, but had this hazy notion that your name was based on the eskimo tribe Inuit. Hope you found that interesting? Alternatively you could think I've been in lock-down too long ( 2 months to be precise with 3 days to go).

Inaminit ago

Inuit, huh? Remind me to tell you a story sometime...

AinzOown ago


patronagefuckall ago

I nearly kicked my dog trying to read that sentence.

Palindromedan ago

prepares Goat memes

eongoat ago

Here's my variant of the first one

New-World-Ebola ago


Broc_Lia ago

This is why I love redheads. Thank you.

cantaloupe6 ago


Rellik88 ago

Holy shit thanks goat!

TripleZ ago

This is the one I was looking for above. Who can forget it? It's a classic.

ciaozuzu ago

This is my favorite one. I wonder how many of the Qtards assimilated.

DoyouSEE ago

I’m a proud Qtard and have been here since 2016ish. I can promise you that Q sent people here for a reason, and it’s not to be welcomed warmly by this community.

Honestly whenever my fiancé calls me a niggerfaggot or tells me that the nose knows, I get all warm and fuzzy because I know she has been spending time on here :))

ciaozuzu ago

I'm proud of you too, jewfag.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

I had that one but it was hosted elsewhere and 404’d. Thanks for the new link

slumbermachine ago

Looking at all these is like going back in time a few years.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I love how the fourth one has a buttplug. HighlyPaidOrgyPro was Voats only endearing degenerate.

AesopsFaggot ago

What's even more amazing is that it was still there after all the reddit fags fucked off.

SIayfire122 ago

There was also /u/stretched_girl, who sadly passed away.

Shlarb123 ago

How do you know?

Shlarb123 ago

Thanks. Not sure why, but reading what you wrote and then reading some of her old posts gave me this strange feeling knowing that person is not here anymore. I guess we’re next haha.

“Here one minute, gone the next.”

Doglegwarrior ago

you sir are a true goat hero... well played. and much appreciated.. damn i should down load them all as well but in a high trust voat goat society i trust you to keep up the good work.

TurdLord5000 ago

You should really post this as a submission to /v/whatever.

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Feel free to whore away my imaginary internet points.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Not so fast; those imaginary points can be traded for imaginary goods and services.

TurdLord5000 ago

WOO! Thanks inflamedvaginaperson!

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Your welcome turdlord9000. (Sorry, I’m not as creative as you)

TurdLord5000 ago

Nope. Your name's pretty fucking based.

Silver_Sky ago

Get them while they are steamy piles of shit that is. Hell, there's something about that half baked, made in 30 minutes in ms paint art that I should find dumb and repusive, but I always find these comics charming and on the nose. I wish there were more.

Jiggggg ago

Jesus these were heartwarming. I love Voat and all of you fags

TurdLord5000 ago

There's always love when we unite against newfags. I feel it man.

Outstretched_Bill ago

Funny how you value accounts instead of people. I’ve been here for years but because I burn accounts I’m always a newfag? I thought we were better than this. It’s the content that matters, not the internet points.

TurdLord5000 ago

I burn my account once a year. Getting hazed is the best part of having a new account.

Palindromedan ago

The last one is my favorite except, shouldn’t it say “Hall of Cost” museum?

Splooge ago

No, because it’s talking about an actual holocaust, aka the Holodomor.

If it were a museum explaining why the holohoax didn’t happen, then “Hall of Cost” would be appropriate, but in this case, it’s dedicated to an event that actually took place as described.

spaceman84 ago

Those are just qoomers.

WestsBest ago

Kikes did nothing wrong

BobSmooth ago

Jesus Christ I cannot keep up with all the stupid nicknames. Boomer, Zoomer, Doomer.... Can't we just call retards fucking retards?

zepto ago

Ok Groomer.....

PaulNeriAustralia ago

you think you're got problems! I've been wondering for ages who this "Karen" chick is. Found out the other day. Oh and as for joggers!

spaceman84 ago

Q + Boomer = the specific retiree Q follower demographic

BobSmooth ago

I'll admit I joined during the Q thing (My racist site was shutdown and this one didn't have open invites until then) but I haven't a clue about Q. I've derived it's some asshole on 4chan that morons think has all the answers? Are there really that many fags that blindly follow some rando on fucking 4chan?

spaceman84 ago

They're convinced Trump is Q+ and occasionally posts on 8chan.

tokui ago

You seem to know alot about it, for someone who disavows it.

spaceman84 ago

They're half of the userbase at this point, nigger faggot.

TurdLord5000 ago

Yeah, but they were exactly like this after the first influx. (I'm getting some nostalgia) Then they calmed the fuck down ever since.

bubbahicks ago

I came in that wave. Saw a post to the effect of, "We were here first and have been here for a while. Maybe you should ask yourself why Q sent you here." Never left. People get red and black pilled here every day.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

6/24/19 Media matters TD gets suspended. knew i was coming to Voat. Sooo.......

tomdogg ago

Voat Jew pilled me but it took a while. You can only live in denial for so long until you realize just how pervasive their degeneracy has become. I’m still a Christian, and I still believe the Bible, but I have come to realize the Jewish influence really is satan’s synagogue. What better way for satan to react than to commandeer god’s original chosen race?

jackfraser ago

You have layers of propaganda to peel off from yourself. While Christianity contains the seeds of goodness and has directly imported many excellent White traditions, it is ultimately a means of control, because it exalts another people as God’s chosen, whomst you can never join or be a part of.

Throw off your programming. You can still be a good person.

constitutionranger ago

Maybe you haven’t read the Bible which tells us that the Synagogue of Satan claim to be Jews, but are not. They aren’t real Jews, so everyones thesis here about Jews just plays into their lie. They are most likely Canaanites or Edomites, not even descended from Jacob much less Judah. Fags here need to take this deeper redpill about how all of our history past 150 years is mostly fake. Dates have been changed, the real year isn’t even 2020 AD.

Tangent-love ago

Would you consider starting a thread on the date fuckery?

Doglegwarrior ago

I will go slightly further.. christianity is just the expression of whige high trust societies normal functions. the sand niggers and jews had to make fucking rules to keep from raping kids stealing from each other and being fucking evil fucking pieces of shit. white people did this naturaly. so jews come over see their easy mark aka white people give them christianity and there ya go the best usefull idiots ever.. shit christians are even willing to kill other whites for jews and the. they go kill other arabs and vietnamese who ever the jew wants his dwindling good soldiers to go kill the good christian does it for the love of jews and isreal

TurdLord5000 ago

It's also imoortant that they get hazed. I've been through Voat hazing three times due to deleting my primary account once a year. It's wonderful.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

When @DeplorablePoetry first joined Voat he was a sensitive, earnest young man intent on developing his poetic leanings when he was subjected to a rather brutal hazing and, well, the rest is history.

PaulNeriAustralia ago

bet you're into S & M too?

HateCumbuckets ago

I'll never stop hazing you!!

TurdLord5000 ago

Awwww. Don't I know it!

Obrez ago

Most of the qoomers are women, they are tainted and mentally weak, they wont change.

Other qoomers love israel and are followings trump's pandering to niggers lead.

More qoomers aren't actually qoomers they are paid shills who work for TPUSA a bunch of neocon, RINO, faggots that love niggers and queers almost as much as they love sucking jew dick.

There are also a few subreddits, small ones, that are telling their users to come here if subs go down and a few of their users probably are too soft headed and pussy to use voat. Most of the next wave of migrants will be culturally different but 100 times better than qtards, and cucks will be such a small minority that washes out in a week.

spaceman84 ago

Please go to QRV and say it's the Jews and niggers don't belong in civilization.

Nevulox ago

Where’s the lie?