11hrr ago

I remember when the media started pushing Google as a verb, synonym to searching. It always felt so crooked to me.

boekanier ago

'Everybody' is using the verb 'to google' when researching something on the internet. I've always found this retarded. Now I have confirmation. Thanks.

yousir ago

good thing i google'd those dick pics i sent out to my high school girl friend before google became a thing

Thereunto ago

"Net the answer"

B166-ER ago

The Constitution has been googled due to the flu.

EHowardHunt ago

First use of ghe word google I could find was from the 1830's minstrel song Old Zip Coon.



It is mocking the way a black man calls out. Spread the word.

justregtoasku ago

That'll get googled soon no doubt

ToxicWhiteMale ago

I refuse to use the term, and the service

Yuke ago

Definitely works and works well for modern day "Memory hole" usage. I like it, well done sir.

Landrictree ago

My comments are regularly googled from youtube.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

I make it a point of correcting anybody who tells me to "google it." I always tell them I don't understand what they want me to do. When they act frustrated due to their lack of emotional control, I say: "Oh, you want me to perform an Internet search."

jimibulgin ago

Fighting the good fight.

Carry on.

Gorillion ago

I like it.

We should google Google.

sionblade22 ago

No that's retarded. I'll talk how I want

wokeasfook ago

Google would Google this post, no doubt about it

kissaki ago

I find myself using the word 'online' a lot. I saw it online, found it online, check it out online, heard it online, etc.

based_scumbag ago

to copy eddie bravo, i use "look it up"

Voat_Monster ago

Careful before you get googled

Rating--- ago

Googling means to search Google's database, not to search the Internet.

capicua ago

"just bing it"

Sometimesineedhelp ago

I've also been trying to make something a thing..."were you vaccinated?" To mean "god-damn you're stupid/retarded"

justregtoasku ago

Good 'un will try out the goons at work with this..

MaunaLoona ago

"Were you vaccinated as a child?"

jimibulgin ago


CrackerSlant ago

Remember the saying: "Whatever goes on the internet stays on the internet", or am I too old?

Nutkase ago

But if you keep using google as a common term they can lose their patent on the name. That would be funny.

drhitler ago

This is great and should be spread more

fucking kikes googled my vid of the NZ shooting in an upload account.

they are going through all your shit.

TauCeti ago

((googled)) it

Alhambra ago

joggers and bikes should be googled irl.

Fodder01 ago

Love it, using it from now on.

Maybe some online dictionaries that could be updated?

greydragon ago

I know you, and you know me (I thought).

Go up and see "context."

Hussite ago

He was epsteined and googled, like it!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I like it!

Hussite ago

Any suggestions on what search engine to use when you are looking for "googled" information about things like Operation Red Rock?

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago


To split or be capable or splitting, especially along a natural line of division


To adhere, cling, or stick fast.

Polic3Stat3 ago

Good idea.

greydragon ago

No, dumb fucks. Stop using Google as a verb. Fucking idiots.

@Tallist_skil help

I don't call upon your name much (actually, never).

jimibulgin ago


greydragon ago

You are still using the same term, thus promoting it.

I am sure back in the day Kleenex would have hated you for saying, "Kleenex puts the boogers up the nose."

Erase Google from your vocabulary. Unperson Google, if you will.

mememeyou ago

calling it Jewgle and never saying aloud the name Google works

greydragon ago

I'm for the latter. Don't even refer to it.

jimibulgin ago


greydragon ago

The best thing really is to show some folks that there are alternatives. My sister who did heavy researching on the net thought that there was only Google and Bing. I know that makes my family genes sound stupid, but it is a point of fact.

Some just don't know unless told because they never look. So, broadcast other valid search engines.

jimibulgin ago

The point is not to promote other search engines. The point is to associate google with (functionally) deleting info from the internet.

greydragon ago

And my massive, resounding point is to stop worrying about google, and get everyone that will lend an ear to use something else.

Your plan kinda sucks. I am not fond of "that guy," but you kinda sound like a jew playing the opposite side of the coin here. I.e.:

Jew 1: Google is great! Talmud loves Google censorship.

Jew 2 (->YOU<--): Oy vey, we must struggle against what we cannot win against.

Yeah, I'll just not use google.

jimibulgin ago


Just going to point out that, in spite of your loathing of it, in this thread, you typed that word 8 times, whereas I have not typed it once.

greydragon ago

Were you in the Nigger forces that just cooked?

greydragon ago

I never said I loathed it. I just know it is the enemy.

Anyway, you point is? If Rome said "Carthage" too many times in a document or speech that would mean something subtle to you?

jimibulgin ago

You shall be known forth as Jim the Traitor.

Meh, better than being called a jew!

greydragon ago

Excellent! That made me really laugh. I needed that.

Thanks. Cheers man!

memik ago

I've been using "web search".

yuzernaym ago

Me too, I've always used "web search", "internet search", etc. I've never used "gooogle it". By the time most people caught on to gooogle as a search engine, it was already known to the Coincidence Theorists how much of a piece of shit it was.

kaonashiii ago

I do as well and people laugh cause I don't say google and boycott them... black sheep

WD_Pelley ago

I always go with the tried and true "look it up". I hate using google as a verb.

ninjageek97 ago

just say “duck it”

tratakat ago

duckduckgo is still Jew owned. Use qwant.

ninjageek97 ago




Lostinrisingtides ago

No! im gonna keep using to google until their trademark is sufficiently generic that they lose it

jimibulgin ago

How has that worked out for Kleenex, Crayon, Q-tips, Lego, or Polaroid?

Rockfish1000 ago

Yeah. Xerox is positively belly up at this point.

glassuser ago

I'm downs with that.

SIayfire122 ago

Btw: instead of "I googled something," try "I websearched something," or "I researched something."

green_man ago

Or just continue to use shoahed. "The kikes at google shoahed it."

jimibulgin ago

nice attempt at deflection, Moishe.

LetTheMongoloidsDie ago

That was a very easy mental switch to make.

zum ago

yes. Great post.

Google's corporate motto a couple years ago seemingly was changed...

FROM : "Don't Be Evil"

TO : "Don't Not Be Evil"

Fuckle_Chucks ago

TO : "Do Evil"


Sk8rminion ago

IslamicStatePatriot ago

Yeah but if we keep using "google it" they might lose the trademark

A trademark is said to become genericised when it begins as a distinctive product identifier but changes in meaning to become generic. This typically happens when the products or services with which the trademark is associated have acquired substantial market dominance or mind share, such that the primary meaning of the genericised trademark becomes the product or service itself rather than an indication of source for the product or service. A trademark thus popularised has its legal protection at risk in some countries such as the United States and United Kingdom, as its intellectual property rights in the trademark may be lost and competitors enabled to use the genericised trademark to describe their similar products, unless the owner of an affected trademark works sufficiently to correct and prevent such broad use.

Wahaha ago

"many competing search engines"


... there's Google and there is Bing. Everything else either uses Google and/or Bing under the hood or sucks so bad, that you won't find shit using it.

jimibulgin ago

or sucks so bad, that you won't find shit using it.

You can't find shit using google or bing either (unless they want you to), so why not use their competitors?

Wahaha ago

As far as I noticed, only Google censors stuff. So tell me, which competitor should I be using?

jimibulgin ago

Dunno. Personal choice I guess. I use a lot of different engines.

the point of this post was not to promote other search engines, but to modify the generally accepted meaning of the word "google" as a verb.

Someone UD it too, please.

Wahaha ago

My point is that there is no other search engine that works. If there is, I'd like to know about them. Preferably in URL form.

It will be impossible to redefine google. It didn't catch on when half the Internet tried to redefine Google to mean nigger for a few months and neither will this. What will happen instead is we'll still say that we "googled" something, even long after the company Google crashed and burned and was replaced with something else 50 years ago. Just like we still put the cart before the horse, jump on bandwagons, get off our high horses and arrive in the nick of time.

jimibulgin ago

Just like we still put the cart before the horse, jump on bandwagons, get off our high horses and arrive in the nick of time.

None of those are brands.

Wahaha ago

True. Kiwi, zipper, windbreaker, jet ski, escalator, tabloid, hula hoop, band-aid, ping pong, dumpster, popsicle, frisbee, rollerblade, jacuzzi, trampoline, walkman and photoshop are or were, however.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago


rejectedfromreddit ago

If called on it, say "you know, like a [g | j]if file

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

No. Thats cowardly.

moarzor ago

Using this.

MrPancake ago

I'm game.