Conspirologist ago

Did something happen to you? You look extremely butthurt right now.

goatsandbros ago

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

tokui ago

Voat is filled with scary pedos and raycists. Everyone who is still sane and able should probably migrate away, and quickly.

CheeBooga ago

Dear jews,


Love, Cheesebooger

Hand_of_Node ago

Who else has followed the Cheesebooger iterations for years now?

RM-Goetbbels ago

My favorite was before Cheesebooger. He knows.

capnflummox ago

Capitalized "jew". You are a jew.

420ninja ago

i bet they are muslim

Hand_of_Node ago


420ninja ago

muslim is spelling... actually the correct spelling for muslim is pedophile

saltine ago

Jewish shills posing as anti-semites is a thing. It can be hard to tell them apart but it happens. :/

telleveryoneyouknow ago

anti-semitism isn't real.

smokratez ago

jews are responsible for white genocide.

Reinhart ago

How much did you pay for this account?

LoveDeadNiggers ago

Fuck off you stupid nigger kike.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @TurdLord5000.

Posted automatically (#113167) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@ColinKelley: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @TurdLord5000)

ColinKelley ago

????????????? So what? I am not hiding anything I have said. I don't care.

Reinhart ago

Lol replying to a bot

Nice job, sleeper.

wgtt911 ago

Hadnt noticed


DemonNancy ago

niggerfaggot is a term of enderment they do not understand

ColinKelley ago

These are not a terms of "endearment" to normal everyday black Americans, and conservative homosexuals, or anti Zionist Torah believing Jewish people. It is an insult. They should be welcome to participate and contribute ideas which I am guessing would be more relevant than your petty, at best, locker room talk. You are not the racists you make yourselves out to be -- you are paid trolls.

Grask1901 ago

Lol is this faggot for real?

DangersDad ago

Shut up niggerfaggot

NNdmt ago

eat shit kikeniggerfaggot. Nobody here is policing language to protect your feelings. Not now, not ever.

BoomerHater1488er ago

There's no such thing as a black American.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

paid trolls

Wait... we're supposed to be getting paid for this?

TheRealJPeterman ago

Lol you're serious?

Armpit_and_Ass ago

conservative homosexuals

Hand_of_Node ago

conservative homosexuals

As if such a thing exists... There may be mentally ill people who think that's a thing, but a faggot is a degenerate, by definition. If a faggot can be detected by any means, they should be executed by the nearest responsible adult. Keep your disgusting sexual perversions a total shameful secret, or die in a pool of gasoline.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Boooooo fags go home back to reddit

CheeBooga ago

We use our first amendment. Just know this, all jews are foreign enemy combatants and all niggers are terrorists.

TurdLord5000 ago

Those people you listed are welcome here.... unless they're niggerfaggotkikes who easily get their fee-fees hurt.

ColinKelley ago

That seems reasonable to me.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Except he's lying

TurdLord5000 ago

I know. This is one slick motherfucker. Go through his comment history.

TurdLord5000 ago

It's working on me, faggot. REEEEEEE!!!!!

Faggot, nigger, and kike have been a part of Voat culture since the very start. Go back to /r/TheDonald. If words hurt your feelies, you don't fucking belong on this site.

obvious-throwaway- ago

The "account" has been active for 3.1 years and has 67 CCP. It's just sleeper accounts. Block and pay no mind.

Hand_of_Node ago

-6 Chinese Communist Party at this point.

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

Some of us don't have to comment on everything we see like little over reactive faggots. Thats what made the site so great before you faggots invaded en masse. We would cruise through and shut the fuck up unless we had something substantial to contribute. GO. Back. To reddit. you. Faggot.

Cightline ago

I got a 4.8 year sleeper account.

obvious-throwaway- ago


Cightline ago

It's not actually a sleeper account. I singed up a while ago after getting annoyed with Reddit. I didn't use this a lot because the post volume was low. Now that 8chan is fucked up I'm looking for a decent alternative.

Hand_of_Node ago

Hasn't 8chan been gone for months? Wasn't that last year? Anyway, my original account is a couple weeks older than yours (the 12th), created when I first saw some post about a site without all the bullshit.

obvious-throwaway- ago

He probably meant 4chan and got confused with 8kun. Give the guy a break, he's got to get up, apply glow and work at the FBI all day. He can't be expected to memorize all the correct "hate" site names.

HST ago

Gonna be totally honest, no they haven't been. Since the banning of coontown, sure.. But not really before then

ColinKelley ago

If you were genuine, if you were who you say you are, you would simply be a JERK. But you are a paid troll AND a Jerk.

Hand_of_Node ago

Believing people have to be paid to troll is an extremely low IQ belief.

Reinhart ago

paid troll calls people paid trolls


TurdLord5000 ago

Check the top post on the front page of /v/all and see who agrees with you, faggot.

ColinKelley ago

You agree with yourself. So what?

TurdLord5000 ago

So I'm not a recently activated sleeper account.

TheFuglyAmerican ago

I am not Donald J Trump and I agree with this messege.

beefartist ago

Psst People call you a faggot and a nigger because you act like one. Also if you are a real fucking man and beleive what you type someone calling you a faggot or nigger doesn't hurt your fee fees. Arguing with a jew is like keeping in contact with that crazy ex

tom9152 ago

"Arguing with a jew"

Jews argue to gain control, not truth.

beefartist ago

They can't argue with themselves, now can they? That is what the ex analogy is supposed to show you: when you engage AT ALL with an ex you are losing because there is nothing for you to be gained and you are giving them precisely what they are can argue or fight them or what have you but you have already lost the war.

ColinKelley ago

Crazy Ex? That is your problem and your fault. You drove her crazy. I have argued with Jews many times. It is obvious you are one of them. Calling me a Jew and a Faggot does not make you NOT a Jew or a Faggot. I am guessing you are both. You might even be an MK Ultra Kid. If so, I feel sorry for you.

beefartist ago

Jesus are you irish or retarded? No wonder they were considered bleached chinks. The crazy ex thing is an expression and if you are too stupid or stubborn to realize I can't/won't help you anymore. FWIW I don't talk to ex's, I am married and have respect for my wife. All the jews you argued with; are they all real jews or do you just call them that when they call you on on your stupidity? Either way it is dumb as shit...before you bother no I don't have multiple accounts...I am not the only one who thinks you are retarded and you aren't blasting any kind of truth that people can't handle to DV you

Busty_Neckbeard ago

I wonder how large his proboscis is

Lurkylurklurk ago

Lol but we’re not. You clearly are.

noob_tube ago

Sieg Heil

ShakklezthaKlown ago

You heil a ghost?

Where is the Fuhrer? In Duat no doubt.

When will he return?

ColinKelley ago

It is your Kempf, not mine.

Hosagawa ago

They are organized and very well funded.

ColinKelley ago

Does not matter. Just speak the truth. Don't get detracted. Just realize, this is the best they can do -- and it is pathetic.

wokeasfook ago

So speak the truth. Tell me about the jewish genocide of whites.

What is your opinion of the West living under kike occupation?

beefartist ago

You should speak the truth but I honestly don't think you know the real truths if you are whining on social media about people calling you names

ColinKelley ago

I am not whining and I don't care if they call me pathetic names. This is psychological warfare. They are trying to "flood the zone" and shout down the truth. They don't want normies reading our posts. They want our site to seem offensive, petty, ridiculous, silly.

Hand_of_Node ago

First, "normies" are nothing but a resource to exploit, like coal in the ground, or a deposit of oil. They're called normies because of their limited cognitive abilities.

"Our site", which you're attempting to claim, is obviously not for the normies. Of course the truth about the jews and their associates would freak them out. They're normies. Being confronted with the reality that the jews and their associates need to literally be hunted down and killed is far beyond anything they can imagine. The normies should be freaked out if they happen upon our posts.

ThreeBladedKnife ago

Hasbara, the ADL and the SPLC all engage in that sort of spamming. And these type of practices precede the internet.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Long live Humanity the sovereign of Earth and Heaven.

ButtersThatsMe ago


MrPancake ago

"F*Off faggots, niggers and Jews. I am going to keep posting real stuff here." ... I agree with this message.

beefartist ago

Except people who post "real stuff" don't need to post open letters to boogeymen or tell others they are posting real stuff

ColinKelley ago

Obviously, you are wrong about that. It looks like I did push some buttons.

beefartist ago

Obviously to whom? Don't take downvoas as a sign you are "over the target"...chances are it just means you suck