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chintappingretard ago and are great, but there are OTHER free speech social sites too...

other FREE SPEECH SOCIAL SITES favs to hangout : ( (light censorship for front page only, else (censors speech a lot) (current 2020 8Chan, tor onion link : jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion) (8Chan pol) [http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/] (emergency tor onion for

[Decentralized, encrypted chat & collaboration] :

App with source code : Riot :

App with source code : Aether :

Riot in browser only :

Millchan ; code to a image sharing project that makes your machine a p0rn image broadcaster :

p2p image sharing over Tor (no touchable central web server, but uses YOUR IP to distribute illegal porn images) :

Tzitzimitl ago

dailystormer is weevs nigger zoo

KenDroid ago

Fuck. These are cool. Thanks for the links!

Heebro ago

lol poal does not censor speech tard

chintappingretard ago

WRONG! Poal has lots of cardinal site-wide rules and also does censor.

They do censor more than voat censors! That is a fact. Poal admins hide (move) entire threads of discussions they dislike. Most call that type of fascist reddit-style fuckery... "censoring".

Poal even lists some rules as seen here on this reddit post :

READ the rules on that link!

One rule : no attempt to damage its users !!!

Another rule : no call for violence towards animals !!


Heebro ago

you've proven nothing tard free speech isn't what you think it is

MrPancake ago

I would just like to mention that it is NOT free speech when you have something like this: (censors speech a lot) Not ragging on as I have never used it, but if they censor; it is not free speech.

chintappingretard ago

all the poal users CLAIM its free speech site. But they do censor more than voat censors.

Voat censors "NO legal in the USA" free speech... except two times. The two times were for "doxxing" a user, but the user technically "doxxed" themselves on other platforms. It resuted in amammoth wars and destruction of a lot of goodwill here on voat, because until the infamous "doxxing" drama, NO LEGAL SPEECH was ever ever EVER censored and banned on voat except : blatant spam advertisements, and the 11th link to a domain link by a user whose prior 10 consecutive links were from the same domain.

There is no site as more open to free speech on the internet than voat, and I will NOT put poal in the same category as voat for honoring free speech, but poal , according to its users, rarely censors, but its admins have a tool to move all your threads and bury them and hide anything they disagree with. I and many others call that censoring, and poal admins do it often.

TL/DR: Poal censors speech a lot, but its worth having a curated old account there for times when is not running.

Heebro ago

It's a lie. Voat hates on it because it directly competes and they have destroyed the shills that tried to migrate.

chintappingretard ago

But they do censor more than voat censors! That is a fact. Poal admins hide (move) entire threads of discussions they dislike. Most call that type of fascist reddit-style fuckery... "censoring".

toobaditworks ago

poal is made up of reddit user leftists who loved it when ex-reddit users got banned and moved to voat. They loved it so much they created another site to lure in ex-reddit users so they could ban them.