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17606881? ago

Allow me to retort:

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17618888? ago

If it were as easy as that it would be all over by now.

17620819? ago

It is that easy. The reasons it hasn't been done yet could include:

  1. Patriots really aren't in control and we don't have everything
  2. Trump / Q aren't really working for us
  3. There is no desire to end it. They talk a good game but, it's a DS psyop to keep us busy.

17641394? ago

  • A reasonable assertion

17622277? ago

Prove that patriots are in control by arresting the high level Deep State members.

The people who are in control have nothing to prove to you or me. Many high level people no longer have power. If you've followed what's been happening the last couple of years then of course you'd know this. Maybe you could offer some proof that arresting the people you think need arresting would be in the best interests of the overall plan to foil the enemy. The corruption is WW and goes very deep. Your posts of doom and doubt are finding fewer and fewer eyes every day. That won't discourage you but please know that you'll not be discouraging me.

17631135? ago

i dont care for puppets, the puppet master is well shielded and untouchable.

17627301? ago

Many high level people no longer have power

Not good enough. They need to be held accountable for their crimes (here on earth) and the American people need to hear the truth.

17633539? ago

Your satisfaction is not required. Good enough for the girls I go with.

17612625? ago

Nice graphics! But "Q" is just part of the show, and many of these people will end up in the hospital when they realize the truth.

17620641? ago

Great! Send them to the fucking hospital! Hopefully a lot of them will die and we can thin the herd.