JunOS ago

Yea, like an imaginary story.

JunOS ago

I had this plot in my head where you and your wife were overseas for some reason. I hear PA is really beautiful. Never been myself though. I have a few coworkers from PA where I'm at and they've said the same shit! Just rude for no reason.

Fuck them. You don't need validity to live.

Vvswiftvv17 ago

Online dating. My husband took the time to read the responses to all the profile questions. He only chatted with girls who had similar values.

Edit: I should mention, even though my husband had already proposed to me....we didn't get married by our own choice. We planned on getting married in a year or so. In the meantime I was going to move in with him in L.A. My mom came out to visit and said over her dead body. Then she pulled his man card. She said, "If you want my respect as your future mother in law you will marry my daughter before you move in together, if you don't then it will be a long time before you are welcome in our family. I'm catching a plane in 24 hrs. Prove to me you care enough for my daughter that we will go today and elope. It's just a formality, you guys can still have your wedding later...."
BTW, I was 33 and he was 39....no one fucks with my mama.

Anonymous_User_69 ago

Church. Traditional means little without Christianity, the cornerstone of said tradition.

Funkypurplekitty ago

Well now I guess I should try rutabaga, does it have a similar taste to mashed potatoes or is it sweet?

Master_Foo ago

I ordered mine in the mail. 6 weeks later there was a big wooden crate at my door. I opened it up and out popped Annika, the meanest Russian woman you've ever met.

She yells and screams at everyone non-stop, but she cooks and cleans and fucks while she's screaming so, I'm OK with that and I can't tell what she's saying anyway so, whatever, right? Not understanding why a woman is angry is the way women are.

DefenderOfTruth ago

I met my husband at a church event. Met some other great guys before him at a youth lectureship weekend. Following the Bible is core to me, so I would only date guys who agreed (generally) with me on religion. I wanted a guy who would minister with me and help me raise any future kids we had to be Christians.

10369489? ago

LOL I laugh because that goes one of two ways. I've only seen one really good marriage come out of the meetings. Most are crash and burns.

Rellik88 ago

Well Im not sure if my wife is a "trad wife." She a stay at home mom, takes care of the house, and runs her own business. However we like tattoos, drinking, and parting (must admit not much time for that now since we have kids.). Honestly you guys would consider us degenerates, however we totally agree with the ideas in the sub. I guess you could say we are ex-degenerates?

Where did we meet? A dope house.... No joke, my wife and I are ex meth users. However we decided to move away from everyone we know, and have both been clean for fuck 13 years now? So long I dont quite remember. My wife and I have been together for 16 years now. We had been together for 10 before our first child. We now have a wonderful little girl, and we foster my niece, and nephew. (My sis decided to have 5 kids by three different dads. Fucking looser, at least she is a wannabe nazi, and hates niggers. I would kill her if she burned the coal.)

My wifes mother is definitely a trad wife, she never worked, and just kept the home together. So my wife grew up in that life.

So yea my wife is wonderful and I couldn't do it without her. For reals she my my better half and partner, in this life and the next.

Yea I got lucky, your results may differ.

10369519? ago

You've got yourself an interesting story! Really glad you both got clean and sober and have built a happy life together. IDK, I'm definitely more straight edge and my friends jokingly call me 'Martha Stewart'. You and your wife would probably look at me and think I was a snob (I'm not though). The trad life is for anyone that wants to instill old-fashioned values into the next generation and have a marriage without the typical power struggles. I for one, welcome you. <3

Rellik88 ago

Just for the record, the image people get of meth users, dirty toothless rednecks. Doesn't apply to us. We meet when she was 15 and I 19. She was a pretty young girl who fell into the wrong crowed. Being a beautiful young girl, thirsty guys gave her all the drugs she wanted. Luckily she wasn't a whore. Also I never committed crimes for my fix. A buddy and I would do odd jobs for dealers, installing remote control cameras, wireless mics, tweakers are paranoid. Even repoed bikes for a drug/bike dealer. Also was muscle who would show up on your door if you didnt pay your credit line off.

However thats all way in the past. I'm now a security guard who works closely with PD. Go figure, haha. Honestly want to apply to be a cop, but they do polygraphs so no way ill pass. My wife has an Esty business making bouquets for weddings.

So yea turned all that bad around. We have an amazing marriage, and amazing kids. Money is the only thing thats a pain, but we get by.

Also my wife doesn't Voat, however I show her a lot from this sub though.

@Empress great sub, best one on Voat for sure! Makes me feel good people still see the value in the way we once where.

SuperSaiyanCock ago

I imported mine from a first-world country that is very traditional.

ScannerDarkly ago

Would love to meet a woman with traditional values, thanks for all the suggestions. Southern Oregon has plenty of stuff like this to do.

doc_J ago

After wildfire season ends, anyway. Right now it's like downtown Beijing outside

ScannerDarkly ago

Yes it's absolutely terrible outside. So tired of the smoke. I've had off and on headache all week. Blech

doc_J ago

The only plus was all the commiefornicators that came up for the eclipse couldn't see how beautiful our state really is

10368928? ago

My store stoped stocking rutabagas, turnips, parsnips, ginger, and a bunch of other stuff because no one was buying it and when they did research on why, they said no one knew how to cook or serve them. The state of America's kitchens is really bad. My wife and I have really been stepping up our game since we found Voat and this sub but in our circle of friends, like us and one other couple eat at home. Everyone else eats out for practically every meal.

Edit: add a comma

Funkypurplekitty ago

We love parsnips here, they are super easy to cook and delicious.

Le_Squish ago

Cultural Festival.

Last few culture fests I've attended women outnumbered men 3:1. Easy pickings

DishingShitLikeA ago

Like a Renaissance Faire?

Le_Squish ago

Even there. In my experience, men don't really show up in droves to these sorts of things unless there is free food or they already have a family.

If you want to connect with women interested in traditions, these are good places to start.

DishingShitLikeA ago

What did you mean exactly by culture fests? I'm at a bit of a loss.

Le_Squish ago

Your town might have culture or ethnic specific festivals, holiday events, crafts fairs. celebrations for local history, clubs, etc.

Finding community calendar for your town or city might be helpful. Some towns and communities have their own social media pages that detail various goings on.

10368854? ago

I hadn't considered that but you're absolutely right.

Adminstrater ago

I heard a club works well.

Just hit her over the head, and drag her back to your cave. I saw it on the Flintstones, and they seem pretty happy.

WD_Pelley ago

I've often said that I don't want to get married or have children but I could be tempted to. It's just that I'll have to get out of this home town that I'm in; it's not really the best. Because of that I've often romanticized about foreign (but still White) brides, like a Boer or Northern Irish girl. Maybe I'll try again; there has to be trad wife material here in my state.

I just want us to live within our means, be fit, happy, healthy, be at least fairly right-wing, the usual stuff. I don't want us to be McMansion types with fatass kids and hauling them from soccer practice after being in a "diverse" school.

DishingShitLikeA ago

Get off your ass and do it!

WD_Pelley ago

O-OK. I'll see what I can do.

lorlipone ago

Yeah, that's a lot of what's been pushing me there. Enemy of my enemies, etc. .. Back when I used to blaspheme my ass off against Christianity, I always thought it would be fine to do so against any other religion. Holy crap was I wrong. . . . Now, weather or not it IS, it still seems part of an anti western culture conspiracy; that shitting on a picture of Jesus is hilarious, but even mentioning Jews or Muslims is practically a "Hate Crime."

KikeFree ago


we_kill_creativity ago

Eastern Europe.

ChanceofRain ago

It's an old retail trick. Most sales are driven by a few core items but that would leave the store plain and uninspiring. The appearance of novelty items hits the old dopamine trigger, convincing the shopper into spending more time in the store. More time spent, more likely they are to pick up more of those "safe" items as well.

Persimmons? What the heck are those? I don't know, but those tomatoes look pretty good right now.

theotherotherone ago

persimmons are delicious! if you haven't tried one, try quartered & eaten raw (its a fruit). used in baked cookies, also.... now i can't wait for November start of persimmon season

JunOS ago

People have met on weirder circumstances. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters.

Where are you living now, just out of curiosity? Was it hard to assimilate. How about the language. Totally understand if you'd rather not divulge.

Itsame ago

I like rutabaga pie. Probably a different store though.

Password_ ago

Yahoo chat? so like 100 years ago?

Runaway-White-Slave ago

The farmers market on Saturday mornings, haven't been in a while but with the weather cooling I'll be there regularly through the cold months. Local livestock auction, same there the heat of the Summer has kept me away but with the weather letting up before too much longer I'll be there regularly.

Other than that...... Idk, I can't think of anywhere else in public to meet people where everybody isn't in a "smart" phone trance.....? I mean the grocery store but if you go when it's busy it's hell, and if you go when it's not there's no one there. That and the grocery store is a total crap shoot as far as looking for trad people.

{Probably should've read the title better. Male, never married, no children, and where I'd be looking.}

Mr_Wolf ago

I'd kill for a decent farmers market. All the ones around me ever have is tomatoes and potatoes, and a few local people selling home made goods that make you feel like you're getting ripped off.

Cheesebooger ago

My wife was visiting her aunt, who lived beside of my friend. I saw her and that was it. She saw me and felt the same. I wasn't looking to settle down or anything. Next thing I know we are spending a lot of time together, -like two sparrows in a hurricane. When its love. Almost twenty years and three kids later, here we are. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUsyHVjacJ0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onwvl5mK7Lg

Tor1 ago

So she was fifteen and you were barely driving a car. She got your ring and you got the keys to her heart? How does it feel when it's love. I bet you can't tell me but it lasts forever.

10367777? ago

<3 Aww, that's so sweet and I love Tanya Tucker. <3

10367746? ago

So she was right under your nose so to speak. Love it. <3

10367731? ago

I met my wife in the produce section of a grocery store. I worked the section and she knew her shit in regards to cooking fresh fruits and vegetables and I asked her out right then and there.

Hindsight 20/20: it's kind of weird to find a connection in cooking prowess with someone and then ask them on a date where neither of you will do any cooking.

10367736? ago

I asked her out right then and there.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Well done!

Amalek_Incarnate ago

is it relevant for you? trad husbands aren't interested in transgenders

10367728? ago

Only degenerates think about trannies so much. Get outside and exercise and work on nutrition- you are not healthy or well.

Amalek_Incarnate ago

I do not enjoy the existence of roleplaying tranny faggots like you. Honestly how many trad wives do you actually think come to voat? So really i cant hate you because any female that made it this deep into voat is a degenerate and needs to see trad stuff even if it's coming from a tranny.

Good women don't have time for voat, i know a few who already gave up on the site due to the shilling.

ChanceofRain ago

any female that made it this deep into voat is a degenerate

Blanket statement. Blankets are for babies.

I do not enjoy the existence of roleplaying tranny faggots like you

Yes you do! Otherwise you would block the sub, and stay out. Your mission here is not evangelical. Whether or not I would address Empress as he or she in person, her persona here is relevant to the sub's content.

You call yourself an Amalek. You know what you are doing.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Blanket statement. Blankets are for babies.

Blank statement.

Yes you do! Otherwise you would block the sub, and stay out.

And let a transgender trick people on this site and inflate it's ego? They love being viewed as traditional wives. It's their only way to subvert conservatism.

Your mission here is not evangelical.

I don't have a mission, let's keep it simple. All I am doing is stating that the sub owner is a transgender.

Whether or not I would address Empress as he or she in person, her persona here is relevant to the sub's content.

LARPing is for faggots and trannies and JIDF shills.

You call yourself an Amalek. You know what you are doing.

I'm simply an echo of the one you call Amalek.

ChanceofRain ago

Blank statement.

Dodging the point with a pun, reddit style. Neat.

All I am doing is stating that the sub owner is a transgender

And they're still doing a better job than anyone else here with Trad values. Is there a better resource you'd like to promote, or do you just need to stomp on something to get your e-rection going?

LARPing is for faggots and trannies

How is this LARPing? I've never seen a video of them...

You offer nothing here.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

And they're still doing a better job than anyone else here with Trad values. Is there a better resource you'd like to promote, or do you just need to stomp on something to get your e-rection going?

Just because there aren't many trad forums doesn't mean we should let a TRANNY become the spokesperson for it here. Fools.

How is this LARPing? I've never seen a video of them...

A man is pretending to be a traditional female and you faggots are playing along.

You offer nothing here.

I offered a fact, deal with it as you please.

JunOS ago

Says the biggest shill on Voat, haha.

Amalek_Incarnate ago

shilling for what

GuftaGess ago

Shekels, I assume. Is there another acceptable form of payment you take?

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

How is making a simple statement such as the sub owner is a tranny going to earn me shekels? If i were earning shekels i would be in support of this sub.

If it isn't true then why are people so defensive over it? A tranny codes for the site, why would you think they wouldn't feel comfortable here?

10367887? ago

Everyone knows who you are so your allegations carry no weight. You only care about attacking this sub because you find traditional values and happy couples and families threatening. Sad.

Amalek_Incarnate ago

Who am I? I don't attack this sub ever, I make comments to you every now and then reminding you where you are.

you find traditional values and happy couples and families threatening. Sad.

I love traditional values and the women it produces. I don't like trannies pretending to be something they will never be.

10368262? ago

I make comments to you every now and then reminding you where you are.

Please provide proof or any indication why you believe I'm a tranny. I won't hold my breath.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

As soon as you prove im SaneGoat. You may feel comfortable on the internet as no one can prove your gender unless you dox yourself, but it's obvious as the sun in the sky. You could have squashed this months ago yet you drag it on because it's true.

You are just like kevdude running /v/RidersOfTheReich. It's satire to you.

10368754? ago

Your own comment style and actions prove you're either SaneGoat or someone with a similarly damaged mind. You still have yet to show any evidence of Empress being a tranny.

Where are the photos of the lumps at the bottom of the dresses? Where is a photo of her Adam's Apple? Where are the pictures showing off her masculine body build (forming more of a T than an hourglass or V)? Where are the surgery dates? Where is the pre-surgery identity? Where is the hormone prescription?

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Your own comment style and actions prove you're either SaneGoat or someone with a similarly damaged mind.

At least im not a tranny lover.

You still have yet to show any evidence of Empress being a tranny.

Let's play this out, how do i prove it when he is anonymous? I personally can't without breaking the law. Do you know how many trans use the name Empress online? Try googling it. Empress, Lady, Dolly, these are all popular trans usernames in various platforms. I don't even give a shit to prove it, I'm just trying to tell anyone who isn't a reactionary faggot that this sub is indeed operated by trannies.

Where are the photos of the lumps at the bottom of the dresses? Where is a photo of her Adam's Apple? Where are the pictures showing off her masculine body build (forming more of a T than an hourglass or V)? Where are the surgery dates? Where is the pre-surgery identity? Where is the hormone prescription?

Good point, Empress should post a time stamped photo proving if its a man or a woman. It won't happen though because im 100% correct. For the record I don't think the trannies that run this sub and SBBH are post-op. They know that was a meme they started to get non-passable homosexual betas to cut their balls off. OG trannies keep their dick. So i doubt Empress is the type of dude to cut his dick off.

Here is a thought experiement: what if im totally accurate?

10368890? ago

Here's a thought experiment: what if I'm totally accurate?

Then the head moderator of v/TraditionalWives is a tranny with a very active imagination about what a "traditional wife" with Voat-level red-pilled knowledge would act like.

Sure, Empress could post a picture of herself next to a modern calendar and an accurate clock that shows off her body, although even if she does that, someone like you would probably just dismiss it as "photoshopped" (without any stated evidence of an edit), and she would have a real-life photo of herself linked to her account.

Here's a thought experiment for you: what if you're totally wrong?

Women may have a steeper bell curve than men for IQ, but that doesn't mean that there aren't still women with high IQs. If the reason Empress seems like a tranny is because of her high societal awareness, then you would be attacking one of the women who came to Voat for simply doing enough of her own research to understand the problems with this world.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Then the head moderator of v/TraditionalWives is a tranny with a very active imagination about what a "traditional wife" with Voat-level red-pilled knowledge would act like.

This is exactly the case. If you recall, a transgender is the main coder for Voat on github. SaneGoat might have been the first one to point that out but that doesn't change the fact it's true. This is what they do. They infiltrate what is attractive to them that they can't have. All trannies want is to be treated like a woman by a nice traditional guy. They are involved in all the redpill sites. It's super intriguing to them, they have to manipulate, it is their main goal in their pathetic lives.

Sure, Empress could post a picture of herself next to a modern calendar and an accurate clock that shows off her body, although even if she does that, someone like you would probably just dismiss it as "photoshopped" (without any stated evidence of an edit), and she would have a real-life photo of herself linked to her account.

Ok so you just helped prove my point. We can only speculate based on their behavior (which i have done) and after that shill post that was on the front page from Gabara the other day, it's clear SBBH is behind this sub and supports Empress. I wouldn't dismiss it as photoshop, you just assume shit.

Here's a thought experiment for you: what if you're totally wrong?

I would prefer that I am wrong but all signs point the opposite. We need to popularize traditional values among the degenerate tech and internet community. My question to you is why would you let a fucking dude with tits be the spokesperson for it? You can find a few useful things here but Empress is trying to use this sub to present the image that trad wives are supposed to suck their husbands cock every day etc etc. Just immature tranny shit that they don't actually experience in real life. it's ROLE PLAYING people fucking do it every day. It's no different here than it is in Second Life.

Women may have a steeper bell curve than men for IQ, but that doesn't mean that there aren't still women with high IQs.

I agree entirely I know plenty of intelligent women.

If the reason Empress seems like a tranny is because of her high societal awareness, then you would be attacking one of the women who came to Voat for simply doing enough of her own research to understand the problems with this world.

It has nothing to do with his IQ, in fact i think he is rather a moron. It's completely different things that led me to that conclusion. A smart women would know how to handle the accusation of being called a man. Empress will not deny it and runs off with his tail between his legs everytime i make a valid point, like in the comment you initially responded to. Notice how Empress went radio silent for the hundredth or so time?

10370065? ago

They infiltrate what is attractive to them that they can't have. All trannies want is to be treated like a woman by a nice traditional guy. They are involved in all the redpill sites. It's super intriguing to them, they have to manipulate, it is their main goal in their pathetic lives.

I can see your point there, but I haven't seen the evidence about "a transgender is the main coder for Voat" or "most of the people who act like traditional women on redpill sites are actually trannies" (particularly when transgender people make up less than 0.3 percent of the population, while women make up over 50%).

It's clear that SBBH is behind this sub

Do you have some physical proof of this? Any rallying submissions, any circlejerks spouting their talking points, any mods sharing accounts?

that shill post that was on the front page from Gabara the other day

I missed it, which one was that?

Empress is trying to use this sub to present the image that trad wives are supposed to suck their husband's cock every day etc. etc.

I have never once seen her claim that, I'm going to need to see a link to a comment or submission specifically saying that.

I wouldn't dismiss it as photoshop, you just assume shit

No, I said "some like you" and "probably". For example, when you were talking about Gab last night, a user named Tallest_Skil started using very similar arguments to your own and taking it to the extreme, claiming that people were "shilling for jewish-owned controlled opposition that seeks to limit and restrict freedom of speech for the purpose of advancing jewish interests" just because they didn't agree with his claims that "there's a Jew involved in the company, so the entire thing is fake or controlled opposition".

Notice how Empress went radio silent for the hundredth or so time?

Notice how I have blatantly ignored people who are constantly claiming I'm an SRS alt or a secret shill without ever citing any evidence? Everyone gets sick of dealing with people who constantly try to put false labels on them, particularly when the claims don't have any evidence backing them up. From an online perspective, frustration looks very similar to panic.

For all we know, no one on v/TraditionalWives could be a woman, half the subscribers/mods could, or all of them could, there is no real way to know purely online. Until we have things like the "real-life meetups" that Reddit occasionally does (presumably with much healthier-looking groups of people than that cancer), the only way that we can truly know what Empress actually looks like is if she chooses to partially self-identify, such as with a picture of herself in a mirror with a piece of paper saying her Voat account name covering her face (something that big names on Reddit did for AMAs when they wanted to stay partially anonymous).

If you want to be taken seriously, then at the very least you could stop being so sure of your personal theory, gather some evidence (particularly with archiving services if you're afraid that Empress will delete anything that shows off his true tranny status), and present it once you have enough information to actually convince others of your idea beyond "Look at her name, it's exactly what a tranny would use!" If you do that, then in the meantime, you can focus on being a respected participant in this subverse and steering conversations away from the direction of "all traditional wives should act just like the Stepford Wives" that you have expressed a fear of and towards the values that you think are more important.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

1) https://archive.fo/pCwMZ tranny coder.

2) https://voat.co/v/whatever/2098812/10349912/10#10349912 rallying mentioned in this post. That OP and his friends are actual shills.

I have never once seen her claim that, I'm going to need to see a link to a comment or submission specifically saying that.

Take my word for it, it's in his comment and post history. You do the work.

Notice how I have blatantly ignored people who are constantly claiming I'm an SRS alt or a secret shill without ever citing any evidence? Everyone gets sick of dealing with people who constantly try to put false labels on them, particularly when the claims don't have any evidence backing them up. From an online perspective, frustration looks very similar to panic.

Only dishonest people react like that.

If you want to be taken seriously, then at the very least you could stop being so sure of your personal theory, gather some evidence (particularly with archiving services if you're afraid that Empress will delete anything that shows off his true tranny status), and present it once you have enough information to actually convince others of your idea

I've done this with dozens of trannies. The LGBT community is too strong even on Voat. It get's painted as shilling or something. I'm not lying to you about Empress, it's up to you whether you are cool with roleplaying with a tranny.

when you were talking about Gab last night, a user named Tallest_Skil started using very similar arguments to your own and taking it to the extreme

Who are you confusing me with? I've never even mentioned Gab before.

10373438? ago

I confused you with 9-11, you have very similar commenting styles.

10369099? ago

Oh, shut up already. You're a psycho and a tranny obsessed freak. Trannies go online and pose as trad wives? Wut? And you think I'm a dude because my name is Empress and you've found that lots of trannies have that name? I have no idea if that's true or not but if it is, how would you know that unless you were intimately familiar with the gay/trans community?

I am a middle-aged married biological woman and my husband is a biological man. You however are likely the homosexual freak that's threatened by normal people. Why don't you go back to whatever weird fetish sites you frequent and leave me and this community alone. Alternatively, you could try straightening out your life and maybe check out a service tomorrow. You could try to give up you're insane obsession about me while you're at it. It would probably make you a happier person if you did.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Oh, shut up already. You're a psycho and a tranny obsessed freak.

It's not an obsession I just have a more keen eye for it.

Trannies go online and pose as trad wives? Wut? And you think I'm a dude because my name is Empress and you've found that lots of trannies have that name?

Yes and yes. Not only that but you have already established an in-group atmosphere around here and you have accused me many times of hating traditional values even though I'm likely one of the biggest supporters of it, and have been for a long time. You are behaving like an SRS tranny and you are so weak-minded that you dismiss these points as being from "SaneGoat". Were you even around when that little faggot was doing his thing or are you just parroting others?

I have no idea if that's true or not but if it is, how would you know that unless you were intimately familiar with the gay/trans community?

Not the gay community but certainly the trans community, they actually trusted me for a few years. I've seen the deepest secrets, i've seen the way they behave when in groups, i've seen them fool millions of people because, like the problem we are having now, they can hide their true identity online. They are having a bigger affect than is easy to observe. I'm very infamous among the largest group of online trans community which consisted of about 6,000 members who get money for free online and spend all day every day manipulating social media and websites to swing in their favor. It would explain why there is literally a tranny coding Voat. You weren't around for it but I got rid of a lot of open trannies on this website and they have 100% gone into hiding. Making a sub like yours is exactly the type of thing they would do. Role-playing is literally their entire existence, from online to physical.

I am a middle-aged married biological woman and my husband is a biological man.

Does your husband come on this site?

You however are likely the homosexual freak that's threatened by normal people. Why don't you go back to whatever weird fetish sites you frequent and leave me and this community alone.

This is why i believe you are a moronic tranny. Text book SJW response. I'm not doing anything to your community either jackass, i leave a comment whenever i see a post on the front page. If leaving a comment is attacking your community then you are fucking retarded. I also happen to agree with Traditional values so it makes you look even more of an idiot.

Alternatively, you could try straightening out your life and maybe check out a service tomorrow. You could try to give up you're insane obsession about me while you're at it. It would probably make you a happier person if you did.

I don't care about you faggot, i care about the people you are fooling.

10369435? ago

Not the gay community but certainly the trans community, they actually trusted me for a few years.

Confirmed faggot.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

I had no idea they were trans. I am fit, young, funny, and got into high social groups before i nuked everything. I've met high-profile trannies without knowing they were trans. They loved me and flocked to me in certain places online im not going to mention. Reason is because one of the most famous trannies online had a crush on me for years and skyped with me. All the time i had no idea it was a dude. Because that particular tranny liked me, he spread my info among their private forum and I had hundreds of obsessed trannies trying to socialize with me. See back then i wasn't too keen on degeneracy and when i found out a few were trans i brushed it off. My mistake because they were all trans except for a few fat house wives that play role-playing games all day while their husband worked. When I found out the tranny in charge was the one who had been flirting with me on skype for years, I dropped the info and TONS of personal private shit that destroyed this trannies entire online reputation and he literally killed himself. I have had the rage of thousands of trannies aimed at me for years.

I didn't need to tell you any of that to be clear. I'm glad all that happened though because i got experience most people on the outside didn't even know existed. Trannies are the ones behind chans, reddit, etc. They have the most snowflake points out of everyone. Even the jews put them on a pedestal in honor of Baphomet. sounds familiar right? /baph/? Also they are in the CIA and high hollywood positions and are the main reason for the feminist bullshit in the tech field. They snowballed the SJW takeover.

So when I see an obligatory person using literally their codename as a username out in the open on Voat, which has heavy ties to trans community, and you start a sub pretending to be something all conservative men want, it gives you an endorphin/seratonin rush and makes you want to post even more and fool even more people. You know conservative men would pretty much kill to have a traditional wife in 2017 and you want to fuck with us.

Also, good job avoiding all the points I made. You are just a shitposter.

10372595? ago

You are legit insane. I hope you get the help you need.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Avoid it all you want fag, im not the only one who thinks you are a tranny. Your game is old by now.

10367543? ago

Church, gun-clubs, group activities.

Go to the same service at the same church a few times and the Aunties will notice an eligible bachelor and bring their nieces. Also, church potlucks and picnics are a good place to check out. You don't have to be a Christian to go to church, just let people know that you're keeping an open mind. The man that runs our Bible study wasn't a Christian when he met his wife (the woman who helps me in with my own spiritual battles-she's incredible).

I also recommend that men seeking good wives join a gun club even if they don't know how to shoot yet. Let the old men teach you and get to know you. After they've learned what a great guy you are and how willing you are to learn, they'll likely be open to introducing you to their single daughters/granddaughters. They'll probably just invite you over for supper after shooting and the single girls will just happen to be there. These girls have been red-pilled on the 2A their whole lives and will be less likely to nag you over your growing gun collection.

Join clubs- book clubs, hiking clubs, gardening groups...really, any club that is about self-improvement. Trad Women are all about self-improvement so a baking class or fermenting class isn't a bad idea either.

I met my husband online on OKCupid years ago. It was my first time online dating and I screened for unmarried Christian men and he showed up. We were married six months later and neither of us have any regrets.

MisterWings ago

I did Eharmony because I was living in New York City at the time and trying to find a woman there who didn't view you as a 5-year retirement program is tough. Our first official date was at her parent's church and we were married 6 months later.

lorlipone ago

I'm not christian at all, but I've been seriously considering going to church lately. Generally positive environment, generally good people, events that don't revolve around getting drunk, and women who don't glorify things like twerking. I can keep my mouth shut about my skepticism in exchange.

kitnaht ago

Join a hackerspace. Same thing. Except not centered around imaginary friends.

LegendaryCollektor ago

what exactly is a hackerspace?

10368177? ago

I can keep my mouth shut about my skepticism in exchange.

You don't have to, just couch it politely. People in the church aren't scared of being questioned- they welcome it.

lorlipone ago

Yeah, I grew up being militantly anti organized religion. These days, I am FAR more able to be polite about it.

10369579? ago

Here is a pastor discussing the false gospel of religion 10 min long- worth it. This particular paster started off really strong but fell from grace which is really too bad.

10368213? ago

You're gonna find that a lot of pastors dislike organized religion as well. My old pastor gave a really good sermon about why he dislike religion and it was really good. I'll see if I can find it online and PM it to you. Basically what he said was that religion takes people away from living in the spirit of Christ. I've seen this theme with a lot of preachers these days- interesting stuff.

Funkypurplekitty ago

My pastor talks about that as well. He said God wants us to have a personal relationship with him and religion and all its rules does not promote that.