Posted automatically (#131417) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Hey_Sunshine: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @steven_feelsperg)
QANIN LION KIKES on suicide watch. They keep insisting that (((patriots))) are taking care of a so called "deep state pedo problem" but jot of the JEWISH PROBLEM. There is only but one conspiracy in the whole world. It is highly religious, and it is the religious conspiracy of JEWISH MELCHIZEDEK KABBHALIST MEN against humanity.
Buildings filled with asbestos that needed basically complete renovation. Perfect site for a large art project giving the "artists" access to core structural elements of the building. What the fuck.
Dude, the day of ... while the family were sitting around the radio listening to the aftermath of the attacks ... I told them all then that it had to be Israel. Even sandniggers surely know what will happen to their country after an attack like this on the United States. What do they gain from launching two decades of war in the Middle East? Well, who does gain from two decades of US-financed war in the Middle East? Just follow the money.
2 micro nukes. Watch again the plumes. All major cities and Isrseli embassies have them. They old the world in absolute contempt. Fukushima... so called Wave Detectors failed to detect anything. Why? Underwater nukes x2 to create a major disaster.
Hitler in his goodbye letter (See stated that they will "stop at nothing and they will destroy the world if they needed to". So they did.
I would not be surprised if Trump ends up in Israel if he loses or after his failed 2nd term. Landing in Tel Aviv by 2024.
Leading to mass destruction of USA by 2024 and arrival of SS BY 2025.
No doubt they have at least 130 of them. They may have even tried to make more via controlled Ukraine. Did you ever linked LDS MORMON Romney, Pedo Clinton n Biden to this? Possible. Why would Uranium become so important and a war wt Russia attempted?
romanstock ago
And this is who your president works for.
fusir ago
We need to remember the 7 million Americans Jews killed that day.
Hey_Sunshine ago
Golly gee never forget the 7 billion!
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/politics comment by @steven_feelsperg.
Posted automatically (#131417) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Hey_Sunshine: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @steven_feelsperg)
tourgen ago
Interesting story. Not a single link or any other verifiable evidence given. So just a fairy tale then.
steven_feelsperg ago
Would have to go through your post history to determine if you're a kikefag or a brainlet. Your response or lack thereof will be telling.
Qfagsarehasbara ago
Sure CNN Brian Steltzer will write a 5000 page documented report and read it live in CNN. When is Mossad going to tell you how they operate? Never!
clamhurt_legbeard ago
Oh, have you never heard this before?
Here's actual investigation from the days just after
Qfagsarehasbara ago
Cannot believe that in 2020 we still have to show this to people. Fucking USA is a total failure.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
He got his news from mainstream media, and this was the one time it slipped through. Anything else you'd have to do... research.
Veggiehead ago
And subsequetly the parasites were released by that POS Chertoff.
ZCitium ago
People also need to read about the Israeli art students.
Qfagsarehasbara ago
QANIN LION KIKES on suicide watch. They keep insisting that (((patriots))) are taking care of a so called "deep state pedo problem" but jot of the JEWISH PROBLEM. There is only but one conspiracy in the whole world. It is highly religious, and it is the religious conspiracy of JEWISH MELCHIZEDEK KABBHALIST MEN against humanity.
Period. Last time we say it.
Dense,people and retards will never understand.
chirogonemd ago
Buildings filled with asbestos that needed basically complete renovation. Perfect site for a large art project giving the "artists" access to core structural elements of the building. What the fuck.
Maat4u ago
So much this. Jews took out the buildings.
9C5F0DBCBA49 ago
Dude, the day of ... while the family were sitting around the radio listening to the aftermath of the attacks ... I told them all then that it had to be Israel. Even sandniggers surely know what will happen to their country after an attack like this on the United States. What do they gain from launching two decades of war in the Middle East? Well, who does gain from two decades of US-financed war in the Middle East? Just follow the money.
Qfagsarehasbara ago
2 micro nukes. Watch again the plumes. All major cities and Isrseli embassies have them. They old the world in absolute contempt. Fukushima... so called Wave Detectors failed to detect anything. Why? Underwater nukes x2 to create a major disaster.
Hitler in his goodbye letter (See stated that they will "stop at nothing and they will destroy the world if they needed to". So they did.
I would not be surprised if Trump ends up in Israel if he loses or after his failed 2nd term. Landing in Tel Aviv by 2024.
Leading to mass destruction of USA by 2024 and arrival of SS BY 2025.
Bond_Villain ago
Bali was probably a micronuke too...
Qfagsarehasbara ago
No doubt they have at least 130 of them. They may have even tried to make more via controlled Ukraine. Did you ever linked LDS MORMON Romney, Pedo Clinton n Biden to this? Possible. Why would Uranium become so important and a war wt Russia attempted?