Waffle_ninja ago

The Surrendered Wife by Laura Doyle

I bought it right after I got married and read it a few more times afterwards. I grew up defensive but this help me remember my husband first, and in doing so, he put me first.

15054705? ago

The Woman's Book of Household Management: Everything a Woman Ought to Know- Florence Jack

Iteroni ago

Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul by John Eldredge & Stasi Eldredge

2012ronpaul2012 ago

The Gospel: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

bill_the_dog ago

Listening list - The Expat Files - 09.24.18

Discussing the completely over the top ways that both Latin governments and businesses use sex and hot women in marketing, promotion, advertising and in political campaigns.

Ten things you never knew about the female modelling and so–called “Edecan” employment agencies in Latin America

How “lag time” has put the breaks on the feminism and Social justice warrior movements in Latin America.'Yes, the activist are in and around Latin America and yes, they are taking their cues from what’s happening up in the states but…..


Lavender7 ago

Jorden B. Peterson's book "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos". Great insight into children's development.

stbelmont ago


Nutrient-dense preconception (both parents)/pregnancy/nursing diet. The guidelines are originally from the Weston A Price Foundation, which publishes a quarterly journal that has a healthy baby photo gallery, which is also online. https://www.westonaprice.org/healthy-baby-photo-gallery-2000-2004/

DefenderOfTruth ago

I was agreeing with everything until I got to the MLM (multi level marketing) plugs. I wouldn’t touch any of that stuff. doTerra or Juice+. It’s not organic and not well made. Just empty promises and over-hyped advertising. At least I can say that about Juice+, I looked into that stuff and am now using my leftover pills as plant food. Anything you can find in a MLM has a better and cheaper counterpart somewhere else. I’d go with Dr. Christipher’s Supplements (a master herbalist) before I’d go MLM.

stbelmont ago

I'm not educated about supplements, though cod liver oil did me a huge benefit in stopping emotional spikes I'd been having. I double checked and the recommended supplements aren't part of the original WAPF recommendations. I found this page back when the WAPF link wasn't working.

I don't do essential oils yet but was considering it for the future. I'd heard doTerra was the best because it wasn't synthetic, which is important to me, but I appreciate learning it's not organic and I'll make a note of that master herbalist.

NoTrueScotsman ago

the recommended supplements aren't part of the original WAPF recommendations

That's what I figured. WAPF doesn't tend to recommend supplements, they recommend foods.

DefenderOfTruth ago

Oh, ok. :) It is a good summary article. I do love cod liver oil and take it (somewhat) regularly. I am not sure about doTerra, but mostly because I’m against MLM (it just rubs me the wrong way, I guess). I’ve found the herb company Mountain Rose Herbs has some good essential oils, with some even being organic (not all). I usually buy my oils from them (higher quality), Eden’s Garden (for cheaper prices), or Rocky Mountain Oils (back before they exploded in popularity; I haven’t ordered from them in a few years).

stbelmont ago

Saved. Thanks for the tips.

DefenderOfTruth ago

My current favorites off the top of my head (no particular topic category, but I mostly read non-fiction):

The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholz

Very insightful on the process and powers that drove the country to “low fat.” I like the audiobook much better than reading the book since the book has very long and dense paragraphs. After listening to the audiobook, I have a re-affirmed love for traditional eating and fully enjoy my raw whole milk, butter, red meat, and eggs.

Gentle Measures and the Management and Training of the Young by Jacob Abbott  

This is a very old book with very traditional, Biblical morals. However, instead of the standard punitive parenting (spanking, lording over etc.) sometimes I see in traditional circles who just take a few Proverbs out of context to guide their method, this book gives a mother insight on the inner workings of a child and helps her apply very successful discipline with gentleness, love, and wisdom. If you can get past the antiquated language, this is (in my opinion) the best child training book in print. You can get the PDF free online as it’s out of copyright or you can buy a reprint hardcopy off Amazon.

  Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua  

Amy has (or had? Haha, I think we see her change by the end of the book) a very different view of parenting than I do. Very traditional Asian “overachiever” parent type. However, I was surprised that I LOVED this memoir—specifically, the audiobook read by the author. I could tell the mother pushed herself hard too and loved her husband and two girls, even though she is nothing like the standard American parent. Her daughters wrote some pieces online after the book was released and you can tell they still love their mother—they even helped write the book. Sometimes it’s good to see other parenting styles and realize that you can make some mistakes (which Amy acknowledges) and still have your kids turn out fine if over all, they see you love them and do not have a double standard.


Charlotte Mason book lists for older grades  

Charlotte Mason (1842-1923) helped reform English education by broadening the narrow “drill and kill” classroom approach. She was a huge proponent of “living books.” Lists like the following contain many old classics that make for great reading, even for adults. https://www.amblesideonline.org/curriculum.shtml Scroll down and you’ll see “Booklists by Year”

tunamustards ago

Wow thank you for the detailed reply!

DefenderOfTruth ago

I was in the groove. Haha

14033123? ago

  • The Art Of The Argument - Stefan Molyneaux
  • The Whole Brain Child - Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. and Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.
  • Ina May's Guide to Childbirth - Ina May Gaskin
  • Difficult Mothers - Terri Apter
  • Spotless [and other books by] - Shannon Lush and Jennifer Fleming
  • The Sleeper Awakes [or anything by] - H G Wells

enginedriver13 ago

I always like to recommend Anne Morrow Lindbergh's diaries and letters--there's a couple different volumes.

Re-reading them again I'm struck by how she combined being an intelligent, accomplished woman (few people know she accompanied Charles on many early flights, operating the Morse code radio and such, she learned these specifically to help him), with being a wife and mother, and her honesty about difficulties. I find her life and writing very inspiring. She also wrote a little book, "Gift From the Sea" in the 60s about trying to achieve balance in your life, which some may enjoy as well--it's a quick read.

TheBookWasBetter ago

Got turned onto the Foxfire series from Voat and picked up the set. It is a great read so far. https://www.foxfire.org

tunamustards ago

I'll add one of my favorites: Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House by Cheryl Mendelson. It's basically a textbook on how to keep house.

DefenderOfTruth ago

I love this book too! It’s written so well and doesn’t feel text-book-y at all, even though it has a ton of info in it.

tunamustards ago

Right! It's such a pleasure to read.

lilly_flower_garden ago

Right Wing Woman by Andrea Dworkin. It explains the motivations behind a radical feminist and becoming a right wing woman / wife / mother.

tunamustards ago


Thippe ago

Jane Eyre. Lamb by Christopher Moore is hilarious. I just started it.

13917345? ago

Great submission. I'm going to sticky this post for a few days and then place it in the sidebar. Thank you.

NoTrueScotsman ago

I have started reading Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin. I watch Wife With A Purpose's videos a lot, and she said that book was very important to her.

The following are other books in my to-read list that she recommended about traditional parenting in this video. (She explains why she thinks each one is important, and also recommends several books and resources for homeschooling in there.)

Passionate Housewives Desperate For God, by Jennie Chancey

Mother's Encyclopedia: Expert Advice On Child Care And Family Living, by Parents Institute

Queen Of Her Home, by Stacy McBride

Your Vital Child, by Mark Stengler

Traces Of Wisdom, by Louise Stolzfus

One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp

Naturally Healthy Babies And Children, by Aviva Jill Romm

thisisfarta ago

I got my hands on Passionate Housewives Desperate For God because of this post, and I must tell you that I thank you!!! This was the best investment I've ever made. I'm about halfway through and I love it. Thanks again for the recommendation. If anyone else is interested, I assure you it is life changing.

tunamustards ago

I love FW! It's one I go back to often for ongoing attitude maintenance 😋

DefenderOfTruth ago

Ditto! FW is my go-to marriage book.

Naught405 ago

The Bell Curve Charles Murray

12 Rule for Life Jordan Peterson

Inside CentCom Lt. General Michael DeLong

13917330? ago


goatboy ago

Start with Mein Kampf and work your way through Carl von Clausewitz.

Nah, just kidding. We used those sauerkraut fuckers to grease our tank treads. As Americans, we just like killing. We're damn good at it too. Some mother fucker gonna step up, he gonna get shot down.

So, read up on how to make your sons Great Conquerors and your daughters worthy companions instead of those pussy Nazis we crushed.