SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @CatsControlTheEU.

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18776083? ago

Thanks for making these. I like them as much as I dont like the redditor downvoting your posts.

Format is great, have as many or few links you find to be worthy, I'll check them. Also think your comments on each link are helpful making me decide if I should click.

VicariousJambi ago

Do you need any help with this?

virge ago

Probably. Too new of a process to determine what's lacking, though.

pixelkitteh ago

This is exactly what voat needed, nice. Keep it up.

Lavender7 ago

What about Soph? The 14 year old girl making red pills.

belrial ago

16 you forgot the VERY real possibility that it is the more informed people telling mr cell phone that there is no way to protect from your phone spying on you besides not owning one.

Neskuaxa ago

Keep it coming. I really like this idea.

Bigglesworth45 ago

Nice job. I am digging these posts.

LongyyBearr ago

I fuck with this so much bro thank you.

ExpertShitposter ago

This is better than ice-cream. And i love fucking ice cream.

AlphaAsFAQ ago

If this was a 30 min news bulletin every night at 6 I'd reconnect my cable.

MrTotenkopf ago


Doglegwarrior ago

I didnt even read this yet and i already like the cut of OPs jib. I dont know if that is the proper way to say that.

xx88 ago

This is high quality! Big thank you!

CameraCode0 ago

Late to the party, but I like it, there's just too many. I'd cut it down to 10. I started skimming after that. Could help you decide what really deserves to be in the top 10 of the day, you know? And save you some typing time :)

domains ago

This goes hand-in-hand with the concept I came up with the recently, reading headlines off of voat as a podcast. I noticed that on the andriod, Google assistant will play news from various sources. All of them seem to based af and stuck on the master narrative. there seems to be no representation of the important news, what is actually happening, like found here. So I came up with the idea to aggregate all this great information, but now see that you are doing a better job that I could have. So, then I may just follow through and use your content. Unless you are opposed

Yuke ago

100% support this idea. Bravo.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

10,11,12 top kek

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Standard time is HUGE. Definitely do that. I've done a lot of regular posts... Like close to 400. Timing is big. Same time every time.

I think v/whatever is good.

virge ago


GabeVitoro ago

I think this is great. No subverted needed. You are in complete control of your posts. This format is great and I like your little comments. :-P

Wonder_Boy ago

I think you should just make a sub for it. Call it: v/VoatStuffYouMissed or something.

virge ago

Part of the goal is to instead direct people to the thread I am highlighting. I am concerned that if I put this thread in a subvoat, it may minimize the objective of starting conversation in currently quiet areas.

Nothing would make me happier than seeing zero comments on my post and tons of new activity in the threads I link to, instead.

I know that may sound unusual, but that's what I'd like to do.

Loveraft ago

I like this, I don't go on Voat at work anymore because we're literally being watched. This was nice.

Hand_of_Node ago

Type up a manifesto on your breaks.

Loveraft ago

There's a 1984 room in the corporate HQ which is just wall to wall monitors showing the screens of the employees. The only reason we know is because my branch manager saw it and told us.

Hand_of_Node ago

To be fair, if I still had employees now that the internet is a thing, I'd monitor them too. "I browse reddit all day at my job" is all too common.

Wonder_Boy ago


1anddone ago

Very cool. Thanks

MrBoutros ago

wanna start a podcast?

virge ago

I'm considering this. I'm struggling with a technical aspect. Part of the goal is to instead direct people to the thread I am highlighting. I'm not really trying to be a news-caster, so to speak, but instead to give threads a second chance at life.

Nothing would make me happier than seeing zero comments on my post and tons of new activity in the threads I link to, instead. I know that may sound unusual, but that's what I'd like to do.

MrBoutros ago

my radio experience could help you, but if you'd want to go it alone, know that i'd definitely support you.

The Goat Hour

1.) Top Post Lookover 2.) Favorite Post Sharing and Discussion 3.) Find the Shill (Shouldn't be hard!) 4.) Worst Post Smackdown

5.) Collect Patreon Pesos. Quit boring job. Make like-minded buddies. Start a real Community.

All of this could take 2-3 hours and could be done weekly or twice a week.

65Creedmoor ago

I’ve thought about being a podcaster of voat basically before. Have also already seen myself as one.

BoogieLou ago

Could this be automated somewhat? The "New" and "Incoming" buttons show mostly the same content. The front page content lingers too long and doesn't seem to change much during the course of a day. Is there a way to bring up content in between these? Fairly new, with some discussion and voats, but not on the front few pages?

jewd_law ago

A 3.9 year account that has been relatively inactive, all of a sudden gets activated and wants to aggregate all the news that's 'fit to print'?! lol where have the goyim seen this before? I bet that post was put together by a JIDF team.

virge ago

You realize you can just use and see all my old shit spanning back almost 4 years, right?

I just delete it on Voat to clean it up. Amateur.

Blehblehbleh73 ago

I like this concept! You win today, my man!

go1dfish ago

This is a cool idea, you should maybe make a sub to collect these and make them easier to find and look back on.

virge ago

Maybe another link just to archive, but each post links to the previous one specifically to give some degree of index.

2fast4u92 ago

Great list! Not sure what the idea behind #3 is, I'm certainly anti-apple, but I'm also anti anything Chinese. Given it's hard to find anything that doesn't have at least a few Chinese bits in it, and almost all are made in Asia, it is possible to do your best to minimize your business with at least China, who's products have harmed our production economy more than anyone else's.

HTC- Taiwan

Google Pixel- Taiwan, South Korea

LG- South Korea, India

Samsung (Galaxy S and Note)- India, S Korea, Vietnam

Kyocera- Japan

Motorola- India

My Nokia was built in Finland, but as far as I know, all American sold Nokias are now made in China by Foxconn :(

It's still a sad state of affairs that none are built here, but hopefully Trump can make a deal that helps to change that. I certainly don't agree with everything he does, but business is his strong point.

virge ago

The noteworthy thing I was illustrating was how their phone technology appears so much more advanced than ours.

It's always a bad sign when the people who you buy high priced products from have lost their need to be competitive and give you less development but charge you more money. It's especially worrisome and arguably nefarious when there are better options available on the open market, but your own Governments are intent on keeping them from you, potentially for political gain.

Humans should not be political pawns.

2fast4u92 ago

I get that. But I think that points more to Apple being a decietful company than Huawei being anything special. They used to say everything we buy in a computer was 2 years out of date by the time it hit the shelf. I'd imagine that gap has widened now. Point being, Someone honest could easily offer a better product, built here, and still make a profit, albeit smaller, bit money so often brings with it greed that they can't look past cheap Asian labor.

CatsControlTheEU ago

You should call this The Daily Goat, or something like that. This is good shit. I'm on here all day and I didn't even see half of this stuff.


is this a bot?

virge ago

No. Human.

Though I'm often called a robot. Take from that what you will.

Momerath ago

Well done mate. This is how you make Voat what you want it to be.

armday2day ago

It's a good number and good spread.

cursedcrusader ago

This is fucking Jawsome. I had a shit day at work and couldn't take a break to voat it up. Thank you goyim.

65Creedmoor ago

This is awesome! I remember once voat without the shills. Basically the main site went down and most moved to the preview site but not the shills until about two days later. It looked about like this.

Redpilleveryone ago

Voat has gone through many phases. This is a rough time right now.

GeneralDisposition ago

Please keep making these! Sometimes it takes a full day to read every post then Voat's take on things to get all the different perspectives, so summaries like this help clarify which ones are worth checking, which ones had good traction in discussion or information. Love it!

ArielQflip ago

Call it GoatChew.

ibepokey ago

I dig it. thanks niggerfaggot

whatdoesthereeesay ago

dude great job fren

RampancyLambentRaven ago

As information comes out in the next few weeks regarding the treason in the FBI and Justice Department surrounding the investigation of the Trump Campaign keep in mind the following. Russiagate was a conspiracy between American Intelligence and Russian Intelligence to destroy Trump and was managed by John Brennan. Russian Intelligence provided Steele with the Dossier and Brennan was responsible to pollute the American political scene and the MSM with its poison. As a reward Putin was going to receive the Ukraine and Hillary was to lighten up on the Russians. The deal was made between Putin and Obama and brokered by Susan Rice. One little problem for the group. A tape exists and is in the possession of Admiral Rogers of several discussions between Brennan and Russian Intelligence. Let the shit show begin.

Glipglup ago

This is a quality post, how would you feel if I stole this and used it in a 24/7 news style video?

BrotherNathanael ago

Thanks for posting this. Everyone of my posts gets lost in the shuffle too.

JethrowJenkins ago

Why not keep your opinions to yourself and just hypertext a short description? Your opinion on Huawei was unneeded.

virge ago

Was it talking positively about Huawei, or talking negatively about Apple/Samsung?

JethrowJenkins ago

I think it’s blowing smoke into a situation we don’t know about fully.

I think the idea of notables is great, just sans opinions. Maybe something like

“Is this the reason the world is cracking down on Huawei? 50x digital zoom in a phone that cost X!

I know this is a lot of work but if we keep opinions out of it, I think more people will appreciate it.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

The titanic never sank. It was the olympic that sank.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Appreciate the shout out.

We should be more vocal about taking steps against the jews.

drstrangegov ago

You must call this "the daily goat"

virge ago

The Staring Goat has a.. familiar ring to it.

drstrangegov ago

The men who stare at goats? Great movie

KVD ago

You put this here because you knew I'd see it. Stop stalking me!

mediaisfooked ago

Hey, this is cool. Thanks for helping us sift through the daily bullshit ;-)

virge ago

Competition is the true spice of life, my good sir.

Longstride77 ago

Atleast you didnt die of the herpes. So ya got that go in for ya.

WrongThunk ago

Nice job faggot, keep it up. (can't call you a nigger faggot cause you did work 👍)

sbt2160p ago

Why are the Follow (and Report) buttons disabled for me?

18768194? ago

Top drawer, sir. TOP. DRAWER.

Fancy451 ago

good work keep it up!

TestForScience ago

Really big fan of it - list size doesn't bother me, but maybe keep the 'obviously interesting' towards the top and the 'well I thought it was interesting...' towards the bottom.
Maybe Putt can give you an hour - or - so long sticky each day at 8pm like the guitar guys get on Fridays.

virge ago

I'm open to formatting suggestions, but for the sake of maintaining a somewhat partisan objective of bringing conversation to the quiet places of Voat that occur throughout the day, I've chosen to simply go chronologically. All articles are listed in order, from earliest to the most recent.

I do not currently desire to curate the order of the list.

TestForScience ago

If I would have known that it was just in chronological order, I wouldn't have even said anything. I can dig it.

virge ago

I added this detail to the beginning, hopefully succinct enough to be left to answer this question and more in the future. More transparency for the reader is always a good thing.

glassuser ago

Okay, I'll play. But why did you use EST? I think everyone on the east coast is using EDT right now.

virge ago

I don't recognize your daylight savings time, heathen.

glassuser ago

Yeah we'd be better off without it.

NiggerVirus ago

I need a daily section dedicated to just me. Please work that in tomorrow

virge ago

You're too popular.

NiggerVirus ago

Surround sound all over town Brown

hang_em_high ago

Wow, this is awesome. It would be great if these would get stickied each day. I missed quite a bit of good content.

TheTrigger ago

Appreciate these. Voat can really turn in to a popularity contest at times, and I know I'm really bad for sorting by /new. Anyway, just putting it out there— you're filling a void in market demand. :p

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/verybestofvoat submission by @andrew_jackson.

Posted automatically (#41316) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

ruck_feddit ago

How do I subscribe to this, virge?

TheTrigger ago

Buddy needs a sub. Virge, make a /v/WhatYouMissed.

ruck_feddit ago

That's a lot of pressure on him!

Dailytacs ago


DependasaurusRex ago

The Daily Voater

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

10-25 is great but don't burn yourself out. If you only found 7 things noteworthy don't ruin it.

virge ago

Feel free to gauge the quality of today's content on whatever scale you find appropriate. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

fuspezza ago

You have a tactful and tasteful way of spotting notables great job

zyklon_b ago

how come all he and @srayzie make is personal attacks rather than addressing the fact that trump and q are pro israel and willing to sacrifice white American children for wars to benefit israel?

fuspezza ago

How is your crusade going zyklon? Do Jews do crusades?

Shizy ago

When are you gonna stop making personal attacks and threatening to kill people's children?

Keep playing the victim you worthless degenerate!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I'm still waiting on that evidence they have but seem to have misplaced. I'm still not completely sure if he's serious or not and that i'm the only one spoiling the game.

zyklon_b ago

keep spoiling he aint got the evidence

Rotteuxx ago

The jew cries out as he 1990s you !

NosebergShekelman ago

heh heh godamn Voat is weird today, even for a fellow jew like me

Rotteuxx ago

Well it's bound to happen Noseberg, with the amount of kikes kiking all around you're bound to get jewed yourself at some point.

NosebergShekelman ago

I'm waiting for my day when they decide that I have to go too

LightestHour ago

It's the day you stop making good jokes, so get crackin'

zyklon_b ago

reeee reeee @crensch supports (((q))) cause he is incel and @srayzie paid attention to him

andrew_jackson ago

Never forget the Liberty or Holdomor. Never forget Tay.

virge ago


Thisismyvoatusername ago

Apparently, the story about Farage being surrounded on the bus is total bullshit, fake news. A reporter who was in the bus posted a Tweetstorm saying there was never any plan for Farage to grt off the bus at that stop. The plan was always for him to speak from the top of the bus. Also, apparently the milkshake carrying crowd was actually 3 very polite protestors who had half drank frappacinos and no intent to throw them.

I'll see if I can find it again in my twitter feed. If so, I'll edit this post with a link to the threadreader roll up of it.

NeoGoat ago

Any more sources, besides one reporter,.who might be biased?

virge ago

Please let me know if I should label. Thanks!

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I think it s fine as it was legitimately reported that way. Being fake news is news itself. Farage clearly gets under their skin so they have to make up shit to make themselves feel better. I looked but didn't find the right tweet. It was a few hours ago and it was retweeted by someone I follow. It wasn't from someone I follow myself. So I am not sure exactly where to look or how far back.

Gumbatron ago

Much appreciated here, I'm in a somewhat different timezone and sometimes interesting stories can slip by.

Maybe an upper limit of about 25 stories would be good?

virge ago

Maybe an upper limit of about 25 stories would be good?

Maybe. Approach is intended to use bolds to help the skimmers. Most days will have less content. I think 15 +/-5 is a pretty good assumption, but on a long enough timeline I'll just let the content talk for itself for a while and then see.

virge ago

Too mainstream, I'm illustrating things which cannot usually be found on the first 4 pages of Voat's front page.

Consider it.. anti-news? Or whatever we define "news" as now since it seems mostly sensational or political in nature.

wwwwww ago

1990! Right on!

Longstride77 ago

We should tip this guy.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @virge.

Posted automatically (#43252) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @virge.

Posted automatically (#41824) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

fuspezza ago

I did, I upvoted him

virge ago

I'll add 4-5 crypto receive addresses to the next one. Maybe someone would actually want to. I'd do this for my own reasons, anyway.

xiego ago

Where can i mail dollars?

Longstride77 ago

well its fantastic if ya did.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

@NiggerVirus went fishing. I bet you won't find that on the first ten pages.

Anyways I like this rundown. Keep it up.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Niggervirus is an overweight semite

gonight ago

Random question, do you really think putt is gone, and if so, why?

Redpilleveryone ago

That's been a theory here for a couple years now at least. Lots of weird shit happening with the site. Sane goat and tons of other weird shit happening. Idk. I just assume this is a honeypot and if trump doesn't remove the satanists we are royally fucked.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Sure do. Real Putt was all doom and gloom. Probably suicidal. Wouldn't check on the site for weeks at a time. Then, suddenly, about a year ago he's all happy and positive. No way the same guy. His writing changed too. I havent looked at his posts in a while but I'm sure they are still there. Look for yourself.

NiggerVirus ago

Birds, apparatus