Diggernicks ago

Kkk has lost its way and balls.

They've forgot Catholics are the enemy of America as much as niggers

0cra_tr0per ago

Gooloogaloo > Google

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/verybestofvoat submission by @andrew_jackson.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/AskVoat comment by @Delacourt.

Posted automatically (#41780) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

bluebeardsghost ago

Please keep up the good work I love it.

Corpse_washer ago

Nice post..

DayOfThePillow ago

Going to spam my post for Eurofags too whilst I'm here :)

mediaisfooked ago

14 If you live out side of the US it is form 2555 right off the IRS website.

mediaisfooked ago

haha....I can hear the alarm bells going off from here. LMAO

18789783? ago

OMG- did you see the badge you just got?! Awesome!!

smokratez ago


Just in case you missed it. Empress is a jew faggot tranny pretending to be a white trad wife.

Mayhawk ago

and doing a damn fine job of it

mohammed_was_a_fag ago


smokratez ago

You have proof he is what he claims he is? Show me please. Or are you believing something without proof?

mohammed_was_a_fag ago

That's not how it works here in America. It's innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proving guilt is on the accuser.

If you disagree then how do I know you're not a nigger? You haven't shown me proof that you're white so I've decided you're a tranny nigger.

smokratez ago

What proof do you have to believe anything about Empress? Do you have proof he is a white woman? Show that proof then.

mohammed_was_a_fag ago

As I said, you are the one making accusations, therefore the burden to proof that you are correct, is on you. Now go fuck off and shill your leftist ideologies elsewhere.

smokratez ago

My leftist ideology that @Empress is a jew tranny faggot? lol.

smokratez ago

If you disagree then how do I know you're not a nigger? You haven't shown me proof that you're white so I've decided you're a tranny nigger.

Exactly. @Empress is a tranny nigger in your own logic. Well done. lol.

mohammed_was_a_fag ago

No. I was using his logic to prove the same could be said about him or anyone then. It's why our judicial system is setup the way it is, if you're going to accuse someone of something, YOU have to find the evidence or proof. Otherwise we'd be living in insanity.

smokratez ago

So what proof do you have to believe anything about Empress?

ruck_feddit ago

Good job, virge. See you tomorrow.

Themooninthesky ago

Good reads. Good job. I enjoyed.

heretolearn ago

Legit. Keep em coming.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

It is worth noting that the judge's ruling against Qualcomm is really horribly offbase and almost certain not to survive. She effectively wants the government to control their business and ignored the Justice Department asking her not to rule so broadly. She is a far left-winger. If left in place her ruling would hasten the fall of US tech and the rise of China.

theoldguy ago

You’ve probably been pronouncing Google wrong your entire life.

Nah, I was 40 years old when Google started up, so ~1/3 of my life.

virge ago

Nah, I was 40 years old when Google started up, so ~1/3 of my life.

So you're declaring you never used the word Google prior to Google?

theoldguy ago

I read about the number googol along with googolplex many decades ago but I doubt I ever said them out loud. OTOH, I remember references to Barney Google when I was a kid.

virge ago

Literal minority report.

AleisterJohnPaul ago

Cool format, just the right amount of content.

Re: Star Trek economics:

"What would Picard be doing with his Wine selling operation in a future of full-blown machine automation and a universal labor-based currency system?"

They never explained how Sisko's Dad in Deep Space Nine could own and operate his restaurant on Earth either, or pretty much anything about how Earth's economy or that of the broader Federation works. The Trek shows have currency when they need them, then give "there's no money" endorsements of Communism when they don't. Biggest logic hole in the whole universe, born of total laziness by writers and Roddenberry's retarded liberalism.

18788790? ago

I haven't read thru your post entirely yet but I just wanted to say that this is the best thing to happen to Voat since its inception.

ForTheUltimate ago

too much noise to signal. needs more curration, atleast in order of importance. I would put information that contradicts and alters worldviews and theories at the top, or that clarifies events or promotes superior theory.

virge ago

Nah. Not trying to slant. It's chronological and I don't see a good reason to change that.

fuckinghell ago

@andrew_jackson Any particular reason you're reposting this to /v/verybestofvoat with no attribution to @virge?


andrew_jackson ago

Mostly to tick off faggots like you?

virge ago

Did you format that by hand? You madman!

fuckinghell ago

Hey, at least you're an honest shill, cling to it man, it's probably all you've got.

andrew_jackson ago

Hey, at least you're an honest shill,

To be clear, you're alleging that I have found a way to get paid for shit posting? You understand that I think you're pretty stupid, or at least inarticulate.

fuckinghell ago

I don't know, did you?

Neskuaxa ago

Oh cool my post made it into the digest. Is this what Fame feels like?

virge ago

It's kind of like winning the losers bracket.

Neskuaxa ago


SIayfire122 ago

P.S. If you add "/" to the end of the url, @searchvoatbot won't post notifications.

Example: https://voat.co/v/whatever/3236231/

virge ago

Do you think I should disable them? I've been using them as a timestamp to review the "new" contributions to each post for me to observe my own efficacy.

SIayfire122 ago

Doesn't bother me at all. It's up to you if you feel they're useful or not. Not everyone knows about it.

virge ago

@SearchVoat has been just a gem to work with. I approve of you spreading the word. Thank you!

18788240? ago

Thank you for including us- what an honor!

Loveraft ago

Appreciated once again, good job.

Nipplesurfer ago

This was actually a really good post. Lots of shit to actually discuss here. No complaints.

I'm going to allow it.

Mayhawk ago

The Gen Z svastika pose was the only repost, not bad. I like the formatting, nice work.

I'm seeing a lot more votes and comments on this post than on the linked posts, so some of you goats are being lazy. Get in there!

new2asatru ago

? Link at #3 (discussion on accelerationism) has only 1 comment, and none of the comments the OP is referring to. They don't show as deleted either. What is this?

GuantanamObama ago

Very high quality post. Thank you!

Wonder_Boy ago

OP comes onto Voat, starts a news program, posts donation link. OP, you Jewish? 🤔😂

moirai11 ago

Good point. This is very strange. Not normal voat visitor behavior or even for people in general. Except for a special type of (((group))).

jewd_law ago

I pointed this out in OPs last thread and got downvoated to oblivion. This is JIDF aggregating news and filtering out anything what they want, all the while asking for shekels. Could OPs nose be any bigger?

spamyak ago

wypipo rayciss

pay me

MrBateman ago

Gonna need money to keep doing work. That's what an economy / money is used for. No surprise you don't want the goyim to use it, because you're jewish.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Seriously. He's asking for hand outs because he's practically copy and pasting other people's submissions?

This is such a fucking jewish thing to do.

Delacourt ago

I'm not going to donate but these threads are fucking awesome and the best thing to happen to Voat in a while.

virge ago

Sometimes I wish I was, when I'm discriminated against on my daily life.

But there is some wisdom to social discrimination being somewhat.. undiscriminating.


Dailytacs ago

Too few?

virge ago

More than the pilot. Less than yesterday. Content is organic, but I also make a point of trying to eliminate something "too trendy", or anything overly political because the front pages are already full of that stuff and that isn't my intended purpose to compete with it.

Dailytacs ago

Ebb and flow- right on...

MrBoutros ago

good picks and good takes.

Le_Squish ago

I like these post.

scrimmmy ago

This is good stuff. My only request on the format is could you please put a space between the abbreviating period and the first nurmeral of the episode? I would find it more aesthetically pleasing. Thanks for good content.

virge ago

Sure. A line-break has been added for the ordered list. I'll retro the others after I sleep on it and decide if I intend to keep it or not. Probably will.

scrimmmy ago

Thank you.

Wazhappenin1 ago

good job-well balanced, its amazing how much i miss even though im on Voat at least three times a day often hours at night. and yet i have seen none of this articles. I guess i need to get more subs on my feed.

virge ago

If you want full coverage the easy way, I suggest instead of subscribing to subs and relying on the front pages, browse /v/all/new and then block subs you dislike.

It's a long term gratification thing. Early on it's a mess, but soon you're seeing mostly what you want. Your mileage may vary, probably won't work for everyone.

awakeawareinma ago

Thanks bro, still new to voat, only a few weeks, since the FB (((purge))), very helpful tip.

mohammed_was_a_fag ago

Blocking the awakening and Qtard subs is a start. Frees up a lot of real estate

xiego ago

I blocked them but still see the shit. I’m not sure why.

Kalergi ago

Ripe for RSS feed.

virge ago

Isn't everything? Minus Microsoft.

Kalergi ago

No, saying you did the work, make a feed. Could get voat out to a whole new audience.

crazy_eyes ago

This reminds me of this site I used to visit years ago did something like this with reddit posts on theanomalyman.com thats how I found that shithole but I met atko there and he invited me to whoaverse, and I'm still here

cyclops1771 ago

Nice. good mix, good content.

This is awesome to open up after a long day of shit work, and don;t want to scroll through 16 hours of new....