clueless_Normie ago

3.9 tyear old accoutn, 8 submissions 2 pages of comment hist SOLID advisory to voat @kevdude @puttitout

virge ago

I suggest you hover over my username and read the bio.

Your username is appropriate. Who were you before you were banned?

virge ago

Yeah, I imagine the bear would prefer you had .357 Mag instead of .50 AE, too. Both are effective but one is extremely effective.

virge ago

I usually have at least two speed-loaders when I'm in bear country, the 60DS is the dedicated bear deterrent when I hunt.

I'd be pretty torn. If I had to pick between the Coonan and the Desert Eagle, I'd want the Coonan, but practicality suggests the Desert Eagle is an overall wiser choice if I'm just getting one gun of the two. Coonan's have a high price premium and low availability of parts, Desert Eagle is naturally chambered in .357 Mag, .44 Mag, and .50 AE so I'd just need a spare bolt and barrel setup.

virge ago

I have a black 60DS .357. Lots of good things about the Rhino. I'd still grab a Coonan or a Desert Eagle in .357, though.

fuchs_davis ago

I worry what upvoting you will do to your mental health.

On the one hand, it's nice to unearth some gems that didn't get the recognition they deserved. On the other hand, I don't want to encourage you to crawl through guano all day looking for a handful of diamonds that may or may not be found.

Obviously, an upvote would be a form of encouragement. I'm torn because I forsee you losing your mind chasing that encouragement, skipping real world duties to crawl through internet guano.

virge ago

Would you feel better if I told you I'm not even judging my content based on upvoats, but based on engagement in all the previously dead threads?

fuchs_davis ago

No, I wouldn't. The thought of you spending the day on a single website searching for things to tickle my fancy while I'm out accomplishing my own goals puts knots in my stomach, no matter what your process might be.

virge ago

The way I look at it, I'm just working out another muscle developing another skill. Most of my day is spent juggling these.

yt4cz9 ago

You should list BCH along with BTC. BTC may just be Jew infested now. The original intent was always to safely scale on-chain.

virge ago


For what it's worth, BTC has seen a few donations.

argosciv ago

Would you consider making a subverse for "What You Missed on Voat"?

I'd love to have these submissions show up on my front page without subscribing to v/whatever.

virge ago

I picked /v/whatever because it's a system sub, so it shows on the front page to people who are not logged in. A new sub wouldn't have this luxury. There is probably an approach that blends the two together. It's a matter of how much time/work it is, I suppose.

argosciv ago

Fair enough.

There is probably an approach that blends the two together.

There is via, I can use that to get notifications for submissions in this series :)

CrustyBeaver52 ago

This is good stuff.

Nonymous608 ago

I just wanted to say THANK YOU for these threads. I recently started a new job and my Voat time has been cut to nothing. Thankfully I feel like I can still stay on top of the real news thanks to your posts.

Momerath ago

This is some high effort quality content. I like to see how many of these posts I saw in the wild throughout the day. So far, each day I've been over 50%.

Osmanthus ago

Quantum teleportation has nothing to do with space travel. It does not move matter, only information. It is just a fancy way to send secret messages, not star trek style transportation.

hwong ago


goforkyourself ago

I love what you're doing, but there should seriously be a bot doing this - or Voat itself. It will miss some things, but it'd be interesting.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

How would you progam the bot? The problem with Voat is that it is boring. The loudest mouths want to do nothing but to talk about jews and the JQ. A bot would give you the same old boring shit. Everything would be about jews. Most normal people do not obsess like that.

TestForScience ago

Well, he goes for what is 'missed,' so chances are it wouldn't be stuff about jews, since those are usually pretty highly rated.
He goes for the overlooked pieces. The problem with that, though, as far as a bot would go, is that a bot can't decide what is overlooked, in the sense of content.
I think this is a job he'll never have to be worried about a robot replacing him in.

HillBoulder ago

How long does this take to compile?

virge ago

I think it could be semi-automated, but right now I'm choosing to do the entire thing by hand. Of the 4 days so far, the one with the longest content was done in approximately 2 hours, the others with less content too much longer.

In other words, because it follows a set of rules that is legitimately dependent on two extremely elastic variables (user-submitted daily content and user-chosen interaction ratio) the time is all over the place.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I'm starting to see an agenda here. Will be watching closely.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Seems like a pretty devious way to control information on VOAT that works by appealing to peoples inherent laziness.

Delacourt ago

I'm still a fan. If agenda-driven content starts drowning out quality content I will stop reading it. Voat desperately needs something like this.

virge ago


wwwwwwwwwwwww ago

did you just 1990 bomb? DAMN brother bold move!

virge ago


PuttitoutIsGone ago

Only time will tell.

virge ago

Or you could not be a pussy and just declare your suspicions outright and we can have a conversation. Winner buys BBQ, brauts, and beers?

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I'm not 6 years old. Calling me a name to get a reaction won't work. Just want to let you know I think I see a pattern forming here. I'm borderline retarded, so if I can see it, a lot of people will see it.

Goys-R-Us ago

The first time I saw this I was impressed. Now that he's doing it regularly I have to question his motives. It's a lot of work assembling all of that content into one post and commenting on it.

What pattern are you seeing? Others mentioned no negative jew posts which is a red flag given how much of voat is peppered with that type of content.

virge ago

You've discovered my secret formula to success?!

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I believe I have.

virge ago

Go back in time and tell me.

jewd_law ago

This fucking kike again...Not ONE single post about jewish hegemony.

virge ago

Too popular. Everyone already knows.

WilliamCutting ago

Got to throw something in there, there is always shifty semetic bullshit that people miss.

Maybe throw something on the end, Jews News.

jewd_law ago

Would be a bad move as this kike has already been outed as a shill. I can't believe anyone even fell for this shit. Must be some JIDF squads upvoating this.

WilliamCutting ago

I must have missed something, where was he outed as a shill.

Wonder_Boy ago

Appears outta nowhere, starts aggregating "news" and then asks for donations. Suspicious behavior for sure

TradMan ago

Love that.

derram ago

RandomBOT ago

Thank you for these. Saw them mentioned in Putt's thread and they are awesome. Once I have a little extra money I will surely send some your way.

DintDoNothin ago

These are neat posts, thanks

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

Mostly, fuck you.

Fuck you for noticing the posts with actual relevance I missed.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Thanks I do my best

I'll take payments in cash, check or credit. Shalooommm!

Cockulator ago

You missed the Q civil war.

virge ago

The objective: To create dialogue. Noteworthy content sometimes doesn’t make the first 4 pages of Voat. This gives that content a second chance, and can kickstart conversation. Overall effort to avoid politics, but not always exempt political views.

Cockulator ago

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

virge ago

Fist-bump, man. I do this shit to help bring awareness to the nuance it's so easy to skip over in our day-to-day lives. Legitimate feel-good vibes from that.

In a way, this very interaction showed me the success. That's all I really could ask for - no homo.

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

I appreciate what you're doing.