Thisismyvoatusername ago

The Websters New International Dictionary, Second Edition is pretty good. The Websters Third New International is when they started "modernizing" it with some bad effects. You should be able to find one online. I just did a search and it looked like there were copies for sale on ebay, amazon market and some directly from book stores websites.

zxcvzxcv ago

There is one available online.

DontBeRacist ago

I'm just typing in random stuff, and it's already getting interesting.

Propaganda isn't in there. Nigger isn't in there, but that might be an SJW edit. Check out diaper.

zxcvzxcv ago

I have a paper copy of this dictionary, and from what I've seen, the web version is identical to the paper copy, with the only except being that the paper copy provides the historical origin of the word (diaper is from Ypres, in the Netherlands, so says the paper copy).

My paper copy was printed in 1987 from a 1967 reprint of the 1812 version (meaning my paper copy and the internet version could both have been edited). I'd like to see an original 1812 version, but that is unlikely to exist in any easily accessible format.

My paper copy also does not have nigger.

I use this dictionary a lot when reading early historical documents. For instance, the word 'religion' offers 5 different definitions (in order of most common to least common us), and the first 3 all mean "Christianity", where as #4 and 5 mean what the word 'religion' means today. In other words, you can clearly see the sjw in action. When the founding fathers said that Americans have 'freedom of religion', that meant that Americans had the freedom to be worship the Christian God in any way they deemed fit as a Christian. It did not mean that Americans had the free to participate in a false religion, such as Islam or Judaism.

Likewise, the word 'replenish' used to mean fill up, but now it means refill something again. This, for example, makes a huge difference when reading old documents. Take Genesis 1:28, for instance: it is written that God 'replenished' the earth. Today, when we read that, it sounds like God filled the earth with people and animals, killed them all, and then decided to fill up the earth again. But that is reading an old document with "today's" sjw definition of the word.

Activist judges love using today's sjw definitions of words on old documents because it then lets them sjw the law, by pass our constitution, etc.

DontBeRacist ago

Yes, I am aware that the "freedom of religion" thing was based on the idea of stopping all the wars between Catholics and protestants and stopping the whole obligation to conform to whatever the new king/queen is. I grew up under a protestant king. Now the king is Catholic, so I've got to be Catholic. Now the replacement is protestant, so it's time to be protestant again.

The first thing they did was restrict immigration to European Christian people of good character. They knew better than to fill up this place with Muslims and niggers.

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bluebeardsghost ago

Yard sale, or estate sale.

Sellyoulight ago

Maybe a used bookstore or a library sale but the important part is that you want to be looking for an old print date. Just a guess, but probably best to go for at least 20 years old.

The_Venerable ago

I'd go to a goodwill and look for an old dictionary.