Thisismyvoatusername ago

I don't know exactly how the algorithm works but it is hardly unusual for a post to get 30 upvotes and then disappear from the front page. Just because you expect a post to get traction and a lot of discussion doesn't mean it will. I am certainly surprised by posts doing well or not all the time. It could just reflect the time of day or the happenstance of what else is posted around the same time.

Hysterical ago

I've explained at length in this thread why Dissenter is practically revolutionary software ( not necessarily the browser ).

There's no reason Voat wouldn't have multiple high profile threads about it. Instead there was just one. With 30 upvoats, that couldn't be found on anywhere unless you went to the specific subverse it was posted to.

I was shadow banned from Reddit. I know what it looks like.

ratsmack ago

There is definitely a group of people here that jump on stories about Gab and spew unverified crap trying to discredit them... seems like paid opposition.

Hysterical ago

They're pretty transparent about it too..

Redpilleveryone ago

I'll throw in my two cents. I was interested in the browser despite gab potentially being kicked. Then I realized I would literally be logged in full time while browsing the web. That sounded awful for reasons I shouldn't have to explain. I figured I would wait and see what other people's opinions were on it. However the whole thing is being memory holed it seems.

I'm still interested but not optimistic. What's the progress?

VapidGopher ago

By design it has to track what sites you go to so it knows what comments to load. This is where trust comes in, either people trust they won’t build a profile of your browsing habits and send it to advertisers, or they won’t trust.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

I keep installing the Dissenter app in Vivaldi, and it keeps disappearing.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/verybestofvoat submission by @andrew_jackson.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @virge.

Posted automatically (#42015) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

FacelessOne ago

Any promotion of software, especially the type that can and will be used against you is a giant red flag.

Hysterical ago

We discuss this stuff here. It's your opinion that it would be used against you. Great. Now we can have a conversation about it, right? Like you can provide your reasoning and evidence for assuming it's malicious, and I can go over that and tell you what I think.

So why do you feel it is malicious? Or do you generally yourself get convinced by people randomly asserting things without providing any kind of evidence or even reasoning?

FacelessOne ago

Researching brings an enlightenment that needs to be done for oneself or as you put it I wouldnt be critically thinking.

Search "Tor NSA asset"

This is easily the best example of software being a honeypot.

So even though Tor was revealed to be a asset for the NSA the ignorant public still would rattle off about how secure this browser, is, regurgitation of whatever bullshit they accepted as reasonable information. Despite the well documented problems, people believe it to be safe because of all the child porn they could download and nobody ever came to arrest them. But thats exactly how honeypot aoftware is supposed to work, they(Gov agencies) literally wont prosecute any cases that could further reveal their methods and enabling of such things because they want "Enemy" states and targets of value to fall into the honeypot. The general population isnt worth taking down.

Then for another point, technology and the internet has been my childhood and career for over 30 years.

In the past and so obviously moving forward software is released, sold to new owners and malicious code injected via updates, this applies to all levels of code from operating systems to browsers to virus/spyware protection.

Most every single software produced today suffers from this tolerance of automatic updating and background processing. Cellphone apps are the biggest moneynakers as all that juicy data is worth trillions and everybody wants this data, Google even exploits these opportunities as getting ahold of Apple user data is a nice slice of marketable information and Apples main goal has been seperation of its users from using Microsoft or Google from hardware to software, they still make iMacs because a promoter fanbase of idiots will still pay for inferior products when properly brainwashed.

So maybe you understand alittle better why even the choice of software browser you use is very important and should be scrutinized for not so apparent ressons.

Hysterical ago

I'm not spending the time necessary to unpack all the disinformation you just spewed. You don't understand how Tor works, first of all. Probably zero technical knowledge. Doesn't really matter who created Tor if you understand how it actually works. Which you don't. Yet you have the audacity to accuse others of precisely that.

How about we stay on topic instead of you writing a wall of fucking text about shit that isn't relevant. You want to discuss the topic at hand let's so it, I'm not getting distracted by all that other nonsense though.

Le_Squish ago

I don't trust Torba and I think a lot of goats feel the same way.

Hysterical ago

Also there were numerous high profile posts here about Dissenter being censored by Mozilla. People give a shit about the topic. That's why it's so strange that it disappeared from Voat yesterday.

Le_Squish ago

Caring about censorship is a seperate issue from not trusting dissenter.

Hysterical ago

And yet they're not.

There's zero explanation for the website to practically completely ignoring the release of a product that generated a ton of buzz even just a few weeks ago.

There are controversial topics on Voat all the time that the community disagrees on. If anything those generate more attention than less divisive topics. Dissenter would be something right up our alley and something many of us disagree about.

Le_Squish ago

Have it ever occurred to you that it isn't worthy of buzz?

Hysterical ago

I've been on the Internet for almost 30 years, Dissenter is practically fucking revolutionary. You kikes are getting banned enmasse hey? It's great watching Putt finally decide to not deal with Soapboxs abuse of the website.

Keep shilling though bud. Youre scared. I get it. The walls are closing in. More and more people are naming the kike. You're getting desperate and the harder you try the more transparent it gets.

Yeah freedom of speech tech that's practically revolutionary and gives everyone a voice on any platform without being able to be censored by the platform owners is just run of the mill shit right?

Why even try and sell that bullshit?

Le_Squish ago

You're trying so hard one wonders how big is torba's marketing budget.

Hysterical ago

No actual response hey? Typical sbbh kike.

Hysterical ago

Whatever you want to call it, when a topic about freedom of speech and censorship is mysteriously missing from Voat it seems strange.

This is something we discuss. Trusting Torba doesn't matter, this is right up our alley. Even if you think Gab is compromised, ok well let's discuss that.

Doesn't feel natural that basically all threads about the Dissenter browser basically feel scrubbed from Voat.

VapidGopher ago

I think a lot of it goes back to a few months ago when dissenter came out. There was an initial announcement in 2 or 3 threads of the course of a few days, nothing unusual. Then, for the next few weeks, almost daily threads being pushed unusually hard to the point it was obvious there was some level of forced advertising going on. I think that backfired and turned away a lot of potential users. They tried pushing it on the chans with very little success, and I guess they felt it would be easier to market here. I don’t mind discussions on it, I just don’t want to see a return of the aggressive advertising that they (or really unusually excited fans) were pushing here daily.

It’s a great concept, it’s just lacking users. I feel almost certain 95% of voat has heard of dissenter, but not all users want to use it all the time. I use it occasionally a few times a month. I don’t use it regularly because I don’t like the idea of them knowing every website I go to. It also needed a lot more users commenting because I have yet to find a page with more than 5 comments.

Hysterical ago

... yeah a practically revolutionary freedom of speech tool was talked about heavily on a website dedicated to freedom of speech. And that in your eyes is evidence that there was shilling involved.

I'm not wasting any more breath on you.

VapidGopher ago

a practically revolutionary freedom of speech tool was talked about heavily on a website dedicated to freedom of speech.

If it was that simple then yes you would be correct. I never called it shilling, I called it aggressive advertising, which ironically turned some people against it. Your account is barely a month old, so I don’t expect you to understand or remember events that happened here several months ago, and it certainly doesn’t make you an accurate source to discuss events that happened on voat over 30 days ago.

If it was as revolutionary as you said, they wouldn’t be having issues getting a user base. Also the conservative news tool on iOS called “The Report” was doing the same thing with comments long before dissenter came out. Only dissenter decided to open it up for all websites.

This thread, like most dissenter discussion threads after 5 hours, is abandoned so I won’t waste anymore of my time on it.

Enjoy your weekend, it’s a holiday, go out and celebrate with family and friends or just chill out at home doing something relaxing. Unless you have finals like me, then your weekend is gonna suck. But just remember summer is around the corner... uWu!!!

ElementalPee ago

I'm not against it personally and I upvoted at least one story about it but I'm not sure to which one you're referring. But, it's going to be a hassle for me to switch so I'm not in any hurry to jump ship. I use the Firefox account on my self-hosted server to store my bookmarks, and I use the "send tab to device" feature like crazy. So for the moment I'm still just using the Dissenter plugin and it works well enough.

Hysterical ago

Referring to the one I linked people to so as to avoid this, lol.

And yeah I'm not using the browser myself. I'm not upset that everyone isn't using it. I'm curious as to why something that is topically right up our alley seemed to get scrubbed from Voat within hours.

Dissenter has been attacked heavily, and now Voat isn't even talking about it? I don't care what people think, that's fucking bizarre.

VapidGopher ago

If it makes you feel any better, this post reached the front page which is how I found it. It has a total of 12 upvotes and 3 downvoted. It’s extremely rare for a post with that few upvotes and that ratio to reach the front page. Your post was one of the lucky few.

Hysterical ago

It was linked by Virge, if he hadn't linked to it, would still be 3 upvoats and 3 downvoats leaving it practically invisible. I don't even know how Virge saw it, he must have noticed it shortly after I posted it in /new