Thisismyvoatusername ago

There is a divide and it is intensifying, but you cannot simplify it by education, race, religion or anything else. Those are all fine first questions but they exclude colleagues and include enemies. At the end of the day, we are all individuals and you need to understand me and him and her as that. Or else you are cutting your own dick off. And God help you (or Odin or whoever you pray to).

Not_C ago

Late, but it needs to be said -

Many blue collars are far more intelligent than any white collars you will ever meet in your life.

Many blue collar jobs involves knowledge of how things work, and having very in depth understandings of it. While white collars can be seen as managers, paper pushers, and people who aren't capable of understanding anything beyond a surface level.

The people who have these views, and see things like this, will end up with the intelligent ones turning blue, while the less intelligent turn white. Again, if they have these views, not all people do.

As for the divide seeming to grow - There was recently a recession. Now there's record employment. Left/right, blue/white - Both sides have differing ideas of how things should be done.

Normally no one cared too much which path we went down. Things might be a little bit better or a little worse, but it didn't really seem to matter. But now we've seen how good and bad it can be. And this has resulted in all types of divides intensifying. So all sides are pushing extra hard because everyone knows how good and bad things can get.

SearchVoatBot ago

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There was a time when most college tuition was paid by the parents of the student. If all this liberal artsie fartsie, SJW crap had been pushed back then the parents would simply have stopped paying for it. They would have only paid for educations that were worth it. That is part of the reason why the push for student loans. I know there are a ton of other reasons but this is a part of it. Take control of students education out of parents hands. Now the libs are free to demand their courses/ indoctrination be shoved down everyone's throats. It will only get worse from here.

SearchVoatBot ago

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alalzia ago

Don't worry , soon state sponsored professional leftists will start appearing in blue collar work places as well . If you don't fall into opioids the establishment would somehow have to contain you .

CatsControlTheEU ago

No, it is definitely intensifying. Especially since the left wing white collar fags are trying to dismantle what remains of the right wing white collar educated. Most white collar college educated that are actually right wing went to college in a STEM field, and typically they are white with some SE Asians. They've been trying to fill even the STEM people with their liberal arts SJW garbage by forcing STEM majors to take propaganda classes on 'race' 'religion' etc - as mandatory requirements for their degree.

The left is further and further introducing race based shit into whether or not one gets accepted into college. The new SAT test in the U,S is full on 'you will get a high score if you're not white'

'high ranking' universities are accepting people based on being BLM activists or tranny fags like that reality TV transgender 'star' who just got into Harvard despite having totally shit grades. See, it was not as bad before because places like Stanshit, Jewvard, UCB are all known as shitty SJW schools now anyway. There were still good schools out there. But practically every single college/university utilizes SAT scores.

Not only are they infiltrating the STEM community which is bad for all of us, not just white-collar STEM people. But they are essentially trying to take all the high power positions and force conservatives to be purely blue collar. I feel that this will backfire on them.

Schreiber ago

I'm white-collar and I want to see all liberals on earth perish.

britt121 ago

I worked at a STEM school in the Dallas area a few years back. Freaking Texas Instruments came to the school and hosted "Gender Equity" trainings that all the teachers had to attend. It was basically SJW training. This was several years ago before it was in your face in the media but most of the teachers absolutely hated it.

CatsControlTheEU ago

TI calculators are overpriced anyway. Fuck them.

OrdinaryFaggot ago

Casio has been my go to brand for calculators, watches with and without calculators, and music keyboards (well, just the one keyboard) for a long time.

Delacourt ago

But they are essentially trying to take all the high power positions and force conservatives to be purely blue collar.

This is definitely a concern. I'm all for people not going to college if it isn't right for them, but we shouldn't be boycotting college if it's the only way to advance.

The increasing difficulty surrounding starting your own business is also a serious problem.

CatsControlTheEU ago

The problem goes deeper than that. I got both my Liberal arts history degree and my bio degree at the same time, I saw a lot of kike shit in the lib arts area as expected but it was clearly seeping into STEM. Now I've already been out of grad school for my biomedical degree for a while but I part time teach at one as a teachers assistant.

Every new year the students get more leftist and more retarded. It is completely obvious many of them have 0 business being in grad school let alone to have gone to college at all.

Think about what happens when the doctors, the engineers, mathematicians, and all manner of scientists that work in your nation have no fucking clue what they're doing. In fields where ONE mistake can cause an epidemic, crash a plane, or cause a bridge covered in traffic to collapse under weight....we now have low IQ diversity hire retards doing these jobs. Expect the infrastructure in the U.S to get progressively worse, mark my words because its only a matter of time before the next major accident ocurrs. I bet my life that it will be because of a diversity hire that fucked up.

theoldones ago

blue-collars having a laugh, and doing some shit to the incapable and pussy-ass white-collars, is the type of stuff that causes nations to fall, lol

CatsControlTheEU ago

The best part are that these white collar SJW communists always act like they're 'fighting for the working class' - Marx, Engels, Lenin, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, all came from wealthy white collar families.