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Redpilleveryone ago

Just go to church, yes church, even if you're an atheist, and the gym and be semi open about your ideas. You will find a lot of like minded people.

GassyMcGasface ago

I want to genocide Jews and every variety of niggers. I also strongly believe women should not be allowed to vote and pedophiles should be killed/castrated. You think I'm welcome at your church?

Redpilleveryone ago

Yes. All are welcome. Dumb shit. Use that to our benefit.

GassyMcGasface ago

Sorry don't believe you. The followers of religions are usually the first to call me racist and send your member to feed the wildlife in 3rd world countries subverting natural selection. Like it or not the nigger species (Niggers, Taco Niggers, Sand Niggers, and Shekel Nigger) will be the end of life on this planet.

Brawndo, it's what plants crave!

Redpilleveryone ago

You're not getting it. If you join a church you become what you are looking for. Someone posted a week ago or so, be your own Hitler. Are you getting it? If you want a men's club so other men can hold your hand you need to grow up. Go out into your communities and influence people. If you have good arguments and don't talk like a degenerate you might just drum up some support with a little tact.

Delacourt ago

The person you're responding to is a troll/useful idiot

Redpilleveryone ago

Hopefully others will. There is truly life changing info on here and the chans. It is surrounded by noise. Once you get it though it's powerful.

Delacourt ago

You're absolutely right. That's something I'm trying to help out with as well. There is way too much irrelevant information and blackpills on here. Too much noise makes it difficult to propagate useful info or actually help out with productive things like setting up men's clubs. We need to amplify the good stuff as much as we can to counter the shitposts.

On a related topic, virge is doing a great job with his daily recap threads like

Redpilleveryone ago

Daily recap thread is a godsend. We really need that.

As for organizing in real life it's better to support individual values with people. You can't really be called a nazi for convincing everyone at your church that term limits are necessary. Trying to take the whole package into the physical realm doesn't make much sense. It makes everyone targets for smear attacks and investigation.

What we should be doing is meeting online as we do, bolstering our arguments and ideas, Educating ourselves and others, and bettering ourselves with things like the iron pill. Then we are prepared to go out into the world with our new selves and help educate, inform, and lead our families, friends, and communities.

While meeting with other goats in person would be desirable it has too many downsides. We currently have a safe way to meet other like minded people. With very few downsides.