Nigel Farage 'trapped on Brexit bus due to people armed with milkshakes' (
submitted 5.8 years ago by IslamicStatePatriot
SearchVoatBot 5.8 years ago
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NPC_8946 5.8 years ago
Nigel should just wear a shirt that says 'hit me with milkshakes if you support Brexit' and just take it in stride.
Neon_daemon 5.8 years ago
Pour a milkshake on your head in public if you support brexit. Spartacus tactic
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @virge.
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NPC_8946 ago
Nigel should just wear a shirt that says 'hit me with milkshakes if you support Brexit' and just take it in stride.
Neon_daemon ago
Pour a milkshake on your head in public if you support brexit. Spartacus tactic