necrostic ago

Remote Viewing 9/11

Hebrew-Virus ago

Ah, controlled demolition: The science of making something look like art.

proker ago

There's no way people could've wired the towers for demolition without anyone noticing! Stop with these anti-Arabic conspiracy theories!

Afrowasp1 ago

Anti anything theories don't form in a vacuum. Does 109 countries ring any bells?

Hey_Sunshine ago

This right here is reason enough for me to want to throw out each and every politician in the game

videocodec ago

Tower 7 is the most obvious as it didn't even get hit with something

Voateringforlife ago

I think we all know the truth. If your mind dares to go there. Don’t forget Bush immediately airlifted the entire Bin laden family to safety after 9/11. People know who was behind it. No one responsible went to jail because they were in on it.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Bojangle ago

For years I've been bitching about this with family and friends. I've seen these videos more then I'd like to admit. Yet right now, at this moment, I just feel dead inside about it. Like watching any other demolition video out there, of buildings coming down so corporate (Culprit) entities, can build something better. I'll still keep bitching about it, I just don't have the means to make a difference other then that. People need to wake up and realize we're not represented by our government and we need to take it back!

proker ago

Oy vey, it was just an art project!

slickleg64 ago

Funny how the alleged floor those photos are taken are close to the same ones the plane hit and exploded

Base311 ago

It's tiresome.

Durm ago

Were the planes just a ruse to get everyone to get away from the buildings so they could blow them up?

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

There weren't even planes my dude.

TheTrigger ago

C'mon, man. Don't be retarded... at least two of them were. The rest... well... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Zacchaeus ago

No plane hit the towers. Pre recorded CGI bullshit and explosions

BoraxTheFungarian ago

I'm more into the theory that the "planes" were modified missile/drones that flew wayto fast for most people to see them. I think CGI was used in a lot of the clips, but there are some pretty famning images of the underside of one of the "planes".

TheGrandMaster ago

Do you have any examples of these "planes"?

Zacchaeus ago

Why make something so fast you cant see it? The bombs were planted in the building ahead of time. No flying anything necessary

Ocelot ago

Huh? They were obviously the scapegoat. Kikes didn't give a shit if whites perished in those explosions. In fact, they probably wished for it.

Wonder_Boy ago

Evildoers--whoever hey may be--never balk at hurting their own to advance their cause. It's called acceptable losses.

Ocelot ago

Yeah except most of the Jews were on vacation on 9/11.

AntiMason ago

Brought to you by:

Hundreds of bombs.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Not that bad all things considered. Almost as clean a demo as tower 7.

FullSemiAutomatic ago

Pull it!

HappyMealBullshit ago

It's funny when you ask someone to explain that they just stare at you blankly like you're crazy and pretend you're talking about something that never happened.

TheTrigger ago

In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

justregtoasku ago

Have concluded orwells 1984 was actualy part of a wider Story

derram ago

suhmachungus ago

It's almost as if it was a controlled demolition... oh wait