shadow332 ago

Regarding 9, I posted that news first.

satisfyinghump ago

One suggestion. The drinking weather game... maybe just maybe, there is something conspiracy laced with the weather...

Libtardscum ago

Ok this is epic. If u keep this up u are invited to my bar mitzvah.

fuckinghell ago


fuspezza ago

Thank you Baker requesting hand off with notables. Lol jk good shit thanks for posting.

theoldones ago

is good.

LostandFound ago

A voat tl;dr good job !

Nalbarcam ago

brilliant! do continue!

ExpertShitposter ago

This is cool. Your goal could be to make it 10, but without a hard limit, so +/- 5.

18751317? ago

Good idea, solid execution. Found some threads I missed. Thanks!

andrew_jackson ago

Hey buddy if you want you are very welcome to use /v/verybestofvoat

headfire ago

Great work, OP. Very interesting!

Drunkenmoba ago

Well shit. You need to make v/nightlynews and actually do a nightlynews rundown.

Hell if given enough heads up, I'll actually do a narration of it in my best mocking announcer voice.

midnightblue1335 ago

This is great.

Lots of great submissions get buried or overlooked, so it's awesome that we have a goat keeping an eye out for these and linking to them in a thread like this!

ALIENS2222 ago

make a sub dude. i will subscribe!

andrew_jackson ago

Nope. we already have /v/verybestofvoat

knightwarrior41 ago

I second that

version7 ago

I like it. I think you need your own verse so I can sub.

Delacourt ago

This is an awesome idea. As long as you keep doing this I will upvote it. I would also be happy to suggest threads to link.

One of the biggest problems with boards is that they have no collective memory, and great threads are lost forever. This is a good way to remedy that. Deleting your post history daily could be a problem though.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Two thumbs up.

Goys-R-Us ago

Well done. I expect a similar run down nightly!

Redcobra ago

I like it !

bruddah ago

This will become appreciated.

Corpse_washer ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

Seems neat.

Jeww ago

Talk about me.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Be a good cop like me.