What you missed on Voat today, E.00. (whatever)
submitted 5.8 years ago by virge
The task: Daily, on or approximately around 8PM EST, identify a series of posts made throughout the day that were noteworthy and may have gone unrecognized. Some days may have more, some days may have less. Some days may be missing. That’s my disclaimer. Bias: Openly my own. Rational. Based on life experiences. Wrong is just the first step in learning something new. The objective: To further dialogue. Often various content added throughout the day goes un-noticed for various reasons. Sometimes noteworthy threads don’t make it to even the third page.
The task: Daily, on or approximately around 8PM EST, identify a series of posts made throughout the day that were noteworthy and may have gone unrecognized. Some days may have more, some days may have less. Some days may be missing. That’s my disclaimer.
Bias: Openly my own. Rational. Based on life experiences. Wrong is just the first step in learning something new.
The objective: To further dialogue. Often various content added throughout the day goes un-noticed for various reasons. Sometimes noteworthy threads don’t make it to even the third page.
Objective feedback always welcome.
Too many? Too few? Questions, concerns, complaints with the format?
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Drunkenmoba 5.8 years ago
Well shit. You need to make v/nightlynews and actually do a nightlynews rundown.
Hell if given enough heads up, I'll actually do a narration of it in my best mocking announcer voice.
andrew_jackson 5.8 years ago
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Drunkenmoba ago
Well shit. You need to make v/nightlynews and actually do a nightlynews rundown.
Hell if given enough heads up, I'll actually do a narration of it in my best mocking announcer voice.
andrew_jackson ago