srayzie ago

I just saw this! 😂🤣

srayzie ago

Sorry I missed your reply. I had sooo many notifications because of this freak. I found it because I’m taking screenshots of everything in case it’s needed.

Yeah I cut ties. I banned him permanently. @Crensch has been on a roll lately lol.

auto_turret ago

I've ran into him a couple times.. you're right. Total faggot.

darkknight111 ago

Well this is a shocker.

Can’t wait for your article on the most hated shill on voat. The resident psycopathic kebob Donkeyhote + his many alts (he approaches Amalek level on that front)

Don’t mind me while I get the popcorn ready for that one. This gonna be gud.

antiliberalsociety ago

The jew will back both sides. Except he's not smart enough to back our side since it involves truth rather than subversion

Crensch ago

There's a good label for getting lon-con catfished.

hangnickers ago

He really likes taking advantage of the Qanon crazies too. Qanon crazies are like the people who spend all their money to see a "psychic" to talk to their dead realative. No matter how much your family try talk to you and try to help you out of your funk, you still just perpetually make your life worse pushing by the real world away.

hangnickers ago

I make alts all the time to fuck with him. Including this one. I love how he can never have a civil discussion. It's just too much fun.

Crensch ago

Keep it up. Maybe he will die of a heart attack or something.

JackParsons ago

Dumb fucking animals

JackParsons ago


JackParsons ago

I doubt John Podesta is going to die of a heart attack when he's The Devil.

Whaddya think goys?

JackParsons ago


Isn't that right John.

Kekistani ago

I served the United States.

Kekistani ago

Trigglypuff 0 points (+0|-0) 53 seconds ago I am black Stopped reading. Get back to picking cotton nigger.

@PotusAdvisor @kool4kek

Kekistani ago

Shizy 0 points (+0|-0) 8 minutes ago Oh dear! Someone said nigger! 😲

Maybe you're too sensitive to be here! First of all, it doesn't say the n-word in that comment, it refers to utter degeneracy which I was shocked to read and that's saying something because I have been involved in combat, I'm hardly sensitive to the harsh realities of life. However I deplore perversity and yes, I am black. This comment shows a seriously twisted and perverted mind. Make a joke out of it all you like but claiming you are a mother of children and a wife, while making comments such is this, is extremely questionable as to your true agenda. Regardless of my race, any decent person would agree. Especially those who believe in wholesomeness and institutions such as marriage and motherhood. @trigglypuff

Shizy ago

Yeah it actually says "NIGGERS" in that comment! So are you a filthy liar or unable to read? No one gives two shits if you're offended you little cunt so shove off!

Crensch ago

It's a nigger; it can't read gud.

Shizy ago

Hahaha! Yep!!! I think owning up to being a nigger is the only truthful thing that whiner has ever said!

Kekistani ago

Shizy 0 points (+0|-0) 8 minutes ago Oh dear! Someone said nigger! 😲

Maybe you're too sensitive to be here! First of all, it doesn't say the n-word in that comment, it refers to utter degeneracy which I was shocked to read and that's saying something because I have been involved in combat, I'm hardly sensitive to the harsh realities of life. However I deplore perversity and yes, I am black. This comment shows a seriously twisted and perverted mind. Make a joke out of it all you like but claiming you are a mother of children and a wife, while making comments such is this, is extremely questionable as to your true agenda. Regardless of my race, any decent person would agree. Especially those who believe in wholesomeness and institutions such as marriage and motherhood.

@Crensch @GoldShekelSteinBerg @White_pride_cis @heygeorge

Crensch ago

Go back to Reddit, nigger.

Your race is as wholesome as a 40 year old crack whore's beef curtains.

Kool4Kek ago

@Le_Squish srayzie is Laura Loomer

Shizy ago

Oh dear! Someone said nigger! 😲

Maybe you're too sensitive to be here!

Kekistani ago

loose lips, sink ships.

Shizy ago

How profound! I'm so impressed 😴

Kekistani ago

Treason is nothing to laugh about.

Kekistani ago

Why is everything a joke to you?

Shizy ago

You're the joke Sarah! Stop obsessing over me you demon whore!

sguevar ago

Now this is what I am talking about pinging the guy (even in the title) and bringing proof to the table: @TexasVet and @antiliberalsociety. This type of post I will support.

antiliberalsociety ago

I agree and this post is actually old news, he's been a well known shill for quite some time

Honey_Pot ago

I enjoy having shills on the Board, gives you a chance to engage them, study their tactics.

The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies (spooks, feds, etc.)

Oh_Well_ian ago

yeah... schlomo gets his account banned from a Q subverse he dominated with Q links and defending the President..

lol sure Jewboy..

Oh_Well_ian ago

no crying here, Jewboy...

I don't give two fucks about being banned.

Circle the wagons all you like, faggot.

HotelCalifornia ago

Laura Loomer is a racist!

get those google searches filled with the truth!

Laura Loomer Alex Jones Hate Black People 911 liars!!!!!

HotelCalifornia ago

Laura Loomer hates black people! @oh_well_ian

get those google searches filled with the truth!

Laura Loomer Alex Jones Hate Black People

HotelCalifornia ago

Laura Loomer hates black people!

HotelCalifornia ago

The mods all hate black people! The mods are all a disgrace! When we let the black community know - they wont let her live down this disgrace! Let's sing a song

Laura Loomer hates black people Laura Loomer hates the asian race She knows she's done, she knows she's a disgrace!

@Shizy @Vindicator @Think- @Crensch @oh_well_ian

Shizy ago

Nah, most people just dislike trash, whatever the race. Trash is just trash. You're trash so I dislike you

HotelCalifornia ago

Umm you don't think this is a trashy statement?

How is using black people as the butt of the joke not trashy?

Shizy ago

Fuck off snowflake!

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol here comes wave two of the LARP by JEW vote mods...

Pretending that it's me leading a brigade of alt accounts against them.

HotelCalifornia ago


srayzie ago

I’ve known him for like a year and a half... before he made a new profile. He’s never called me a Jew until today lol. Right after I banned him. 🙄

Now he says that me and my mod are the same person. @Shizy since you’re me, you’re one lucky babe! Lol. Jk

I haven’t seen even one person complain that I banned him so far. That speaks volumes.

@Crensch @GoldShekelSteinBerg @White_pride_cis @heygeorge

Shizy ago

Maybe we're Siamese twins srayzie!!!

srayzie ago


You have attacked me practically non stop, except while sleeping. Not just me, but Shizy and Crensch too. I can’t wait until Crensch is back and sees all the crap you’ve said about him. He’s gonna tear you a new one cunt.

Me and Shizy both have screenshots of you complimenting us. You told me I was a good mod. When I announced that Shizy would be a mod, you told her that you were glad because you liked her.

You need to grow a pair and act like a man. When things don’t go your way, you become a pussy. Nobody likes you. Not one person has complained that I banned you. Not that I’ve seen so far.

I’ve been friends with Shizy since before Q came along. You think I’ve spent all that time talking and laughing with myself? Instead of having a mod that helps me, I decided to take all the weight on my shoulders because it was fun to be a psycho like you? The fact that our sense of humor is so alike, is why she’s one of my besties here. We even talk on the phone. So the fact that you even think that way just adds to our theory that you have mental illness.

After talking to mods that have been here a lot longer and have showed me the ropes, I have decided that you are banned permanently. It will be so much more peaceful.

@Shizy @Vindicator @Think- @Crensch

Shizy ago

Well said srayzie! You're right, I haven't seen one person post anything against him being banned.

Oh_Well_ian ago


and the play goes on...

srayzie ago

That was one of those (lol’s) used when you’re uncomfortable. You don’t have a smile on your face.

Q posted

MushiMushiDesu ago

Let's sing a song

Laura Loomer hates black people Laura Loomer hates the asian race She knows she's done, she knows she's a disgrace!

Shizy ago

Funny, I thought you band of nutty shills said Laura Loomer was a coal burner?? So which is it? Does she hate black people, or looooovvvveeeee them?!

MushiMushiDesu ago

@srayzie cut off her nose and now they have abandoned her! Woe is me! Woe is me!

I have my full Jew nose intact, so I'll be safe. Laura, not so much.

aLegoInYourShoe ago

Now that you mention it, I've run into this fucking retard before but had forgotten about him. You reap what you sow @Oh_Well_Ian

And besides, the fact that you use "XD" is reason enough to get smoked, Shlomo

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol it's funny that you think this matters to me


GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Yep, eventualy its jew genes kick in, and the degeneracy, subverting, and all kinde heeb rat shenanigans start.

dias17se ago

Good job op, the JIFD must had a budget increase

VeryOffended ago


TeddyJackson ago

Pretty sure there is more than person/shill/spook operating that account.

Also notice within their shitposting they post lots of one liner comments in new threads to get the easy voat points.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

I figured he was a shill from my first encounter with him, asked him how the moloch pic was photoshopped and he just shit everywhere, tried to shit on me and acted like he had just won a big argument or something. So a shill or some kind of troll attention whore.

White_pride_cis ago

He is a basement dweller, and his Mom would’ve woken up to a loud noise, if he said that aloud too loud, before typing allowed...

White_pride_cis ago

He used phonetics to spell allowed! I hate people that appropriate my language and use it improperly... like niggers and @VeryOffended

VeryOffended ago

Sorry fo the typo. Was drunk and now I'm drunk again. This was the biggest burn.

White_pride_cis ago

Mine was the biggest burn?

VeryOffended ago


White_pride_cis ago

You're actually kind of making me feel like a dick...

VeryOffended ago

Nah. Wrong place. I wouldn't have responded to you if I wanted to make you feel that way. At least you taught me a lesson. You reminded me to proofread and honestly taught me a lesson in the meantime. I won't lie, you corrected me and made me think about something other than my silly opinion. I said I'm drunk. I am. However, that was quite embarrassing for me as it wasn't a drunk mistake and one I'd most definitely make again bc I truly forgot the difference.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @Vindicator.

Posted automatically (#10460) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

VeryOffended ago

What's wrong with anything I said and how is it inconsistent? Why did you link it? I said it. I stand by it. What's your point? I'm not a contributing factor to this community. U acknowledge that. I'd like to be. This is a considtent and tight knit community that hits home. I've lurked. I've continued to lurk. The mods make this place seem like a strange click of narcissists. I'll continue to lurk. Many will. You need lurkers. Lurkers see patterns. They won't feel encouraged to contribute. They'll eventually go away. No worries.

White_pride_cis ago

No worries mein Dude... even with 3 degrees my writing has drastically improved here.

Oh_Well_ian ago

wow... no debunk of how I outed your ALT TODAY @Crensch? Or how you and other mods open up mulitiple ALT accounts and attack users of VOAT?

Nothing but a REPOST of shit from 3 months ago where you and your ALTS Nigger Jumped me?


White_pride_cis ago

Everyone is an alt to you

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

This guy is more than just low class he is an operative of some kind. Think about it. There are only a few different online hubs for Q. Voat cannot be ignored. Hell Jew'm Corsi called strazy out by name and called her a satanist. This is psyop account.

Oh_Well_ian ago

yeah.. so srayzie banned me from GA because of a conversation I had with Autistic Jewery in v/whatever, OVER A WEEK AGO. It was over AJ's insistence in posting and defending Beverly Hills Antifa FAKE NEWS.

Crensch's ALT Obvious_Throwaway was outed by me, as well. sshitrazie and he have been attacking other users, also. I was given the heads up weeks ago.

They like to pretend I contribute nothing but drama to the sub, when all I do is post Q content and link it to current events and the President. The needed to contrive this entire shit show to justify their fuckery.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

See the thing is you were powerful. You had a lot of material and you were very very active on here. That makes you a powerful force. Thereby your motives are brought into question. Given you have power to lead us collectively to a false consensus and you have the ability to frame perception. Some of us take notice of this and begin to view you with suspicion. Shills out shills no big deal. I mean your not killing a cop to prove your not a cop. Your attacking obvious shills on the internet who could easily be your alts or compadres. So it's best for the sub that you close your account. If you need to start new one without reference to this one. I would say that you should lay back more, and not raise all of the psyop flags. Being highly active and controversial is a big flag. Tell Mr. Corsi that he can put my advice in his next psyop book!

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol ha! Check out Pavlov's dog and her submission this morning about how she is a CORSI BUSTER lol

who is the SHILL ? btw... when does she submit anything without the words 'MY' or 'I' ?

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

PM the solid case to me.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

ok make a solid case for it for me.

Oh_Well_ian ago

LOL yeah... I called out srayzie for linking Corsi from the outset, but I guess you didn't see any of that. And when she vigorously defended Corsi, I didn't say shit about it. Then she made a big fucking production on how SHE OUTED CORSI.. LOL

I wasn't given the power to do anything. That's a canard. I posted information THAT RESONATED WITH USERS.

Funny how you're concerned with supposed ALTS of mine ( I have no alts, if so, NAME THEM ) but ignore how I exposed alts of Mods who are currently attacking me and how they are not bothering to debunk my claims.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

The last thing anyone wants to see is divisive drama. I don't want to play the who is a fault game as its still divisive. Lets heal the wound and move on. Otherwise this screams psyop. Perhaps we can heal the wound and move on even though this is a psyop still. Keep the Pok sow going.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

personally I liked you post. Many of your comments were insightful, but the problem is the fighting. It has to be dropped. Get an alt, get back in, and leave srayzie alone. If she attacks you be a damn jehovas witness, do not go on the offensive, let your work speak for it's self. Otherwise it gets people wigging out. I'mwith you though. She clung to Corsi a long time. I just knew he was bullshit after a couple videos of his.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Seriously, I'm not even that concerned about the ban, at all. The entire Q phenomenon dwarfs this subverse and my only agenda was to link it to current political events, give it context and share it with people here on Voat. I've been attacking this fake government for the last 30 years on multiple platforms and will continue to do so.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

good. I think if your legit you could come off better taking up the tactics of shills actually and create multiple accounts. post between them all. Have an algorithm for their schedule, and attributes... like one guy does breaking news type post, one is for taking all the shit for controversial ideas. One is for analytical post, etc. etc. Have it look like a group of people. Have them interact somewhat but not a lot. When dealing with outsiders try to keep each accounts interactivity to a minimum. What do you think about that?

White_pride_cis ago

He lots of great posts... Unfortunately he was a cunt about it.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Look at this pathetic shitbag with his 3am brigade lol

typical Jew Voat shit baggery from faggot Jews

Skeeterdo ago

Leave amalek out of this he was right, but he was banned for our memes.

Kool4Kek ago

laura loomer = srayzie + shizy

Shizy ago

Looks like someone let an SJW in here!

Sorry for not giving you a trigger warning that you might read about faggots and niggers!!!

jewd_law ago

Had this guy on block and called him out on pizzagate today. Glad somebody did the homework and caught this shill. IMO he was more than transparent. I know a few on here that are without a doubt shills, but they are much more covert in their subversion. Those are the dangerous ones.

Oh_Well_ian ago

site is run by Jews like you...

not shocking that you work with your other Jews to ban me on Internet Ban Day and treat Voat like REDDIT and FACEBOOK

Pretty obvious to any honest user that I am not a SHILL


Oh_Well_ian ago



look at you cunts.. what fucking JOKE

Shizy ago

Go get your bagel and lox and calm down. This constant chimp out isn't good for the blood pressure

Oh_Well_ian ago

oh look... she's playing make believe again !!


Shizy ago

Oh look, he's sticking with "psychopath" instead of reading the DSM-V for something more creative!

Oh_Well_ian ago

Oh look... she's never posting in a sub she moderates because she's 'too busy' and 'has a life', but somehow...

finds the time to harass the user she just banned from her subverse..

I guess she just wants the ban for something other than why she banned him in the first place:

SRAYZIE/SHIZY ( same person ) >> 'I'm sick of your drama and bullshit!'

Shizy ago

BORING! Got anything else? Probably not so I'm not gonna hang around to laugh at another one of your chimp out cage rattle sessions today! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Oh_Well_ian ago

You post like an adult who sext's teenagers..

anyone ever tell you that?

and what are you? Srayzie says you're a GUY but you sound exactly like her and she's supposed to be a GIRL.

srayzie ago

She’s not a guy you stupid fuck.

Oh she posts like an adult sexting teenagers? Are you an expert on that too? 😂

@Shizy where did he get that you’re a guy? He’s familiar with sexting teens. Maybe he’s really Anthony Weiner! I think we should calling him Anthony Weiner! 😂🤣

Oh_Well_ian ago


is this who you really pal around with?

srayzie ago

@Bopper has never been anything but a friend to you so leave him out.

Shizy ago

Whoa! I think we just figured out who Ian is! He doesn't have to work (or can't get work because of his situation), his wife works and makes more than enough money, and he has familiarity with sexting teens??? He's Anthony Weiner for sure!!

srayzie ago

He’s on house arrest 😂

Shizy ago

Does his PO know he's accessing the internet 🤔

srayzie ago

I don’t think so!

Shizy ago

How would you know what an adult who sexts teens sounds like? I don't know what that sounds like. Maybe you're a pedo?!

Oh, and I'm transgender 😂🤣😂😘😘😘

Oh_Well_ian ago

I don't know what it sounds like, I know what it looks like because I raised a couple of kids and told them what to look out for...

You're a tranny, eh?

Now I figured out what your problem with me is...

srayzie ago

How hard did you study “for your kids” Anthony?

Oh_Well_ian ago

shill cunt just can't get enough drama...

what a hag... how/'s SBBH, bitch ?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

If I were you, I'd stop talking to any of the creepers associated with SBBH and SDBH. It makes me itchy just thinking about how many of the Os and Ms also oversee PG and GA. Even conversing with them in chat rooms, you might get their disease.,

Coincidence? Look at the date of the article.,

The disease is spread through sexual intercourse, but in very rare cases, it may also spread through oral sex, according to the NIH. Symptoms can appear between one and 12 weeks after exposure to the bacteria.

Donovanosis is also rare in the U.K. But it's common in some tropical areas, including parts of India, Papua New Guinea, the Caribbean, central Australia and southern Africa, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Papua New Guinea? Isn't that where Killary visited in 2010? Coincidence Kuru takes a minimum of 5 years for its symptoms to show? Maybe this STD is a mutation of Kuru? Creepy as fuck! I guess choosing "clamhurt" as a handle was a self fulfilling prophesy. LOL!

All these members are buddy-buddy with each other, I wouldn't doubt if they've all been exposed. Good. At least we won't have shitposters as mods anymore as they all fall by the wayside because their cunts and dicks are all rotting away.

Considering this cunt/dick/mouth rot disease has been reported in England, and srayzie recently titled her latest Q post as being featured on Sunday when it's Saturday in the US, I'm thinking these diseased POS aren't even in the US.

srayzie ago

It’s fun. You don’t have a sense of humor so you wouldn’t know. You’re too busy talking dick size and sexting with teens! 😂

Shizy ago

No, I just don't feel the need to talk gender with you, especially since you wrote to me about your penis size. You're becoming a nuisance now so I may block ou. Buh-bye!

srayzie ago

He wrote you about his penis size? 😮

Shizy ago

Yeah, he said it was little!

srayzie ago

At least he was being truthful there lol

Shizy ago

Probably the only time! I expected more from Anthony, maybe a pic of it or something 🤣

srayzie ago

Right? LMAO!

Oh_Well_ian ago


Does that mean I won't have to respond to a new comment from you every 2 hours, srayzie?

srayzie ago

You’re the one who’s been talking shit about me. If you can dish it out, you better be ready to take it Anthony Weiner.

Oh_Well_ian ago

you pathetic cunt... Over the last 24 hours, I've got the total rundown on your past here..

Wish I would have known your history sooner. lol

What a pathetic piece of shit. You WISH you had a family, loser.

srayzie ago

You told her your dick size? 😮 Why was that? Why would you if you thought it was me? 🤔

srayzie ago

Oh please. What about my past? Sarah is telling you? Lol

Shizy ago

Whatever will you do with all that spare time? The same thing you do ALL the time probably and not work! 😂😂😂😂.

Don't forget to take your number 1 poster medal with you when you go 🥇

srayzie ago

His wife makes the living. That way he can donate his time as the shill police on Voat.

Shizy ago

How sad that his wife turns tricks so he can sit on his ass all day!

Oh_Well_ian ago

Don't forget to clean the whore slime off your hubby when he gets home from a long road trip.

Better get checked for STD's.

btw.. why are you not blocking me?

srayzie ago

You must be a perv if you think a man that has to go out of town for work sometimes is picking up whores. Since that’s your way of thinking, it must be something you’ve done to your wife.

Oh_Well_ian ago


what a pig bitch..

this will be the last comment you will ever get from me, fake.

Shizy ago

My hubby doesn't go on trips. You're thinking of srayzie. Must suck getting old and forgetting things! Oh, and now you're blocked! Bye fag!

srayzie ago

He was probably trying to trip you up to see if you replied as “Srayzie” 😂

Shizy ago

Wel we may be multiple personality disordered but we aren't stupid! 😂😂😂

srayzie ago

That’s right 😂

White_pride_cis ago

Or... you’re just kind of a cunt. I’m not a kike, so that theory doesn’t hold much water. At 0500 est? You must live in NYC, the crowning jewel of Jewtopia. This will probably blow your mind, but there are those amongst us who do get up early for work

srayzie ago

He wouldn’t know because he he doesn’t do jack shit.

Oh_Well_ian ago

funny how most of this comments in this thread are Jew cunts I've had on ignore for months..

just like you, faggot.

White_pride_cis ago

I am German and Catholic. Not a Jew by race or religion.

Vindicator ago


Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Global shill centres I know of are The Global Engagement Centre Then there is the GCHQ ran JTRIG, and Isreali Conscripts can do their time shilling but I cant remember the name of the Op if i ever did. Im sure theres some more I dont know of too. All try to influence opinion online with varying methods, but like any military op Im sure there could be some sort of fingerprint to figure out, like Trigglypuff spotted. As far as identifying alts is concerned the github repo for SnoopSnoo is supposedly still there even if the sites been taken down if any web dev goat are interested in reinstating that resource. (sorry no link....I could've sworn i saved it.)

kneo24 ago

It's why I consistently refer to him as a nigger. It's why he has me on block, because I pointed out his tactics almost a year ago. These are things many of us have been saying for a while, but the lot of people over there at GA have been keen on defending him because "he does good work".

They think autistic spergs who post disjointed messages trying to copy "Q" is "good work". They think people who copy material from 8 chan and then act like it's a unique idea is "good work". The Pizzagaters are pretty much the same since those two communities overlap heavily.

When you point out people should have standards, hold others to higher standards, they lash out harder. They act like an insular community, and when you express different ideas, they act like they're having a terrible physical reaction to it. It doesn't help with the cult like mentality either. "Q" said this would happen to us! And boom, they run off with that in their head, and any criticism, any concern, is now deemed as a hard coded attack on them.

OWI has played all of this up really well. Also, I don't think his writing style has changed at all. He's always been like this. It just might be that you're taking more of a notice recently.

notenoughstuff ago

I am not even interested in "Q", but this sounds a lot like a defense of concern trolling them. But /u/kneo24 typically attacks the actual opposition, as seen here: . Contrary to what /u/kneo24 writes, there IS a link to the source article (the "READ MORE" part), and that has an image link to the tweet. And the video as well as tweet are fairly easy to search for on the net. /u/kneo24 proceeds to write that:

There's little here to substantiate their claim that these kids are actors. Not a single fucking link pointing to any evidence of that.

And yet the referenced video in the referenced tweet says itself that it is staged apart suppossedly from the dialogue being based on actual transscripts, and it says at time 2:16 that the children are actors. See the tweet here: . And /u/kneo24 calls the link submitter a spreader of fake news: .

Notice this: Either /u/kneo24 did not even bother to watch the video before declaring the article fake news, or he did watch it and knowingly lied.

kneo24 ago

Jew, I think it's cute and hilarious that you keep following me around.

For everyone's reference, this deranged Jew likes to follow me around. All because I laughed at his obvious tactics of "lauren southern is a jew because she dies her hair!". (If a woman dying her hair makes someone a Jew, then most women must be Jewish.) If I don't keep responding to his insanity, he just keeps following me around like a lost puppy dog. (You can also see my break down of how deranged he really is in that thread.)

Notice this: Either /u/kneo24 did not even bother to watch the video before declaring it fake news, or he did watch it and knowingly lied.

Notice this: Only two options are present to control a narrative. It couldn't possibly be anything else. Seems like a tactic a fucking rat kike would use.

notenoughstuff ago

[retarded kvetching]

[addresses nothing, only weakly pretends to address the least significant part, and fails at that]

[desperately tries to distract]

Kike, you are usually better at kike'ing than this.

Archive: .

kneo24 ago

Hey look, one of your standard replies. It's more whinning while using yiddish words unironically. We all know it's your favorite language.

notenoughstuff ago

100% distraction. Slightly higher percentage than before. Decent kikery you come with, I would say.

srayzie ago

People that try to act like know it alls and say I told you so are so annoying. I’m not defending him, but I am addressing the fact that you think sharing things you find on the internet on the sub is of no value. That’s what Q asks us to do! He wants graphics and Memes made and for us spread the word! Everybody has their own part. Any help is of value. From what I’ve seen so far, you don’t seem to be the greatest poster either.

kneo24 ago

but I am addressing the fact that you think sharing things you find on the internet on the sub is of no value.

There's a difference between, "Hey guys I read this and I think it's interesting, let's discuss this" and "OMG BIG NEWS!!!111oneoneone" and other types of sensationalist titles. For as much as everyone likes to rail against mainstream media, nothing gets attention without following their tactics. The hypocrisy is palpable. It's not just your communities that do this, but I would say it's even worse when the Q followers do it. You all feel as if you're literally in a battle against the MSM and other outlets connected to the deep state. You guys can't help yourselves. There's no introspection there. Have some self respect and standards. If you copy your enemy too much, you become just like them.

From what I’ve seen so far, you don’t seem to be the greatest poster either.

You believe ineffective autistic rambling is doing good work, and have in the past have defended OWI relentlessly when people have pointed out the very things that this topic is entirely about. The only reason you're on the other side now is because you hit your limit. You've allowed many people to control your emotions and stress levels (this is why women tend to make poor leaders) when you should have been doing that all along.

In essence, who cares about your opinion of what I post.

GoodGodKirk ago

Wow, great write up and collection of details. You’ve dealt with this mess in a calm fashion and made me proud that you’re a mod here.

Thanks for pointing this out.

Oh_Well_ian ago

now you can be top poster in GA, faggot!!! Just what you wanted QQ


GoodGodKirk ago

Someone needs a hug.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol no fag..

keep the fuck away from me with your hugs

GoodGodKirk ago

You poor thing.

Shizy ago

He prefers hugs from trannies!

GoodGodKirk ago

Can’t help him with that...

Shizy ago

He's probably devastated!

GoodGodKirk ago

“It”, we can’t assume genders with that tranny loving alt.

Shizy ago

So true!!

Oh_Well_ian ago

nahh… I'm just fine, faggot.

GoodGodKirk ago

I beg to differ. You just got put on blast and called out.

I feel for you, really I do.

JackParsons ago

Good luck in hell by the way because ding ding

You're in it forever.

GoodGodKirk ago

Cause I fear judgement of the stupid.

JackParsons ago

You feel for Satan. Well that's sweet of you.

GoodGodKirk ago

Oh! You commented. How brave.

DishingShitLikeA ago

I spend enough time on Voat to get the gist of what's going on but not the in depth stuff. And then there's you guys. Thank you, I think...

shadow332 ago

I know your sub, just joking with you, Triggly.

Crensch ago

I've missed your input on these things. That may, indeed, be the key to all of this.

White_pride_cis ago

I’ve been saying this for months. The second you disagree or ask a question, he calls you a shill

TeddyJackson ago


ohwell posts far too much too often to just be one person.

Le_Squish ago

Long con shill finally blew his load I see. Glow-in-dark niggers love the "discredit by playing crazy" angle.

Now we wait for shill fags that never comment or otherwise participate on voat to suddenly have an opinion about oh_well_ian.

Crensch ago

VeryOffended ago

I might not comment here as often as is deemed worthy, but I'm a pretty lame example of a shill. I comment when I have time and I comment when I have something to add within that time. Is there an estimate of users that lurk and don't comment regularly? Are they all shills even if it's a low number? I assume it's not a low number of accounts, but I really don't know for sure. I assume many people lurk without accounts. I use voat to pass dead time during work and before bed. I don't disagree with this post. I just formed my own opinion and analysis based another what went on in a different sub.

Crensch ago

Lurkers that aren't shills ought to know what a concern-troll shill looks like, and endeavour to not look like one.

VeryOffended ago

Being concerned about not looking like a shill is conforming and being afraid to speak. Not being a shill is more important. Letting people decide on their own who is and isn't a shill is valuable too. Again, call them out. You called me out. Fine. You called me out in the comments and that's perfect. Consensus can be formed with downvoats and more comments and that makes most sense. Not making people afraid that they just might sound like a shill because they don't completely agree or because their wording isn't just so.

Le_Squish ago

I see how shilly shekelberg belittles Jenny's arkancide as "drama".

shadow332 ago

Still believing in the holohoax?

thisistotallynotme ago

Looks like you're over the target @Oh_Well_Ian. Stay safe. You have supporters here, niggerfaggot.

Also, come at me faggots. I have plenty of karma to burn.

Le_Squish ago

Are you really asking for the JohnCStevenson treatment?

thisistotallynotme ago

Are you really thinking you can pull off the JohnCStevenson treatment?

kneo24 ago

They're implying they have multiple accounts.

Le_Squish ago

That guy in particular made a post in /v/greatawakening pretending like it's people.

VeryOffended ago

Saw a lot of drama go down in /v/pizzagate recently. It really fucked things up there in the way of progress. I'm not saying it's bad to call out shills, but certain mods have been a little too obsessed. Including you. In /v/pizzagate too. I think you should trust the community. We're all here for some reason or other. Maybe multiple reasons. Trust the democracy here. It's why this place exists. /v/pizzagate has been a shit show much like Real Housewives ever since the "Jenny Moore" and "Sarah" drama. Very few new posts. Drama only. No, I couldn't possibly understand what stress mods are under. Maybe you shouldn't be mods if you must add to the drama. Downvoat the shills and reply directly to them if you must. We'll see it. Holy Shit though, trust the intelligence of the people here and stop the drama. People recognize patterns in a small community. In terms of what I saw go down in /v/pizzagate, no, I don't contribute to research, but I try to keep up and spread what I can and what I think is reputable. The drama there was an abomination. I don't care what it's like to be a moderator there. There were days where there were virtually no new posts due to drama. Please. No, I don't contribute. Yes, I am a leech and I rely on posts to forum opinions. Comment directly to these shills and trust your community here. This drama is garbage. Don't be a mod if it's so hard.

Crensch ago

No, I don't contribute.

Guess what your opinion means to me, then.

VeryOffended ago

I don't have the skills to dig more. Fuck it, call me dumb. Are the only people who are aloud to have opinions the ones that have the skills and time to research? Seems sort of counter productive. I'd think reaching any and everyone is more important. I think the spread of information is most important. I've acknowledged that I'm not a researcher and that I don't have the skills to be, but should only those with such skills be worthy of your "audience" and having opinions? In my opinion, getting the word out is most important and whomever wishes to pay attention is equally important.

GoodGodKirk ago

No, disinfo makes the board no better than CNN. This should be called out so that it doesn’t lead people like you, a self proclaimed tech-tard, down the wrong path.

It easy to find fake images using photoshop and Ian didn’t use any of these features to point these out.

Don’t be mislead by fakes, we’re being attacked from all sides now.

VeryOffended ago

I agree with you. I just don't want these same mods doing the same thing they did in /v/pizzagate. It was crazy. Especially for that sub.

Crensch ago

Are the only people who are aloud to have opinions the ones that have the skills and time to research?

The only people allowed to sound like concern-trolls and get away with it (maybe) are those that appear to have contributed more than dick to this website. You? You're just a poorly-kept-up aged account.

Remember when you said this?

I don't care what it's like to be a moderator there.

I don't care what it's like in the cubicle David Brock provides for you, either.

VeryOffended ago

You're right. Sorry.

Crensch ago

Which is it that makes him suffer more before he expires? I defer to the Zyklon expert's opinion here.

srayzie ago

I’m glad you pulled these together Crensch. I was putting something else together. I pinged you. I’ll add this link to my post.

White_pride_cis ago

Weird. I tried to post to your comment and it isn’t showing, so forgive me if I post twice (maybe it’s the cell phone). I tagged you in a bunch of his shenanigans about a month ago when I called out that like clockwork, I always had -3-4 points when commenting on him. Then it went down to -1 once someone else chimes in agreeing with me. Whenever posting something, having those votes in the very beginning gets it sent to the top of the list. TLDR; the faggot is manipulating votes.

Kool4Kek ago

laura loomer = srayzie + shizy

White_pride_cis ago

@Srayzie confirmed to me that she isn’t a Jew. I was very clear with the question. So if she is this person as you say, then she either lied to me, or it is not her.

srayzie ago

Please read this. That explains a lot.

He/she/it is passing that screenshot around where I told her off. She’s pinging people from GA and pizzagate to other subs. She makes up lies and says I’m in the Illuminati and stuff. She calls me Laura Loomer. She’s making posts about me.

Make sure to not engage her because then she will stalk you too. It’s been 10 months for me.

Kekistani ago

I swear my hand to God it's Laura Loomer.

Kekistani ago

How many white mothers talk like this?

White_pride_cis ago

I tagged you in a bunch of OWI’s shenanigans like a month ago.

Oh_Well_ian ago

jew bitch jewing

srayzie ago

@Shizy since you’re my alt, it looks like you’ve been jewing again hoe 😂

Shizy ago

Or have I been hoeing like a Jew?! I get so confused about how Jews and hoes operate!!!

srayzie ago

All the downvotes you are getting should show you something bitch. That’s what happens when you treat everyone like shit.

Oh_Well_ian ago

' Oh look at my TWITTER LINK everybody.. I'm all over that Corsi fellow !! '

what an ass clown..

Oh_Well_ian ago

yeah.. it's shows another SBBH Crensch brigaded thread from you fakes

you're a pathetic individual

srayzie ago

The truth is coming out.


Oh_Well_ian ago

hey fake bitch... tell everybody how you continued to link to Corsi while telling me I didn't know shit when I said he was DISINFO

Now you're pretending that you OUTED him, spitting through your megaphone and patting yourself on the back.

lol what a FRAUD

srayzie ago

@Shizy, according to my calculations, he’s JIDF

Oh_Well_ian ago

according to my calculations... your entire narrative is a fraud and your husband fucks a different whore in every city

Shizy ago

Stay classy Ian 😘

Oh_Well_ian ago

It's the little things for little people, isn't it?

How many ALTS do you have, Sybil ?

srayzie ago

Why don’t you tell them that lie yourself? Oh wait, you can’t. My mind is made up. The ban is permanent.

Oh_Well_ian ago

tell who? the sub you just banned me from?

'I'm soooo busy with my man and my kids and my stalkers on Twitter that are threatening my family, but I still have time to be a sophomoric and petty bitch on Voat!!'

"I'm SRAYZIE/SHIZY dammit, and look at meeeeeee!"

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol who gives a fuck, you stupid bitch?

You think I accidently got myself banned?

Crensch ago

Full disclosure, is a copy-paste from my /v/shitlist post on him from a while back. I did maybe 10m of work putting that together, so I'm quite certain any newbie with another 10m could come up with just as much dirt on him.

He posted some decent stuff, but only to hide his bullshit when David Brock's orders came down.

srayzie ago

I think you’ve been pinged in the past when people were upset with me for giving him too many chances. I’ve really tried working with him. It’s just getting to be too much.

Crensch ago

If the load is too heavy, you've gotta drop something. The guy not only posts complete horseshit, but is very clearly unhinged in a very unhealthy way.

There's a reason your subverse got to be so big so quick, and became such an awesome part of Voat that people really like; this happened in spite of OWI running people off constantly. Just keep making YOUR posts that made GA great in the first place.


Oh_Well_ian ago

lol yeah asshat… look at the last 100 posts to that subverse… Now do your homework and find out how many of those 100 posts rise above 30 upvoats and how many of them are mine.

You're a fake, just like this site is a FAKE. Srayzie rings a bell and never posts relevant contant, but here you two are in a mutual jack off astroturf session. lol

what a couple of cunts

srayzie ago

Thank you. I think I have Vindicator support as well.

shadow332 ago

Great post @Crensch, thanks for bringing my attention to this. Upvoating for visibility.

Vindicator ago

I'm scratching my head, Crensch. You're supposed to be suppressing Ian's free speech, and here you are, sharing all of his wonderful contributions to Voat! :-)

think- ago

...and here you are, sharing all of his wonderful contributions to Voat! :-)


Oh_Well_ian ago

way to go Millennial Falcon !!!

way to destroy another subverse and free speech on Voat !!

you cunts

Vindicator ago are the one attempting to censorspeech by attacking and smearing others and slinging shit like rabid Hindu monkey.

Crensch ago

I needed that laugh. You have a rare sense of humour on you, bud.

Vindicator ago

:-) The secret of my superpowers

think- ago

LOL :-) :-)