srayzie ago

@Freshmeat is one of the biggest shills on voat.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Voat just got mentioned!!!' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @freshmeat:

Srayzie is one of the shills, Q probably already knows this and mentioned new boar. This subverse is controlled opposition ran by SBBH mods and PV mods.

Notice it's all SBBH mods, and triggly is one of the most blatant shills that Voat deals with. You guys got hoodwinked and should listen to Q, make sure you create a sub that has no moderators from ProtectVoat or SoapBoxBanHammer

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freshmeat ago

You can't even come up with an example of me ever shilling because nothing I say is a lie.

Remember when you got chased out of Voat chat? we knew you were SBBH back then. That's why many people left Voat when you and SBBH/PV took over pizzagate. You banned 2 of the most productive researches as well which has easily gotten subs taken away from abusive mods like yourself. Seriously @PuttItOut has removed mods for this exact thing. Especially when you didn't create the subs.

If calling out liars and decievers and hyper-posting SBBH faggots is shilling then yeah I guess im a shill. People see right through your bullshit.

srayzie ago

What is Voat chat? Go complain in SBBH. I don’t understand the drama going on with you guys. I just go shit post there because got pinged. It was fun so I do it every now and then. You guys deal with your drama. I’m tired of drama. If you keep messing with me, I‘m going to block you. You’re a trouble maker.

freshmeat ago

She was on the SRS list before voat chat. They made her less shilly in an attempt to infiltrate us, but my pressing her made her leave. I demanded a social media account with history going back, same as Trump is doing to immigrants now. I asked the same from TheKingOfOphanim and he immediately revealed himself as SRS

Said about you. Hilarious how you are desperate to distance yourself from your best friends over at SBBH now that you inorganically took over pizzagate (with the help of PV).

You guys deal with your drama. I’m tired of drama. If you keep messing with me, I‘m going to block you. You’re a trouble maker.

There is no drama. It's pretty simple: you are a confirmed liar and you do damage to the movement, intentionally. Running away and screaming fee fees isn't going to help you either. I know you are shill simply based off the fact you banned 2 of the best researches. That isn't a red flag or anything that is blatant co-opposition using censorship to prevent the real Q research to get visibility.

heygeorge ago

banned 2 of the best researches

Which 2 are these? I’m really wanting to know your opinion on this as I haven’t made my mind up about srayzie.

freshmeat ago

Fuck off SBBH stop going through my history

heygeorge ago

Lol you are salty today. Don’t you have to get to work? (JK buddy)

I like to give you the opportunity to back up your unevidenced contentions. Peculiar that this makes you butthurt.

So which are the ‘2 best researchers’ that @srayzie banned?

srayzie ago

He’s probably talking about me banning that freak @oh_Well_ian.

RottenMeat doesn’t like me because he said I was a nigger and that I was a man. So I told him that if that’s what I am, then I fuck his mom and make her squirm. Lol.

He also befriended the nut job that said he would pay to have my son raped. Mr Beastiality loving Freshmeat, who shares videos of goats being raped by a man on voat, needs to get a life.

Look at what the perverts username means...

I haven’t even talked to him. I don’t know why he feels the need to come talk shit to me.

You’re getting too close to him if you know he’s salty fag 😂 JK

heygeorge ago

We used to chat when Voat had an on-site chat. Mostly because he was in there all day and night. He would try to get me to leave through insults lol I think he is likely incel

freshmeat ago

Check the ban log and guess for yourself.

heygeorge ago

unable to back up statement

freshmeat ago

I guess you cant see the link right there at the bottom of the sidebar

heygeorge ago

There are more than two bans... Who are the ‘2 best researchers’ you’re referring to?

srayzie ago

Most of those bans are “you know who”. You know I dint get into the SBBH. I don’t even know what SBBH/PV is. I don’t know what he means by SRS. What Voat chat is he even talking about?

I only go to SBBH because it’s fun and I like people there. You know this. I don’t get why he thinks I know the history of all this other drama.

You know what this reminds me of? One of my favorite movies... Greace. He’s like the ugly one that rides up on his motorcycle acting tough and talking shit. But when you talk about fucking his mom, he cries like a bitch and rides off crying.

freshmeat ago

Most of those bans are “you know who”. You know I dint get into the SBBH. I don’t even know what SBBH/PV is. I don’t know what he means by SRS. What Voat chat is he even talking about?

They are just conveniently shilling for you constantly. No coincedence there.

I only go to SBBH because it’s fun and I like people there. You know this. I don’t get why he thinks I know the history of all this other drama.

"SBBH is just for the lulz" Jesus Christ. Its SRS on Voat.

You know what this reminds me of? One of my favorite movies... Greace. He’s like the ugly one that rides up on his motorcycle acting tough and talking shit. But when you talk about fucking his mom, he cries like a bitch and rides off crying.

Except that is literally what you do every interaction we have. Because you can't be honest.

heygeorge ago

He thinks, and openly says, we’re all the same person, yet also a group of people, and also bots. He also ran (maybe still does, but he may have alienated them) an off-site chat... you know, it’s a long, sad story fueled by dementia in turn fueled by chronic alcoholism. It’s not really worth making sense of because it can’t make sense.

freshmeat ago

You should be able to name them, you just want me to. That or you havent followed this shit at all and you are yet again white-knighting for your tranny SRS buddy srayzie.

heygeorge ago

Typical ‘play guessing game’.

freshmeat ago

just further proof you paid shills dont care about the details of what you must subvert, only where you must subvert.

heygeorge ago

Provides no evidence of statement, refers to it as proof of something unrelated

freshmeat ago

It's Ian and Sar. Congratulaitons George you and your shill buddies have ruined Voat, and thankfully stayed here to play in youor own shit.

SchlongKeyhote ago

@srayzie who the fuck do you think you are that anyone would care about your tweets or opinions?

I'm being dead serious. you're a fucking NORMIE HOUSEWIFE. You have no frame of reference for anything that goes on here. That's why you have never produced a single bit of original or useful research in 2 years. GIVE ME ONE EXAMPLE AND I WILL LEAVE FOREVER LOL

Shizy ago

Srayzie isn't a normie, she's a FREAK!!!!! Have you shaved off that neck beard yet boy? Or are you still thinking it covers up your double chin too well chubsey?

SchlongKeyhote ago

you don't know what I look like, so those insults don't work.

I don't have to speculate about how you look because I don't care. What matters is what we can prove from here, and that is that you are stupid and useless.

Shizy ago

And you're a dick obsessed mental midget!

srayzie ago

Go fuck yourself camel jockie 🐫
Have you been forgiven yet?

SchlongKeyhote ago

that probably took you 45 minutes to make. cmon link me to your research.

women don't mentally mature past age 15.

you are not cut out for intellectual endeavors. which is why women only read fiction like Q, lol

Shizy ago

Oh yes donkey, please tell us how women don't mature last 15, as you use a screen name that means BLOW JOB you stupid fuck!

srayzie ago

When I ask you to show me your research, you always give me the same link. That’s all you’ve got. 😂

SchlongKeyhote ago

what link? check any of my profiles.

heres just ONE. all concrete locations and individuals from which leads can be explored.

srayzie ago

I’m not going and searching for the link you gave me numerous times. I have things to do. I can’t stand you and don’t care to look at any of your lame links. Just go fuck yourselves and leave me alone.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I wonder when he started being controlled by Mossad.

Maybe when you were getting redpilled he wasn't taking any of their money yet.

Has he done anything useful lately?

Also I wonder how this relates to his Twitter ban. Is Trump forcing Twitter to shut down Alex Jones because Trump has successfully gotten leverage over them since their Saudi billionaire got coup'd?

Shizy ago

I don't think Trump has any pull over twitter. If anything, it seems like this is more about giving AJ credibility and some martyr status since his credibility has been in doubt for awhile now.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

martyr status

Oooh, good idea. It definitely could bevthat.

I think if President Trump has influence with Twitter, it's the same type of influence he might have over, for example, Hillary Clinton. Telling her what she will do or not do in order to comply with whatever particular agreement and get less bad thing from Trump.

Shizy ago

Oh now I get what you're saying now about twitter influence. Yes that could be.

Snailracer ago

If the Mossad has leaked stuff through AJ, it makes sense to pay attention to what AJ says. At heart AJ is a clown, he's a self promoting conspiracy nut looking for trouble so he can play the victim. America needs village idiots, and maybe someone wants his weird vitamins? Banning him for so much less than what other people post seems wrong, especially the NWO anti-trust aspects of it all. So when AJ starts saying that Marco Rubio is being blackmailed with gay sex pictures from a bath-house, well maybe there is something to it. It doesn't seem like bullying to me for AJ to speak the truth to power.

Shizy ago

Maybe ((((They)))) wanted more of us red pilled and awake for some reason so they gave us AJ? I am the same way srayzie, he played a massive part in red pilling me. I was already learning and aware of a lot that was going on, but it's almost as if it wasn't until I discovered AJ that it all came together and made sense. As time went on I noticed little things here and there with him that didn't add up and made me question him.

They operate by the rule that they can't do anything to us without first warning or letting us know, so maybe to be able to move their plans for the next level or to have more strength they needed more of us in a state where we were capable of understanding more? Maybe that was AJs purpose. Who knows, but either way it's clearer now that the suspicions of many have been right!

srayzie ago

Yes! He seemed good in the beginning.

HotelCalifornia ago

Laura Loomer is a racist!

get those google searches filled with the truth!

Laura Loomer Alex Jones Hate Black People 911 liars!!!!!!!!!


BurqaFart ago

If you’re gonna be a nigger faggot, do so on reddit.

Shizy ago

Go SJW virtue signal elsewhere or I'm gonna block your faggot ass!

MushiMushiDesu ago

Laura give it up. Mossad have turned on you like a pack of wild beasts because you're expendable and worthless.

TeddyJackson ago

Are you people ever able to come up with your own opinions? Because it seems you just regurgitate what qfag says.

MushiMushiDesu ago

Israel are so fucked lmao

Just ask Henry Kissinger and Jacob Rothschild.

MushiMushiDesu ago

That would require a soul, conscience and integrity. Which Laura Loomer has none of.

Blacksmith21 ago

Did you see the video from a female researcher where on AJ's phone there was a "previously visited site" that was gay porn?

srayzie ago

I heard about it. Did you watch it? Did it seem legit?

userdeletedtwice ago


Like you? We see what you are upto.

Shizy ago

BORING! Why the hell would srayzie, or anyone else, care about you posting screenshots of something they said publically??!🤣🤣🤣! If she really cared about saying such things she wouldn't have posted it in the first place dipshit!

MushiMushiDesu ago

lol fake Jews are such plebs.

freshmeat ago

Nah fuck that shit, shill. You are a certified liar and you tuck your tail when you get called out for spreading blatant disinfo

"Notice srayzie posts her Q posts with no title and then floods the comment section with upvoted ping spam. If she posts decodes, the decoders are random females with no military intelligence background."

Profoundly accurate insight from a friend. There was a reason I called you a tranny the first week you started your shilling.

srayzie ago

You’re one of the biggest shills in Voat faggot.

freshmeat ago

Got any evidence to back that up or are you going to make some shit up and hope people don't read into your shite claims?

srayzie ago

Ask around and see if I have evidence. 😂 I’m really busy lately. Why are you bugging me all of a sudden again? I don’t like you and don’t want to talk so just go.

freshmeat ago

Exactly the response i expected. Tuck your tail again you liar and disinfo shill.

Jigawhojogaboo ago

You just of hit a shill nerve there man.

HotelCalifornia ago

Laura Loomer is a racist!

get those google searches filled with the truth!

Laura Loomer Alex Jones Hate Black People 911 liars!!!!!

userdeletedtwice ago

Srayzie is a Laura Loomer.

benjitsu ago

Props to you for being open enough to change your opinion. I haven't been huge into AJ yet am still surprised by this...he is hard to catergorize because he HAS red pilled a lot of folks

srayzie ago

Thank you. Yeah, just like that anon said... he will feed us truth. That makes us trust him. But then he adds lies. I was so listed earlier this year when he said that he has inside sources that say Trump was cheating on Malania. Nothing came if it. Why would he even bring up a rumor? That made me suspicious.

MrShekelstein ago

He was designed to "red pill" people and act as a gate keeper to the "red pills."

All that makes him in reality is controlled opposition, nothing more.

srayzie ago

All that makes him? That’s what makes it a big deal.

benjitsu ago

Perhaps but I am saying even that has a benefit (even if it is accidental)

userdeletedtwice ago

He has lied and lied and lied since 2001

because he's a liar and not only that, guilty of the worst crimes - suppression of Free Energy Tech used on 911

benjitsu ago

Jesus christ it is hard to sound crazy in a place like this, but you sound crazy. FWIW Fat people actually hold the key to infinite energy. The internet is full of people with the magic ability to eat 1500 calories a day and produce 4000 calories worth of fat.

userdeletedtwice ago

Explain this shit from Laura Loomer aka Srayzie

BurqaFart ago

So she said nigger. What’s your point?

srayzie ago

Please read this. That explains a lot.

He/she/it is passing that screenshot around where I told her off. She’s pinging people from GA and pizzagate to other subs. She makes up lies and says I’m in the Illuminati and stuff. She calls me Laura Loomer. She’s making posts about me.

Make sure to not engage her because then she will stalk you too. It’s been 10 months for me.

@BurqaFart @benjitsu

benjitsu ago

Yeah no thanks. I have enough voat drama telling fat people hate they need to stop taking pics of fat kids and posting them online :)

benjitsu ago

No thanks