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frontholio ago

@srayzie could reach out to Board Owner at 8chan and offer this board.

Would resolve a lot of confusion if she's willing to give him the keys.

freshmeat ago

Srayzie is one of the shills, Q probably already knows this and mentioned new boar. This subverse is controlled opposition ran by SBBH mods and PV mods.

Notice it's all SBBH mods, and triggly is one of the most blatant shills that Voat deals with. You guys got hoodwinked and should listen to Q, make sure you create a sub that has no moderators from ProtectVoat or SoapBoxBanHammer

Boban_Rajovic ago

What's SBBH and what are the 2 researchers that you were talking about there?

Type-o-Negative ago

SBBH = Soap Box Ban Hammer and what freshment said.

Le_Squish ago

Freshmeat is one of our resident shills. He's easily agitated by the shitposters of /v/soapboxbanhammer.

freshmeat ago

/v/realProtectVoat check my sidebar, SBBH = SRS. The same people who got subreddits banned and sent here.

The 2 researchers were @Oh_Well_Ian and @SarMegahhikkitha. They were banned because they realized what Srayzie was doing.

Boban_Rajovic ago

Okay, so what's SRS?

As for OWI, he's a garbage ass shill that used alts/vote manipulation to get people under 10 CCP (a.k.a. censor). His "research" was a bunch of outright lies and unbacked up claims.

Srayzie does use deep state tactics (ignoring points/arguments and constantly going ad-hominem), but OWI is just a super obvious shill.

She should've banned the fucker a long time ago. But she and the other chick mod sided with him and attacked me when I exposed his lies and proof-less "research".

freshmeat ago

Okay, so what's SRS?

ShitRedditSays aka radical homosexual SJW redditors who made it into the top echelons of reddit and are the reason why the site is nothing compared to how it was when Swartz was around. They false flag constantly and get subreddits banned and people censored and they pretty are the reason why the internet sucks. It stems back from LiveJournal but they have a presence literally anywhere that truth is discussed including the chans etc. They get into positions of power and completely change things, and there is high suspicion that Reddit admins are in cahoots with 8chans admins as of about 2 years ago.

As for OWI, he's a garbage ass shill that used alts/vote manipulation to get people under 10 CCP (a.k.a. censor). His "research" was a bunch of outright lies and unbacked up claims.

Did you ever see any evidence Ian did it? Because that is the exact thing SBBH to false flag subverses and certain users. They did it to pizzagate, they did it to identarians, TradWives, a few other subs. I've been accused of this a million times while SBBH are the ones brigading.

Srayzie does use deep state tactics (ignoring points/arguments and constantly going ad-hominem), but OWI is just a super obvious shill.

Still need proof of that, he seemed spot on to me, and reasonable.

She should've banned the fucker a long time ago. But she and the other chick mod sided with him and attacked me when I exposed his lies and proof-less "research".

Triggly and Srayzie are SRS trannies dude. Any effort they make to do something in this sub is with bad intentions. They are really good at framing people then chasing people off the site. For example Needlestack and Sound_of_Silence, even making similarly named accounts going around shilling to give them a bad reputation.

Q wouldnt have said make a new board unless he already knew Voat is somewhat compromised, and that recent failure of an exodus was an example of SBBH controlling popular consensus via manipulation.

Boban_Rajovic ago

Did you ever see any evidence Ian did it? Because that is the exact thing SBBH do to false flag subverses and certain users. They did it to pizzagate, they did it to identarians, TradWives, a few other subs. I've been accused of this a million times while SBBH are the ones brigading.

Yes I have, with my own eyes. After I called him out on his outright lies and disinfo I got downvoted by more than 50 CCP in a matter of minutes. Entire thread had no more than 100 votes at the time. So this is an obvious move, as I continuously exposed him he decided to pretty much censor me, and Srayzie and her other girl mod stood beside him and bashed me with "you're just a month old account hahaha" shit.

Not to mention his classic teenage shill slang and behavior.

Still need proof of that, he seemed spot on to me, and reasonable. and Srayzie is 100% confirmed shill.

I'm not gonna go and dig what I found on him ~2 months ago. It's not like he spread misinfo here and there. He did it constantly. Also coupled with his imbecilic behavior/slang. No real "researcher" behaves like that. Dismisses anything anyone else says that doesn't go along what he's saying and starts to bombard them with insults like a fucking shithead. Constant ad-hominems instead of dealing with points/arguments are the trait of a shill.

If you can't recognize that then no matter what I provide as a proof you'll dismiss it. Not a single patriot behaves like that fucktard OWI does. Not a single one. And I don't feel like wasting half an hour of my life to have my points ignored and it happens most of the time when people defend shills (such as r/GA mods and other individuals).

Triggly and Srayzie are SRS trannies dude. Any effort they make to do something in this sub is with bad intentions. They are really good at framing people then chasing people off the site. For example Needlestack and Sound_of_Silence, even making similarly named accounts going around shilling to give them a bad reputation.

Q wouldnt have said make a new board unless he already knew Voat is somewhat compromised, and that recent failure of an exodus was an example of SBBH controlling popular consensus via manipulation.

Also note the user whor esponded to you on this comment is an SBBH mod as well. This is what they do, they stick together and dismiss big red flags.

I still haven't formulated my stance on whether this mod team is a bunch of shill or not. Srayzie and her chick certainly showed usage of deep state tactics, even just a few days ago when I called her out on idolizing a guy who's account was 2 days old at the time that provided alleged proofs of r/GA mods being shills. Yet when I did it months ago she trashed me and dismissed everything I say based on me being new on voat (which is a super obscure site).

This new Q drop certainly implies lots of stuff.

But I take everything you write with a huge grain of salt because of your stance on OWI. He might as well be that EyeTheSpy shitcan. Same vocabulary and behavior. But then again, that's a classic shill trait.

freshmeat ago

Yes I have, with my own eyes. After I called him out on his outright lies and disinfo I got downvoted by more than 50 CCP in a matter of minutes.

It's not only easy to frame someone when SBBH is lurking the arguments, there is no proof it was actually him but I will talk with him further, Sar is the one I trust the most and I missed the Ian drama, he just reached out to me and asked some question. This is not something difficult to fake.

Not to mention his classic teenage shill slang and behavior.

I haven't seen it so i can't defend it. He just seemed genuine. I'll have to talk with him more.

I still haven't formulated my stance on whether this mod team is a bunch of shill or not. Srayzie and her chick certainly showed usage of deep state tactics, even just a few days ago when I called her out on idolizing a guy who's account was 2 days old at the time that provided alleged proofs of r/GA mods being shills.

They are 100% known shills on Voat but have the power of gaming the voting system so they are able to literally create public consensus. They were way more obvious before GA got banned and they went into tactical shill mode. I could write a 20k word post detailing just how fuckin obvious it is with proof to back it up. They are what shareblue wishes it could've been.

But I take everything you write with a huge grain of salt because of your stance on OWI. He might as well be that EyeTheSpy shitcan. Same vocabulary and behavior. But then again, that's a classic shill trait.

I've literally only had 1 interaction with him via PM, but I did upvote his posts for visibility. I know nothing of him except that he put a lot of effort in, I'll gladly read more but this site is going to be moving fast tonight